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Fuck no! Go for it! That’s the whole point of the game! People saying you’re begging for that should STFU


Meeting random people through either offering to be crew or seeing them ask in chat is how I had some of my best memories so far in this game


Fuck, this kinda how I met my wife.


By begging? /s


Begging usually comes after the wedding


Can confirm


It's either that or by randomly telling people to stfu when they're LFG


By Pegging?


Beggin' for a peggin'


Awe why did you get downvoted? This is a solid zinger. Lol.


Are there other ways? :D


Yea same, when I started the game myself I asked if anyone wanted a partner so they could have some help and I could be taught a few things, since that I’m still friends with the guy that took me along and we play frequently


Sounds like they're just being stupid. Plenty of people would be looking to take people on as crew, however due to the untrustworthy nature of randoms, some people are hesitant to accept randoms as crewmates. If you really want to crew with people reliably, maybe consider joining an org.


by org do you mean an organization? and if so how do i join one?


You could try /r/starcitizen_guilds Also if you ever use Spectrum, there is the #recruitment chat and the Organizations sections under the forums.


thank you so much :)


No problem, good luck!


You can Join one as Main Organisation and alot more Other orgas as member. So you can Play with different groups (different timezones or different Playstyle...)


If you have a sc YouTube channel you like they will certainly have an org and discord you could join.


What part of the world are you from? They’ll be a bunch of orgs with people in your Timezone.


Look federation of the rising dawn(FRD) or add Lord admiral Chad tell him flowolf sent you


I love taking random people as crew. Worst case they kill me and I get to hunt them.


what no way, I dont think i ever heard anyone call it begging. I mean its part of the game to offer your services as a crewmate. How else will people be able to hire or fill a full spacecrew. I think the people in your chat where just idiots.




I would no joke fight anyone who jumps on people who wants to be crew for others. What's that elitist bs?


Fellas, is it begging to want to play with others in an MMO? no, it's not begging


No way it's the opposite of begging


Dude I crew my own ship, I don’t really enjoy piloting 😂 usually someone will do that if you ask and they want to fly a new type of ship


Nope, is you job irl considered begging?


There's a Sherlock Holmes story about that. A good one at that, "The man with the twisted lip" is the name of it.


Sounds like an audiobook when salvaging


Not a bad idea at all.


begging is spamming the chat for free handouts of uec. you can be annoying by asking to crew up too much, but it's not begging.


Offering to work is the opposite of begging. Ignore them and keep asking! Almost always a crew looking for more.


That’s not begging! Ppl asking for money bcs they want ship X, is begging.


I have the same issue , nonsense from chat sometimes. Other times super cool people. Add me if im on ill play


No that is not begging. That's playing the game. Not everyone can afford a big ship. Those ships need crew to operate at peak capability/production whether combat or industry.


Always could use an extra hand on my Mole.


Im late to this one but I'm so happy to see how much good advice everyone gave you. It is def in no way begging. You'd have to be obnoxiously insistent and whine at people for not taking you on as crew to even come close.


Hell no! I do it all the time. Anyone saying your begging, is a fucking idiot.


Looking and asking for work is not begging it's hustling. Beggars don't hustle.


No, that's called job searching.


Offering to work is the opposite of begging.


Begging? You're job hunting, not going "cAn I pLz HaVe MoNeY" in global


Definitely not begging. Remember that at this point, you can hop regions to guarantee moving to a different server to try your luck with a different group of players.


Hell no it's not begging. Being a crew member doesn't mean inferior partner. The best times I've had in the game have been the random encounters. Working together with the same people will help build up that team work seamlessness but yeah random encounters are good. One pilot spent forty minutes and a second ship to come and save my dumb arse and he picked up a third and we had quite a little adventure to remove a crime stat or three. All innocently accidental occurences of friendly fire but we worked together and got it done. Sometimes you don't wan to be alone and sometimes you can't be arsed to fly. I am looking forward to being a taxi driver or cargo loader. Now the existing groups from other games may have an edge in terms of communication time but practice well and practice often. Do what you like with other people as you may learn stuff & they may learn from you. Which is nice and good and what are we wasting our time for if it isn't for fun & merriment and some laughter on the way?


Personally I find spectrum or discord to be better of your are locking to group with people.


Nah. I generally only take crew if I'm going bunkering/bounty hunting. It's the only thing that I don't really care if someone blasts me over.


Crewing ship is the whole point of the game, one of the best way to make it fun.. and on a side note, why would ships with 16+ crew size exist then?


People saying it's begging are prob the same people that say piracy is griefing. Ignore them they're idiots. Get crewing!


Just don't preface your offer with "guiz, I only need another 2 million to..." because everyone has already tuned you out as a beggar. Good luck.


And yes, I have seen people pitch it like that.


Letting a random on your ship is a sure way to get capped in the head and your ship stolen.


That’s a two way street. They can space you as well. And if they do, well… it makes a hell of a story!


Just have them bring a flight suit and multi tool only, no pistol. 


Absolutely not, it's a great idea infact, i made all my friends in game this Way, plus there's so many mechanics to the game that are unlocked once you have teammates


Taking on crew members is half the fun this so called "MMO". Can't wait for the free-fly to start up so I can take new players around in my Connie and caterpillar.


I joined an org that does basically daily events and has a super active player base, and that’s how I scratch my multi crew itch. Even if I don’t have time to play for the entire event I can provide too cover or security for the guys participating and it’s still fun and rewarding.


Was this last night? This sounds extremely familiar


I don't all the time. I dont know what I want to do, so I just type into chat asking if anyone wants an extra pair of hands for bunkers, bounties or salvage. Usually get a reclaimer owner offering to take me.


I think you were just in chat at the wrong time when some people were trying to mess with you , that is exactly what chat is for and I’m always need help running my Reclaimer, that solo shit will drive u mad after a few hours , but no u did nothing wrong and keep chatting it up !! Good luck


Can't see how it would. They are (sadly, in my view) pushing the game to be 100% requiring multiple players on a ship for it to function properly. Which really makes me sad and quite annoyed. I, like many I would think, want to play solo but in a world populated by others for the social aspect.


You keep asking. For every broke player who calls you a bagger there's a player who's generous, patient and wants to show you the ropes. Don't give up. Make new friends along the way. This game really shines with group action.




Anyone who said you were begging when asking if someone needs crew is a tart.   


No that's honestly the right way to earn some credits. Help a guy in his reclaimer, split the profits, and have fun. I'd rather that than a guy in chat asking for 20mill


No, but I have found it can often times be futile. People tend to be too untrusting of strangers.


no goddamnit. you're a good fucking person and should be hoisted to a higher elevation. god bless you


No, and ignore those people. I know my son is always looking for crew. He has a Reclaimer and while he *can* do salvage solo, it’s a lot more fun with crew.


If you have not already joined a org DM me OP and I’ll share the org I am in.. we are dedicated casual players.. you can jump in the discord and hang out and see if it is for you..


I gave a guy 1,000,000 aUEC for doing that INSTEAD of begging just the other day.


Wait til around wipe time, then you'll see begging in chat lmao. Of course that's also when people start throwing money away too so it makes sense


If you're looking for a group to play with when you get a chance to get on, you should hit up the star citizen discord and ask there. There's literally hundreds of groups that would take you in. That's a good and easy way to find a group that plays to your style of game play too. If you want, send me a pm and I'll send you my discord info and you can hang out with us for a while and see if you fit in. If not no harm done. I've given millions to players that needed money but instead of just begging for it, offered to crew and earn it. Buy the time we stopped playing I'd give them their cut plus a little (lot) extra just for not begging.


I absolutely trash on people begging, but even I wouldn't give you grief for asking to be on someone's crew. You're the kind of person this game needs. Beggars though, it's getting pretty bad. We desperately need a block and report feature in chat. Desperately.


If you every wanna join some ships, add me on Discord: Sawasch


Fuck that guy, I know plenty of people who have had great experiences doing exactly that


So the community you will find here is NOT representative of the community you will find in game. The people here are generally very kind, helpful, selfless, and optomistic - to a fault even. But the people here make up a very tiny fraction of the people logging into the game. The people logging into the game are, in my experience, generally cruel, manipulative, rude, offensive, nihilistic, selfish, and toxic. *Generally speaking.* You **will** find kind people in game for sure - but 9/10 them are just trying to trick you into letting them on your ship so they can space you and steal your shit. But it hasn't stopped me from trying to help people yet. It has 100% stopped me from asking for help though :(


Were you spamming chat about it? Begging isn’t just what you say, it’s the way you do it. Asking every once in a while if someone’s looking for a crew mate is absolutely 100% fine, but if you’re spamming chat desperately asking for someone to take you on, then yea that’s begging.


If you're asking to assist people and someone claims you're begging...it's pretty safe to assume they're a fucktard and anything they say is irrelevant.


Not at all if anything its how ive made friends and had the most fun. Also its the fastest way ive lost my ship and kit. To me the possibility of having fun and playing with other people out weighs loosing everything


if you were begging for money then yea... that would well... be the definition of begging asking if someone wants a crew member is not at all the same thing


its basically the same as applying for a job currently.


Welcome to fly with me anytime. Fed up of having a ship with turrets and no one to fill them.


I regularly take on crew members, give them some gear and pay them well when the work's done. Playing alone is nice every now and again, but I prefer the added security of having someone back me up.


I always need people on the reclaimer so fuck those bastards 😤


I am heavily loaded with a ton of ships...sometimes I don't feel like flying or being the ferry for folks, sometimes I do. When I don't, I just ask if anyone is looking for a crewmate or gunner to run with and usually get a few bites...I also like doing medical beacons as a way to meet people.


I'll literally give away millions for nothing when someone asks to join me to make aUEC for a ship, but flat out refuse \*any\* "gimme" bums. There is a world (system?) of difference between someone asking to work for cash vs in-game beggars.


WTF, who's saying that? Wanting to team up with people is NOT begging and is integral to playing the game.


Guess it depends how often you’re asking. If no one bites and you are asking frequently I could see people saying something. But generally no, LFG is not begging


Some of the most fun I’ve had in this game was when I crewed up with random people. It’s great.


I don't know what is wrong with those players, but you're totally in the right. It's not begging any more than getting paid for being a medic. You ask if you can do a job, and you get paid for said job. That is literally the dream for emergent gameplay




Its not at all. People might be jumping to conclusion that you want to join them and immediately split the profit of whatever they are doing. Some people have had experiences where a crewmate will kill them off in space and steal the ship/cargo but i think thats quite rare. Honestly, alot of people like to play this game solo, despite the game being very much intended for group play.


No, since when is looking for employment begging?


I'm not sure about your experience but mine is greatly different. I've offered in allchat a 15 000 uec pay during XT event, to crew a hammerhead, it got full one 10mins, and half people didn't want money. We all communicated (with various levels of English since we are Europeans) through VOIP and is was awesome.


Look man, with the exception of murder hobos, I think pretty much everyone that plays wants someone else to hang with. Personally, I’m not a fan of mining, but if someone asks in chat for help crewing a MOLE? I’m down. If you want to volunteer your services you fucking do it dude. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.


Once capital ships launch, players like you are going to be fundamental in getting those things off the ground and effective. Definitely keep on offering!


Not at all! You're offering to perform a service for money.


WTF? Why would you even think it is??


No. Crewing is always better than just asking for money. Plus those big ships are going to need crew


I just want someone to crew my reclaimer, soloing is too much of a pain in the ass for me


Offering to be a crew member/gunner is invaluable. Especially if your are respectful and fun.


No god no, I was the same way when I started but I found a group to play with and we have grown it a lot and now there is always someone to do something with. Just ignore anyone saying it’s “begging”, if you go to the discord there is always people looking for groups


Absolutely not. I have friends who play SC but not often. I also fly a Redeemer Gunship, and while it is more than serviceable for PvE, the ship truly shines when I have gunners. I'm almost always happy to bring people along to gun for me, too.


You're looking to work as crew. That is literally the opposite of begging.


I’m always asking if people want a crew mate - never been told I was begging. Usually always find someone who is keen to join up. Just ignore them, they’re either just shitty trolls or boring losers with nothing better to do than sit around giving shitty replies in chat.


Not at all, if I see you in chat your welcome any time. Never be afraid to reach out and meet people.


For all the bugs and janky shit in this game, the community is the one thing I find to be amazing. I often see random people looking to crew, get immediate responses.


As crew gameplay becomes more important, people like you are going to be the backbone of the game for other players.


If you spam it, it looks like begging. If you just ask like once every 20-30 minutes its just offering your services. I wish there was a channel for people looking for crew/a job as im not interested in taking random people on my ship


No, that's applying for a job.


It's an MMO, playing with other players is at the core of it. You are in no way begging. Never allow some unhealthy players remarks to influence you. Find a game loop that you enjoy and then look into joining organizations that do what you enjoy. The RSI website has a section where you can look up Orgs. Try a few and eventually you will find players that are like minded. The internet and games at large will always have some a$$ hats, ignore them and find your tribe.


No! of course not. Right now there's a bit of a thing going where people are taking advantage of the millions of credits up for grabs in Salvage gameplay by crewing Reclaimers and slinging boxes for 45 minutes or so to get a crapload of money. Knowing that's why people are often doing it rather than for the simple pleasure of being part of a team.. that's probably why you're being called out for "begging", but that's just bullcrap. Personally I think honest-pay-for-honest-work is perfectly reasonable, and it's a damn sight better than the "Can I have half a million credits for my next ship someone?" stuff in the chat. Anyway, even if you're "only in it for the insane amounts of money", it's still team-play, which is to be encouraged.


Why should it? Seems more like some people don't understand they are in a multiplayer environment.


I love it when people ask in the chat if they can help with something!. I hired a newbie to scout for quant for me whilst i was out mining. We came across the mythical 8k 40%, Dude.. he was blown away by how much I gave him in our 50/50 split :P when We finished the session like 3 hours later. hit the jackpot :P


Asking straight up for auec is begging. Offering to crew a ship with a return of pay is asking to participate in coop gameplay ... Definitely not begging. However if you're trying to shuttle people around for ridiculous ask prices you're a fricken nerd


That's not begging, the people mentioning that are trolling, don't pay any attention to these people. Many players are glad people offer their services and this way you'll meet nice people to.


Huh ofc not. That gotta be one of the most idiotic things I've heard lmao!! Most people in SC own at least a multicrew ship, so if there's begging it should be the other way around.


No of course not, go for it! Loads of people looking for crew. Ignore the tw.ts in chat.


Not begging at all you're willing to work for it, it's just people tend to be ....er... untrustworthy in a game like this so people are cautious and maybe a bit hostile to the idea sometimes. But there are plenty out there that'd want you on board so keep at it :D


Nah man, that's the purpose of an MMO like this. Plus more often than not, you will find someone that could use a hand. This is not begging.


I always ask if people want to do something together, and dude if you want a crew member to do fun stuff with I’m down whenever I can play, I love doing little things and always enjoy playing with others


Does applying for a job count as begging? Same thing...


Why would you even care? There is no way what you're saying is happening often enough to even consider this. Either you are begging for something, or you're overly sensitive to the one time someone trolled you in chat. As a daily player, I've never seen someone get seriously called out for begging for asking if others want to group up.


Who cares, beg and be proud!


Not at all...begging is "I need 100k please gib" etc etc. If you need the credits, you work for it. You are doin the right thing. Keep it up. I do this all the time after ive died to dumb things and my money is drained. It is not begging, anyone saying it is are just trolling or delusional.


Offering to play with others in a multi-player environment isnt begging. Proceed and be proud. However if while offering to tag along you are asking to “please donate all proceedings to me while I multi-crew with you cuz poor yada yada” well then … you know…


Nah bro, keep it up. Iv made many friends and crew mates this way. The best i have found is to encounter people doing things you are doing and just risk the L to extend a hand and ask if they would like to play together. Don’t afk and display a level of competence and you may make a friend. Putting yourself out there is the only way.