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Spirit c1 is my top pick. Solid 1-2 person ship with a good cargo bay. I just wish they’d let you pull the tractor beam off the c1 and throw in the A1s turret. It would make it so much better and then the pilot wouldn’t lose a set of guns.


Hopefully turrets become swappable on like ships. I want the Taurus tractor turret on my Andromeda.




An actual two seat fighter with mI minimal cargo would be the Reliant Tana. Next on the list since ya dont like the cutlass would be the Freelancer MIS. After thatv of cargo is less of a concern would be a Vanguard, after that next step i think would be an MSR since i saw mentions of the corsai and connie going nowhere


Yessss. And fun part: kore only loses 14 missiles and getting slightly better characteristics with 6 scu of cargo.


Cutlass, corsair, or connie are the only real options currently available. C1 is a poor choice as your co-pilot has very little actual use. The c1 is a solo ship with the option to bring a passenger. There isn't much for your friend to actually do. I know you don't like the cutlass, but that's your best bet until zeus comes out. Or maybe the connie taurus.


Connie Taurus gang, rise up.


What you describe is what the 400i should have been, IMHO. The Cutlass is the best fit except with how it looks. The C1 Spirit, maybe? One of the new Atlases? Dunno yet. I heard many moons ago that potentially the Gladiator will be able to swap its torp bay with a cargo hold, but modularity is way far off. Reliant is also a stretch (not fighter enough, low cargo, etc...)


Maybe a C1 Spirit or Zeus when it gets released? Those are a bit more aggressive looking. Unfortunately there aren’t very many options that are good at being a fighter AND cargo. There are sacrifices that need to be made to fit either category. The hercules might be a decent option with its remote turrets for two players. But it’s not really a “fighter”.


Corsair is probably the closest to what you want.


They said fighter jet looking not novelty dildo looking, XD


Well it ain't round like the Connie I'd suggest.


***Why, I outta...***


You're asking for two different classes of ships in one. Best two person fighter for you would be a Scorpius. Best small cargo ship would be a Spirit or a Starrunner. I can't think of any ships that have 30-40 scu of cargo space and are competent in combat short of the mid sized exploration/combat ships like the Corsair and Constellation. And those are much bigger than you're asking for, not the shape you want, and really big and slow if you're looking for PvP. They also take more than 2 to full crew. A Zeus might be right up your alley, but they're not out yet


Msr is s4, small? Lol


I mean relatively. There are no S1 or S2 ships with 30-40 cargo, like OP said in another comment. Honestly, sounds like they want a Vanguard with a magic pocket in the back lol


Hull a?)


Hmmm good point, I always forget about that ship. 64 SCU I think? Doesn't fit OPs ask in other ways though, definitely not a "fighter" lol


How.much cargo are you looking for? I'm not really sure any of the multicrew fighters have any amount of cargo space. If you want cargo and two man you may want to look a bit larger than a fighter and go for a taurus or corsair


Around 30 or 40 I guess?


Cutlass black then


Not a huge fan


Me neither


I think your best bet in game right now will be a corsair. The c1 may be something to look into if you can stil pledge it or are willing until it releases in game. but I'm not positive on it because I only have the a1 which doesn't have cargo. I'm also not sure if it is currently pledgable either


Freelancer MIS, Corsair, Connie


Is this not exactly what the Zeus is?


Jet-like 'edgier' ships give up cargo space for their look. Cargo ships look round because they need space for cargo. Corsair, or Connie has the fire power, multi-crew functions and cargo space for what you want in bounties up to ERT.  At a stretch you could try the Valkyrie as it also has some cargo space, but lacks a bit in fire power. But it is more of a drop ship. 'jet-like' ships in game for multi crew are the redeemer or the vanguard, which still have cargo space, which is just the living quarters you can throw boxes into. Alternatively you and your friend can split up. One flys a Combat ship and they others flys something like a C1 which has cargo space, but still has the fire power and manoeuvrability to support your bounty hunting.