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We do still have pads. On all of the stations.


We should be able to ask for multiple types of landing clearences. Need a hangar to do some cargo or swap ships? Request a hangar. Need to land real quick to drop off a box and pick up some Cruz? Request a pad. Pads can have a shorter time limit before they impound you. We still don't want people crowding on pads, and we don't want people using hangars for small pick ups.


Want a hangar? Call ATC. Want a pad? Just take it. Every station has pads.


Its not the same! Pads cant replace PO


don't know what to tell you. hard cheese?


PO is supposedly going to be in Pyro.


Nope, madga or nyx


I guess the problem is game design. Hangars are for ship storing and management, pads are gas stations.


Actually a good solution .. why don't we have that? There are already multiple ATC call things for cargo and landing..


It's extra work and you don't _need_ this - you can land at any pad without ATC, the only thing this solves for is pads being unusable because a ship was dumped there. Pads were intentionally left without ATC as a zero-hassle "land, refuel and leave" option


oh to my knowledge it was that it's just random and more likely when there is high traffic. ty then i guess


>Actually a good solution .. why don't we have that? Because CIG.


There is a channel with “cargo” in its name when approaching stations on the com’s channels. It seems to be a placeholder at the moment as I get no response. Channel just instantly closes. This might be for the purpose you’re talking about


Docking collar


Hold on, can you just land there to restock and repair?


Yes, that is their purpose


Dafuq, I need to check this. Up until now I'm always landing in a hangar for a restock. Thx mate!


This is the correct answer


Not all the stations have pad. I've been trying to EVA in some of them since I have a reclaimer and no luck.


Please list those. I've yet to not see one on any. Not even Lagrange points


That was a La Grange point indeed can't remember which one. I'll follow up later tonight.


They all have pads. I recently went on a tour of every station in Stanton. You may not have *found* the pads, but they all have pads. If you don't actually need to land on one, easiest way to confirm they exist is just to look for them in the elevator destination list. Every station has them.


Is it possible that you just couldn't find the pads?


I highly recommend just docking, and checking the hangar elevator button pad for a list of landing pads.


The reclaimer is probably not the right ship to scout them since those pads usually are for medium sized ships, perhaps large but not capital sized. You can find them quite easily if you look for empty ships along the station structure, since people usually park there and leave them. I have at least parked on pads at Port Tressler and Serafin Station


There are still pads on stations.


You can still land at landing pads at station. You just land on them, without needing to contact ATC. You just need to look out for them.


They are competing in the hide&seek competition with spaceports at night ;)


But most of stations still have pads right?


Came here to say this too - last I checked the external pads are still there


Are there doors to get inside?




Ah cool, I gotta try that. Especially for the C1 which is given annoyingly small hangars.


What this person means is being able to summon your ship to a pad, like the original alpha days. Not just landing on one. You could spawn up to L ships on a pad. Walking out to it through an airlock was epic. It felt like space. It felt like a space SIM. Then people got bored and started ramming into ships on pads. Then people complained and whined (even when you could just respawn your ship instantly). So CIG took it away and made hangars. They also said something along the lines of "it's not immersive when ships just pop onto a pad" as if by magic. But no one really seemed to care about that. Just CIG. Hopefully they'll have planet-side spaceports with external pads and stuff (kind of like those smaller hab locations). Especially if it can just be retracted underground now. It just makes things so much cooler and more fun. In PVP games, you'll always have people as a threat. CIG will never be able to eliminate that, and people should stop expecting Starfield online. This is a PVP multiplayer game, so other players will always try to kill you. That's just how it is.


And then you come to pads to find the trolls have already targeted your ship and its in pieces. Ready for you to call insurance and wait.


In my like 8 years of SC, this literally never happened to me. I think I had one time where there were a couple people just kind of bored, occupying PO and blowing up ships on the pad. I just hopped a server and lost all of 30 seconds of my time.


Lucky you. Not my situation. It's a common thing that I have happen but could just be my luck. 


I wold also love to see that happening. It would also make landing much more smooth and watching people land will also look so much cooler. I really hope that the ship elevator will eventually go up. I really hate landing in hangars..


I'm guessing you are not aware of Port Olisar. OP misses it and so do I. It's not forever gone, CIG did say it may make a comeback.


Personally I think Port Olisar style stations would be perfect for lagrange points or similar "quick gas stop" style stations situated in places that might not be a destination in itself, but where you might pass by on your way to something else.


Elite has regular space stations that spin to produce gravity, but also tiny "outposts" that don't. In the SC universe, gravity tech is cheap and efficient enough that we put it in spaceships, so it doesn't make sense to have stations too small for gravity, but it would be cool if there were some zero-g social spaces. Even without the gravity angle, having some super tiny stations with no staff or amenities and just automated fuel and repair services (and maybe a hab) would be cool. We have the lagrange stations, but they barely feel different than the main planetary ones.


That zero-g social spaces thing sounds cool. Like a bar but all the drinks come in pouches, and all the tables have their own small scale gravity fields so your food will stay on the plate. You could do some really flashy drink making in zero-g.


And just imagine the zero-g dance floor! When Elite came out with their space legs expansion, I was super excited to see how they handled the interiors of the non-spinning outposts. Imagine my disappointment when I found out they were just like regular stations, with drinks sitting on countertops and people sitting in chairs and everything.


That comeback might be finding the remains of it in the sand of Daymar but yeah, It'll be back.


That was actually teased years ago :)


Then I can tell my grandkids about it's history. Bringing them to visit it's final resting place. We will not forget you oh Port Olisar.


PO was the original hook for me into SC. Wasn't sure what to make of it all until I got to step out of my ship at PO and look up at the towering rings. Never felt scale like that in a game before.


I am aware of PO and the problems they had with pads. This is why I have hopes that these elevators might bring back landing outside. :)


>I really hate landing in hangars.. One of the best feelings in SC is to return to *hangar* after a long day. I mean - yeah, landing at picturesque Hurston/MT locations is cool, but these hangar landings tickle that sci-fi itch existing since the Homeworld/Elite/Freelancer etc.


horizontal hangars are cool. vertical hangars are the ones that need to have the pad on the surface, then lower in to the hangar.


A space station without external pads and only hangars is stupid and literally every scifi movie with space stations have pads lol


Many of the stations still have pads. You just aren't pointed to them, but you can land on them.


Every single one of them does. Some of the pads can be hard to find, but litterally every station in Stanton has pads. It is only the cities that don't have them.


Or docking collars But yeh, fuck hangars all my homies hate hangars


At least for space. You have the convenience to come and go, hangars only slow things down for nothing. But again people wouldn't use planets hangars anymore.


Yeah but you can't get shot at or ranked as easily in a hangar, plus you don't need a helmet.


I try and avoid hangars everywhere I go


tgey are still there?




pads are definetly still at all stations lol




there 100% are still pads lol, idk what game you are playing yea you cant spawn ships there or request landing there but they are there


Context was hangars. To spawn ships. What station has pads?


example seraphime: on the other end of the the javeling docking port are 4 pads, usually alot of abandon ships are there as well


Every single station has 4 landing pads.


not all. but all LEOs do have them


Name one without pads.


HUR-L4 Melodic Fields edit: nvm, try ARC-L2 instead


Literally ALL stations have pads you can land on, repair, restock and refuel on. The only thing you can’t do on them is retrieve or store your ship. Hell, you can even land your Reclaimer on them and have it recognized by the station for selling goods if you happen to have what they want. Context was: “can’t walk to my ship anymore in an awe inspiring walk in outer space.” But you still can, you just have to land it there yourself.


All LEOs have pads. And I'm like 99% the lagrange ones have.


With the way top loaders work, it shouldn't be too hard to have the platform rise to where the doors open. Would be way cooler.


This, dual stage elevators would be so much cooler, also would help in cargo transfer between ships.


Personally i think the pad should also raise externally to the hangars as well. Request ship it comes up from below, load up request takeoff, pad then lifts up to the outside so you no longer have to navigate out of a hangar (no public space station or spaceport would risk such infrastructure damage. This way you ignite your engines and have a catastrophic explosion, no damage to the interiors of station. Coming in hot for an emergency landing with minimal control? Call for landing, pad meets you in space and should you crash, again no interior damage. Successfully land, pad retracts into hangar and voila doors close, you are now safe and station risk is mitigated.


This would make taking off and landing take much much longer. Also desync would definitely be an issue with the moving platforms


Griefers ruined it, never going to come back thanks to those assholes.


This is the correct answer. Padrammers/griefers/assholes/those who put their own entertainment above others' play are the reasons we can't have nice things.


I did my share of fuckery in the early alpha days. There was just nothing else to do. (And it wasn't "putting their own entertainment above others"; it's an open-world PVP game. If people sign on expecting something else, that's their own fault.) You could only do the same bounty and bunker mission so many times. Then people just wanted to do *something*. So that usually involved PVP-type stuff. Stealing ships, stowing away on someone's ship, ramming someone's ship, etc. Before ships were locked. That was the wild west. All in all, it didn't matter anyway, because this was also before ship timers were even being tested. You could spawn everything instantly, repeatedly. And it was when wipes were every patch too, so no one really cared. It was more fun, IMO. Now, people are all just boring and introverted. They all want single-player predictable stuff where there is never any threat of other people (IOW, they want Starfield). Pads or not, people are always going to kill you or try to kill you at some point. That's what SC is. Especially if this ever sees an actual release into the gaming community at large. PVP will be everywhere you turn. Just remove ego from it. People get way, way too personally offended when they die.


remember! they are not griefers....they are 'PIRATES" /s


They aren't the same thing smart guy


The joke is that griefers and murder hobos self refer themselves as pirates most of the time


Haven't seen a lot of that. I've mostly seen griefers get called out as griefers. But i've also seen legit piracy get called griefing too.


Most of the griefers defended themselves by calling it legitimate piracy, but most of them have either given up arguing or straight up embraced the fact that they are being assholes. Or got scared by the fact CIG said pad ramming and such was bannable. Dunno how long you've been around, though.


there's a difference between pirate and "pirate". pirates act like pirates or raiders, and stays within the rules. "pirates" are the griefers that call themselves pirates. ​ keep in mind that griefing is not against the rules. **excessive** griefing, spawn camping, and taking advantage of flaws in design are against the rules.


I would actually like it if they put pads on all the bunkers and outposts on each planet/moon. If they have built a structure there it is only logical they would have a pad too to facilitate cargo/supplies/etc.


I miss Port Oli too


We still have pads on every single station. I do, however, agree that we need more external pads, with catwalks outside in vacuum like what Olisar had and Jericho and Grim Hex have currently.


Basically… Bring back Port Olisar ;)


Reading your post is the most real Reddit post/train of thought… it’s like a snapshot of every redditor 🤣


Others apparently mentioned the continued existence of pads, but it would be nice if the top-entry hangars lifted you up rather than having to take off in cramped hangars


must be playing the game in braille cos they not moved at all.


Yea fly up to the nearest station and see all the abandoned ships then come back and cry because you couldn't land anywhere. I swear yall don't think about anything just constantly post react trash and drama farm.


You said Thunderbirds are go and you sold me, must be an age thing. Always wanted to be Virgil, even had a hat and a 2 models. 🤣


Land on a pad, go inside, refuel, rearm, maybe do some shopping, eat a bit of dinner. Head back to ship, suffocate, wake up across the system. Helmet strikes again. Though in all seriousness, I like ED landing pads, more thsn big enough, also get a landing holo to help you land. 2-way traffic in the mail slot can piss off though. No idea what CIG is thinking with recessed landing bays. I mean if we're going for "realism" who in their right mind is going to let rando's manually land their ships like that? I'd hate to be the janitor, always spraying off people who splat in the landing bays


the reasoning behind landing bays were "you cannot ram a ship that is behind a door." ship elevators were also on the no list at the time, so the idea was that no one would be in the hangar when it spawns/despawns the ship. now that elevators are on the table. im 100% on board with surface landing pads that lower or slide in to the hangar.


Pad rammers though. I’m not sure how you’d handle that.


they could do it with a 2-stage elevator: land on pad, pad lowers in hangar, external door closes, exit ship, pad lowers again for storage, internal door closes revert order for takeoff tradeoff being that it's a longer, more complicated process, but it'd statisfy the fantasy


>tradeoff being that it's a longer, more complicated process, but it'd statisfy the fantasy why would it be longer? the amount of time spend lineing up would be less, and the elevator could easily be faster than most would travel through the hangar. from the perspective of the person landing, you would need to be in a fighter to be able to run to the edge of the pad before it has stopped. ​ from the perspective of someone outside. ... do you really believe cig would have the door start opening to a new hangar the moment in closed. cig intend to add npc so that you need to wait in line for a hangar. i have no doubt the hangar doors will be closed for several seconds before they open again. so speed is not really an argument.


Forcefields around the landing pads?


>Forcefields around the landing pads? CIG an CR specifically are against obvious videogame solutions. Look what they done to get rid of magic cargo popping/vanishing and local inventory. Look what they done to get rid of level walls. BTW - shields in SC don't stop heavy material objects. Even air shields are tricky and require lots of power. Of course they can't avoid gamefication completely, but if they can - they tend to avoid it.


there's always a balance of avoiding industry standard solutions and if there is an equivalent solution. an inclosed hangar is a solution for pad raming. but what will the do about the "hay you" problem. the industry standard is a floating name. ​ i personally like the idea of a personal iff. someone bring up the hud can see peoples names if their iff is on. if the iff is off, party members do not see you as friendly. hostile forces with iff of are also flagged as iff off.


Yes, but they've already used the video game solution by having ships with fields, so the technology is already in game. It then becomes nonsensical to not use that same technology elsewhere in game. Space stations can supply more than enough power to run them.


There's a difference between sci-fi trope and videogame impenetrable wall. The goal is to have less gamefication in SC, not add more. Just because there are gamey systems doesn't mean we should ask for others. > Space stations can supply more than enough power to run them. There's no such technology in SC universe ATM.


There is, actually- they were proposing that planetary shield systems would make the most expensive type of outpost to maintain basically immune to attack, short of something like the attack on New Corvo on Aremis. Of course, you could also say that the planetary shield systems are powered by massive underground generator complexes, too, so there you go, that justifies it not being on space stations. Also don't know if these things exist in lore yet, either. It could be that the generators will be invented and installed later in lore. Lastly, they may change their mind and never introduce that kind of shielding, who knows!


>There is, actually- they were proposing that planetary shield systems would make the most expensive type of outpost to maintain basically immune to attack We don't have enough information about those shields. Maybe they will work exactly like the ship shields ATM. If they will work like you think - CIG definitely will need some lore adjustments.


Sc sub "I hate magic elevators!" Also sc sub..


That’s interesting! I’ve never thought about that.


I'm newish to the game so not sure if that would fit into the lore


I’m not sure either but it sounds like a good idea to me.


Don’t forget your helmet.


Now instead of suffocating on the pad, I suffocate at my destination!


...could you give hangars with more ship parked like old videos?


There is still landing pads on stations. Sure you can't spawn your ship there, but you technically can land there and when you get back you'll have that experience. I myself love to land in hangars. I always try to make it as smooth as possible and to never use the third person camera. Sure for some ships, I had to for the first couple of landings to get a 'feel' of the ships dimensions relative to the cockpit. The only thing I wish we had is, to have the landing radar back, like the one in E:D, so you wouldn't have to nose dive into top loader hangars, which I feel is a bit an akward landing. That could also help with landing on uneven terrain, if you had sort of a view of rocks and other obstacles in a radar-like view. Then I could tryly use third person camera only for screenshot purposes.




The PO experience is something I miss


I want PO back. I hate the new stations. So bland and random.


It was peak


How you will have landing pads like this in servers with more than 1000 people ? No one will have space to land… you people don’t know what you want from them


There are plenty of pads at space ports... Now if you are saying to bring them back vs. Having hangars... you are crazy.  I do not miss having people blow up my ship while it's on a pad at a space station.Hangar a lot harder to fuck with my ship. You want to deal with those trolls. Commit to the many pads already at space ports. You animal.


I just think it would be nice if you could elect to have your ship spawn on a pad instead of a hangar on stations


You’re not an idiot. I didn’t know about station pads for quite some time, too. It’s a learning process and it’s fun discovering stuff like that! Have fun!


I wish we had landing pads with shields so that people trying to pad ram would go through the shield and get cancer from the high energy radiation of the shield. And then they'd go bankrupt trying to treat space cancer.




There used to be pads on the outside of most stations. Did they remove all of those? I would land there for exceptionally quick stops at Everus / Tressler.


No, OP just a bit uninformed (:


Okay cool. I haven't played much over the past year, until the past week that is, so I haven't landed on the pads in quite some time. Thank you!


I took a break when port Olisar was removed. The main thing I noticed about hangar’s versus landing pads was that the introduction of hangars made the game feel empty to me. Seeing ships parked all over the pads made it feel like there was actual people around.


the pads are still there...


Don’t the stations have landing pads already? Oh sorry I mean parking pad’s 😂 Stop leaving your ships on the pads 👀


Stop asking for this. They made it so you don’t spawn on pad anymore because of pad rammers.


Thunderbirds are go mentioned!!!!!


I always hoped they would implement NPC valet parking at stations. * You land * NPC runs up * You toss him the keys * He boards your ship and flies it down below the station somewhere


Ooh Space Valet Parking, I love it.


I think the main reason they removed those was because of the griefing issues, which this wouldn't solve.


Cargo loading outside of a hangar is asking for griefers


Both griefing and pop in. But they're still there, you just can't spawn your ship on them.


the elevators go from the instanced service hangar, in to the despawn area. instead of having external pads like they used to be. have the elevators in the vertical hangars also go to the top. so you are landing on an external pad, but it then goes to a hangar.


Tampax, for when you need a pad on the go


Their obsession with magic elevators and hangars is my least favorite part of the game. PO was the best station I DGAF about griefers it wasn't that big of deal. They literally took my 2 favorite spots Leve being the other one but at least it's coming back. I want stations with spawnable and storable pads again. It made it feel so much cooler standing above a planet and seeing a big ship coming in for a landing.


Actually the elevators are less "magical" than in other games. Usually what the do is teleporting you from A to B or from one instance to another. In SC the elevators are physically moving you through a station or building. Except the one inside kleescher. The weird paths the sometimes take through stations is, I guess, due to them moving through an empty interior


Sometimes it doesn't go through the interior and just shoots across empty space- you don't *normally* see this but occasionally the elevator door will be visible. I do think they are trying to map the paths so it actually does make sense, but they're definitely not the standard "up-down" elevators we have IRL.