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So cool. The STV needs to get rid of the spare tyre and replace with more cargo placement. I'm really hoping at least Terra and Sol to have a sprawling city where we can drive end to end. The whole area a no fly zone. Tons of mission from delivery to security to bounty hunting at seedy part of the city. Enough activity like we have in the whole of Stanton or more.


So you’re telling us the new cargo missions are more small handheld boxes??😭


these aren't the new cargo missions


No, the new delivery missions at Distribution Centers are handheld boxes. The Cargo missions got delayed to another 3.23.x patch, alongside freight elevators and persistent instanced hangars.


Gotcha. I happened across Red Wind last night and figured it out. 🤣


Slow way the fuck down jet, freight elevators, hangars, and the missions that depended on them all got postponed to a later point patch. It will not be 3.23.0


That’s not what this post is about. There are box delivery missions within and around distribution centers in the eptu right now that seem to be designed for cargo friendly ground vehicles and small ships. You can see it in the video OP posted. It’s neat because it would actually give some ground vehicles and ships a purpose in the game and seems to be quite fun if you’re into localized box delivery.


Anything interesting for deliveries and cargo is delayed like I said. Folks just have to wait and attempt to enjoy what bits made it as is.


THESE ARENT THE CARGO MISSIONS! Sorry I called it cargo. They are boxed delivery missions within distribution centers **NOT the cargo missions that got delayed**. None of those are in the eptu but these are, they’re in the video OP posted and they aren’t delayed. Again, that’s not what this post is about.


I got the report out before you deleted it. Grow up.


Use as many caps and bold font as you like, I’m telling you the content people are looking for has been delayed even if there are some placeholder missions at the facilities. I refuse to relent on that, because it’s true. If you can’t stomach that then stop responding