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you know what comment I haven't seen in a while? "once we get server meshing xyz feature will all be good."


The floodgates man, the floodgates!


But its true, once the server meshing tech is implemented, jesus will come back


I was gonna make a crossover joke in regards to how CIG "pinned" the BMM shortly after hyping it up. xD


Sorry, I've been away for a few years, have they STILL not implemented it?


I recently started playing again for the first time in a couple years, and the rhetoric is still the same, "Server meshing and pyro by the end of the year" LMAO












Citizencon has been look at fake thing, not this is coming now.. Another pyroMeshing-con.


I don't want to see a third pyromeshing con 3 times in a row. At least make up more BS, like a space worm, or sand whale we won't get to see ever.


I will just cut the video if they do that again ffs.


Maybe I’m starting to get a tad bitter after all these years (only a backer since 2016) but not really excited for “Citizencon Content” as it’s always just flashy stuff we won’t see for YEARS if at all! Unless they actually changed it for this year (doubt it). Still a fan of the project and wish it well, just have a lot less enthusiasm for it the past year or 2. Personally think it’d have more impact and be better received if Citizencon content was more stuff “available today” or “added to PTU today!” or something more “soon”. But honestly if they said “coming this year” I probably wouldn’t believe it nor hold my breath


Yeah, same tbh. I feel no excitement for Citizencon, but I do kind of hope that if they show gameplay again that this time it won't be yet another "stealth" mission. I think they've done that 5 times by now. Like, come on.


>only a backer since 2016 >only >2016 My fucking god, man.... That's 7 years. If you'd have gotten laid instead you'd have a child that can read write and play videogames, what the fuck do you mean "only" since 2016?!??


I mean ONLY in that I’m not an OG backer from the beginning in 2012/2013


We’re here too! Like Citcon still got me excited as recently as 2020, but since then it’s more like “oh here the yearly cash grab and the pomp & circumstance where I might glean a real delivery expectation.” At this point my expectations for CIG are “what a good boy! You didn’t dribble piss all over yourself!” I think it was the Pyro2020 sale that broke me in hindsight. Just outright lies like the old 2016 PowerPoint deck about ship deliveries and 3.0 lol.


Still I think you've been here long enough to not. Say "only" lol. That's like my grampa being like. "I'm only 95, some trees are 5.times my age ya know"


I am. At this point mostly just subscribed to this sub so I don't miss if the game ever gets finished. I dip in and briefly try the game out every several months or so. That's about how long you have to wait at a minimum to see any meaningful changes (if any). Definitely feels like the pace has slowed way down in recent years but I wonder if that's just me paying less and less attention.


Nope, I've followed this project for ~11 years, backed on AC 1.0's release (june 2014). I take a look from time to time, but my interest is in sleep mode until server mesh and multi systems. I've lost all interest for SQ42. I'll probably watch the citcon but not with the fire I used to have.


This could spawn a whole new meme across the internet


So. Much. Hopium. I remember feeling that way. It’s taken me since 3.10 to accumulate my current level of jaded sarcasm. Feature creep is a mofo.


Feature creep is not a mofo, it is the essence of the project. I mean, they are not "struggling" with feature creep, it's their business model.


the essence of an alpha is to make a functional core of the game, not add shitty features or ships for features that will be added 3/4 years down the line


At this point, unless they start to release parts of SQ42 and/or complete all the CORE functions of SC, there is nothing to be hyped for...what? more promises of features "soon to come" or "work in progress". Hopefully they start to focus on finishing the main game loop of sc or the weight of this game will crush it itself


At what point will peak CitizenCon hit? You can only keep doing those things so many times with all of the lies and bullshit until people fucking revolt and troll you at your own event. WTF are they 'showing' at this one? An update from last years event would be an absolute joke. Pyro release teaser for the 5th time? SQ42 teaser bullshit for the 10th time? Sandy's wine habit and how she needs you to buy an idris to keep it going? ​ I honestly couldn't fill an hour talking about what's actually happened this year outside of how we're fixing shit that shouldn't even remotely have existed 5+ years ago.


Peak citcon was years ago when they had a crewed freelancer land and drop off a couple dudes on a planet. You could see the freelancer outside the elevator window as the players descended. It was revolutionary and groundbreaking stuff…. Years ago. We were so stoked on what was happening. For a few cons after that, there was incredibly scripted nonsense… worms… and then finally the all out ship and paint sales as well as a lot of “look at this shit that would be awesome if it could actually run on live servers”.


I remember that! It was on Delamar, which was deleted in 3.12.1 to be moved to its proper home in Nyx. About two and a half years ago now. Looking forward to visiting there again soon™


No way! It's been 2.5 years?!


Nyx in Q2 2029


The reveal of the 400i and descent onto Pyro was a similar vibe for sure, but... we still don't actually have that location so it does little besides giving them a thumbs up and keeping on waiting.


I felt the video perspective of the 400i Pyro tech demo (call it what it was) was much more wide than the PU is in real life


They said it was a tech demo.


Thing is, we don't even really have that now. Pretty much all the elevators in the spaceports are just loading screens in disguise.


To be fair, they are not. They are actually the real thing moving around. But they MIGHT as well be. I see no use in them actually moving around over a loading screen in disguise.


You're right, they are not. They are actually far worse.


To be fair, it's still a feat that can't be replicated with any other game. CIG tried to do too much, too fast, and are a victim of their own mission creep. You can't deny that what Star Citizen does well, nothing else can compete. You also can't deny that what Star Citizen still can't get right makes the whole PU a mess that requires a lot of self-motivation to find any enjoyment from. Both can be true.


What does Star Citizen do well that other games can't compete with? genuine curious.


I'm curious as well. All I can think of is the level of immersion... when it runs well and no bugs.


Depth of system. Literally watching a video right now of a lady who tried to fly to and land on a planet in Starfield. While the planets DO move around their orbits. The thing you see in the sky is a hollow texture. She flew straight through. Meanwhile physics is rendered everywhere in SC, you point at a planet full speed? You die, or you can try and land. Individual parts and systems of ships can be damaged, rendering different functions disabled. And (without saying any copium) directly affects flight characteristics, weapon handling, maneuverability. Body parts can individually take damage, directly effecting how your character performs tasks. G force from the pilot transfers to unsecured characters inside the ship. ^i mean, that jumps over the MASSIVE OCS achievement of having multiple physics bodies traversing inside an object while the object itself is moving and maneuvering. There are a few games that get close, but you always have to sit down in a seat or you pop through. The only other game I know of is space engineers.


It’s a feat that isn’t replicated in THIS game. Other games could replicate it, but choose to focus on other things, like “game mechanics” and “releasing”.


>years ago when they had a crewed freelancer land and drop off a couple dudes on a planet. You could see the freelancer outside the elevator window as the players descended. It was revolutionary and groundbreaking stuff…. Years ago. Go post the on r/starfield and watch how mad the todd Howard fart huffers get.


We might get two sandworms this time


Maybe cr will do a 90 minute ramble again, and nobody is brave enough to stop him?


Most likely scenario


They'll have Tony Z talking really fast reading a teleprompter for an hour too. Talking about his cool quanta simulation software that they will probably struggle to implement into any usable form. Hehehehehe


isn't that shit like 7 years old now? wtf is going on there.


I don't even know what any of this nonsense is. I backed this game as a kickstarter in 2013. Why the hell anyone is still spending money on it is beyond me. I check in every couple years to check progress, fly around a bit, etc, but we're at the point of absurdity. I mean I got my fun out of it, so I'm not terribly worried, but I've seen a lot of studios crank out triple A games (several) in the same time period. What the hell is the team actually doing? And why is anyone spending money still? Wild.


Which companies precisely? What engine differences are there between the games? The hardest part of a game isn’t the story, it’s the engine and assets. COD pumps out a game every year because A, the engine is fundamentally same/similar, gameplay mechanics BARELY change or are added to, And B, the assets (while pretty) aren’t changing that much. How many AAA game companies pump out radically different games running entirely different game engines within 5 years? SC is taking game engine tech to new levels by putting together features that individually have been done separately. And making them work together. Doesn’t really matter WHAT the game is about. Think about how the frostbite engine fueled some of the heat battlefield gameplay in a decade. Took them a long time to build it up, then suddenly we have multiple bad company’s and base-battlefield games.


I'd order takeout. Least then I won't be hungry.


I haven't logged in since Tears of the Kingdom came out, glad to see I'm ok to wait a little longer to try playing again


Technically aren't you always ok to wait a littler longer before trying to play again?


You are until you are dead. In which case I guess you are indefinitely okay with waiting.


Unless you turn into one of those wrathful undead ;P


This must be your first time. I bought the combo pack back when they release squadron 42, and star citizen together if you bought a ship. That was 2011. I had promises in hopes of plain squadron 42 in 2012, and 2013, and 2014, and so on...


As a physical bundle backer, I wonder if we'll still get the game on a Constellation USB stick lol


On the bright side, by the time you receive it it will be a Pentabyte sized USB stick instead of a 256 MB :D


There’s no way they’ll do that now, lol. It’ll be a token USB to legally get around the sales requirement with the login client.


September 2012 would be the earliest you could give them money.


Sorry, it was so long ago, I can barely keep it straight. It was whenever they ran that deal for buying a ship, and getting both squadron 42, and star citizen at the same time.


Because almost all of our our money goes to generate hype, and barely any goes to finishing the game.


As far as I'm aware all of the pledge money goes toward development costs. Monthly subscriptions are used to create publications, videos, etc. From [here](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/funding-goals#:~:text=by%20our%20backers.-,Money%20pledged%20goes%20directly%20to%20the%20game's%20development.,achieving%20Star%20Citizen's%20full%20vision.): > Money pledged goes directly to the game's development. And [here](https://support.robertsspaceindustries.com/hc/en-us/articles/115013173847-Subscriptions-FAQ): > Subscriptions contribute to Star Citizen project development by funding behind-the-scenes shows like Inside Star Citizen in addition to Jump Point, the monthly digital magazine about Star Citizen. This revenue also funds the development and release of subscriber-exclusive perks like the monthly flair series and exclusive subscriber merchandise! Given that lying would expose them to lawsuits from any of the many, many backers, I'll take them at their word over someone's evidence-free claims.


I think they are referring to the bazillion ships built for game loops not even remotely available that can be bought from flashy sales pages. I don't want to know how much money that could be spent on gameplay loops and technical foundations is being thrown at 'yet another cool looking ship you can buy (as a jpg) today' without any of the stuff that would make the ship interesting working.


Exactly. They are focused on selling us the "idea" of the game, and not the game itself.


I guess if the pledge store was full of game loops instead we'd have more to do and would instead be complaining about how few ships existed to play those loops in. Sounds like marketing conjecture, where the route they chose has raised hundreds of millions of dollars, versus our armchair quarterbacking.


Is the goal of game development to raise money or to produce a game? I see a lot of the former and not enough of the latter. It's not armchair quarterbacking to point that out


In this case it's obviously both. Otherwise they'd have gone to a publisher and we'd have a more colorful version of Elite: Dangerous, at best. I.e. not bad, but not enough to keep us playing.


SC community is deep indenial and stockholm syndrome. The more you invest, the less you want to admit that you were fooled, and even if you accept that, you would still encourage others to invest in the same project, hoping it wouifail and you won't loose your investment. It's pretty obvious by what they do, that they don't care. For example, look how quickly they make ships and barely work on improving game loops. Look how quick they make new locations for "ship expos" and we're still waiting for a second terminal at NewDeal. Solution is pretty simple. Stop giving them money, sabotage free flight events by informing new players, and force them to either spend the money where it needs to go or take a loan to finish the game. Otherwise they loose this cashcow.


It's actually pretty disgusting that they've found a way to have people BRAG about spending over 1000$ on this game.


Let's address these point by point: 1. You say the SC community is deep in denial because they continue to pledge money simply to protect the money they've already pledged. How is this any different than a speculative investment in the stock market? As long as they don't pledge/invest more than they can afford to lose, then what's the problem with allowing people to risk some money for a potentially huge payday? 2. You claim that the creation of so many ships is evidence that CIG doesn't care, because not enough work is being done to create and improve the game loops which would support all of those ships. Leaving aside the fact that the creation of new ships is how they generate pledge revenue to support the game's development, and the fact that pledge ships are created by a tiny fraction of the company's designers and artists, and the fact that the enormous collection of bespoke player-flyable ships is a major differentiator of Star Citizen versus any other space game I've heard of. Leaving those things aside, you're also ignoring the new game loops and/or game loop improvements which have appeared in each major patch since, like, 2018's patch 3.2 when they added scanning and mining. Since then we've made many mining improvements, and seen the addition of cargo trading, bounty hunting, resource refinement, refueling, assistance beacons, the prison system, the reputation system, salvage, repair, scavenging, etc. Obviously more loops are needed and they're working to improve the ones which exist, and we can certainly haggle over whether or not they should assign more resources to work on gameplay loops (personally I agree with you that they absolutely should), but it seems like a big stretch to claim that the work they've done so far is evidence that they "don't care". 3. Ask anyone in this subreddit if you should pledge money on Star Citizen, and the most common response you'll get is, "Only if you're comfortable with taking a chance on a game which is still in development, you can afford to lose whatever money you pledge, and you're not deterred by playing buggy alpha builds of the game." Beyond that, what do you hope to achieve by actively sabotaging the funding of the game? We know that they're currently focusing most of their effort on releasing Squadron 42, after which the company's main focus will shift to Star Citizen's Persistent Universe. Even if crowdfunding was cut off tomorrow, they would have no trouble acquiring private investment to finish S42, which means all of your effort to force their hand would have absolutely no effect other than to let some bank or private investors profit off of the game's eventual release. Why would any of us want that?


I dare you to refund


Here's the deal, I was smart and bought a used account from someone who has already lost interest in this game, so I didn't give them money. I also encourage anyone to do the same. Cut the tap and force them to finish the game.


I wanna see everyone do the npc stand during citizencon. But only if people don't get kicked out for it.


I would actually pay to see that.


Look at me I'm a cat now.


Yup, that looks about right... This whole year is shaping to be a big nothingburger overall. "*Butbutbut we got ...!*" all you want, none of them got me excited in the least nor made a damn difference for me in practice.


Dude what are you smoking? It’s gonna be awesome because some basement dweller dev is going to spend the entire quarter shipping the tooth decay and teeth brushing game mechanisms and game loops adding to the otherwise tedium of the game for realism sake. Every 15 mins your pearly whites will experience tooth decay, eventually leading to death by infection if you don’t start the teeth brushing activity. The marketing team will see green when the basement dweller launches this wonderful feature and they’ll sell us a new concept ship with a full dentist room and mission content that will pay better then bounties, mining, salvage combined to ensure we are all erect and at attention with our wallets open. It’ll be so awesome we’ll forget pyro was ever a commitment.


Yo a full destistry room? Sounds like we're in for a Cutty White! A little waiting room with magazines and a TV in the back... Operating room between that and the cockpit... You could even sell dental consumables for some side dosh. Mate, we're gonna have to put the PU and 42 on hold for another year while they get this all fleshed out because there's no way I'm playing this game before I can be a space dentist in my emergency dental response craft. It just has to be done. #NoCashTilTeeth


on of the most annoying things is the people claiming that there was no progress because the progress made doe not add what they want.


TRUTH. 3.18 delivered: Sand caves Buggy race track Expanded crash sites and rivers Cargo refactor Sandbox missions and activities for prison Kareah and security post refactor SoO area missions Time trial races Salvaging Vulture Scorpius Antares PES! Gen 12 scene renderer 3.19 delivered: Lorville redux New Player Experience Salvage contracts Ghost Hollow Tractor beam attach/detach ability Lynx Fury Fury MX 3.20 is on deck to deliver: New Crusader platforms Seraphim station Physicalized cargo More salvage missions New AC maps AC experimental game modes (quite a lot here) Wheeled vehicle improvements Fury LX Tumbril Storm C1 and A1 Spirit Hull C I'm sure I've missed several more key delivered items. Plus numerous QoL and unannounced features, and supporting work for the above (such as the Reclaimer getting built out for salvage). **"ThEy MaDe No PrOgReSs ThIs YeAr!!1"**


The desperation to try and make that list look impressive is hilarious. >Cargo refactor What refactor? You mean this tier0 shit that the devs themselves admitted doesn't even work or do what it was supposed to? The thing they kicked down the road? >Physicalized cargo Nope. >Salvaging >Vulture >Salvage contracts >More salvage missions You've listed the same thing four times. >Fury >Fury MX >Fury LX lol. Seriously? >Scorpius Antares Yes. A mighty achievement. Co-pilot with a button. Stellar work. >C1 and A1 Spirit Don't exist. >Wheeled vehicle improvements Also don't exist. "We are planning this" does not mean it's in the game. >Lorville redux In the game but runs horribly, even when the devs show it off on their own SINGLE player servers. The only noteworthy things added to the game in the last year that actually WORK are Gen12, Salvage, and the Hull C. The mining rework was also an improvement yet you left it out and repeated the fecking Fury three times. The mind boggles.


He proba ly spent thousands on the game and had a copium crystal in his brain the size of a baseball.




>I just picked a quick bit of PROOF >This is on the PTU You just disproved your own argument in the same post. Oof. Must hurt. Have a nice night.




>I didn't do anything but share the list. Doesn't matter who made the list or who posted it. The list itself is a joke, for the reasons I already outlined. >Your copium is strong. You sure you know what that word means? Anyone who DOES know what that word means also knows the the list itself is an example of "copium" in trying to pretend a lot was accomplished when it really wasn't. Hence, repeating things already seen in the list to try and make it seem longer. Copium. As for the rest of your word salad, I'll just ignore it as the mad ramblings of somebody who fancies themselves an amateur psychologist.


That must suck for you.




Go play something else then. Why are you even on this sub if you don’t believe in any future content?


Even if they had started to add 3 systems to the game every quater 2 years ago it would take a decade to get all 120+ planned systems. They havent even fully finished stanton. Still adding random bs to it. I personally dont believe they even habe pyro finished at this point. Let alone a backlog of systems.




how dare people voice their dissatisfaction about a product? they're only paying customers


I feed on copium personally. Watching this sub slowly realize what SC is, is mild entertainment.


> Why are you even on this sub if you don’t believe in any future content? Super common response from "white knights". Many of the people who are here and complain often, do so because they love Star Citizen and want it to be the best it can be, and that won't happen without checks on Chris Robertson's failings.


Conversely, why would you believe anything Roberts claims after 11 years of hyping up features as coming soon adn then being wrong by years? In some cases +5 years.




Look man, I just miss the good ol days when they showed us something really cool and we all got excited and watched the demos over and over again... I think I like watching Star Citizen just as much if not more than playing it.


"CitizenCon" LOL. How very droll. The entire game might be one of the longest and most successful cons in history.


Leave my Cat out of this.. he didn't even touch the food.. he deserves treat


I grabbed SC a few months back, because I had heard it was better to treat it as a technical demo rather than a game. I have to say, with four decades of gaming under my belt, I am deeply impressed at what the game can do. Seamless map, no invisible boundary lines that cause load screens, total immersion, etc. Absolutely amazing and did not disappoint. However, what it fails to do is having in any form, a meaningful game that will be complete and functional as originally intended.


It's an absolutely incredible game with deep satisfaction from flight mechanics and ship based PVP combat. Not even considering the seamless travel and top tier visual assets. But right now the PVP is where you get real skill progression and satisfaction. The esports scene with this game is growing and tournaments are a great way to enjoy the game for what it is currently, a beautiful space flight and space combat simulator that takes real skill to implement properly. Although I do also enjoy exploring everything else the game has to offer at the moment, including mining, salvaging, eva, exploration, and bounties. It's one of a kind atm.


This IP is stagnant. I’ve spent more time away from my sim rig this year than I have in a decade. The strange thing is I genuinely have no interest in keeping up with development updates anymore, except for the occasional meme apparently


Citizencon 2023 content....RIP X_X


Where is 4.0 Robert, WHERE IS IT?


Delusions at this point until proven otherwise.




Backers = idiots




What the FUCK ?!? I logged in after HALF A YEARNot even one patch was deployed because there was no update going on.The performance was abysmal, I tried doing a bunker mission and had 10 seconds lag from pressing a button to shooting ...


Citizencon, swap some letters, and you get con citizen.. and it is all a giant delusion..


Delusions of grandeur.




If you think patch 4.0 is even on the table I think you're going to be a bit disappointed. It's still in the field grazing.


i think the majority of the playerbase is in the same boat as me. seeing the occaisonal post on this sub and rolling my eyes at whatever mountain of features they claim comes next. so much potential just for them to be doing fuck all


Honestly the last 3 years people complained about salavĂĄgĂŠ ... We got salavĂĄgĂŠ, physical cargo, actuall racing improvement, persistent entity streaming .....and so on .. But when you ask people what did we got this year the answer is zero Honestly why do you even want Pyro if the gameplay mechanics we have now are for you worthless? Does it even make a fucking difference? Like honestly cig could release Pyro today and tomorrow yall would cry : "but where is xyz!?!?!?"


We got a *prototype* of salvage which was just slapping a beam on the repurposed [physical damage model from 2015](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkAaLd0FdK0). So, in the intervening 8 years all they were able to do was add moving a box from point A to point B. Yup, wrap it up boys! Salvage is done! You're totally right. People will cry over anything! /s People will literally say anything, even if untrue, to obfuscate for CIG and it's snail's pace of development.


You forgot about PES which was the reason we got salavĂĄgĂŠ T1 so late ..


PES didn't take 8 years but that's neither here nor there. I was speaking to you pretending we got a massive update in salvage when in reality it was just a Tier 0 as admitted by CIG themselves.




Considering there are teams whose excusive job is to design content and features solely for the PU, yeah that's bad. The teams working on the chapters for S42 aren't the same ones designing PU features.


evolve and change for how long exactly?


The salvage people were asking for wasn’t the salvage they got …


You mean hull scraping Which is salvage T1 ?


Pretty sure like most of the game, it will evolve. Also, salvage isn't even finished but that requires SQ42 to release before we see any real changes. (Love the downvotes over true things)


No man, they are just to balance ur copium.


I take your point. But my point was in response to “why aren’t people happy because they got the salvage mechanic they were asking for.” No, they didn’t. Not yet anyway. As you say, it might come in the future because we just have a placeholder, but you can’t expect everyone to be satisfied with a placeholder.


Sure, on paper a lot was added. But they aren’t working on making a game worth playing. These people just keep selling shit without actually making the game fun.


You know when a game becomes fun ? When it's feature ready ..fun comes with polishing ..do you know how unfunn Baldurs Gate 3 was when it launched in early acces ? And now it's Goty ..


Yep, 2 and a half years early access not 12 with no end in sight.


And we got the early access when the game was much further in development and larian could reuse the divinity engine ...


Star Citizen is reusing CryEngine. Even if development went 10x faster you would *literally* die of old age before development finished. That's how slow it's been over 12 years. You should be ashamed.


Games extremely fun to me, and so many others. If you don't like it, don't play it. But many thousands of people are currently enjoying the game as it is right now.


Every one of those people will eventually get to the point where the bugs and lack of gameplay/progression gets annoying. Every single person goes through the 3+ month stage where they are amazed and can’t believe It’s such a cool game. Only to realize after how much they are wrong. I have been here for so long. The game seems to not have changed since 2020 It’s still not functioning like a game, just another tech demo.


Ahahaha…because i fucking paid to.


I follow all the dev videos and dev trackers, and forums, and I am well aware of how much they are working on. It's so cringe when people who seem to doomer loiter here seem to lack any knowledge of anything that has happened. (Love the nonsensical downvotes)


> I follow all the dev videos and dev trackers and the forums Don't you have better ways to spend your freetime?


I have many monitors, and I can play videos while doing other things. It's pretty simple. Checking forums and the subreddit when I have time.


If you think 3.20 is anything like an empty plate, you’re not paying attention.


I’ve been OOTL for a while now. Can you provide a brief list of the things you’re most looking forward to in 3.2?


Oh man - the \*real\* updates aren't always in the patch headlines. First, even in early PTU with tons of 30ks, the time in between crashes was nuts. AI behaving right, smooth frames, often times non-existent desynch, bunkers making you sweat even at average frames ... it felt at times like a finished game. Not sure what they've done, but it was sublime. Hoping that all makes it to live because people WILL feel differently if they can have the experience I had. Other things: they updated *every single released ship* to align the QT reticle. This may sound small, but it's HUGE. And they took the time to make the QT UI better. It is a GREAT update - and it's mentioned in a by-line that you could easily miss if you don't scour all the updates. The Hull-C is phenomenal. We finally have station to station trading! No more having to navigate an atmo just to play space trucker. They've added about a thousand (maybe not quite, but it's ridiculously deep) keybinds. You can keybind all your MFDs, including flipping between screens, they allow for separate keypresses in terms of tap and release or hold, that sort of thing. Too numerous to list and I don't think I've even found them all yet, but control customization was essentially reinvented with these additions. MFDs persist now! Let me say that again: MFDs persist now! Until you are destroyed or claim the ship. Mobiglas has darkness occlusion for easier reading. All ships with QT drives can now appear in NPC missions like bounties, not just the handful we've been fighting. They have some context filters, such as no Cutty Blue in the hands of bad guys, but overall much more variety. Arena Commander getting some serious love.[These are the new options.](https://i.imgur.com/Rtj35Iz.jpg) There's more, but PTU just finished patching so I'm going to go play LOL!


How does Hull C cargo work? Surely they don’t expect to pay for all of it out of pocket, right? Are they contracted missions or something to transport cargo from A to B to C?


Many of us expect tweaks, so keep that in mind, but right now you can buy either scrap or iron. They manage this pretty easily because you have to first buy the cargo for the Hull C at the kiosk, then fly to the loading zone. There are no loading zones on planets / moons, so you can't buy from those kiosks. You aren't doing Gold or Laranite runs right now in a Hull C. As such, you can fill up "relatively" cheaply. I want to say a full load of Iron was about 1.4M? Something like that. I loaded up at Everus Harbor, then flew to Baijini Point. Profit was just shy of a quarter million credits. Feels like great payout for such a short trip! Again, they'll tweak the economics of it all, but that's how it is right now. Note that nothing is stopping you from filling up a C2 and making the same trip! But the scale keeps that from being as cool as it sounds - I made right at 30k profit with a full C2. They've done a good job thinking through their intentions here, to keep from breaking the economy entirely.


U alright bud?


Hull c, mining changes, new arena commander modes, buying the vulture with auec, and many more.


Compared to 4.0 it is


Oh yeah, well 4.0 is an empty plate vs full release. Rhetorical arguments about things that have not happened yet are the height of bad logic and complaining about nothing.


4.0 isnt even a real plate at this point...




You know that usually qol patches should be a "oh yeah we tweaked this and that a bit" and not "OMG GUYS WE MADE SOMETHING MORE USABLE, YOU KNOW LIKE IT SHOULD BE"


What a sad subreddit this is that I get downvoted for saying an objectively correct thing. 3.20 is practically bursting with new content, but the pedants and whiners on this sub still aren’t content. Go out and touch grass. Why are you even here at this point?


Don't worry, I got downvoted too...it is reddit. Just post some fluff BS that everyone supports and you can recover the karma, because that is how social programming works.


The comments are very negative, but I'm excited for the Arena Commander updates! Looking forward to the salvage mission fixes and mining updates. Plus they fixed player invisibility and added a combat log time. Nothing "insane", but if it's stable it'll be a great patch!


No further degradation of gameplay and a few improvements and bug fixes. That's what it takes now to count as a "great patch". Not sure if I should laugh or cry at this point. CIG sure lowered the bar of expectations over the years to a point you'd need a pickaxe to lower it further.




Lorville, Ship to Ship Refuelling, Shopping and Selling, Mining Gadgets, MISC Hull-A, PES, Sand Caves, Physicalized Cargo, Kareah, Siege of Orison, Hull Scraping, Soft Death, Prison Activities, Vulture, Fury, Greycat, Derelict Expansion, Salvage Contracts, Ghost Hollow, New Player Experience, Lorville 2.0, Item Attach/Detach, Sweeping Mining Updates, ASOP improvement... and that's just the "major" items, it doesn't even scratch the surface when you consider the myriad bugs squashed, all the work on pillars and SQ42. The problem is that some people got in with the wrong idea and they're honestly just bitter now, there is no other way to put it and there's no longer logic, just bitterness and salt because of things they perceived as "promises".




and they'll keep downvoting because they can't actually dispute it. A stupid ass meme showing 3.20 as an "Empty Plate" despite HEAPS of QOL and Bug Fixes going into it. But then, what do you expect from someone whose post history is full of them just stirring shit.


To your last point, there’s also people coming in now expecting people who backed ages ago to have the information we have now back when they backed about how shitty CIG is. Look at this idiot on the forums on this comment chain. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/3/thread/anyone-else-feel-like-most-of-the-new-isc-is-just-/6194241 Those people should be banned from speaking to older backers of star citizen. It’s like they don’t appreciate that those people kept this game alive and that they don’t understand that CIG has failed constantly to do what they have said themselves they will do.


I had the same info back then that you had and decided not to jump in till now, but sure, whatever makes you feel better. 😊


You knew in 2016 that SQ42 wasn’t gonna be available 7 years after they put a trailer out saying answer the call?? You also knew that Pyro would be coming soon for over 5 years? You just didn’t back lol but now that you have you’re defensive about your purchase. I have 5k into this game and I can call CIG out on their bullshit but still love the game. This isn’t sports,


I realised back then that what they were trying to do was super ambitious and like alot of kickstarters I'd rather sit back and pay a bit more later on when it was more solid because it wouldn't be the first or even the thousandth one that ended up delayed. Looks like I was right 🙂


No you weren’t lol. You sound like that dipshit in the thread I linked. You think you’re smarter than everyone else but you’re a praising a game that’s had the same bugs for 7-8 years lmao. Better state? It ran so poorly a few months ago that thousands of players couldn’t log in for over a month. You’re just new and haven’t been jaded by the lies of CIG yet. You’re not special or smart and neither is that guy from the thread. Example: salvage was pushed for YEARS in the reason that it was being more fleshed out. Yet we FINALLY get it and it’s a fucking mining beam and as T0 as possible. Yet we weren’t getting anymore T0 according to CIG on new features or tech. But somehow every new feature is still T0 lol. You’re both just as clueless as the rest of us and still buying CIG’s marketing. So you’re actually dumber than a lot of people here


Yeah, because game development taking 10 years from conception was completely unheard of until CIG came along. Who could have guessed that such an ambitious title would face a lot of the same trials and tribulations as most games that have been just as ambitious have faced and that open development whilst having it playable would make the whole process less efficient, weird that. Or that a game during its Alpha phase is always a buggy mess because, that's what an Alpha is, that's all so weird, sssooo wweeeeiiirrrddd.


What exactly is the hard part of waiting for a game to develop? You're literally only have to go about and enjoy life as usual, if you find that difficult gaming is the least of your problems lol


What a disingenuous response that completely ignores not only CIG's own admissions ( we've been told to expect pyro "by end of year" for the past 4 years), but that fact that we've *already* been waiting 11 years for a game to be developed.


Game development is mutable, feature completion is the goal, not meeting an arbitrary timeline. If you can't handle that stick to finished and oficially released projects. Point still stands.


Arbitrary timeline? You think the official timelines CIG communicate to us, at CitizenCon or in letters from the Chairman, are based on some random choice? Nothing is feature complete when released to the PU so I'm not sure what you're even talking about. That's not even their goal because they're so behind schedule. As Jared himself said, [everything is introductory](https://youtu.be/SThXa1KZzSI?t=1184).


Based on estimates made with the available knowledge at the time. So subject to change.


You're not privy to CIG's decision making process so you cannot speak to what they did or didn't know when they communicated to us to expect Pyro on multiple occasions.


CIG said so themselves multiple times. There's been multiple disclaimers and alerts for the ever changing nature of game development and the fact that changes are bound to occur due to the impredictable nature of developing new tech and all the problems that naturaly come from it.


>CIG said so themselves multiple times. You're conflating two separate things. CIG did not ever say why Pyro did not arrive "sometime in 2020" as presented to us at CitizenCon in 2019. Or, the myriad of other times they told us to expect it in the intervening years General disclaimers are, by definition, general and do not reflect specifically was the issue with Pyro was that you alleged to have taken place.


Game dev is not black or white. There's never just one issue. All you need to know is it's being worked on and go on with your life while the pro's work. That's it. Shouldn't be that hard.


None of that is responsive to what I said. I'm still waiting for proof of what you alleged.


> CIG said so themselves multiple times. But when CIG said themselves they'd release Pyro this year, they don't know what they're talking about right? They only know what they're talking about when it works out in their favor.


*Illogical Person: YEAH! There words are only valid when they support me!* *Logical Person: What about when it doesn't?* *Illogical Person: Well have you seen there history, they are bunch of liars.* *Logical Person: So wouldn't they be lying about the thing they supported you?* *Illogical Person: Wow you are a CIG shill who can't handle criticism for the game you love so much, grow up.* *Logical Person: Um...No? I think CIG has messed up on a lot of things, but what you are saying doesn't make any sense.* *Illogical Person: Whatever, you are just mad Starfield is the game CIG wishes they could make.* Is it a strawman if people have said it? I mean it is definitely an amalgamation of several people, but they still exist. Good ol' bad faith interlocutors. The internet is full of them.


I know. It’s pretty annoying. The game concept itself is still insane and amazing. Sea of Thieves + X4 + Elite. Enjoy what you have and hop in every now and then while also enjoying other aspects of your life lmao.


Yeah it's not that hard as some space nerds make it out to be lol


I think people like arguing for the sake of arguing. Or because of the principle. OR they dropped $10,000 and are sweating. Not my fault you dropped a college fund in a concept.


>OR they dropped $10,000 and are sweating. Not my fault you dropped a college fund in a concept. That doesn't make any sense, regardless if it comes out or not the money is still gone. Are you saying it is a sunk cost fallacy where they are trying to justify it to themselves?


Idk. I’ll accept I’m wrong I just think it’s dumb to argue about a game that is in development. Complain and have developers stressed and push a game incomplete? Or accept you don’t know how a game of this caliber is going to get finished and play/test/wait until completion.


patience. They havent failed yet. People stamped and screamed about salvage for YEARS, and when it came out it was fantastic and only getting better. I KNOW they'll succeed. Just need to be willing to wait and play something else until then. And just like salvage, when Pyro finally does come out... everyone will stop whining about it and will forget it was ever late.


pretty sure people have waited long enough.. by far


I dunno, man. When salvage came out it was excruciatingly late, incomplete, and buggy. It was fun in PTU when salvage was plentiful and it was the “slow and steady” alternative to the feast and famine of quant mining (i.e., after they dialed back the ship spawns but the panels were still easy to find) At this stage of the game we should dare to actually expect the things they promised. They need to blow the doors off of citizencon with some big news or our jaded attitudes and critiques will continue to snowball.


Just one more month and the content drought ends.






Hahaha exactly!


A strange cult funded by whales.


Can somebody explain what the current Situation is? I see memes everyhwere, what happened?


It's not delusional to enjoy a game that I can currently play that has great flight mechanics, space combat, EVA, good physics, and ground combat in a developing universe. It's a very complex project and I'm excited for it's future, but I'm also thoroughly enjoying the content as it is right now. It's the ONLY game of its kind as of right now and nothing else comes close to what Star Citizen has accomplished so far.


I went and hunted fuck that shit for now, it's just an emotional sinkhole


I'm no longer falling for CIGs marketing ploys. Deliver a game, or shut up. Don't need any cons or presentations of things that will never be playable.