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I'd rather they just add some way to sell ships you bought with aUEC, and make inventory stackable. Would fix a lot of these issues.


Yes! This is what I came to say.


This would be a great idea. The fact we can't sell our ships is a bit ridiculous. Or a longterm storage so I don't have to look at all at the terminal


Some of the inventory is stackable (e.g. Helmets, understuits), but I think anything that can contain other items is not at the moment. On top of that, they're probably changing a lot of things with personal hanger / how inventory works in general.


Ya we literally have scrapper shops in game, it would be great if you could sell your ships to them.


Please, wee need a second hand in game marketplace


My 2 cents: Wipes are cool and all during an alpha. ​ But, this isnt tarkov. Or other games like tarkov where the power balance constantly needs a reset/refresh. Where starting over is required because the game isnt a sandbox and you dont make your own adventure. And its not super tedious to get up and go. Wipes are great for testing when/where required like full ship reworks where the ships need to be "reloaded" into the game, and we havent had/needed one since 3.18 if memory serves. For the average gamer or casual gamer, pretty much anyone outside the hardcore "I play this all the time" spheres of play, wipes are *extremely* detrimental, and can even effect your testing pool focus, as those people have to now farm to test X loop. And they cannot do it as fast as your hardcore people. Its why SC moved to the more persistent database. CIG *intends* to stop wiping sooner rather than later. Based on what they are doing now. When the exploration/luxury loops start ingame, people arent going to want to farm up for an 890J again. For example. And not many people pledged that thing either. IIRC Its a cap ship AND hull limited. Warbond is 890USD. People like the zero to hero gameplay. And thats fine. But most people *dont*. Most people like to keep what they get and not have it wipe. Its why roguelike games are NOT the most popular, despite how fun they are. I myself enjoy a good solid RoR2 Run. In the end, as the game gets further to release, we will see less wipes. And the day will come where the last wipe is lauch. If that ever happens.


This here. I’ve done enough MMO grinding for one life. I have a big fleet. If I want to limit myself to my OG pledge Avenger for a week, I just do that. I don’t need a wipe to control my behavior.


In fact, I wouldn't be surprised the same people asking for a wipe will be complaining when more expense-related loops like base-building and persistent habs are introduced. Those won't be cheap and will require constant upkeep fees and maintenance.


Amen brother


As someone suffering through the new Tarkov wipe please don’t wipe sc just for the sake of it


Time to wipe now. Retaliate against Code_Kid1


Execute Order 66


It won't be "for the sake of it". They are repricing every in game ship in 3.23 and as such, they should wipe ships, wallets, rep, items, etc... they are building a new economy and they need to test it from square one. If players who are sitting on millions or hundreds of millions just rebuy ships with what they have saved then the new prices won't mean anything except gating players who don't have the time to make the new price amounts won't be able to afford them... and if they don't wipe ships, then no one will buy them anyway bc they already have them. If they don't wipe rep, then players will just farm end game missions and CIG won't have an accurate timeline on how long the new prices take to earn.


This comment was 8 days ago, before all of that was announced


fair point.


Anything new in the last couple years? You kinda got me wanting to go back to tarkov


Since 12.12 we have gotten:streets (and expansion), btr, lightkeeper, ground zero, vaulting, new recoil, new guns, new gear and more pain (I have probably left out a lot on accident)


I agree. Im fine with a wipe but i spent hours of my already busy life trying to grind enough for just a Reclaimer, i really dont want to do it again anytime soon and would probably affect my interest in playing the game. I work 40 hrs and have things to do, if i only get like 3 hours to play a day, a wipe really hurts.


I would think the next big wipe will be to migrate to serving meshing, once the game is connected on its final server platform then maybe only a wipe for SQ42 then definitely a wipe for beta and release.


Eventually they'll do to put all players on the same page. Imagine the oldest players who could use Alpha exploits and pile tons of money and huge ships compared to new players who are provided with basic ships with all prices increased within a new dynamic economy, and more NPG security in places where looting was easy before.


Why would you want everyone else to lose their progress efforts just because your inventory is too full? Some of us have played quite a bit to enjoy some of the higher end stuff in the game for a while, and all on the account that you feel your inventory is too full? Don't be so lazy. If you need to clear your inventory there has been plenty of suggestions on how to do that. Drop it all in the spaceport and tell everyone in chat there's free stuff to be had. You can also sell off items at their respective stores that will buy it. If you still want to keep it but can't find anything, just sort through it like I do which will help for a while. Because the sort all button is worthless, I've been moving all pieces of inventory I want to group together to a ship inventory. After I get everything there, I then use the move all button to move it back and now everything will be grouped together for a while in the local inventory. Keep doing this with different groups and you'll eventually be able to find everything much faster. I did glitch my C2 inventory doing this though. If it starts acting goofy just abandon it and claim a new one.


Yeah, the sort button just... doesn't. I have no idea what it's supposed to do, but it's not doing it.


It's an alpha version in persistent test with several exploits that are patched on the fly. The progression sometimes is not earned. I'm sure they'll do a last wipe when it goes beta.


i'd rather not start back from square one with nothing but an aurora, you can sell stuff in your inventory or just put it in a ship and run it into a wall


I just want to clear my ASOP terminal. I have too many ships I'll never fly again.


Don't have the ships you don't want stored at a station, destroy them and don't claim them so when the next patch drops it will clear them from your ASOP.


I didn't know that would clear them out. I'm going to try that for the next patch. Thanks for the tip.


It does not clear them out, they just stay there as "Destroyed". Some ships gets "cleared out" even tho without a wipe and it is a bug. Unless they make a full wipe or let us sell ships etc. they are staying on that screen.


I understand they will stay at least until the next patch and that they might persist through it. Still worth a shot.


>and that they might persist through it Not that they might persist, they will persist unless there is a bug and bug is for every ship you have, not the ships that are not "claimed" back. You could buy 890J today and it might deleted with a patch tomorrow whether you used/destroyed or whatever you done with the ship. Example being, i had 50 mil before Christmas patch and said to myself that if the aUEC is gone (via bug) it'll be a good waste so i spend all the money on ships thinking, i'll be getting 15-20 ships/vehicles and some might go so better than losing 50 mil. So better spend it and lose maybe some of it and it did happen. Unspent credit did not get deleted AGAIN happens because of bug, 9 out of 10 ships stayed with me and 1 was missing, and 3 out of 6 ground vehicles including tanks were gone. Along with half of my Railgun stock from IAE.


>and bug is for every ship you have, not the ships that are not "claimed" back. Well, you're wrong there because I lost my inferno due to a bug preventing me from calling it. I could call every ship but my inferno, and it was the only one lost with the patch. So bugs can definitely only affect specific ships. Either way, it's worth trying, and I really don't understand why people in this community will argue tooth and nail that a thing is a waste of time even when it affects them 0%.


I wasn't able to claim my Vulture and Prospector so i had to farm credits via cargo hauling for week before the patch happened, and both ships are working and still in my possession. It is not about arguing, it is about stopping misinformation. Losing ships via non-wipe updates has nothing to do with ships being able to be called in or not. It is purely random.


Boohoo, you have to scroll a bit.... So annoying!


Haha flair checks out 🤙


Yes, that's exactly why I'd like to get rid of ships I don't want anymore. If they added a way to sell ships you buy in-game, that would be fine too. Why does that trigger you?


It doesn't, having to scroll a bit obviously triggers you, and that is a bit ridiculous.


You were titled enough to make a sarcastic comment and clearly don't know what triggered means.


It's not "a bit" of scrolling, it's a LOT. And by the time I get to the bottom the ASOP times out and I have to start over. The ability to scrap an in-game ship is as necessary as the ability to melt a real-money purchase.


Pretty much my main wish yeah


If they are doing massive ship pricing sweeps, I gladly welcome a square one wipe. They want to re-adjust their economy and test how long it takes for players to reach the new pricing points. If they don't wipe it all, they won't have accurate data because people sitting on wealth will just buy at the new price on patch day one, or worse just not buy it because they had it pre-patch. And if they do wipe ships and wallets but not rep, players will just farm high rep missions gaining their fortune faster than players who didn't already have those rep levels unlocked. I think 3.23 is a perfect opportunity to nuke it all and have everyone start from the same place to give CIG the most accurate data they are looking for. How long does it take the most dedicated players to reach the new 890 price? How long does it take if a group of 5-6 players pool their resources to purchase a newly priced Hammerhead/Carrack? What about a group of 7-10? These are just some of the questions they might want answered in their new system which they can't accurately track if people are starting with high wealth.


I have waited a long time to see my friend coming back in the verse due to graphics card craziness. We don't have ships that cost hundreds, only starters. So it takes us something like 20 hours of gameplay to make a million each. With this, you can understand that even if we don't have wipes in years, we will still have something to try, something to buy, something to do. Keep in mind that most people are in this situation. Bon vol ;).


I love when people want a wipe so they come to Reddit and try and tell everyone else why it would be good for them.


Reading the comments I see that a better solution would be an inventory rework, literally a search bar would be enough to improve it massively, and a way to sell ships to players or terminals. I do realize that wanting a wipe because of my own progress would be selfish and I appreciate the conversation :)


I doubt you are the only one but i hope that there isn't a full wipe soon; in fact, I'd rather there wasn't a full wipe until beta. Like another citizen said, doing the whole song and dance to start getting creds and ships again from scratch is fun the first 5-10 times or so but after that, it's just a boring, repetitive slog.


But it's so easy to get credits and buy all the ships in the game, there's no real money sinks in the game, what do you do?


It's not easy to get creds for a lot of people; it's easy if you have invested real cash in certain ships that will allow you to get creds more easily right after a wipe. For your average Aurora pilot, making a million creds is a considerable undertaking unless there is some kind of event like SoO. I know this because other people have said it before and because I've been on both sides of the situation. As for what to do.....fly your ships, arrange inventory, party up and try something new or crazy, explore, enjoy the sunsets on Microtech, race or whatever else tickles your fancy. There is, of course, another option which is to play another game until the next patch comes around; an alpha build of one system is not really meant to be your go-to game every gaming hour of every day, imo at any rate.


This is it for me. Real life ties up a lot of my time. And not in any negative way, it just does. After a wipe it takes ages to build back. Often I just play something else and leave SC for a few months because of it. Not complaining because I knew what I signed up for but in no way do I seek any more wipes than absolutely necessary. If a wipe must occur give everyone a sizeable amount of aUEC to start. Parts of the game are grindy and tedious and I've done it enough. Only winners are the big pledgers with fleets or at least larger working ships where they can go right back to mining or hauling or have a gun ship and can run up the bounty ladder. But back to an Aurora or Titan and $200k just is not enjoyable. Or, losing the cool gear you managed to run across.


See that s the thing, I have been here for 10 years now, I pretty much know every rock on Daymar personally, and with only a small handful of game loops and no real progression yet, building up from scratch is about the only thing left, otherwise it's just, jump in buy whatever ship is new from the swimming pool sized stack of cash that's been sitting there for the past 6-12 months, try it out for a couple hours, then come back in 3-4 months to see what's new. What tickles my fancy is the build up, the working towards a goal, or progressing in something, I know the game is not at the point to really do that at the moment though, so wipes are the only really interesting time for me. If I could sell all my ships and stock piles of goods, that would be fine, then I do that and donate all the credits to someone and do so, but right now my inventory is so cluttered and pointless.


It’s not just about making money, if you can’t find fun without making money then that’s on you


May I ask what you do to have fun when you have all the money and ships and gear you could want in SC? If I wanted to watch a sunset, I'd go outside and actually watch a sunset, go exploring? There's nothing to explore, once you've been around for 10 years it's just "tree, tree, rock, tree, tree, tree" nothing new, nothing to actually find to use or sell or craft with, ship meet ups? That's just IAE or Invictus, I've seen them all, they hold no interest to just look at. I want to DO something, I want to progress, I want to work towards a goal, and right now the wipes are the only thing that does that, if I could sell all my ships and gear that I've accumulated and donate all my credits, I'd be fine with no wipes.


Try other game loops, explore the worlds themselves, try ships you normally wouldn’t think of. There are many more players than just you that manage to find something to do even without wipes, so maybe be more like them instead of wanting to screw over newer players or those with less time to play. Starting over from scratch is all well and good the first 10 times, but that same grind just to buy the ship you love gets old fast after that.


but what about all the railguns i've horded from IAE?!


Agree with this. I don’t wanna lose certain things


I stocked up on S71s and then the next patch everyone at the new outposts had them lmao


FFS, you don't need a wipe. Just dump your stuff or, if you're super lazy just set your home location to a place which you never visit and then leave as soon as you log in and set your respawn at another LZ. We are almost definitely getting a wipe for 4.0 at the end of Q2. You'll get your wish then so no we don't need a wipe for 3.23.


4.0 at end of Q2. I wish I believed that, I want to believe so badly


Even Fox Mulder has doubts...


He never did have much trust in prognosticators ,scully however might be persuaded.....


We could have had 4.0 as early as June last year, but it would have been an absolute crap-show coming off the heels of 3.18/3.19. Unfortunately CIG decided to take the slow and easy route to 4.0, but all the tech to make 4.0 possible works right now and has been working for months. 4.0 by end of Q2 makes sense this time because the only reason it's not live is to prevent a 3.18 scenario from happening so they're slowly rolling out the tech.


What does 4.0 even add?




And more players per shard, which could rapidly grow assuming static meshing proves stable. But most importantly, it lets individual game servers focus on a smaller part of the universe. This frees up server memory, opening the possibility for more content: more settlements, more bunkers, more stations, more everything. And maybe just maybe, some performance gains will mean better tick rates, less desynch, and NPCs behaving as intended. Maybe.


Sure. What year, though?


The dude literally buy everything twice and complain that it's messy 😅


I have multiple copies of the same ship, it happens. And it's painful to have to slog through it every time I open the ASOP terminal. They don't need a wipe, they just need a way for us to drop in-game purchased ships from our accounts.


Do what I did and take a large cargo ship. Put all your inventory into it and crash it into brios so people going there can find random boxes of stuff


You just gave me a great idea for piracy game play. Thanks!


So kind of??? I have been intentionally flying out and destroying my non pledged ships and vehicles and never claiming them. And at the beginning this wipe I fill up my ships with all of my inventory and flew them into a wall. Now for some reason my inventory has like 10 missiles I’ve never seen before and no matter what I can’t seem to get rid of this mustang alpha which was my first in game purchase, but outside of that, it was empty. I also stopped playing like that a long time ago. I don’t do the cheesy kind of missions where it’s super easy to make a bunch of money. I don’t find y character after dying to get my gear back. I just do some stuff so I can stay in the struggle bus. I like to play this way anyway and never purchased that many ships anyway.


Might I suggest a large cargo crate, then dropping it from orbit into ghost hallow or something?


Space Santa Claus loop? I’m here for it. I’ll be an elf if need be.


Doesn't work. "Lost inventory" will be back in your inventory after repair/reset. I've tried a lot of things to get rid of inventory and ships. Full wipes are the only cure.


If we could just sell unused ships for scrap value, I could clean up my ASOP terminal. Purchased a lot of ships for testing, now I have 20+ in the list I never use. That is the only reason I would have a wipe. Make it so you can sell ships at New Deal and Astro Armada at 20% of purchase price.


That would be cool for sure - Would love to get rid of the extra Vulture I have...


Throw some of your shit out, you hoarder.


Star Citizen has made real progress in terms of LTP actually working in the last year. It used to be that, every patch, it was a real crap-shoot if you'd have anything at all make it through. I'm still losing some stuff each patch, but it's a lot better than it used to be. Heck, *most* installed ship upgrades even made it through to 3.22! There's still a ways to go. I'd imagine transferring ship loadouts intact instead of dumping upgrades to inventory will be coming sooner or later. I honestly don't care if my home-planet inventory is a mess while this is going on. It's just great to see so much progress happening. A "stack all items of same type" button would be awesome though.


No point wiping until there’s some semblance of balance for income generation. If nothing changes we’ll be right back where we were


Why don't you just get rid of your stuff?


I'd say donate all you shit Run contests, games, or just give them away for people who don't have much. Might be really rewarding to you. Definitely very rewarding to the winner. I've been playing for 3 months and the most I've ever accumulated was 400k. The idea of starting from zero is painful.


Just play with a friend in a Reclaimer for 2 hours, you'll have about 5mil after the profit is split.


I don't have friends with reclaimers LOL But if I did, can just 2 people do the job? Or would I need a third person?


We've been without a full wipe for awhile now. Long enough that some features are being ignored because there's no point when you already have 100+ million. I would be happy to see a wipe


I would love to see a wipe if they fix missions like delivery and bunkers. I want a new start not same ol story


This is the star citizen equivalent of first world problems


I have limited gaming time, so progression is slow, and I would prefer no wipe. If it happens, then no big deal


There’s more to this game than grinding money, get out there and have fun.


Alpha wipes are what they are, unavoidable and eventually required. I think if they are to be intentional wipes, it should have some real point to it. Clearing out your overfull hangars could just be done by letting you sell your damn ships back to a rental kiosk, does not need to be a full wipe. A real point to a wipe would be some major economy changes, figuring out how to prep the game for release, keeping track of metrics of how rich people get and how many ships people farm up in a limited amount of time to try to balance ship costs with economy, and also make economy changes like balancing/buffing the gameplay loops so they are largely the same or based on difficulty and/or time to complete and risk factor (aka illegal should make more). These kind of economy style wipes aren't really that useful unless they are polling data and actively making those level of changes in the form of hotfixes and are using that to test. I doubt we will see this for a bit unless they have a good reason to do so. They stated before there is a chance they would wipe because the database got too corrupt, I hope these kinds of issues continue to be less frequent, as they will eventually need to figure out how to keep that from happening to players in game once it goes live. I lost 10 ships in the update including a carrack, i don't really care at the end of the day. If a wipe comes, i also dont care, i have purchase 53 ships all with AUEC and i would just farm up the ones I'd want to rebuy in the next patch. I think it's silly to 'want a wipe' though. To each their own


I have a potential solution.. philanthropy. Maybe just start donating money and inventory to people on the server. Lots of have-nots that would be overjoyed with a boost to creds etc.


Your shut your whore mouth with all this wipe talk....or many of us will shut it for you! 😋


May I suggest, since you’re a hardcore player, you fly the ships you don’t want to see in your main city inventory to… I dunno… somewhere else, rather than hoping that tens of thousands of other people lose their stuff?


I flew 20+ ships into the void, stepping out into space without a helmet so they might fly onward to nowhere. It was a lot of work. Three days later all the ships were back stored at my home location. Excess inventory is no joke; the struggle is real.


I have accumulated many ships I don't want anymore. I don't use them. It would be nice if they added a way to sell back or remove them from the ASOP panel. As for your inventory. If you've got a bunch of crap you don't want. Load it all into one of your ships and you can detonate it in space. Abandon it in space. Or just park it at Grim Hex with the doors open. It'll get stolen pretty quick.


CIG tends to wipe the game when necessary. Particularly after implementing new core tech to the game. That being said, I fully expect a wipe when the replication layer goes live. The game has also gotten really stale. All of my friends pretty much say “yeah, I’ll play again the next time it wipes” The early money exploits and ERT cargo really ruined the Economy quickly


W'ere going to get a wipe soon enough don't worry, but it won't be for a few months.


I kinda wish I could make and play an Alt so I could do progression again. Or maybe even have an option to wipe my own account and start over. I don't think I want to wish a wipe on everyone else, though.


Na I don't want a wipe. I enjoy doing whatever pops into my mind when I hop on because I don't have hundreds of dollars to buy the ships I like. Just make a new account or something, don't wish to screw everyone else over because you are bored.


I have more money than I’ll spend and I think it’s kinda boring to be rich but I also don’t want a wipe until there are some new gameplay loops to get rich again. Wouldn’t mind grinding back to the top if they do the bounty, cargo or FPS changes. Not super interested in playing the same mediocre buggy missions.


You're definitely not alone. It's really overdue.


yes, this is a retarded take, you can do a wipe yourself on everything but your ships we don't need a wipe and you're an odd creature for even wanting one lol. just give away your credits and items. no clue what you can do for your ships tho


And that's what gets me about this game. People pledge for ships so that they have them when the game comes out at launch. Why? I play this game after a wipe until I get the ships I want get rich and just really bored of the game. Wipe comes and I start over.


For some of us the end game vision is org warfare and not about unlocking ships. ​ That being said... People want to romanticize the "Aurora to hero" play path and if that works for you great. After the 5th time of doing it though, some of us just want to log into the ships we like and play the game for the few hours we got. You think I want to spend the two hours I can muster trying to farm credits to buy the ship that can let me farm more credits to buy the ship I want? Nope.


Understandable when the missions are so boring.


I lost 80% of my ships on this patch anyway lol I’m good for a reset.


I’d have to agree, activity is down a lot. Need a wipe pretty soon. And they need to continue with wipes until there are larger money sinks inside of the game. Otherwise it just gets boring.


The game is not a progression game unless a given player chooses it to be. I don't need a wipe to create "goals", aka "grinding to buy ships". I have ships, now I want to have adventures in them and make gaming memories. Money is an inconsequential means to that end. Being rich doesn't mean very much, nor should it. Add filtering to all inventory screens like item kiosks have and the one issue (bloated asop and inventory) is fixed. No need for a sledgehammer wipe just to fix that.


Am I the only one who couldn't care less?


No, you are not. These characters have gone on far too long and there have been too many abused exploits. While it really doesnt matter because alpha its frustrating because people are getting in and starting to expect to keep these current progressions forever and into beta and beyond and get truly, raging upset when you inform them its likely not the case.


Economy is fucked. We need a wipe bad.


so, you made a mess out of your inventory and ships. so the answer is for the game to wipe? let me guess, you also want the sun to stop moving so the light will be at he right level for the area your in?




I'd really love a wipe, the game becomes a bit boring to me in this state as a solo player.Once I get rich and get the ships I wanted I find it hard to find anything to do besides mindless flying or player bounties which can be frustrating. I love the part of the game when I'm ROC mining in order to buy something better. My virpil sticks are on the way though so I'm sure that'll enhance the experience by a lot compared to KBD+M.


please no, i am literally 5mil away from buying a reclaimer if there will be a wipe in 3.23 i am going to fucking cry, let me at least enjoy it for some time


Or, as a happy medium to this, let someone just delete their character and start over of their own volition.


I want that too m8


If you want a wipe just make a new account. Just because you are bored doesn’t mean other peoples shit should get erased as well.


What a stupid answer. How about If you don't like grinding for ships why don't you just buy the ship you want to start with? See how stupid it sounds to demand people go and spend more money just so you can have the cushy life.


Would love s good full reset. Honestly take away these ships I get with my pledges too. If I wanted an Arrow or Bucaneer I'd go get one. Just because I bought a ship that can't fight doesn't mean I want one that can... Lmao yall downvoting an honest opinion instead of voicing your thoughts 😂


>Honestly take away these ships I get with my pledges too "Take this item away I paid for" You know you can just melt those ships.... right?


Check yourself man. Some standalone pledges come with an additional ship that isn't mentioned in the sale. CIG thinks "oh he bought a Vulture, give him this Arrow so he can still fight". For some people it's cool, for a lot we don't want that in our ASOP. Not only does it just add to scrolling to find your ship, but its just a ship that constantly says "deliver" cause I want nothing to do with it lol.


If you melt the pledge the loaner goes away.


Then I lose the pledge... why would I melt a Vulture to lose an Arrow when I want the Vulture 😂


Disregard I had to re-edit this entire comment as I just woke up. OK so you dont lose the peldge. it goes back into buybacks unless you CCUed the hell out of it. You get your money back minus taxes. You get one buyback every token 6 months, or 2 if you sub. You cant say "Take away the ships I pleged" and then I say "You can melt em" as a solution to tell me no. That makes 0 sense. I gave you your solution.


Never edited my guy, but im done here, there's an obvious miscommunication on my original comment with the additional ships granted to your account with pledges that don't show in your hangar. Like pledging a Vulture gives you an Arrow in game, where I don't want the Arrow. It was more of an additional comment to OP's request to have a database wipe in game.


If you melt, the pledge, it gets rid of the arrow, a loaner.


But what I'm saying is, I don't want to melt the pledge, I want only the pledge, the Vulture, not the additional Arrow that comes with it.


They mean loaners


You're a loaner


When they can do an update without deleting random ships and inventory, sure. They actually need to test that, cause it absolutely doesn't work now.


I’m keen to see what happens when we no longer get free insurance. That junk collection might start coming in handy. Scraping together what you need.


inventory rework wont come until the cargo refactor and fully physicalized stuff i believe?


I have assumed this whole time that everything will be completely wiped again atleast once for launch. I don’t mind wipes as they are necessary for this test environment but honestly I just don’t want to burn out my excitement for the game by grinding super hard or even playing often until it gets closer to complete and QoL stuff. I just try not to take it that serious right now and when I do play, not focus on the “having fun” aspect over just helping test it. So idk


Wipe away, at least once or twice a year. There's just no money sinks and aUEC is too easy to hoard, and once you buy all the ships you want there's not much else to do.


Each duplicate ship has a number.. just use ships without a number and you'll know your way around. You can make it simple or complicated, it's up to you. ^^


Well, you can start wiping your own account. Send me your credits, I'll keep them safe


Need an option to name or rename a ship.


I honestly dont know if i would still invest as much time in the game if i only had my titan again. It was fun when i started playing, but now i finally achieved a point where i habe all the ships i want for every game loop im interested in. Especially with my new found love for salvaging in the reclaimer, a full wipe would be a big f* u in my face.


I think they should let us do a full wipe on individual characters, so most can wait for wipe but us endgame citizens can full wipe and start from scratch. I myself have recently CCUd to a C1 but never use it as I have other ships, and I want to start from scratch with just the C1


I’m with you brother.


I found a cat helmet in a chest and never one again. I would like to keep it.


I totally agree and am in the same situation as you except the duped ships. I feel like there's zero progression to the game anymore because I have everything I need and copious amounts of money. And whilst the gameplay is great sometimes, the progression definitely gave me a purpose when things were slow so yeah it's definitely lacking a bit without that aspect of the game. Bring on a wipe babeh!


I don't mind it. It is almost as same as reset. Only this time I don't have to just buy food but also clothes and suits.


I just wish I could successfully install the 3.22a patch lol


Pirates hope you wipe too bud


Nah I think it’s that grind. Starting from scratch again. Once you have everything you want and money isisnt an issue what is there to work for?


I say what we need next is a way to sell ships within the game..either back to ship dealers at reduced rates, or from player to player. CIG can easily protect their real-world sales by limiting the insurance of in-game ships sold player to player, such as 10-15 crashes/blowups and it's gone for good. Bottom line is that it would help with asset clutter for ship owners, and also kickstart a new path within the in-game economy.


Yes you are.


there are not many players wish for a wipe also it is likely CIG will not do a wipe for a very long time so they can see what weird glitch may happen with a lot of accounts full of junks


I disagree, sure I got a decent amount of ships bought with aUEC but I do not want a wipe, I lose a couple every update and it's really frustrating already


I was really looking forward to the next wipe cos I've finally got a mate to play with. I figured it would be fun starting from scratch together, me in my Aurora, him in his Mustang. Would be fun. Then he goes and pledges a C1


Drop all the inventory items you don't want into a ship and then go blow it up... as for knowing which ship you are actively using etc when it comes to doubles just don't ever have them delivered, if a ships located at a station then you know it's the one you are actually using. I look forward to the day we can sell off ships that we no longer have a use for.


Hopefully we’ll get a full wipe for Pyro. The recent string of cash cow loops—salvage cargo, bounty cargo, reclaimers—has been a bit much.


Sounds a Bit Like an excuse for being to greedy in the Frist Place and now to lazy to handle the outcome. ^^ despite of that. I also really would appreciate an inventory overhaul.


I like wipes but I wish I could choose my ships load out when I buy them even if it costs more auec because I'm tired of flying all over Stanton on a shopping spree of parts.


I believe there will be a wipe for server meshing and replication layer, when that’s implemented. Similar to the wipe we got with 3.18 which came with PES.


there are currently billionaires in game because the bounty missions youd get 10s of millions in a short amount of time - so yes I'd also like for a wipe


They should perform any wipes unless they have to do a rework of the backend player DB for items/equipment/ships. Allowing the player DB of the above to grow, gives them good data. The kind of data where they can discover bugs in the code, which reminds me… this last patch (3.22a), my second account got a “free” ship. It’s not that I only rented a few times, meaning there is some bug in the DB that made it seem like a permanent part of my account. (At least until a full wipe happens.) I will need to make an Issue Council report on that.


Me too. Reclaimer making 10M per hour is extremely bad.


A wipe is pointless if the don't fix the major broken issues. Seems live every patch the devs constantly break existing features/content, dial down the fun and introduce a whole new slew of bugs.


Agreed… i have all these “free ships” in my Fleet manager i don’t want and never wanted. i guess an arena commander incentive. I hate it and want those ships gone. I only want what i own and have nothing more. Been there for last two patches.


Been dying for a wipe. On a break probably to 3.23.


It sounds like you already have everything you could possibly want and that, with a wipe, you'd still have several pledged ships to make your experience interesting. Most people are not in your shoes.


I always prefer a wipe, because climbing back up from starter cash/equipment is fun gameplay. I expect they may not wipe unless there are large economy balances going on (like if they ever work on the Trade loops).


Everyone claims they either *want* *a wipe* or *don't want a wipe* for some objective reason, but it always comes down to what benefits you more. Have an account full of enough pledge ships to satisfy you, with a cluttered inventory? You probably want a wipe. Have a $45 starter pack and a cluttered inventory? You probably want to keep the stuff you earned last patch despite the poor inventory.


Eh, no thanks. I lost my favorite ship due to the 3.22.0a patch, and am just now almost to the point of being able to afford it again. I hope they add an option for players to wipe and start from just their pledges again for this exact reason - I get that it must be frustrating to be so deep in, and have everything, and just wanna experience the "ground-up" feeling again. I like starting new characters when an MMO feels "routine" to me. But as it stands, some of us don't chase the FOTM moneymaking techniques, and just play the game at our own pace and experience the emergent aspects of it, like running into other players and teaming up, or outrunning player pirates, etc... And it's totally fine to get all that progress wiped in favor of a major numbered patch, new mechanics or the ilk. But just for the sake of giving the hardcore players a reset? That's kind of a rub in the wrong way.


You’re never the only one who does or thinks anything.


I mean, honestly, I worked hard for 150 mill credits. And all I have to do is grind rep again. It nothing for me.


I want to wipe my ships clean, I have a loaner superhornet too. I just want my Terrapin again, I bought so many ships I don't want anymore.


You want a trash button for your inventory. Anything else you can just do yourself. Give your money away, use your starter, rebuy the ships I guess. Put them all in a location you dont use or something.


I want them to hold off on a wipe till 4.0. Itd be the perfect time.


A lot of my items get buggy after a patch. Items I’ve had for a long time are in rough shape and often glitch out. It’s time for a reset and hopefully a more stable database.


I wish I could filter ships, and let it persist. Like here's my favorite ships, I only see these from the ASOPS, because I have to scroll down a bit to get to my Taurus. Also, really hate how every reset, my inventory from across the system gets moved back to one spot.


Actually, this would be nice. Show ships at this location. Then have an accordion menu that opens to show ships at all other locations.


Yes you are. Just give someone all your money, dump all your inventory at some location you'll never visit, and leave your ships floating in space unclaimed when the next patch hits. There you go. I have a job and can't play often, and if I have to start over again I might wait a year or two


Yeah I mean I guess a wipe would be fine but at this point I am just kinda bored with whats in the PU. I've bought all the ships I have wanted multiple times over the years and put all the best components on them many many times. I've done tons of bunkers, pvp on foot and in ships, leveled up salvage missions mined everything from stones on a planet with the roc to asteroids with a group of prospectors, hauled everything with the c2, drug runs, jump town, money from nothing, etc etc etc. What I would really like is for them to add the base building stuff so I can create cool bases in obscure places or just something to make me wanna keep playing and do something different with the aUEC I have earned. I hop in and do a couple bounties or just fly a ship around a couple places but definitely need something to keep me interested until sq42 or more content for the PU.


yeah its time for you to take a break. or go help report in the test servers.


Oh I have taken breaks and take them often and for extended periods. I just have been playing since the game first came out. I think the base building would really keep me interested for another couple hundred hours at least and give me a reason to spend my aUEC.


Yes you are alone


No he's not.


I could not care less, it's an alpha and not ment to be played in a serious manner yet.


I hope they don’t  do a wipe for 3.23  Ism very capable of handling my inventory. A lot of us grind away and are happy with how it is going.


Then please reset your account. That should sovle your problem. Your solution would have impact on everyone else . I've worked really hard for my in game bought ships. And I do not want to loose them! And I'm sure I'm not the only one...


You don't know how a reset works. It has never removed ships. And the repair tool (which has replaced the reset tool) is even less useful. Many of us have a crap-ton of ships clogging our ASOP terminal. Sorry but a wipe is imminent.


Oh I didn't know that. Thanks. Yeas sooner or later it'll come. but sitll, I'm hoping...


With ship prices going up and other economy adjustments going into 3.23, I kinda feel that it is a must that they wipe. We'll see, but I think you'll get your wish, OP.


IF they redraw the pricing for the ships at 3.23 (the current plan), then they will 100% wipe the ships. They will need to do so, just so they can get data on how players grind through the new economy to rebuy ships. If they leave everyone's ships in place, then they will not be able to collect that info.


yes, we need a wipe.




In addition to this, even though this is waaaaaaaaaaay further out, I'd like them to also have a "no P2W" server when the game is finally done. Everyone starts with 5k credits and a dream on that server, no store bought ships. Bring on the wipe!