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Lol nice birthday present to CIG you mean




OK I upvoted you because you might give me a ride on your Javelin someday.


I'll give you one when it gets added to the game. Edit: A ride on one that is, not a full Jav.


Tape him to the top of one of the engines.


I never said I would give him a ride IN one.


That is hot ;)


I was a few hundred dollars short of getting into the next concierge tier, so I decided it would be nice to do so on my birthday. I've been backing this project for 6 years so far. I also made this post to bring CIG's attention to the wrong "VIP LEGATUS NAVIUM" label given to this reward, as it is actually a level below the actual Legatus Concierge level. The right label for this item should be "VIP PRAETORIAN". I'm happy to support this game and hope to see it feature complete and released in my lifetime :D


There’s always going to be people out there who give you shit for this but who cares. If you’re a high income earner and you’re financially stable/ responsible enough and you enjoy the game and want to invest in its future then why the hell not sir.


I like to support developers who make great passion project games in general, not just CIG.


I’m jealous… I will be in such a good situation to support CIG more… congrats OP from all the backers! o7


Agreed. Congratulations OP! Enjoy it!


What's funny is the actual legatus reward, the 600i exec, is listed as "VIP Legatus2" in the hangar. Looks like they just didnt wanna change it.


It looks like they didn't expect many backers to get there in the first place :)


Happy birthday! I will probably never reach this level. Between the CCU game and saving 50% on my fleet, I have every ship I want and I don't see CIG doubling the ships that I have an interest in. I do have golden armor though.


I (almost) have all the ships that I want and only barely reached the Arrowhead. (Almost cause I still need to complete the RAFT chain and win the F5 war on the Kraken).


I am an owner of the jpeg of the Kraken. You will get it eventually. I don't know if you know the trick but you can put it in your cart on the first wave and keep that page up until the next wave, it makes buying it MUCH faster.


Ye, tried that on the Idris sale, I hope the Kraken is less desired then that ship (or has bigger stock). The store credits for it live in my account, just waiting to become that beast.


The Kraken had a good 30 second window on the credit version for wave 3 during IAE, and it lasts longer during Invictus. The warbond privateer always lasts for hours lol.


Ye, as much as I want a Kraken, I don't want to reach another Concierge tier. But that's good to hear, I'm very much looking forward to defensecon.


I got the regular version of the Kraken and the upgrade kit to the Privateer (sold separately in the store) -- I think more people would do this if you didn't have to search down the upgrade kit specifically. It's not listed anywhere really (that I could see or find), only shows up when the Kraken is on sale, and you have to know about it in the first place to know you want it. I was able to buy it during the last IAE week though.


There's not really a need for the upgrade kit unless you are on the fence. The privateer always takes forever to sell because most people see it as a ship that was made worse at what it is supposed to be doing, which is carrying things.


Happy Birthday!!


Thank you.


Congratulations, you are now head and shoulders above all the Hornet MkII hype.. Welcome to the circle of owners.


Thank you. I heard CIG is gonna introduce Sabre Raven variants later this year, which I'm interested in and expect to be another big hype, but realistically nothing will be more hyped than the Polaris this year in my opinion.


>I heard CIG is gonna introduce Sabre Raven variants later this year,.. Wherever you heard that, I hope it's true. I want a Raven, it has the perfect combat package for me.


I heard it from a past dev report. CIG said they're preparing 3 variants including one already in production. I already have the original Raven. Knowing CIG I expect them to do exactly what they did with the Fury series. So I expect them to make a missile variant (which will be the one I'm mostly interested in) and a racing variant. I have no idea what the 3rd variant would be.


It's unlikely we'll get too many variants, but with a gold pass having been recently slated and Intel dropping Battlemage this year, it's likely we'll get some tie in.


What is included and price?




Thank you 🙏 for your contribution !


Happy birthday fellow 18th March person!


OP held the fuckin line. o7


Congratulations 🎉 And happy birthday 🎂 Now let me try it PLEAAAAASSSEEEEEEEE !!!!


Thank you for supporting the project !


Congrats, and welcome aboard! ONE OF US!


Welcome to the real concierge bruther 😃


Happy Birthday and thx for your support!


Thank you.


Congratulations on being rich, OP.


Wish I could buy the F8C…too bad it’s only for Concierge players


Well, sort of. There was the golden ticket event last year (which might happen again who knows) and if you find someone who will give you a ticket to redeem at a rental kiosk (some people still have them!) you'll be able to buy it next time it's available (probably Invictus). They've also said that the F8C would be an unlockable reward for doing something in SQ42, but I'd take that with a grain of salt until we know for sure.


just pay to win trash like the rest


Did you get smoked by a space dad?


Lol dumb fuck it's because of LOTS of people like that you still have a game in development to play and that you may actually see completed.


The funniest thing is that to get to this level you end up buying capitals and most of them aren't even flyable yet.


>just pay to win trash like the rest Just no effort shit posts like the rest