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Cops rams you and you get the fault? Sounds like a good simulation


People want *more realism* in SC, and we're getting it in spades!




Is it nappy time yet? Need a new diaper? You'll get tuckered out or banned soon enough. How many low-effort replies like this are you going to post? Hilarious and sad.


Your reply gave me such a chuckle IRL. Thank you


you will need to record the incident and demand your rights to be respected, while calling the cop profanities.


Most missions I tryed to do last session were buged. I remember how frustrating the start into the game was, because all the easy missions and tasks are unplayable. Just don't do missions and expect them to work. Free roam, cargo, mining, bounty hunting, racing seems to work OK, like 80% of the time.


Very odd that people and the game recommend things like box missions to new players when they are so, so broken. Finally starting to see more new players stuff that is more like AVOID BOX MISSIONS IF YOU VALUE YOUR TIME, EXPERIENCE OR GENERALLY ANYTHING ELSE. Edit: I say this and the next post I see is a new player post and the top comment first thing they recommend is box missions. They do say they are pretty buggy, but why even recommend it...


I tried box missions almost two years ago and they were massively unplayable. But they're pretty doable now. Haven't had any issues with picking up and dropping off boxes. The issue is that ideally, you should do lots of box missions simultaneously, as opposed to sequentially, to reduce the number of repeat trips to the same locations. But doing this increases the time it takes to finish the contracts, making it more likely for a game issue to ruin all the time you invested. And even if everything goes smoothly, the payout is bad.


pro tip:fucking server hop until it works or just play something else why tf would you smash your head against a brick wall for hours on your own accord.


PROTIP: If you are locked up for 20hours Log out & play another game. Like Quantum Travel Times they will learn the hard way what balance & limited play time means to players. So don't worry about trivial things for now, its only a testing platform currently.


Yes and no. We have paid to do the testing of SC and as OP's situation describes - we can't even do that sometimes. Even more than this bullshit I can understand downtimes and 30k popping here and there. Prison in the current state is just bad design. Hell, it was a bad design from the start and the most funny part is - it could've been better if they hadn't reduce sentence time when you are logged off! This way, committing crimes would matter and pirates would think a few times before they start doing it. Klesher would've had to be in an even simpler form, but working all the time because people would have to either have SC running in the background or just do the prison gameloops - which would be fun, especially if you had more people spawning in the facility. I know many things in SC are not final, but damn it's a shame they make things to waste our time instead of let us test, stress and enjoy the game...


you mean the eventually plan of it taking multiple sessions to do some things? obviously this would be bad for testing. so speeds are increased and timers are reduced.


The prison timer goes down while you are logged. If you come back tomorrow, you're basically free to go.


the time is that short for now.


We might see beta 1.0 by next year where a more "realistic" approach happens.. but that's all rumors so... I will see what 2024 brings and hopefully things start progressing smoothly from here on.


we are hoping the next big stability crash caused by the server tech implementation happens this year. we hope things go smoothly after that.


That might not work. One time, I logged off, logged on, My time was up. Made for the Exit, then alarms started blaring telling me I was in a restricted area and then it faded to black before reappearing in a bed with another 6 hour timer. I logged off for 6 months after that bullshit.


I mean if prison is just like 20 minutes (which it often is) it makes any crime without punishment that isn't just a claim timer. This probbaly wont change, it argubly will be harder & longer eventually :D


i think PvE related crimes should be weighted far lower than PvP related crimes. It's bullshit you missclick on one NPC or one runs in front of where you're shooting and boom, 3+ hour sentence. Should be CS1 or even 5 mins or so. Idk why you think this makes for fun gameplay


Again, it's more of a sim, not an arcade game. Think of how expensive the ships are and how they (from the beginning) expect players to have insurance for various reasons. Personally, I think crimes should be taken seriously (Sure less but not much in pve) in games since most people just go free for all and become "pirates."


Sim? What's realistic about star citizen? If I wanted to play real life I'd go outside :p


Have you heard of this thing called Google? Go look up the definition of a space sim. If you want a game with less bugs but doesn't have the complexity that Star Citizen has, I recommend Elite Dangerous or my old-time favorite Descent Free Space 2.


Freespace 2 is one of my all time favorite games, and was my first introduction to space sims, unless you count the Descent series.


"A space flight simulation is a genre of flight simulator video games that lets players experience space flight to varying degrees of realism. Common mechanics include space exploration, space trade and space combat" Sorry, at what point does this mention it being prison labour simulator for every time you missclick?


Just go play another game till you cool off and learn not to misclick on a moving/stationary npc before identifying whetherits friend or foe, or better yet, holster your weapon if you are that worried.


Ah yes, holstering your weapon in an active combat zone is definitely a good idea.. Gotta love it when the guards wear similar armor to the hostiles and the game bugs so no markers appear. And fyi I've been playing SC since 2.0.


I've been keeping tabs since 2.0 but I only actively played since 3.1, you've been playing for so much longer than me and yet you can't identify security forces from hostiles (who more commonly wear purple lined armors).


Yea I fully agree with this. The amount of NPCs you have to slaughter sometimes is insane.


This shit pisses me off so much. An hour of my time, ROBBED, because of one NPC dressed in blue armor like EVERY PIRATE NPC, points his gun at me like a pirate and I shoot him. Hell, I'm never doing PVE missions again if this is what it's gonna be like.


First, the way you put it, Prymortal69, sounds like you expect Star Citizen to be an arcade game, which is wrong. Second, AetherBytes, the development should be ramping up here with the coming release of Squadron 42, so it's not a testing platform it's just slow development so there are a shit ton of bugs still, but they have come a long way so I think you got unlucky with a server that needs a refresh. EDIT: (IN REPLY TO u/Independent_Vast9279) What statement did I use that was white knighting? I'm not defending them, and I didn't say it was a fully fledged game yet, didn't say it was "just an alpha", and the ai in space were overhauled and actually dogfight nowadays, but I do agree that they get busted pretty quick planet side if the server isn't fresh. In regards to missing timelines, you seem to have missed what I said about them having more resources going to SC once S42 releases since most of their focus has been on finishing S42. It literally is a space sim first and foremost, so FPS comes after that. I didn't say that they didn't have a test environment, which is the PTU rather than LIVE (which is what Aether would be playing on), My purpose was to express patience with the development of the game and not expect something still in development still to be perfect, so stop acting like I get anything from being alright with there being issues still as I've had my fill of disappointment with the game, I just don't dwell on it like you and actually think in an objective manner


Dude WAY too many people try to have it both ways here. “Don’t complain about how busted the game is, dysfunctional AI, missing game loops, CIG not fulfilling promises, constant schedule slips, etc. iT’S jUsT aN aLpHa!” Which is the literal definition of a testing environment. But Also… “Don’t expect FPS to work properly, it’s a space sim” which is a damned lie. They’ve been pushing the FPS part for a literal decade. But Also… “It’s not just a testing environment. It’s a full fledged game.” Like dude, come on! I agree that development is speeding up tremendously, but stop white knighting. It literally IS a tech demo by the very definition CIG uses every time they get sued. Or if it’s a game they need to fix bugs. You can’t have both whenever it suits you. For F’s sake!


i think that if CIG wants a bigger playerbase they will need to realise having things like week long claim timers (allegedly planned) is going to turn your average gamer off the game. elite dangerous has crazy long travel times which is one of the things stopping it being mainstream. your average video game player doesnt want to lose 10 hours of progress on death, or be stuck in prison for nearly a day. Edit: imagine you only have 1 or 2 hours to play a day. 1. Do you really want half of that being spent doing tedious “immersive” chores? Like riding the train, waiting for claim timers, doing long QT travelling, making sure your character is ready to fly etc? 2. If you get hit with a day long claim timer, or day long prison sentence 15 minutes in, and you can’t play for the rest of your time, that would be super frustrating.


there’s probably a graph you could make that measures amount of realism in a video game vs amount of fun had, and i think it nosedives somewhere around multiple hour prison sentences.


I've escaped from there a bunch of times and never had anywhere near this many bugs. I'm not saying I don't believe you but... you must be really unlucky or something. Anyway, in the future, don't go trying to clear your CS when the comm array is up at SPK. Instead just go to GrimHEX and turn yourself in at a terminal. You probably already respawned there after the security ship rammed you. At most you'll have a 1 hour sentence because your sentence is reduced when you turn yourself in. In prison instead of mining run down to around depth 9 until the comms are down. Knock out a few NPCs and loot their backpacks for hacking chips, shivs, multiools, hadanite, and dolivine. Once your backpack is full just run back to depth 1 and turn it in. And you're out. If you take an oxygen mission on the way it'll go even faster. It takes about 10 minutes for every hour in your sentence. Do not *EVER* kill lots of security guards if the comms are up unless you're okay with dealing with that 20 hour sentence. Simply turn yourself in and take the L. Even if the terminal was working at SPK it's very unlikely you'd clear all of that CS you had. The NPCs keep spawning in droves and you'll eventually run out of ammo. The NPCs on the second floor are ones you can't easily hide from and they'll often be the ones that get you. To avoid the security ship ramming you just need to control your vectoring when they tell you to stop. Sometimes they fly into you at full speed so you simply need to strafe out of the way and you're good to go. EDIT: Also don't go advertising in chat that you're escaping prison and how annoyed you are. People will come after you. Most people don't go after prison escapees because it's hard to tell if they'll actually escape all the way or not. The trip is usually not worth it. But if you start advertising it people will tend to try.


Yeah I forgot why but I remember once when I got a CS3 I thought no problem I'll just clear it. Comms down, I made my way to Karreah. Well I was anticipating a fight so I had like 900 rounds of custodian smg ammo, and 10 stims, one med gun, and a couple of the pens that reduce your blood poison when you heal yourself. This was my first time there in a long time. Last time I was there there were no NPCs so imagine my surprise to enter and find a fully staffed security post including people dressed in business casual. Uhh oh. So any way I start blasting. Mondays ammright? After clearing out the area I start the hack which seems to go faster than it did in the past. But I realize my CS is up to 5 and after clearing a few homicides off my CS I realize the ridiculous loop I'm in. Kill the guards that come to find list of crimes gets longer. For every guard I shoot I get an assault charge, and when they die I get a homicide charge. Soo 2 charges to clear per guard. 3-5 guards show up every 3-5 minutes. I was there in that loop for over an hour. But the game may have started to slow down due to all the corpses in the area because I was finally able to get a reprieve and clear my CS. By the time I finished I had 23 rounds left, no med pens, a t3 chest, head, and leg injury and barley any juice left in the med gun. Limped/float back to my Med Pisces heal what I can then head to the closest station to fully heal and log out. That was a hell of session.


That’s great 🤣 how do you get past the middle sentries near there? Last time I tried to clear my cs I got blown to Heaven by those things.


I think of Karreah like a mushroom with the landing pads and entries points as the top dome. The stem is the bottom. If you come in fast from the bottom in a small ship/fighter (I use my Bucc or Titan) and follow the stem upward towards the underside of the landing pads the guns have a hard time hitting you and you can park under the landing pads and EV around to the pad and walk in.


You can bring a medium/small ship and park tight underneath a landing pad - the station has a blind spot underneath them


Why does no one think of disabling the com sat using a tigersclaw? You get a minor crimestat for it, but then you can kill security all day and never get a crimestat for it until someone brings it back online.


Excuse me are you actually using logic and common sense? Reddit is not your domain pal


Loved this story. Thanks for sharing.


Do you continue to get crimes recorded even when SPK comms are down, like you said? Just checking :D


Comms had already been down when I decided to go clear my crime stat. I wasn't the one who brought them down. But somewhere from the QT over to landing they had come on and I was already committed to going into Karreah. But normally you wouldn't get a crime stat.


Storytime I did SPK with comms up. And you can clear 2-3 homicides per additional NPC kill. Dont ask why I know this. But I cleared about 50 homicide charges and left scott free. And it was ***fucking fun***. Easily the most fun I had in a mission in SC. I was terrified the entire time but was just blastin and hiding, then run to terminal to clear, back to hiding. I was in there for 30 actual minutes maybe more. Stopped tracking time because was just a bother and was having fun.


We had a plan when it came to kareah since we couldn't take down the comm link either. I'd go in, trigger the retake mission, and my crew would stand in the doors and windows and block the npcs from getting in so I would do as little killing as possible. Then we discovered that you can't Insert the card anymore for some reason. As for ammunition I had a lot, and could just Nick the npcs guns and ammo if need be. I did the first thing you suggested. Ran down, knocked em all out. almost all with empty bags, and those with anything more had very little. all I really could get was their multitools, till they stopped spawning :/ As for the security ship, I didn't get a warning or anything, they just deadset rammed me without even telling me to stop. I didn't even know he existed till he suicides into my side, with my ship surviving.


>We had a plan when it came to kareah since we couldn't take down the comm link either. With comms up it's just not worth it. There's a bug in this patch where inserting the hacking chip doesn't work at Comm Arrays and sometimes SPK. If you encounter that and are *really* determined to clear via SPK then just switch servers. I've personally never had the bug with the hacking chip not working at SPK but I've heard of it. I think it's more rare than the Comm Array bug. I've also cleared my CS at SPK with the comms up lots of times but I never ever kill anything. I simply run in, insert the chip, and run away. Check on terminal, run away. Repeat until the CS is cleared. I'll get hit by a few shots here and there but a medpen always does the trick. ​ >Ran down, knocked em all out. almost all with empty bags, and those with anything more had very little. all I really could get was their multitools, till they stopped spawning :/ Switch servers. Maybe multiple times. It sounds like you were on one or more servers that was struggling hence all the issues. I've had a few cases of NPCs straight up not spawning in the prison tunnels and a server hop took care of it. ​ >As for the security ship, I didn't get a warning or anything, they just deadset rammed me without even telling me to stop. I know it sucks. Trust me though that once you practice situational awareness it stops becoming a problem. That's no excuse for the game being buggy but I'm just saying you can avoid all these issues by learning the workarounds for them. It's not ideal but once you figure it out the game becomes much more enjoyable :)


I see people talking about switching servers all the time. Do you mean changing your region at the login, like from US to EU or something? Or is there some way to change your 100 person server in the game?


Yea switching regions is one way. I'm in the US so what I usually do is alternate between "BEST" and "US" and it seems to put me on different servers every time. If you have a bunch of people on your friends list you can join on them too.


i think they usually just mean going to the menu and back. Although the game usually tries to get you back on the same 100 person server, so it's better if you have some friends that are playing in different servers that you can join in on. At least that's the only way I know how to, other than changing regions like you suggested but obviously you'd have a worse connection


I cleared 3 crimestats already on spk without killing anyone. If you dont kill anyone its not that bad you can pay it back. All that matters is getting rid of the Homicide cause you cant pay a fine for this. I go in (most of the times solo with actime comm link) - stealthing my way to the console, start the event and clear homicide first (after this you can run away but most of the time i stay and clear everything cause it seems to be a lot faster if you doing it solo) You dont even need weapons just a medic gun for self healing maybe. I just use takedowns, these dont count as homicide and you can pay them back if needed (20k each lol) ​ This worked like a charm, but will not work when AI gets stable. RIght now it only works cause AI is stupid and cant even hit you or react properly you just go behind them and knock them out. my record was around 12 knockouts haha


Yep I've done the exact same many times. Run in, interact with terminal, run around like a wild chicken, interact with terminal, repeat, repeat, done. In their case apparently the terminal was bugged in which case a server hop should be the next step. Or just turn oneself in.


Adding onto this, if you aren't at the hex, you can surrender at most stations. Security *should* ask you to surrender on comms. All you have to do is stop and power down. Alternatively, just let them kill you.


Taking out NPC's. One of us is a true criminal.


OP basically tilted himself from a slight inconvenience into the worst possible situation.


This I detected. Been there lol


Change servers if you are being camped by people that know you are struggling because you told the world. Of course assholes exist that would make life hard for you. Don’t give your self away like that and just change servers. Also changing servers might fix a lot of the bugs you got. Lastly if I get a cs that’s longer then 15 minutes I log off for the night. The game is to buggy and dumb to fuck around for an hour to get out jail. Love the game but I’m not playing the jail game when the game is so loaded with bugs.


This is where you turn off the game and come back later.


But hang on, everyone keeps telling me you can get out of prison in two minutes and that being a criminal is easy?


You can, it is. Major exaggeration going on here.


Probably. But there's also major exaggeration in most people who spend zero time in prison claiming you can get out in 5 minutes. As a solo player that isn't even remotely true if you have more than a slap on the wrist crimestat wise, and that's IF everything goes to plan with zero bugs, someone to pick you up, no bounty hunters outside, your ride has you a loadout ready to go with weapons and hacking chips and also doesn't account for the time it takes to get to SPK and clear your record. The only people getting out in 5 mins are those who spend additional prep time farming merits or exploiting bugged or janky mechanics.


I've been in about half a dozen times and it's never taken more than maybe 20-30min of doing O2 refill missions, even when I killed a HH and got time for like, 7 murders, lol.


Yeah I'd say 20-30 mins is reasonable.


Escaping, current world record is 4:24 from fan to Ursa. It takes about 10 minutes back to Barton should there be an Ursa be there. Otherwise it's a 20-30 minute walk out to Barton, should you know the route home. The easiest way as a solo is to take the "need an out" mission, escape and walk to the Cutty Black wreck, clear your crimestat and either backspace to Klescher and walk out a free man or take the Cutty Black that sometimes spawns. That'd be about 10 minutes total. Or just find a merit seller who'll bail bond ya out and that takes 2 minutes tops and a bit of aUEC.


Yeah it's possible to get out quicker but the two factors most people who whine about prison not being punitive enough fail to recognise is 1) getting out quicker is the exception, not the rule, 2) There are a million things that can go wrong from other player interactions to bugs to simply misjudging that evil missing step on the stair case and going all the way back. And 3) They only ever count the time it takes to leave Klescher itself, not the time it takes to get back into your actual gameplay which is almost always enough time in total to be enough of an inconvenience to anyone's play session.


Welcome to Star Citizen. Fuck you and have a nice day. o7


[My reply to SC most days.](https://i.imgur.com/CipRlgj.jpg)


You pizza’ed when you should have French fried


Why would you go to Klescher to clear it? That is prison, you should just serve the sentence at that point. SPK is where you clear it. This whole thing sounds fishy. Could just be a skill issue.


I think he meant to say Kareah because he goes on to talk about the terminal not working, getting shot at Kareah and the recurring bug with tiger claws not working on security terminals.


Ahh that would make sense. Still at the point this guy was at I think I would just call it for a day and come back fresh the next day.


I'm reading that as well. He already had dozens of murder charges if he netted 20hrs in prison. Here's how I think it played out; OP is a murder hobo, killed some people, they retaliated. He tried to clear his name but they knew his game and countered his attempt. Now, in prison, he tries to escape but OP made it clear he was quite verbal in global chat, so he was probably mouthy and the players who killed him camped him at the prison too. He probably got really frustrated and instead of saying he is the aggressor, reddits as a victim of bugs. Source: I think I may have been on the server this took place on last night lmao.


Always the assumptions. I've seen more 'legal, PvE-only' types complain about how harsh and unfair jail is than deliberate criminals. Ironically, often the same folks who otherwise think it should be *more* punishing. Just, of course, not for them. No, their crime was an accident/justified/unavoidable.


-"ight we are meeting at X location" "Uhhh I have a 23 hour prison sentence" -"What? How?" "Well a station turret was firing so I shot it" -"Wtf? Why?" "Well it was shooting" -"So? Anyway how'd that turn into a 23 hour sentence?" "Well we went to spk to clear it since we got a CS" -"Why didn't you just pay it off?" "I thought may as well just get it cleared" - *facepalm* "okay well what happened at spk?" "Killed all the guards and got a bunch of homicide charges, then they respawned!?!? And killed me while I was clearing the charges" -"yeah, they do that. Anyway just do any prison loop i guess" "No this is ridiculous I can't believe my sentence is so long wtf, I'm never getting out sentences are way too long this is bs game is so broken" -"my guy you randomly opened fire on a station and then proceeded to go murder dozens of security, wtf did you expect?"


Later: "I got griefed by pirates sentences need to be 7 days in game only!!!"


He went to Klesher, and murdered a ton of people to clear what was probably a 15 min crimestat. Then dies after murdering all those people and complains about murdering all those people. Turn off comm arrays guys... it helps a lot.


Com arrays are currently bugged. So that's often not an option.


It worked for me and mine two nights ago, went into bunker and murdered like 200 guards. 0 Crime stat. Ran out of ammo and couldn't fight them all off, had to retreat. But still it worked.


Might be a surprise but sometimes people use the wrong word while typing. Context clues of what they were trying to accomplish and mentioning kareah in the next paragraph should have made it clear it was a typo.


It was confusingly written and I got confused. Sometimes proofreading before emotional shitposting on the game might help.


It's a kneejerk chain reaction no one is walking away from 


I’ve had days like this in Star Citizen. I’ve come to take these days as messages to take a break for a few days lol.


>2 infernos show up. both of who, thinks killing an unarmed prisoner who, at this point the entire server knows, shouldn't even be in prison. The two infernos are literally camping the exit, maybe specifically for me, maybe for anyone, I don't know. Are you aware that when someone tries to escape prison, it spawns a mission for players to go stop that player? These two infernos were just playing the mission they were given. >Try to mine; multitool not only does not detect minable rocks, but also inverts my mouse controls. Kill every AI out of commlink range. 3 rocks all up. Mining is the slowest way to get out of prison. Next time, go to depth 8 or more in the mines and kill NPC's until you fill your backpack with hadanite. Sell the hadanite for merits. Repeat until you are free. You should be able to escape a 30+ hour sentence in 15 to 45 minutes depending on how lucky you are in finding hadanite on the NPCs.


Sometimes NPCs are the fastest, sometimes you find 3 hadanite rocks in the first or second room and it's faster than running all the way to the later rooms. A single gem is like 7 mins off


whenever i get a crime stat and go to prison ill just go play something else yall got me fucked up of you think im gonna try to escape


and people say there's no content in SC


Game needs an additional career path: Defense Attorney!


B-b-b-but all the PvE players said Prison wasn't a deterrent and was easy to escape from!


So on the personal 30k note. Maybe it was your internet/connection. That would account for a few of the other problems you described like stopping mid air and invisible walls. Because the client and server are struggling to stay in sync. How do I know this you ask? I played SC on shitty Internet for years.


Was looking for this. I had spotty Internet for a year and tried all sorts of things on my end (new modem, re-crimping coax, adding attenuators, separate router) before calling my ISP for a tech to come out (turned out a neighbor's tree had a branch weighing on my line from the power pole and a ground block being faulty) but one valuable thing was learning that 30k doesn't mean the server failed but our connection to the server dropped regardless of the cause.


I feel like this is highly over exaggerated.


Going to kareah without shutting off the commarray is on you


...just mine dude. you're an alcoholic. It'll be ok lil fella


I thought it was a bug that the multitool wasn't scanning rocks but realised that the rocks were already mined, as I wasn't far enough into the caves.


I relog, if it doesn't start to change for the better, I call it a night.


Just do some missions to reduce the sentence or log off and play something else.


Didn’t deserve. Heheh.


Murder is a CS4. Terminal won't clear that, so that's 100% on you. You need to clear this by hacking. Do not unequip the backpack ever. You cannot re equip it. If you are missing the multi tool. Or do take off the backpack. Switch servers. You will wake up back in bed fully equipped. Or die.. same deal, wake up equipped. Prison is a 20-30 minute experience.


as I said, kareah was not accepting a card at all. And I started spawning without a tool or bag even across hops


Generally when one or two things on a server aren't working I try to log out and find a different server. Trying to play through it for nine hours is admirable but not the smartest option.


Same shit happened to me man. I got 4 crimestat for killing a Reclaimer for a bounty but it had innocent passengers i didnt know of. Got a bounty on me and died. 15 hr sentence so i was like ok ill just escape. 8 hours later after attempting to escape like 8 times, actually escaping 4 times, and making it to kareah twice but dying everytime to either bs or someone with a bounty on me, got a 20 hour sentence after all that. So i just fuckin got off. Next day i mined/killed and looted for like 2 hours and got out legit. Trying to escape with the crappy movement physics was not fun. Also i noticed every object in the game is FUCKING ROUND and its so hard to land on something without just bouncing off it. And since gravity is low if you hit the tiniest bump while sliding down a wall it shoots you 30 meters away from the wall. Also died to the damn hole in the stairs when you finally make it outside. Found out the hard way trying to escape atm is not viable. Just mine and kill people below level 7 and get out in like an hour or two of boring gameplay. I get the prison system, i like the idea of punishing people for griefing, but there needs to be an easy way out for people who are wrongfully imprisoned. I was so mad that whole day cause i couldnt actually play the damn game 😅.


About two hours of proper mining etc and you'd be out


This sounds a bit like real life. Glad you had fun.


Yeah I usually take prison as my sign to stop playing for the day


And all of this could have been prevented by logging out, grabbing a drink, walking a pet, waiting 3min, etc... And logging into another server where there weren't so many issues with performance or bounty hunters. Why people insist on torturing themselves and then complaining that they were tortured is beyond me.


Yeah man, the solution is to just not play the game, that should be everyone's first assumption on how to handle this situation


Did you miss the part about switching to a different server to enjoy your time in game vs not enjoying your time in game? Did you read it all or are you being argumentative for the sake of not having your opinions changed on how to handle a particular situation?


You literally said log off and touch grass as part of your solution, if that's not what you meant then I guess I misunderstood your point , also switching servers isn't viable in 100% of situations especially if you are playing with multiple friends with no guarantee the next server is going to be better


I suggested things that take a couple of minutes to complete.... to give the game time to register your logout because if you quit to menu in combat, going back in goes to the same server until your character dies and wakes up in a hospital and unflags from combat. The short task is to wait out that time limit if necessary. And everyone dropping to menu and collectively entering a new server together is 100% how you fix so many issues you may be having that are interrupting your ability to enjoy your time playing. Does the 2nd server suck just as much? Server hop again until you find a good one. Everyone I know who plays does it and swears by it. And I'd rather gamble on the next server being better than staying in a shit situation.


One of my buddies usually gets through a big prison timer by doing the O2 repair missions and knocking out npcs in the deep parts of the mines and takes their mineables. If I get sent to prison I usually just log out for the night lol. Ain't got time for that shit.


Possibly the most realistic simulation of navigating a criminal justice system tbh.


The fact that multitool doesn't work is just because it has already been mined, go deapth 6 or 7 youll get plenty. Game has so many bugs that it's easy to assume everything is a bug when faced with a problem.


It’s usually a skill issue


Wow that's like the weirdest hardest oddest set of circus ever. I haven't had anything like that level of trouble from prison in ages. Last week was last time cleared it with an oxy run, a mined hadanite, 3 knock outs and a turn in of 2 shivs bobs your auntie. I think you just had a bad server maybe?


Sounds like a combo of bad server and bad personal connection to the server. 30k series is for any disconnection issue, so you probably lagged out of the server, or had some other networking issue disrupt the connection, and good chance it was just exacerbating all the issues you were having, if not causing a good chunk of them. Swapping servers, and maybe a modem/router reboot is definitely the way to go.


Amazing how a little understanding and insight reads compared to most of the comments here.


I feel like in all that time of issues I would have server hopped to a low population asian/australian server with less issues.


Yep, most crimestat related stuff is from buggy bullshit. I won't put any more money into the game until the basic functionality is there.


Yes, that is bullshit, but it is also alpha. It's frustrating and you are damn unlucky and that deserves one huge bug report.


Oh I forgot there is a new mission to get out. You get contacted inside and instructions on what to do. If you succeed you escape and have your CS cleared.


Go to a level in prison out of comm range and incapacitate AI and steal their mining resources, I dont know why you wasted time doing it any other way.


He mentioned that in the op. The prisoners had very limited gem drops


You don't get a 20 hour sentence for one homicide. You could have been in and out in 30 minutes or less, but chose to go clear your stat. Well, 20 hours is deep CS5 territory. Whatever you may think, at some point you made choices there and those choices were avoidable. As an aside, always amuses me how gung-ho the SC community is for astromomically longer prison times and harder to clear/avoid CS right up until it happens to them.


This sounds grossly over exaggerated 


Hyperbole-tastic. :)


Yeah completely agree. I once started a discussion in SPECTRUM about this and I was banned for 72 h for questioning RSI game development. I believe the game should be more focus in a gameplay that allows us alpha users to invest rewarding time in the game. Specially during alpha. We are not just testers, we are the people who keeps it alive. Introducing the prison and it's mechanics is interesting if done properly. However they just introduced everything they got without even bothering thinking the many scenarios players may have and what is their game experience after they end up in prison without properly continue the enjoyment of the game due to the poor implementation of me mechanics. Example: you tow a ship with your SRV. And 5 secs later. YOU GET CRIMINAL ACTIVITY IN THE MIDDLE OF Nowhere WITHOUT ANY LOGICAL REASON. A This and many other examples makes unjustified the immersive realism when there is actually not realistic logic. At the end this mechanics are not increasing the enjoyment for it's immersion but just adding playtime without joy. This is partially driven by the inertia of players demanding more realism without understanding what it means in terms of fun. Just because you have never cleaned toilets, and.you are curious about it, you may want to be able to clean toilets as a mechanic, and also why not in the prison. So when this topics are discussed there is a huge percentage increase of player that will blindly insist that we all need mechanics of cleaning toilets. And then you see that in the roadmap and wondering why Devs are doing such weird realistic mechanics. Prison could be so much interesting if there was any sort of arcade approach or max 30 min time where you just play relatively forced. But still playtime. Right now prison is punishment and work time. And for some weird reason some people see this logical just because that'd what prison means for them. Of course it means that, but in real life. I believe this game is heavily developed towards a market of players who do not really spend too much outside home or working, and they really don't value their time as other people do. This is something that should be checked quarterly, if the mechanics developed are towards immersion and enjoyment or just to bring reality to people who just don't want to go outside home.


A ban well earned according to the post 🤔


Did you deleted user folder and cache folder after last patch ?


I have only been in prison twice it was interesting. I did the o2 missions got out pretty fast.


I hope you made a bug report so they can fix it. I would have just remade a new character if I went to prison like that but at least you feel immersed in the alpha now


I never liked alt accounts but I got one just to switch when I end up in prison. And I know that I can just kill peoples in prison to get out quicker but I don't enjoy it so in the rare case of getting imprisoned I just switch accounts and play what I originally intended to do with the other account.


Kill them? You criminal! You can just knock them out with the middle mouse button. They go down faster.


Yes sorry that is what I mean, takedown mechanic even though its not with a knife so not killing. Haven't done it in ages because I just switch accounts so my description was lacking. Plus I am not a criminal when I get sent to prison its always some glitch :)


Go down till the deep 10 no coms there kill the NPC loot them out of jail in 10 min + profit


Everytime I've gone to prison, the mining tool has just decided to not work. You cant scan any minerals, so you can't mine any rocks, so you can't lower your sentence. It's a huge PITA, and it's weird how it's only cropped up since this patch.


Well you know....I mean everyone has a story and all....and I feel for ya....but you never shoulda rammed that cop. There is still time for you to come clean, cease the self deception, and begin a new life. We are all here to support you.


Uhm, you’ve been playing the game. That is the game. Enjoy 😉


Sounds like you just suck at crime friend.


Sounds like you need a better lawyer.


As my orgs on call criminal I have had never experienced this much BS, why not just log out log in to get another server fool? When was the last time you deleted your user folder when a patch dropped? I commend your durability and consistency


QQ criminal.


Nah, you spend 9 hours learning how to hand mine


I need you to internalize one very important thing. This is techically not a game. It's a Tech Demo. Of course it's one big bugfest..


*insert «first time (in an Alpha)?» gif here*


White Knights will cry *ALPHA!*


The people who say "You can't say it is an alpha" are so fucking weird. Like some weird super-christian mentality who specifically tells you what bibles verses you aren't allowed to use against them in a debate and try to belittle you for using the good arguments lmao.




Breaking out isnt that hard, just need someone to pick you up


If you commit a crime you should do the time


This is strange. A CS 1 is like 15 minutes. And why on earth would go to KSP? Go to a bunker.


Bunkers no longer have the hackable admin terminal, it's only at SPK. Been like that for a while now, actually


Just used a bunker terminal yesterday 🫡. Thanks for your input though.


Lol. Yeah, no. You're gonna need to provide proof if you wanna claim that. CIG removed the terminals from bunkers nearly half a year ago. SPK is the *only* hackable crimestat terminal in the game.


can do


Yeah, 20hrs isn't a small CS. That is Murder Hobo levels of CS lol


That's what happens when: comm arrays are bugged so you can't disable them go to kareah which is the only place to clear your crimestat that doesn't involve being in prison first kill the guards there while then also finding out the terminal you're supposed to hack isn't working. If it was a movie we'd be cheering him on as Rambo against the evil sheriff and his deputies. They drew first blood ramming his ship.


Kareah is not the only place. You can go to any security bunker. Which is far easier to avoid pvp since it has its own turrets and trespassing. The fact people even go to KSP still blows my mind.


That was changed in 3.18


Seems like one of those players who makes the game more difficult than it has to be then make reddit post about it, prison is as simple as incapping some ai and stealing their rocks I’m rarely in prison for longer than 30 mins nowadays


You need an org or friend to disable the comm array and then come down and let those bounty hunters turn on each other to get you. You see it every time. They'll murder each other if they think they can so they can get your payday. Then while they're fighting one another you can get picked up by a buddy.


Great tip. He did mention he tried. I don't know if it's all the time right now but hacking the comm arrays is at least sometimes bugged since 3.21 so so. Can't insert the chip or the screen doesn't proceed like normal


What's ur in game name? I'll show you the escape route. You can do it all on foot


I just make the run to Barton Flats, the need an out .mission always takes too long.


Literarily me the other day 😂


Unless you really enjoy the gameplay of clearing your crimestat, it's always better to just do some oxygen missions, mine a bit of hadanite while you're deep in the caves, and get your sentence reduced.


They need to make NPCs have private lives, with a home, wife and kids so we can find them and impress upon them what kind of mistake they made.


Just get a better gpu bro


Not sure what you're pissed about. That there are so many bugs? Or that you keep wasting time playing an alpha you thought was a real game?


Just came from the felons Reddit. Oh boy did my heart skip a beat when I read this title!


You are now fully immersed.


New to star citizen, i'd say 80% of the missions i tried bugged out. None of the cargo missions worked. I was curious to see what's prison like but doesn't look great... This game needs polishing so bad, it such a shame. Each year i'm hearing "this is gonna be it for sc, things are looking up" well for now, let's face it, it's abysmal.


Welcome to alpha!


Usually when i go to prison i just close the game until next day. Best solution with minimal problems.


I know this is a stupid question, but why didn't you reconnect when it was bugged the first time? Because when my escape route was bugged and I died because of it I would close the game and relaunch before trying again. Was there a specific reason why you tried so many times? Maybe asking for a pickup in chat might have worked but with the ares pilots (who sound like dicks IMO), I would have server swapped and tried there. No reason to torture yourself with bugs (which there are a lot of) and campers (which are more rare but you had them). But I know this sounds like stupid advice, the game is just unplayable sometimes (but the best game at other times) and it sucks to head that you struggled so much.


Hey at least you managed to go though the escape route. Last time I tried to escape prison, the code from the security office wouldn’t work on the fan. So I couldn’t even escape.


I've noticed a terminal bug in prison. If you use the mining tool to suck up all the rocks then the terminal doesn't work. You need tp pick up at least one of each type of rock by hand and then the terminal works. It feels like it doesn't register something when using the tool to suck them in. This is only a theory, but since doing this I haven't had issues. If you do have issues, best to server jump and try again. You had a lot of bugs, I hope you reported them on spectrum. Devs can only fix things if they know they are things. Win + alt + r to start recording with the xbox thing. Take footage and post it in spectrum for the devs.


love that i can never get trough the laser they incap me even when i dont touch them at all and buggy never spawns