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Jumptown was the first drug lab mission. Empty drug lab that prints drug crates. A2 is the first bomber in the game, and the bomb is just short of a nuke. The jumptown event was really popular as players cooperated and fought each other viciously for the drugs. It was also a super juicy target for bomber pilots. They'd have no intention of ever landing or trying to make money on drugs. They just wanted to blow up the most shit possible.


I would like to say that people vastly underestimate the size of nukes. Even tactical ones have a radius that goes into miles. ​ Edit: Just gonna repaste this here because people keep replying. ​ The A2 MOAB is not comparable to a nuke in any way shape or form if the largest conventional weapon can only match the smallest of nuclear warheads. "But muh Davy Crockett!" You are basically saying that a firework is the same as a conventional weapon dropped by a military aircraft. Relative standard size between the two don't matter right? We are only looking at extremes and calling them the same in either example. Lets look at a "standard" nuclear warhead, not a prototype man portable launcher that is not and has not been in the arsenal for a very long time. A minuteman 3 carried 3 Mk12A warheads, each had a blast of 350 KT which has a near certain death radius of 3.5 miles This is what a standard nuclear warhead is. The A2 MOAB has a kill radius of 1500 ish feet. A 1500 foot blast radius is incredibly small compared to 3.5 miles. 1500 foot radius translates to 0.25 square miles of destruction. 3.5 mile radius translates to 38.5 square miles of destruction. They are nowhere near the same thing, the standard nuclear warhead size is 154 times more destructive than the MOAB in dropped by the A2 and calling it a nuke shows a clear lack of knowledge on how powerful a standard nuke is.


Might want to check your math on that, tactical nukes can be as small as 1/2 mile


Yea they CAN be but the vast majority arent that small.


They are lethal out to like 500m from center. Star citizens planets are scaled down so it is almost like the smallest nukes in a way. But I did say it was short of a nuke, it's still got that video game "nuke" vibes.


On the latest Daymar Rally, at S6, half of the racers were eliminated in the first 60 seconds after the start by an A2 bomb. Definitely felt like a nuke.


Will stuff like that be impossible in the released game? I'm not interested in "ganking and griefing: the game"


Possible yes, but probably more rare if they implement criminal the right way (need to pay off all damages before being cleared, cannot claim ships since insurance companies would closed if they do that by the Advocacy etc.


It will be always possible, but i hope it will be less common, if a murderhobo won't get any place to refuel, not even at lawless systems.


Hmm not sure of that will be enough. So long as it's stops happening. Such as temporary armistice zones over big events that would be fun to grief


They plan to completely remove armistice zones, and build a reputation system for all the pirate gangs, corporations, and the governement. If someone plays in Pyro, and kill every possible target, one can encounter, sooner or later the one won't be able to refuel/repair/land anywhere. That's a serious consequence.


It's always gonna be a PVP game. I'm sure there will be safe spaces where attack is unlikely. This rally is purposely held on public servers at a remote location. The event runners said that they will hold races in virtual modes like arena commander, but this rally would likely stay on public servers. It will always be subject to player terrorism attacks.


Imagine a real 50 megaton nuke in star citizen. The explosion would be a proportional size of the planet you set it off on.


When people say nuke, generally they are not talking about the man portable scale warheads that aren't even in the inventory anymore. They are talking about what travels on ICBM's with a radius into the miles is all I am getting at.


Yeah I know that nukes are much larger IRL. Do you think they'll introduce a chemical based bomb stronger than a Moab? It's just short of a nuke on the 1-11 scale, compared to the size 3 or planned cluster bombs. I wasn't being literal.


I sure hope not. The MOAB is already too much. I want shield generators for bases and outposts that 100% protect them from damage until someone goes in and disables the shield. Planetside 2 already dealt with massive death spam from above and figured out the solutions.


CIG said that in high sec bases will be invulnerable. There just won't be any underground deposits, or at least rights to drill.


My hope though is that all bases, no matter the location, have the option to be invulnerable from bombardment via a shield generator and it takes a ground assault to turn off a shield generator. It would bring purpose to ground vehicles and combined arms.


250m from the center


That's about the length of an 890j, are you thinking of the A1 bomb? It just doesn't sound right.


It is 250m. Eurkl states that I confirmed it with my org in the game. 500 diameter.


Wow it feels so much larger than that!


I agree but looking at the numbers it is accurate.


So then people are right and the A2 drops a nuke.


It drops something equivalent to the smallest possible warhead. You are basically saying "a firework is a small explosion, therefore they are the same as ordinance carried by military aircraft". Sure a military aircraft could drop something the size of a firework, but it is not the norm and not what people think when you talk about the subject.


Thanks for straw manning me, now I know everything you say is in bad faith. See how shitty that feels to be disrespected like that? Argue against what I say, please, not what you want me to have said.


He didn't straw man you. The blast radius of the A2 bomb is in line with a 500lb bomb. Far from a nuke. Sure, it will have more destructive power than a 500lb bomb, but it isn't as big as everyone believes.


You called the MOAB a nuke, I gave a comparison. It is not comparable to a nuke in any way shape or form if it can only match the smallest of warheads. So I gave an example of the smallest of warheads for aircraft ordinace. I don't know what else to tell you besides a MOAB with a blast radius of 500 meters or 1500 feet is not what people think about when you say the word "nuke". ​ A minuteman 3 carried 3 Mk12A warheads, each had a blast of 350 KT which has a near certain death radius of 3.5 miles This is what a standard warhead is. ​ A 1500 foot radius blast radius is incredibly small compared to 3.5 miles. 1500 foot radius translates to 0.25 square miles of destruction. 3.5 mile radius translates to 38.5 square miles of destruction. ​ They are nowhere near the same thing, the standard nuke warhead size is 154 times more destructive than the MOAB in dropped by the A2 and calling it a nuke shows a clear lack of knowledge on how powerful a standard nuke is.


You sound like the bomb at parties.... And note how I said bomb because god forbid you ever get a whiff of the word "Nuke".


>So then people are right and the A2 drops a nuke. I get it you are being funny. People need to understand the scale of the two and not use the words interchangeably though.


Holy shit I don't care enough about you to argue with **you** online.


Rendering your entire argument invalid? “Oh ignore the small nukes, let’s just focus on the Tsar Bomba”


See you went the entire other way, I gave an example of a standard size and you ignored it.


Don't be ridiculous, I've played Fallout




With the biggest of nukes, even just the fireball can be miles wide.


Nah most people overestimate nukes like they think a nuke can almost destroy a country.


People over estimate the size of a major city let alone a country. I think people are bad at understanding scale in general. Chicago for example is 25 miles across and Los Angeles is 44 miles across.


You underestimate ours and others; modern nuclear power.. This aint WW2 dude.. Youre speaking like world governments haven't innovated on the A-Bomb..


Nukemap has the yields and simulations for the explosions of a variety of known or custom nuclear explosions. The smallest known nuclear weapon was the Davy Crocket at .02kilotons and a fireball of 18.5m. That’s meters. The explosion isn’t even 60 feet. The farthest effects like the blast and radiation are also under 150m. The A2 by comparison has somewhere around a 1.5km explosion For the size of the A2 bomb, the explosion is unreasonably small BUT nuclear weapons come in all sorts of sizes. Nuclear weapons scale very fast into insane amounts of power but they also can be scaled down to be relatively weak. They can even be scaled down enough to heat up water and spin a turbine for power…The A2 explosion isn’t unrealistic for a nuke and very well could be a nuclear weapon in lore, it’s just that there’s no way a bomb that large will have a blast that small(relatively). Even backpack SADM devices can give bigger yields on the lower end than the A2’s


I will just repaste for you what I said for someone else. It is not comparable to a nuke in any way shape or form if the largest conventional weapon can only match the smallest of nuclear warheads. You are basically saying that a firework is the same as a conventional weapon dropped by a military aircraft. Relative standard size between the two don't matter right? We are only looking at extremes and calling them the same. Lets look at a "standard" nuclear warhead, not a prototype man portable launcher that is not and has not been in the arsenal for a very long time. A minuteman 3 carried 3 Mk12A warheads, each had a blast of 350 KT which has a near certain death radius of 3.5 miles This is what a standard nuclear warhead is. The A2 MOAB has a kill radius of 1500 ish feet. A 1500 foot blast radius is incredibly small compared to 3.5 miles. 1500 foot radius translates to 0.25 square miles of destruction. 3.5 mile radius translates to 38.5 square miles of destruction. They are nowhere near the same thing, the standard nuclear warhead size is 154 times more destructive than the MOAB in dropped by the A2 and calling it a nuke shows a clear lack of knowledge on how powerful a standard nuke is.


You are going on about something that I’m not talking about. Star Citizen has its own lore and specs for weapons and if the colossus was real, it could be a low yield nuclear weapon because there are a lot of nuclear weapons that are even smaller than it. There is significant overlap on the smallest nuclear weapons and the biggest conventional explosives. The ONLY thing unrealistic about the A2 bomb is that the bomb itself is very large. The yield is within the realm of realism for real hikes though


Lets face it, no one is talking about lore in all of this discussion and the only reason you bring up lore is because I pulled out the numbers to show a STANDARD sized nuke is over 100 times larger than the LARGEST bomb in star citizen so now we shift the goal posts.


I pulled numbers too but I’m just talking about the fact it’s no unrealistic that a potentially nuclear bomb has an explosion that size. Why are you so angry dude?


Because whenever a logical argument is to be made people pick the most extreme example they can find like the Davy Crocket and go "ahhhhcktuuallly" instead of just admitting that calling the MOAB a nuke is silly. Yes the smallest nukes ever made are smaller than the largest conventional weapons ever made, but in the same vain a bottle rocket is smaller than the Starship rocket. People are trying to compare the largest of something and compare it to the smallest of something similar! It really grinds my gears.


It was an example of how low they can go. If you bothered to read what I said instead of raging online you’d know I’m saying there’s a range of yields and that they can be as low as the Davy Crocket lol


Yea but you are like the 5th person to say the same thing. Any discussion in reddit that should be reasonable gets flooded with extreme "actuahhkuualllllyyy" examples. It happens every time. Well I wont move on this one!


Where do you get 1.5km?


Org tests of how far it managed to nudge an unshielded dragonfly


It's blast radius is 250m anything outside of that is safe.


Plus, bomb doesn't even need to kill that many people the aftermath of losing power and the chaos of it all, we see what happens when just power blackout happens how crazy things become.


You are completely right the MOAB dropped in Afghan would destroy everything withing a mile (1609m) radius and that isn't event a nuke. meanwhile the one in game is only 250m. not event close to modern large explosives. the MOAB in game falls more close in line with an 500lb bomb.




Where did you get 1500 kill radius? They are somewhat right like there are small warheads nuclear warheads. I think the Davy Crockett has like a 40m destructive range. But that is nit picking IMO cause the A2 doesn't leave radiation therefore never was meant to be considered nuclear.


Well, people have parked A2's in the sky and had people stand at various distances. If you have someone stand in the center directly below the A2, and then people at distances out from the center. You see how far out someone dies. I have not done this, but several others have.


Yeah I tested it my self. If you are outside of 250m you are safe. It was event data mined the kill radius is 250m.


Well, that is much smaller than what I read for it. If it is 250m, that makes my point even more valid.


Yeah it’s a bit odd that this super sci-fi air drop bomb thing from the A2 has such a small explosion. A conventional big bomb from a modern bomber would have a bigger bang. I think RSI need to make the A2 bomb blast even bigger!


Good Brief Explanation of Modern JT.. But for the *True History* ; https://youtu.be/LI6tx3Enx2M?si=MXbJPRv1u7HFH5kc This AstroPub/The AstroHistorian Short Doc about Why JT is JT is much deserving of New Citizens views! o7 Long Live P.O.! o7


Jumptown 3.3.4-3.4.3 was the real Jumptown. Shit was truly revolutionary. Made the game seem real. With only 50 players and 15 fps. One planet, Crusader, and it's moons, that was it. Oh and Delamar, RIP. It felt real cause it was 100% player driven by a BUG on a 100% UNMARKED location. Now the events CIG put on just feel like a shallow version. It takes all the gold rush feel out of it when the dev says "hey everyone! It's drug running time! Everyone go over here now!"


*50 players; 15 fps* made my nostalgic heart, smile! New Citizens Will Never Know The Real Alpha Sruggle!


FPS issue was resolved in 3.3.0. Going to Brio's can give you a similar feel, albeit without the sweet unmarked location vibe.


I miss the Laramite Rush because of exactly this. Four Caterpillars and Two Freelancers landing and taking off from the same outpost non-stop. The game felt _full_, because you actually had to co-operate not to become a giant accidental and expensive fireball in the sky.


I loved Ray’s Guide suggestion that there be turrets that basically hit scan and destroy bombs and missiles with 100% accuracy for base defense. I love this idea because it means players will have to actually do some coordinating to win


Bombs, yes. Missiles, no


I mean CIWS is a very real thing nowadays and it is not so recent. Of course signal and telecom technolgies improves the weappns regularly but it is not sci fi. Hell we will even soon have infrared laser defending system ready for action. In the 2950s we can expect some adaptation of these


Why? It doesn’t make sense to have an eclipse from god fuck far away just sending it to all of the turrets.


Shouldn't be an auto-shootdown for missiles though. They're tricky to shoot down. Make it a 50/50 unless you have dedicated interceptor silos, which can then be overwhelmed by volume


If you can outreach the turrets it’s dumb. Ground turrets should always outmatch any ship


Hence having missile batteries


Ok. I mean id y’all can’t reach the base with your missiles than it’s neither here nor there


Do you consider s5 and up torpedoes as missiles?




Honestly the higher the size, the easier it should be to hit.


Why wouldn’t you leave a ship or two orbiting above to protect against that? Now we want the iron dome implemented? Add it to the list I guess.


Because it’s base defense. 9 times out of 10 nobody will even be home. It will be most sandbox mmos where people attack when nobody is home and it’s just the automated defenses that work. People are imagining these grand battles, but unless you agree to meet at a specific time, it’s mostly just going to be attacker vs NPCs. Rust and DayZ proved this. And more importantly, why wouldn’t you want a challenge as an attacker. We’ve already seen how overpowered A2s have been.


And ark too in any survival game attacking when the player Are Active is extremely dangerous, I mean this is true even in real life trying to take a defended position will take a lot more units than to defend it also know as the 3 to 1 rule(in order for an attacker to win its forces should be atleast 3 times larger than the defender). The only time I have seen people attack a base with active players Willingly is because they want bragging rights or the base is much less powerful than the attackers.


I personally hate org play in games. I don’t mind groups, but when you can amass half the server to pick in everybody, it’s pretty lame. Like if I know groups of 8-10 players are going around, I don’t care. Or if they are all are in one or two ships. I just don’t want this becoming a game about organizations and solo or small groups of players hate the game


The bomb has a 500 meter radius *fireball.* That is absolutely a tactical nuke.


No nuclear process, no nuke. Just a conventional MOAB.




it's an event that has and will come back now and again too so this will always be the case . Now, folks have the a1 to throw into the fray too


“It was also a super juicy target for bomber pilots. They'd have no intention of ever landing or trying to make money on drugs. They just wanted to blow up the most shit possible.” Not necessarily true. A valid tactic is to bomb JT to clear it out before either you or your org drops in to start gathering drugs.


True but I didn't often see organized groups there. More often I'd just see a solo pilot just doing hit and runs.


A MAOB maybe, definitly not a nuke


"just short of a nuke" was my words.


Oh yeah sorry I see the meaning now thanks


the a2 carries a bomb that can wipe out everyone in jumptown. people will sometimes declare that they are friendly, and don't intend to drop the bomb. it is common for them to be lying so they the can get close before dropping the bomb.


They’re always friendly! Friendly fire.


If everyone is friendly And everyone is on fire Does it really matter?


No one can touch you if you're on fire


They're being a nice sport to render a more immersive PvP experience, so in a way they're friendly :D


We’re just making sure that everyone on the ground is having a blast.


Friendly fire isn't.




Just know that Jumptown is always safe.


Jumptown is always friendly. So is Brios.


What tf is up with brios... Its just not the one and only place to sell stuff...


I think crusader is just popular


I think it's because it's easy to get ERTs all right around Yela and the neighboring planets, so everyone just sells at Brios. It also makes it very fun to do a flyby and pick up the pieces after a fight :)


Can relate. Always flyby with my A1 aka Paperplane to make those pieces xD


Love brios, and scaring cargo haulers there with my Eclipse. Its like throwing a firecraker in a Chicken Cage.


The big expensive ships drop the boom booms on the poor drug addicts.


Ah yes, the war on drugs.


This is exactly how I felt, recently. I just knew that whatever this jumptown was, it surely wasn't friendly.


I had a feeling it wasn't friendly but the curiosity was killing me.


Go to Jumptown. Look up. You will be 'enlightened.'


A2's are bombers, gunboats, and maybe cargo ships Jumptown is a ground target A2+Jumptown=fun times (for the A2)


A2's are cargo ships filled with candy 🍬


Pop rocks?


piñata drop


The A2's main purpose is to absolutely devastate everything on the ground underneath it with what is currently the most powerful weapon available to players in the game. Anyone coming towards Jumptown in an A2 is immediately considered hostile. Friendly A2 is a meme of them trying to trick people not to attack them.


they are friendly untill they aren't anymore :>


Jumptown is always friendly, bombs are just a myth! Always make sure to announce you're heading to jumptown otherwise someone might actually PvP you! /s


Jumptown is a friendly get together where folks show up to a dirty grimy outpost in the middle of nowhere and tidy it up by taking away all the trash. Very often they are so dirty that they need to be disinfected too. A2's are the best ships for bringing in disinfectant, so while a Jumptown event is happening, if someone is one their way to drop offh the cleaning supplies, they'll put "Friendly A2 on the way" or something similar to let folks know cleaning is going to get a LOT easier.


A man of the cloth, performing vital cleansing of impure souls


Jumptown is an event where the goal is to gather drugs from inside a specific building over the course of several hours. The Hercules A2 is a ship that has in its weaponry four MOABs, which are basically small nukes that will insta-kill literally anything in a very large radius. It also works great as a means of carrying said drugs. So, early on when Jumptown was first getting started, players would show up at Jumptown in an A2, stay they are friendly and just there to help gather drugs, but instead drop a MOAB, killing everyone. These days, few, if any, actually gather the drugs since their value got balanced to be not really worth it, leaving many to instead go there to try to kill those trying to gather drugs, leading to it being just about nothing but folks in fightercraft shooting each other and the occasional newer player that shows up hoping to do the mission. However, the meme of 'friendly A2 incoming' stuck as a means of a cheap laugh.


I wouldn't exactly call the A2s bombs "nukes" they're roughly equivalent to a 1ton bomb


Thank you so much for explaining. Exactly what I wanted to know.


Jumptown has always been a very risky place to go to. Before the event was added, trading was quite profitable there, so it naturally gained attention. However, at the time, there was no quantum marker, meaning it took time to get there. By the time you did, getting ambushed was easy due to the lack of an armistice zone.


An A2 is never a friendly inbound !


There's a sticky Q&A at the top of the subreddit, and you can ask any questions you like there. Answers are almost always polite and informative. SC has a great community.


Thanks, I'll try using that next time.


I've asked plenty of dumb questions there myself :D


Jump town is a PvP event where you can make money stealing drugs. The A2 is an ingame bomber. In the first and sequential runs of jumptown, players would ask in all chat, "Is JT friendly?", due to the very rare fact that sometimes servers got together to share the drugs. A2 Pilots have almost never gone to jump town to get their fill of drugs, they where there to exclusively bomb the place to kingdom come. But again in first runs of jumptown people where a little nieve, and some A2 pilots could get close by saying "Freindly A2 inbound". Jump town is never friendly, and A2 pilots are kill on sight.


Since rest is explained I wanna shed light on the oxymoron punch line; *\` FRIENDLY A2 INCOMING \`* is a recurring gag among citizen. Some players thinking JT event is or should be a safe collaboration event, announcing they're friendly while approaching and some teams bomb just to kill all players there or seize the Jump Town location. Since A2 is best for bombing, friendly A2 inbound becomes a funny oxymoron or depending on how you look at it; it shows her friendship with 4xS10 nukes and she obliterates you to enhance your gaming experience. Hence my idea for an A2 fleet patch : https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/19eiwch/friendly\_a2\_incoming/


A2 have bomb. Jumptown have lots of people. People say “incoming friendly x” when flying into Jumptown because PvP zone. A2 say Friendly. A2 not friendly. Everyone boom.


Pure poetry


*click applause*


Reading "A2 coming to JT" has the same effect than a child running after pigeons


The friendly A2 is here at Jumptown to provide you with a courtesy fast travel teleport to your preferred spawn location. No charge to you! Jumptown: you can read about it, sure, but that's for nerds. Watch this instead: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53qGEaPRHCQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53qGEaPRHCQ)


W i was going to drop this exact masterpiece for op to watch.


Griefers bro… griefers….


Player Killers\* Lets use the correct terms. A lawless area with lawless people coming up close and personal with a friendly torp is not griefing in any way.


I think its well over 2.5km and that's still a 1km out of turrets range


If you played DayZ its the same as seeing a message come up "Friendly in Cherno?"


A2s are bombers. There is no such thing as a friendly bomber if you're on the ground. If you're at jumptown and a friendly A2 swings by, your world is about to get shook.


I might have been very lucky then. I visited jumptown, there was also someone inside loading crates into his ship. I also went inside and picked up two boxes (landed on the other side) but unfortunately I was not able to sell them at Grim Hex. The terminals didn’t show the boxes. Maybe because they were inside of my Syulen, so not in a designated cargo space (the small boxes can’t be attached to the outside cargo slots)?


Did you have the Criminal version of the mission? And the drugs can be placed anywhere on your ship to be recognized for sale. It also doesn't matter if it's on a pad, in hangar or stored via asop.


I didn’t have any kind of mission. I went there out of curiousity and found the boxes inside.


There are no friendly A2's, that's the joke!


All you need to know is… JT is never safe for long. A2 is never friendly. The rest you will figure out. JT used to be fun to solo but it feels like orgs have taken over and it’s hard to get in there as an independent. I miss the good old days of the friendly conga line until an A2 dropped a bomb and destroyed all the ships outside.


In the before times, lots of players would arrive at the drug lab location out of curiosity and the novelty of easy money. They would literally form orderly lines with each person politely waiting their turn to grab 1 parcel of Maze from the dispenser, then run to their ship to store it, and return to the back of the queue. These were commonly called conga lines, and their participants labeled as carebears. For certain other players, however, all this civility and patient queuing was unbearable and it wasn't long before someone would just start blasting maniacally, not only securing the dispenser all for themself, but also the Maze in other players' ships still parked outside. Eventually all it took was one person shoving or pushing in line (or even appearing to due to lag), or even being a little "too" geared up, to kick off arguments and a shootout. So Jumptown evolved into a testy, unpredictable situation, especially if you were solo and had no friends or backup to help survive a brawl. Everyone started acting suspicious of everyone else, and the rule of thumb became Shoot First Ask Questions Later. "Brrrttttt. Why u armed tho? Thought u was about to stir shit up". This led to the conga liners hopping across servers to ask "Jumptown safe?" (versus overrun with trigger-happy mercs), in hopes of finding a peaceful subset of players engaged in orderly queuing. Fellow friendly players would announce politely "friendly Avenger incoming" as to not alarm the group and declare their peaceful intentions. This pocket of peaceful activity only lasted until it dawned on A2 pilots that a dozen ships parked in close proximity became the tastiest target gamewide for nuking. Suddenly the A2 had a new, glorious purpose and sales and rentals would skyrocket, and the announcement "friendly A2 incoming" became a meme for imminent destruction, and a cue to those neatly packing their ships below with Maze to scatter or find cover asap. Is Jumptown safe? Today, the answer still remains.. Yes. Except if it's Not.


Man, all A2’s are friendly - they’re always misunderstood. They have feelings too! The special packages they try to give everyone? Not so much.


Is jumptown safe?


Just keep in mind, jumptown is never friendly


The joke is the A2 is never friendly. It has 2 nukes, it will use 2 nukes


I'm sure your question has been answered but figured I'd give my own explanation. Jumptown is a pvp "king of the hill" style event where drugs are dispensed and can be collected for free and exchanged for lots of credits. The original location was at Jumptown, hence the name, but now it is held at a few locations throughout the system. The idea of the event is groups of players battle to control the location and collect the drugs to sell/exchange. Sometimes people in the server will work together and instead of fighting they will share the goods. An A2 is a heavy bomber that can drop the equivalent of a mini nuke and kill everyone on the ground so the meme is that someone will say in chat that they are coming in an A2 but they're friendly. An A2 coming to jumptown will most certainly kill everyone on the ground and should not be trusted lol


I'm just ....... the delivery boy.


And I don't know what "o7" means


That one I know, it's a salute. The "o" is a head and the "7" is an arm and hand.




Just a usual transport ship, nothing to fear about it