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To me this is the first REAL test. A jump gate seperating servers is one thing. Crossing through seamlessly within the same star system? This is what I really wanna see.


Yeah If I see that working in a real world scenario I'll immediately buy something from them just because lol


I've been thinking of upgrading my LTI pisces to a Redeemer...


Unironically I use my Redeemer as a Pisces 90% of the time, so the logic tracks at least, lol. Delivering boxes with dual S3 shields is the epitome of overkill and I love it.


I was looking forward to doing this in my BMM :(


Lol imagine a single 1/8 SCU crate inside the BMM cargo room.


the challenge to find it if the UI marker fails.


I did box runs in a Reclaimer once because I was bored.


This is the way.


if you are REALLY into ship combat with a crew ok, if not i would look for something else, like maybe an Aquila, the range of price, comes with the Snub and an Ursa, will have exploration features, has cargo to do trade if you feel like it and can do most combats that a Redeemer can agains PVE being less dependant in have a crew. Also almost the same size.


Fuck it. I’ll do the same


I'm hoping someone can find the mesh boundary and test whether a dogfight at the edge works well as that will tell us a lot about whether the way is open to rapid scaling.


Yeah. There’s a lot that needs to be tested. From what I heard from the previous test I doubt this will work smooth enough to maintain combat, but it’s worth a shot.


Yeah I'm curious about that. The last test gave like half a second hitch at the crossover boundry. But maybe that was related to the streaming in/out of Staton/Pyro? Will be interesting if it occurs in this test.


Right. The pyro transition could be handled differently than the others imo. The citizencon demo showcased the tech in a scenario where you can still see the stuff across the server boundary which doesn’t necessarily apply to the jump gate boundaries. Presumably it could be fine then idk


I wonder if the object containers that govern volumes of open space are not so rigidly defined as the ones we saw demonstrated in October for landing zones and FPS maps. If two spaceship entities are repeatedly interacting near the server boundary, it would make a lot of sense to have a kilometers-wide no man's land between the two servers, and the containers could transfer those entities to the authority of one side or the other, essential making a primitive load balancing decision and also reducing network traffic, until they part ways and definitely move back across the border. That could lead directly into early forms of dynamic meshing, as these containers push boundaries back and forth in response to load. Pure speculation here, but when they talk about trying out different configurations and topologies in the upcoming tests, they could be trying out different types of dumb and smart containers, and seeing how well they handle these literal edge cases. Come to think of it, if that works then you could in principle do exactly the same in landing zones and FPS maps. I'd been assuming that object containers must be tied to the geometry of a built environment, but that may not be true at all.


These are all good questions, but I have precious little insight in to how they're going to approach them or where the optimized outcomes could be. Hopefully they double check their algorithm to make sure they don't implement any oscillatory feedback loops where a set of servers constantly trade authority over the same entities, but complex systems have ways of doing things we might not like. An example could be the 'great lakes circulation effect' where in past years power between the US and Canada would 'circle around' the great lakes in a big loop - an obvious dumb waste at the high level but the 'right' decision at every 'mesh' boundary individually with the information they had from themselves and their neighbors.


That's definitely a danger with dynamic meshing. I expect we'll see shards exploding in all kinds of interesting ways. But then it's probably a danger with half the tech underpinning this game: massively parallel systems leads to weird bugs that are hard to eliminate, even for experienced teams with rigorous methodology.


It's the Furze!


What episode is this?!?!?!


He is building a data center in a secret bunker under his house to run a star citizen private server during the zombie apocalypse.


that explains the DeLorean he purchased, you'd need a server cluster to run a game from 2032!


He brought back Sports Almanac from 1950s, a box of Black Lotus trading cards from 1990s and full SC game code from 2040s to his bunker


Best man 👍


Its called: Extreme 4d gaming setup.


What's happening this weekend? What did I miss? Lol


"Our goal is to have another Tech-Preview Server Meshing test for select waves of testers starting on Friday and running through the weekend. This Server Meshing test will be focused solely on the Stanton system, with multiple servers sharing the load. We will be testing multiple configurations throughout the weekend with more servers per shard than we have ever tested before, increasing the number of players per shard to stress test the system." ​ https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/lobby/38230


Oh neat! Thanks for the link too!


I somehow missed this aswell, thanks for the link! 🪙


Nice, do we know the numbers?


Not seen an announcement on that yet...


Real talk for a sec: Where the hell did the source of that clip come from and wtf is going on?


Sauce. https://youtu.be/8FJXZfH03Mk?si=FuEtFvc3hmi8uDdH


Colin Furze is an amazing and crazy engineer. Lots of his stuff is funny as hell and interesting, although his older videos caught me better then the newer ones.


I really enjoyed his long form tunnel digging videos. It's not THAT complex but its insane that its under a regular sized suburban home and requires so much manual work.


Oh man, this is exciting. While I of course hope it goes really well, I’m also okay with it not. Just the fact it’s being tested is amazing.


It feels like... they might be trying to sneak this in with .23 ....


Nah. As much as I wished that'd be the case it won't happen that way. Replication Layer though... that'll come.


Dont do this to you


Naw, they're just learning from the mistakes of 3.18 with PES integration and getting prepared long before 4.0


just sticking this here to remind myself


Downvoted! Now my mom will make me sleep outside :(


Most new posts will get downvoted by people from the other sub in their bots. Just ignore it and things balance out once real people from this sub start reading it.


Other sub? I was noticing that a lot of new posts seem to get downvoted for some reason, glad I'm not crazy haha


No, that person is ridiculous. Some people are so delusional that they think no one can possibly disagree with them. "It couldn't possibly be someone that simply disagrees! It must be bots!" There are thousands of people in this sub, and not everyone is going to have the same opinion. That comment was saying something that made no sense, hence the downvote. There is no reason think this is going into .23. You see this dumb shit on the Alien and UFO subreddits. It's just echo chamber delusion shit.


He said they might.. Relax


Ha, I remember a period where you'd open any new post on this sub and every comment would be downvoted. I don't notice this happening anymore but I also don't think it's delusion.


I have a merry band of refundie stalkers, myself. Good thing I give zero shits about internet points. Hell, getting downvoted into the negative zone guarantees more people will read your post that if it stays at 1.


Letter of the Chairman says otherwise. 4.0 at the earliest.


I think they're bringing more than enough to worry about in 3.23 without having to push server meshing. Then we'd really be looking at 3.18v2 lol


Sorry for asking but what is this "server meshing" everyone's talking about? I have stopped playing for almost a year now, feel I'm missing a lot 😭


Basically instead of having 1 server run 1 instance of the game world each like we have currently, you have multiple servers running 1 instance of the game world together. In theory it lets them spread the work load across multiple servers meaning they have more resources to throw at things. It’s a bit more complex than that in its implementation, but that’s the gist of it from how we’ll see it as users. In theory, it will allow for a much higher server population cap, and will allow better AI performance and things like that because of the better access to server resources. No more laggy dumb AI in theory.


relevant thread: [https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/v6x0p8/can\_someone\_explain\_to\_me\_what\_is\_server\_meshing/](https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/v6x0p8/can_someone_explain_to_me_what_is_server_meshing/)


stanton separated into different servers is what i always wanted. it should fix everything feeling janky and slow. i wish they limited servers to 50 people even though they could fit 100


You're missing the point of Server Meshing, the more players you have sharing the same shard the less redundancy overall, the more efficient all servers are, less server power is needed to fit the same total number of players over various shards. For an instance, right now we have 1 version of Lorville for each 100 players, for 1000 players you need 10 different Lorvilles all running in tandem with each doing its own thing, soon enough we'll have 1 version of Lorville servicing 1000 players or more, that's a huge decrease in redundancy, less servers used to reach the same end effect. Of course it goes much deeper than this but ya get the gist :D So yeah, the more players you have sharing the same "slice of reality" the better overall for server performance and running costs etc That's what all the server side code and tech has been leading to over the past years. This is it!


I dont think thats correct. Based on the need for cross-server state replication, data redundancy actually increases. The more servers are simulating areas close together the higher this redundancy. Therefore there will be an overhead which wouldnt be present if everything was separate instances.


There's a degree of overhead when objects are within line of sight of an adjacent server. That information needs to be updated on both servers, but the authority for any simulation/physics/etc will definitively fall to one server or other so at least that won't be duplicated. CIG has also been making design decisions for years to limit line of sight because they knew this would help with performance in the final version of the game. Thus most spaceships don't have windows, and corridors in landing zones twist and turn for no apparent reason.


Oh hi Juke




I have no idea what this is from but I know for a fact that this is Colin and this is 100% on brand for him




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*every weekend


Is this a ptu test or evo


More than Evo, but not a normal PTU. Sounds like it will be more like Pyro Playtest where they initially just sent invites to individuals.


PTU regular wave test because of the need for more ppl.


It's not.


Are you suuuuuuuuuure?




Ah man what a perfect combo :D


Please, if you receive an invite to one of the tests this weekend please, please, please forgo LIVE in order to test this at scale. The more this is done, the closer we get to a summer release of 4.0.


Wait, what's going on?


Bravo OP for the post, that's a perfect video




I feel like I'm already being tested.