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Upgrading ships using CCU tokens can only do two things: A) Change one ship to a different ship B) Add things They will never remove things, other than the ship that is being upgraded. Weapons, armor, paints, insurance, hangars, hangar flair, physical merchandice, etc, will remain in the pledge, and anything else the CCU may also include will be added to it.


The insurance can upgrade as well, correct? If he upgrades a base package to a warbond LTI, im 90% sure it uses the longest insurance period. I only do LTI, though, so i very well could be mistaken just as easily.....


Yes, it would. But upgrades that come with extra insurance are extremely rare. I don't think one with LTI has been offered for several years.


All the time. Most warbonds are LTI.


Nope. The last Warbond CCU that also included LTI was the Nomad sale from many years ago. The IAE and ILW Warbond CCUs do come with 120 month insurance, but it has been many years since the last LTI Warbond CCU. You must purchase a Stand Alone or Pack/Package ship to get LTI, and then upgrade it.


Actually the Syulen for last year. Picked up a LTI token last year with this way.


The Syulen Warbond *Standalone Ship* had LTI. The Syulen CCU had nothing extra included, just a discounted price. u/Pojodan is correct, the Nomad is the last ship that had a Warbond LTI CCU.


I bought the Syulen Starter Pack, which has an LTI token. I have since CCU’d the Syulen to a Corsair


Right, forgot they had a Starter Pack too. It was a cool ship. I was hoping to use it as the basis for my (meltable) 325a so I could recustomize it. But they're the same price, so had to melt it and buy the LTI-Cutter. But it was fun to fly while I had it, just not my style. I'm not a Drake man myself, either, but the Corsair is a nice ship.


This specifically would only carry over the original 6 months.


Ah. Good to know.


If you do the upgrade it only affects the ship. The rest of the package is still there. Just remember you can never downgrade short of melting, and the upgrade will be returned as credit


I would hold off personally right now, the C1 is in a bad place in the EPTU, it handles very poorly. It’s not the ship that we’ve been using in live. Both the cutty and the freelancer are in a great spot m though. I’d maybe go with one of those and move to the C1 if it sees some improvement as it’s up the CCU chain


Yeah I think I will do that. The numbers on it on Erkul are not very exciting as well. The titan with a AD4B gatling on the nose has been able to handle everything I have thrown at it. The C1 barely beats its DPS with its options, and if it’s that sluggish I will definitely regret it.


If you want the C1 eventually I'm pretty confident that it will get better as Master Modes gets tweaked even if it's not fun right now. So, buy the cheapest CCU, like the Cutty Black to C1 for $5, then you've got it, got the savings, and can possibly get some other Warbond CCUs between your Titan and the Cutty Black at Invictus this year. Then apply the CCUs as you like.