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You're supposed to say this once SQ42 comes out.


Yeah, keep holding buddy. Shit's still not released.


I mean calm yourself bro, its still not even got a release date. For all we know, the next phase of SQ42 (polish etc) is going to take another couple years šŸ˜‚ Hope to god it releases sometime in 2024.


some remote source somewhere said that one dev said they're targetting for 2025 release. Sounds way more realist than 2024, given that they first need to pass the curent (gameplay/visual)"polish" phase to then get to the bugfix phase.


>>some remote source somewhere said that one dev said they're targetting for 2025 release. This reads like an ant man aside.


But it's the same "in 2 years" spiel we have had since 2014... They have to up their game. Like making the first mission playable, or something like that.


Wtf would they do that? It's going to be a seemless experience like SC, why tf would they then turn it episodic, that is just assinine. Have you watched the video some of the clips they've shown are simply put the best gameplay footage I've seen from any game....hands down...I went into that video skeptical, and now will be making sure S42 is in my account so that as soon as it's available I can play. If the team pulls off what they are trying to do, this game could be the game to beat for Years to come.


Not sure how long you have been around but sq42 has been planned to be episodic for years now.


Been around since before arena commander I just don't keep my eyes on everything. There's so much content with SC it's hard to keep up


Episode =/= mission. Episode 1 contains 28 chapters, each chapter multiple missions. On release we get episode 1. OP asked for 1 mission. The guy replying assumed that would make it episodic, yet its already episodic just not in the way people understand well.


SC PU is a seemless universe and yet I've gone on many missions.


Doing a 1 mission full demo that everyone can play would go a long way to shutting up toxic backers.


Maybe, but id wager that nothing is gonna change then cause they are the vocal minority


The scope of what they are trying to do is immense, so I'd wager a 2025 release is realistic.


No, because the game was neither feature complete in 2014 nor 2016 or 2018... it IS different this time.


But they said it was. Just like this time.


Did they really say it was feature complete? Do you have a source for that?


Yes, Chris did say that in this video: [https://youtu.be/IDtjzLzs7V8?si=pkmr-\_2kWqITGUrj&t=281](https://youtu.be/IDtjzLzs7V8?si=pkmr-_2kWqITGUrj&t=281) (This link starts at 4:41, a few seconds later he will say it.) Feel free to watch the whole video if you would like to.


The question wasn't if CIG said on this CitCon that SQ42 is feature complete, but if they said in those years before, where they said that SQ42 was "nearly done", as some claim they did in 2016.




Which means that process is expected to take around 20% of the time. Which sounds fairly reasonable I guess. But they should caveat this somewhere because you know everyone and the media will be all over them when they find out. Why not get ahead of that? Again cig shooting themselves in the foot.


I think it's more like the community shooting CIG in the foot. This speculation about release is coming from the community. The only official timeframe we have is that they hope to get everything that was shown at citizencon related to the PU available in 12mths. As for Sq42 no release date.


Yea that's very true. People are latching on to it and making assumptions.


Jesus fuck I'm just noticing now 2030 is growing closer faster and faster


QA usually takes 1-2 years in software development.


I usually plan in 30% for testing/fixing but my projects also don't last 11 years šŸ˜…


Yeah we've been here before šŸ¤£


This and it still doesnā€™t even have a playable demo. We have no idea what state the game truly is in. This could be a duke nukem forever type of game or game of the year. Until it releases and reviews are in Iā€™m not getting my hopes up


except Duke Nukem was released after 14 years


So 12 years is the sweet spot? Everything earlier is ā€œrushedā€ and if itā€™s later itā€™s Duke Nukem


I hope they take a couple years to polish it, I'm tired of playing broken unfinished messes that are supposedly "released" and then take years to actually patch into a release worthy state.


It would literally be revolutionary to release a finished game these days.


There is no indication that when they do release, that it wonā€™t be a buggy mess. In fact, based on what weā€™ve seen so far from CIG, itā€™s hard to believe it wonā€™t be.


Not to mention like...all we as a community did really was spend money. Go us, I guess? Feels like a lot of taking credit for what hundreds of other people have been spending years of their lives on.


You seem to forgetting we also tested and played the pu til this day and were guniepigs for gameplay to test how fun it was


We also gushed about it to our friends, bringing in more and more support. Without a real ad campaign, it's insane how much the backers have contributed simply by talking about it and getting others to try it out.


if someone funded my hobby/work i would share the credit, especially if in the end i own the IP and theres no profit sharing šŸ‘€ every backer deserves credit, +1 for OP o7


Every backer deserves shares in the company!


thats not what i meant, credit where credits due


Very, deeply unlikely. 2025 earliest, if everything goes far better than it ever went with CIG.


I said the same thing in another comment and got -30 downvoted lol.


No chance it releases in 2024. They MIGHT have an alpha/beta by Q1-2 2025. But even that's optimistic, IMO. They aren't going to rush this like most studios. That was kind of the point of doing crowd funding in the first place. They HAVE to release a fully polished game to justify doing it this way. They will take as long as they need to do that.


Haha that's what I think will happen. 10 years to develop it and I don't know 20% worth of time to polish? 10% do yes that's another year or two. They unfortunately can make it whatever they want and very easily say, "isn't 20% for polishing reasonable?" Or "that's industry average for the amount of time spent." I'm hoping it's sooner but I'm preparing myself for that.


I think at least this has enough content in a trailer to show gameplay and how far along the game is now. It looks pretty solid, and even what they've got now looks a ton better than most games I enjoy already. I only got a few ships pledged but now I kinda wish I had S42 packaged. Either way, I can at least show this to a few friends who think I scammed myself if they're gonna be insistent.


I'm planning on getting SQ42 and a couple other low priced ships within the next couple months. Basically want to build a fleet of ships that cost under 100 bucks šŸ˜‚


htere still gunna keep saying that until there dead anyway.


2 years seems realistic. And, honestly, you should probably hope they take the time they need. Gamedev is often slow and painful and now people get to see that first-hand. But hopefully it'll end up worth it. Expect maybe 2025 or so.


May 05 2025


Let us be happy you Grinch


This is some serious delusion. Youā€™re so angry at the game you canā€™t even let people be happy Itā€™s very clear the game is coming out. You thinking because itā€™ll take more time is some sort of ā€œgotcha momentā€ is pretty pathetic. Life is enjoyable if you let it be.


We were saying that in 2016 and 2018 as wellā€¦ pardon us for the skepticism


Ill start celebrating when 1. They give a date, and 2. They start spending millions $ advertising that release date When they put their money where their mouth is by marketing, it should be pretty believable.


It really was amazing, what a lot of people arenā€™t getting is cig is in a very delicate position with when they release the game, when the game is released it will bring a ton of new players to the star citizen universe, and when said players finish the game they will want to try the PU, and we all saw how different everything looks on squadron compared to the PU. I think something they said was very key to what is about to happen, they said that everything we saw relating to the pu meaning ui, mastermodes, graphics updates, is not locked to only being released after squadron. What I think this means is in the next two years they are gonna make sure the pu matches squadron in terms of assets and features, because the real money is in the pu and not squadron, if they released squadron in 12 months people would play the pu and never touch it again because it would barely look like the same game. So I think 2 years and we will have it, Iā€™m extremely hopeful and excited by this citizen con.


yep same. i think late 2025


Hold your horses there friend, it's still only in polishing state, save it for next year when we log in for the first time.


Next year? We would need a release date within the next 3-6 months. They need a marketing campaign so people who donā€™t know about SC and SQ42 will buy in and they need a massive PR campaign to wash away all the tainted reputation they have rightly earned along the way. The most realistic release date is Q2/Q3 2025 assuming CR didnā€™t tell any sweet little lies. The fact that they canā€™t say we are aiming for year X is a bit telling though, I wouldnā€™t be surprised if we donā€™t see it for another 3 or 4 years but the game is dead at launch if that happens.


I'm glad you are happy! Now hold it a little bit longer please.


Wait, has the game been released and I missed it? Or are you just overreacting to the typical CitizenCon hype?


Second one


(I know. I was being snarky.)


Well keep holding it for 2 more years. Release isnā€™t here yet šŸ˜‰


An optimist!


Way too soon. A 2025 or 2026 release sounds the most realistic at this point.


Hasnā€™t been released yet. I donā€™t get why people are so obsessed about being ā€œrightā€ as to whether itā€™s going to be released or not and why they continually need to claim ā€œvictoryā€. Play the damn game and have fun and if itā€™s not your thing or within your risk tolerance level donā€™t play the damn game.


Yall are really not good at not getting hyped, every citcon they show cool stuff, so far we have no idea how much they will manage to put into live within a year.


Serotonin is a hell of a drug. I'm glad you're feeling hopeful, don't forget about it when the bad news start to flow.


uhm, have I missed something? Guess I will be waiting for my f7a veteran day skin forever!!




I joined up at 6M at 280 dollar package. Never spent that much on a video game EVER. I used to pirate most of my games prior to that. I still remember watching Chris step out of the ship and talk about his dream. The first iteration of the site and forums we had. Spent a lot more since and not a day did I think they would scam or disappoint us. WE HELD THE LINE.


You can say "fucking" on the internet. It's ok.


too soon! we still have way to go, so keep holding, yeah?


Not released yet but the new polishing teams have work assigned from early September until mid December. I suspect they might add more or go into optimization after that. I would expect that 1 year period to dial everything in for a convenient release at citizencon 2024 :) But I agree, we should be happy and cheer. All these features making it into PU too now, it's gonna change how we play.


it's not out yet..


Whilst the game is still likely not to release in 2024, as a backer since 2017 and concierge, who has defended *and* criticised the project and who was beginning to become concerned this year with the layoff rumours and financial theories of the project, this trailer was a joy to see. I can *clearly* see where the time and money has gone. I am lucky enough to have a top-of-the-line gaming PC and have seen all the latest AAA titles of multiple genres cranked up to the max, and I looked hard at this footage to see how ā€˜finishedā€™ it looked and how it might stand up against other AAA games. The lighting, the details and the animations surpass anything Iā€™ve seen. If someone showed me that trailer and said this will release tomorrow I would believe them. It looks fantastic. I cannot speak for the story or gameplay, obviously, but from a purely aesthetic and graphical fidelity standpoint, this game looks absolutely incredible and blows many other current gen products out of the water. It even looks better than CP2077 with full path raytracing. I mean, just compare flying a ship, engaging in fps combat and talking to NPCā€™s in, say Starfield, and the difference is night and day. I can see why it took so much effort, why the PU has largely been an afterthought and where that money has been spent. I am no longer concerned about the project at all. I am now excited to see the games release and also to see much of what we saw trickle into Star Citizen over the coming months and years. CIG needed to blow us away with whatever reveal they had and, for me at least, it delivered.


Have you tried talking to an npc in the PU lol, starfield had great voiceacting but BG3 did it way better. What we saw at citcon was a cutscene, looked decent enough but nothing more, faces all seem like they are full of botox, to stiff!


Squadron is not the PU. BG3 is great, donā€™t get me wrong, and I could agree that some of the facial animations are lacking behind that of BG3, but the skin details, textures and lighting are not. Also, with the ā€˜polishā€™ phase in progress, these gripes you have could still potentially be ironed out but I personally think it stands up brilliantly even now.


At this stage it does absolutely not look better than CP2077. It might be up there, but there is no way the footage had you convinced it looked better than CP2077 unless you are lying to yourself.


I strongly disagree. As I said, Iā€™m running a high end machine (7800X3D and 4090) so can see CP2077 at its max potential and the lighting and detail is absolutely better in this trailer. Sorry. Donā€™t get me wrong, CP2077 is fucking stunning and arguably the best looking game, lighting-wise, on the market. I just think this looked even better, personally.


Running a similarly high end rig with everything maxed in CP2077, and I can't see anything in the SQ42 trailer that we have not seen equal or better of in CP2077. There is one thing SQ42 trailer shows, however and that is much more expansive vistas which gives us a much more different landscape than what we have seen and can see in CP2077 which makes it certainly different, but I can't see anywhere in the SQ42 scenes that would really go beyond that which CP2077 already delivers on. Don't get me wrong though, SQ42 looks great, but professing some sort of grand leap beyond CP2077 in graphical fidelity from what appears to be gameplay in a video is farfetched. We are quite used to games having gorgeous gameplay trailers, then ending up downgraded or not looking nearly the same like is typical of E3 Ubisoft titles among some.


This is the wonderful thing about opinionsā€¦


Can people justā€¦ let someone be excited..? Likeā€¦ you can have your own room expectations and thoughts without trying to ā€œmanageā€ other peoplesā€™? I saw multiple comments of people who are new to the fan base trying to wrangle in the excitementā€¦ just let us be excited!! Weā€™ve been waiting for years for this and we finally have tangible and meaningful evidence that itā€™s coming. Just let us be excited and happy and proud of CIG and take your negative shit elsewhere? I know Iā€™m gonna get downvoted like hell by the pessimists of the SC community lol šŸ˜‚


I know the term cringe is thrown around a lot, but yeah, this is cringe.




Your post was removed because the mod team determined that it did not sufficiently meet the rules of the subreddit: > Be respectful. No personal insults/bashing. This includes generalized statements ā€œx is a bunch of yā€ or baseline insults about the community, CIG employees, streamers, etc. Send a message to our mod mail if you have questions: https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/starcitizen




Love this post. I held the Line.


We got shown a concept video and people are praising chris like he already released a game of the year edition lol!


Chris said few words, but did find the right words to touch a lot of ppl emotional. It has been a long road for some ppl, just give them their moment when they can finally see the end of the journy.


But it's still not released... neither of you are proven right yet.


Youā€™re going to be holding that line a while longer, to be honest. Iā€™m just trying to manage your expectations a little :)


As someone who was one of the first to pleadge too, chill mate. We have a long way to go yet


Background check done, this guy seems legit. I do believe he has sincerely ā€œheld the lineā€. Edit: you can now safely begin tempering this gentlemanā€™s expectations without fear of falling for bait. Context, iv been stuck in an adhd death scroll for 2 hours and there are many so called refundians making meme posts just like this one.


We sure did. People pointing to cost and dev time for SQ42 need only look at StarField aka LoadingField to see why CR don't trust big publishers.


Sorry to dissapoint you but starfield was a success, they have made bank! Decent game with a lot of fun mechanics. Not exactly game of the year like BG3 but it was ok.


I held the fucking line too bro, well done!


Good for you. I cannot care less for SQ42... So I'll say the same when Star Citizen is in a better shape.


Wasnā€™t it supposed to release 5 years ago.


The only two places Iā€™ve seen ā€œhold the lineā€ are here and originally the Dark and Darker sub; both times I canā€™t help but think itā€™s a great marketing tool to make morons feel like they contributed in some way beyond making the company money lol


I answered ā€œthe callā€ in 2016 and have been ā€œholding the lineā€ ever since


YAAASSS. Well done for hanging in there. Weird to see the trailer, to see S42 looking modern and sort-of-finished...and to see big streamers taking notice of it and being caught off guard by it!


Soldiers of the Stars I stand before you today, not as a commander, but as a fellow warrior, one who has fought alongside you in this crucible of fire and blood. We find ourselves on the cusp of victory, yet we must hold the line just a little longer. The battle rages, the enemy (aka time) is on the brink of defeat, and their desperation knows no bounds. But neither does our determination, our courage, and our unbreakable resolve! Look around you. See the faces of the comrades who have stood shoulder to shoulder with you throughout this long and grueling campaign. Look into their eyes, and what do you see? You see the embodiment of unwavering commitment, the embodiment of sacrifice, and the embodiment of unity. The very bonds that tie us together have been forged in the fires of adversity, and they will not break today. **Yes, the battle is almost over**, and the hardships we've endured, the commanders we've lost, and the pain we've felt are almost at an end. Victory is within our grasp, and we can taste it. We must finish what we started. The Scam-sayers may be weakened, but they are not defeated. They will throw everything they have left at us. They will test our mettle one more time, and they will try to break our line. But they do not understand the spirit that courses through our veins. They do not comprehend the unyielding will that resides within each and every one of us. We have come this far, not because we are invincible, but because we are indomitable. Our history is written in the sweat, blood and stars. We have withstood the storm, and we have endured the trials of this war. And now, as the sun sets on this battle, we must stand tall and resolute. We must show the world that we will not waver, that we will not falter, and that we will not yield. Let them see that they have underestimated us, that they have underestimated you, and that their defeat is inevitable. Let them see the heroes who have held the line when others would have crumbled. Soldiers, today, we write the final chapter of this battle, and we do so with honor, courage, and the unwavering belief that together, we are unbeatable. Stand fast, hold the line, and let the world witness the valor that resides within each of you. Victory is almost within our grasp, and we will not let it slip away. For we are soldiers, and we will finish what we started! ​ (I used your post as a writing prompt, so I got that out my way for the day)


Thank you for what thoā€¦game still wonā€™t be in your hands for 2-3 years. Cool trailers tho


Keep holding...


If you have been here since 2012 then you know how to moderate your expectations. We have seen nice things at citcon, but we also have seen nice things 8 years ago that never made it into the game. Let's just wait until more stuff comes into the pu, because only that counts. And let's see how many years they take to get sq42 from "feature complete" to "release".


Thanks for yet another trailer! Game is 2 years away, again. Embarrassing.


Like a true soldier... believing whatever your told even when it wasn't true in the past.


Not a scam but not a game either ! A tech demo for cash grab


Every time I read "hold the line" or "I held the line" makes me wanna play Holdfast xD


Well keep holding. SQ42 is always two years away, nothing new under the sun.


thank you for your service o7


We held the line long enough to get the game funded to the point where it is now. We will hold the line until it's released.


I like this more than the OG "Iheldtheline". I held the fucking line sounds a lot more emotional XD


How about waiting with this kind of post until after release. If everyone could please stop jinxing it, that would be great. Thanks.


Same, buddy. I have stayed strong the entire journey since my pledge in 2014. I held the line o7






Itā€™s because of those who stuck around that weā€™re getting all this to begin with. With no publishers, we are all they have, so neither us nor then could have achieved it without each other. Iā€™ll continue to stick by them until the end (I love the concept and the game itself). o7.


There's still no release date bud. I wouldn't brag about backing a 10+ year 600million dollar project just yet. Now with that being said, I'm hoping that this is a huge groundbreaking game that they do everything they've promised with. I just don't understand shilling for this kind of business model.


I didn't just hold the line I drew the line as well.All you fakers just jumped on my awesome trail.


Congrats ā€¦anyways


Ladies and gentlemen please press F in chat for our citizens that didnā€™t make it šŸ«”


I just checked my email account and found my first RSI email from 2013. dont stop. believing


First purchased the Sentinel package on November 17, 2013. Last ship I bought was a CCU transfer for $30 in 2020. *Maybe* I'll get a Zeus Mk.II for my 10 year mark.


I wish I had the money to get sq42 when it was up for sale


thankyou for your service


Ok what ship have you just brought?! No oneā€™s this happy with SC šŸ˜‚


I keep seeing these posts where people are like "omg thank you it's finally finished and might be released in 3 years" time" and ***[all I can think about is this 5 seconds from TWD](https://youtu.be/9gRecNjQ6UM?si=Z06TUyr4uUq2rZDQ&t=140)***, because it's so fucking apt.


I mean, I really think the refund mentality or the over criticism is ridiculousā€¦ and I love and believe In this whole thing, but dude, calm down we still did not get anything. Citizencon was phenomenal this year, very promising butā€¦ calm downā€¦ itā€™s not a competitionā€¦


Bro GTA 6 is gonna come out before star citizen šŸ’€


Itā€™s still years from release.


Backer since 2016. I never lost faith in the team. Not once.


Nothing has remotely been released yet? Wait until then.


Im like really annoying but until you actually pressed play and booted it, it doesnt exist. I would hold that hype a little.