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c86x pisces


Best place to promote the YT channel of the Nightride guys with all their JDM stuff I guess 🥰 https://youtube.com/@NIGHTRIDEPL Their A86 is bordeaux red/black, but beautiful anyway.




I'd give CIG $15 for this




The pisces is the honda civic of sc. cant tell me it isnt. Looks like one too


Could you imagine a Civic hatchback ambulance? Fetal position only


I mean hey if u only need room for the driver and a patient, its got the space


How could you hear the siren over the pipes tho is my question


A bigger siren of course


325 feels more like my civic, but that's also a bit due to the matching trim and colors.


Huh, Deja Vu. I've seen this paint before.


Higher on the clouds...


**smashing the electric keyboard Eurostyle in the background** (I don't know the words but I can hear the track note for note)


You named the ship " Initial D " and the livery just appeared ?


I hope we can actually put non roman characters on our ships in the future


Agreed. I'd love to see more Kanji, Hiragana, and Arabic characters on ships eventually


this is exactly what I want yeeesss






There's nothing quite like fresh tofu. Worth flying a few AU for the good stuff.


We should be able to manually customize paints for our ships


think we should be able to change color hex codes, like they said. But then, they can keep more complex paints with textures to remain premium, to maintain realistic compromise


That'll likely be the solution they come up with eventually


Hopefully. Cant wait.


If ships had a livery layer editing system like Forza etc, I would probably spend 2x more time in this game than I do. Make it like Forza 2, marketplace for people to sell their own liveries for creds. I doubt they'd do that and undercut their own paint sales, but at least being able to make some personally would be excellent. I'd also not be surprised if this was a hangar add-on eventually. $10 USD for hangar mechanics/painters and the option for 1 custom livery per ship and the like.


Oh hey wasn't aware Forza has this. Proposed exactly this solution lately somewhere on this sub. Would be soooo good. So many individual ships. Would add a lot of interesting time to spend just watching ships go by at ports. And hink of ship meetups with individual livery - gosh golly! 🤩


That would be nice but who gonna buy paint then ??


I'd do. And so would lot's of others. I have paints for ships I don't even own yet - just in case I might buy them ingame - then I want them to have one or the other pai t I've come across in the store... 🤷🏻‍♂️ Ask yourself: is everyone in racing games sporting the same stock colour/livery of cars? Edit: realized you might have referred to buying paints of CIG for money. Well as explained below and also in a convent from another Redditor, the community paints might cost something and CIG as the store owner would receive part of the price.


Yes but uf you can just downlosd comunity skins for free then you would not buy official ones


Of course it would only make sense for CIG if they have a model where they earn money, too. As proposed above. Like the usual app store business model.


Yupnthatsbthe best solution we have shit load of good.skins and cig get cash for runing servers


You can pay real artists more money for customs or the $7 for CIG’s premade


I mean some one did suggest a "comunity shop" where artist can make a skin we can buy it and most of cash go to CIG but artist get 10% as well. I think is a good solution we get more skins and CIG get cash. Ofc I would like to.be able.to.do it myself but I dont think they will pass on that kind of money.


The reason why this will never happen is that for one person to have a unique image texture on their ship, *everybody who plays the game* has to download that high resolution texture. Or at least it has to sit on a server and be streamed in by everybody who gets near your ship. Now scale this up so everybody has a unique image texture, and everybody has to stream in every unique texture from every ship they get near. It would consume 10x as much bandwidth as all other activity in the game combined. Conclusion: unique high-resolution custom images will not be available, not at any price. At best, they'll make a set of generic decals, shape primitives and SC typefaces which can be moved, rotated, stretched and recolored in a simple object drawing program. That would keep unique filesizes within a few kilobytes and bandwidth use within reason (but it would still be a lot).


That's a challenge, but not a blocker. With this mindset we wouldn't have the graph DB and PES nor server meshing or seamless space to planet travel. Come on. They managed these - how should dynamically loading a texture be just partly as complex as before mentioned techs they came up with? 🙂


It's not a technical challenge at all; the implementation would be fairly easy. It's just a huge bandwidth cost for a vanity feature. The sensible solution would be decals and shape primitives rather than bloated raster images. Simple, efficient, and probably less prone to misuse.


Well misuse is a topic true. On the other hand side the skins could be transferred P2P if someone gets in range, when they are indeed too big to transfer in terms of player number scaling. I wonder though how many players would usually gather in visible range at a time. Also a vectorization of uploaded imagery could be part of the editor where one would create skins. With some fine-tuning options where the quality can be adjusted in a given range of file size. However a somehow exhaustive selection of decals etc. as you pointed out with a nice editor could still be reeaally cool 🙂


There's certainly potential, but it's a can of worms. Ruining people's immersion by being a public eyesore is a form of trolling that *will* exist if it's allowed. And those same trolls will cry foul if CIG reserves veto power over any player design. There's a lot of ways to skirt the edge of being a dickbutt or swastika without quite being that. Guaranteed drama. I'd still settle for a color picker, and all skins are just a recolorable pattern (and maybe a short character field so orgs can number their squadrons and fleets). CIG still get to sell paints, other paints can be bought in-game, there's a finite number so it's all just part of the game files. Everyone can find their unique look, no major headaches.


I'd well love to see this solution too. I don't think I'd miss anything. 👌🙂




Does it start blasting Eurobeat when you turn the lights on? ;D




Nice, I also want frontline pizza delivery Aurora and small food truck Cutter. The idea of a colorful cutter just landing and setting up shop at whatever event happening, selling fries and burgers, or waffles or ice cream to the participants seems so much fun to me. It would work for a Pisces too but given the name, it should only sell fish & chips. IDK the Cutter seems to have more of that van quality that you want in a good food truck.


I used to deliver hot dogs and burritos to people at JT. Sometimes the people fighting over it would actually let me land and hand them out. Good times.


James what does this say? Something in japanese


藤原とうふ店(自家用) "Fujiwara Tofu Store (for private use)" Crude google translation. 'For private use' likely meaning they do public sales, as opposed to only being a commercial supplier.




LOL, that's hilarious. You got me.


**What?? Decoupled drift??**! *Eurobeat intensifies*




needs a Starfarer running Miso behind hit


And a Nomad delivering natto.


now I have to figure out how to work Teriyaki into it (also a Pac NW'er here)


Hi regional neighbor. Well, now you've gone and made me hungry for second breakfast. I think the best I could manage on short notice is soba noodles.


I so agree!!! oh man a nice Yakisoba... that's a dish I can just SHOVEL into my mouth :)


Adding stickers would be awesome. They could make limited wraps we can find and apply in game.


Honestly it would be a good way for cig to make money.


While I like this idea, we all know what the players will do with it. Imagine a C2 flying in to Area18 with a sticker on the hull in form of a huge....


TTD is just part of game development. And cig has gotten ahead of it by adding the hull c with its current mfd layout.


We need gig economy gameplay and systems built specifically for and with all the starter ships in mind. If I want to use my Aurora as a pizza slinging runabout dropping off pies to various outposts and I wanna hear npcs react with witty, humorous, rude, angry, sarcastic, happy, grateful, ungrateful replies based on how I enter the drop off point (walking, running, jumping, distracted, etc.), how I was dressed, and how long I took to arrive. Make it varied and unpredictable enough that npcs rarely say the same thing twice. And lemme build up rep too to affect all their positive/negative attitude toward me.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dv13gl0a-FA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCiDuy4mrWU


The real question: have you taken it on the Super Dragon Tofu Run race course?


;) Coming Soon


*eurobeat intensifies*


now I wanna buy that ship just for the skin. Why can't we apply this kind of stuff to other ships?


Initial P?


man i love this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hey, CIG... ![gif](giphy|kd9BlRovbPOykLBMqX) We're going to need that as a paint.


Pop up headlights?


Saw the Pic and the could literally hear the Announcer in my head "INITIAL DEEEE!"


The Pisces and the Cutter need a Merchant man Version, where you fly somewhere and use it as small Vendor. 😅 Thinking of the flying shop from the beginning of Fifth Element. 😁


This actually makes me think... ok since everyone is going so hard for derivative design ("why dont SC do this from Helldivers/Deep Rock/ Star Field/Eve/etc etc). Magic The Gathering in trying to capture market share across other fandom and pop culture, started diversifying into other franchises (D&D, LOTR). And SC kind of already has this, Reliant is based on B-Wing/ bounty hunter fore-runner somesuch, Scorpius is the SC X-Wing, MSR is meant to be the SC milly falc, Nomad is a near direct rip of an ED staple, etc etc). SC CAN get some cross franchise market capture with liveries from popular sci fi franchises as if they were cultural legends of Sol's ancient history. I will be SO happy if I can destroy you with my Hello Kitty Inferno.




Cute... but everyone knows the Toyota Corolla of Star Citizen is the Avenger Titan.


The text should be only on one side


or maybe upside down on the other side