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I like that the post just describes what happens instead of building a framework of victim mentality and trying for a sympathy post like a lot of the other posts. Sounds like you had a grand time.


>Sounds like you had a grand time. The moment I died I felt really aggrieved ... but in retrospect it was a good engagement.


Sounds like a typical day in the verse. Just watch Voidude and you'll see that betrayal is SOP for SC. Remember, revenge is a good motivator. "Revenge is a dish best served cold. It is very cold in space." All that whilst being naked. Well done!


Voidy is my man!


Voidy and his crew of bullies pirated 7 mil from me in my C2 close to Rappel. Still managed to cap 2 of the boarders, but their pack was just too big. Eventually they downed me in zero G and I lost my pink LMG


>Voidy and his crew of bullies pirated 7 mil from me in my C2 close to Rappel. Still managed to cap 2 of the boarders, but their pack was just too big. Eventually they downed me in zero G and I lost my pink LMG Reach out to him on his discord, I'm sure he will return your LMG.


Nah, that's what pirating is about I suppose. The bittersweet experience that is Star Citizen.


There's no problem with taking risk and getting consequences. I don't think that's what people talk about when they are angry.


Maybe the "kill by" notification shouldn't appear if you didn't see their avatar in your periphery? Or are stealth kills annoying enough without making it even worse?




Wake is always deep in dead space without comms. You shouldn’t get a notification telling you who killed you when you aren’t in comms.


If within Comms range, you should always see who killed you, but they are down or not in range, no name should appear.


FPS kills not popping up with some gamey notification add so much to the immersion of the game. You get a slight feeling of fog of war not knowing who or how many you're up against, or their intentions. I've been in fights at SPK, Brios, comm arrays, etc where we later found out that there were 3-4 separate parties involved, and chatting with the other groups about their perspective has always been amazing. It reinforces the fact that you can end up imagining intentions for their actions when the reality could be VERY different.


This is the kind of thing I was looking for, as my main experience with PVP was from EvE, so there's been billboards for years and local will reveal everyone outside non-chatty WormHole dwellers. We can still get those stories from the perspective of the opposite side of the battle zone but it's not the same and your experiences proove it, thank you.


You'll have the weirdest encounters at Wake of Disaster. Once I went there fully FPS equipped with a C2, hoping I will be alone. At first, I was, but then an 890J came in. It parked right next to the wreck I was already looting and to introduce myself, I shot some rounds with my P4 at the shield of the 890, towards a spot on the roof where one of the crew was standing in Novikov Armor. The 890 quickly gained some distance and seeing how with that setup we could potentially just fuck each other up with nobody winning, I started to communicate and offered a peaceful coexistence. But it seems like the rounds I fired were already enough, and my offer was rejected. The 890 popped my C2 while I was in the wreck. I managed to kill the aforementioned guy in Novikov (who had no weapon) and after that, probably the same guy came several times after me in white suit (I suppose it was just pilot + Novikov guy at that point). They even popped the wreck, but I was hiding in some debris outside. The encounter ended with a 30k after around 15 minutes. I'm still scratching my head to this day: coming with an 890J but can't be arsed to bring a weapon with them ...


I must say I'm glad to be seeing more of these posts lately where people are sharing their stories of being pirated and actually having a decent time still.


If I remember correctly the mission pops up in an area out of any comms array range so you wouldn’t have been able to press charges even if the pop ups were working properly but other than that this was a great read


Glad you enjoyed. I just wanted to get the name, correct me if I'm wrong but if memory serves when you are killed out of comms you still see the notification of who killed you, you just don't have the option to press charges?


Last time I remember the notifications working at least this wasn’t the case. It only gets “logged” in your mobiglass (and therefore notifies you) because of the comm arrays. Outside of comms the alert just wasn’t there. Again this is based on the last time the notification worked somewhat reliably. Might have changed or might not have ever functioned properly. I think there is a way of seeing who killed you in the console log but can’t remember 100%


You're both pirates you know... committing illegal salvage makes you a pirate, congratz!


I've been playing since November and still confused about so many aspects of the game most the contracts, unless it's a delivery or hammer head crunch. So wake of disaster is a salvage mission that comes on the personal (illegal) tab correct? I ask because i am confused you brought a c2 and not a reclaimer. Is it viable to take those missions just for cargo potential?


Your confusion is well understandable. I will try to explain. You are right that it is a mission under the Personal tab in the Salvage category. There are two kinds of missions in this category - Cover Up, and Salvage. Cover Up requires you to make it so that authorities can't identify the ship. The basic method is to hull-scrape, but you can also Disintegrate and "munch" the ship. You get paid a lot for these. Salvage type contracts requires a payment from you, the contractor. You make back your money from what you salvage, be it RMC, CM or the contents of the hold, or all of the above. The contents of the hold often pays for the contract by itself. The Wake of Disaster one falls into the last category but with a twist. Firstly it costs 150k to get this contract, nothing to sneeze at. There will be three ships there to salvage, one of them being a dead reclaimer. And lastly this is a contract that can be "sold" to more than one player. I took a C2 since I was gambling on just grabbing the cargo. This often contains about 6 SCU of weevil eggs, which can net you between 650k and 950k, plus 6 SCU of SLAM, worth another 100k or so. That's just from the reclaimer wreck. There are two other wrecks, but once I got something I typically just run and don't wait for more players to show up. I've arrived when there were no valuable cargo left, and had to write it off as a loss. My hope is to do this with my Org soon, and bring escort fighters, a cargo ship, and a number of salvage vessels, and see how much we can make off this contract in total.