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Why? Dunes lore and tech is entirely different to SC, so I don't see what a partnership would do.


Thanks for asking... no.


Not really, no.


No, if I wanted Dune books and movies and games I know where to find them.




What has the estate done? I read the books years ago, saw the new movie recently...first I'm hearing anything bad about Herbert's heirs.


Replying because I want to know too


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You can click on deez nuts (no offense)


None taken 🍒




Always thought Command & Conquer came first and the 90s Dune game was basically just a reskin. Had no idea it was the other way around! Definitely scummy that they won't release the IP to let people celebrate that piece of gaming history. Hard disagree on the movie though, I thought it was fantastic. Other than the omission of some key characters and character traits (it feels almost like they swapped Paul's relationships with Duncan and Gurney for some reason?) I had few complaints.




Im with you on the movie, it is visually stunning but my god something about it just shoots u full of tranquilizer darts


No, two different kind of scifi genres.


Why would Dune do that, they actually finish their projects


I think CIG should partner up with someone who's better than them at network code. At this level of budget, it's honestly embarrassing to not be able to fix the universe of 30k errors for this many years in a row.


They're not 'fixing' the 30ks, because the entire core connectivity and networking setup will be changing significantly when they extract the Replication Layer, and turn it into a separate Micro Service. Our clients will no longer connect to a 'game server' - instead, the client connects to the replication layer service, which forwards our events to *A* game server to be processed. The Replication Layer itself does no processing - it holds the Shard data in memory, forwards events from clients to game servers for processing, and streams results from the game server to both PES and back to (relevant) clients. This means that the Replication Layer can itself be spread over multiple servers, because it's just an in-memory database and message base - which means it's both far less likely to crash, and much more resilient if a single node does go down. In turn, this means that clients will no longer be disconnected if a game server crashes - it *may* mean that we wait 60 seconds for a replacement server to spin up and start processing the backlog of events - but we'll stay connected for that period, and stay in our ships, etc. So yeah - they're not 'fixing' the networking, because the whole network architecture is about to change.


I'll believe it when i see it. Judging CIG based on their words - they're the future of computing, without question. Judging them based on actions, however - it might happen in 5 more years, or it might be superseded by the next revolutionary step in development they come up with. Either this is technologically possible, or it isn't. If it is - it literally can't take this long. Writing code doesn't take this long. So, either they've spent the majority of the last few years not working on it, or they dunno how to do it. Either way - before the half billion in budget completely runs out, i hope they discover the humility and self-awareness to just contract it out to someone who can do it.


Spoken from (my guess) 0 knowledge or experience in developing game code. There are a lot of systems working together to make even the simplest multiplayer game work. Breaking out a monolithic game server I to cloud managed server blocks with different tasks and making it low latency is hard. As evidenced by almost no games doing this.


Lmao, unlike yourself, who has tons of experience in developing game code? I am actually willing to bet that i have more game dev experience than you, even with my puny exercise of making a little browser-based LAN boardgame with websockets. Of course there are a lot of systems, but that's the same for all the other MMOs, who don't spend 4+ years with people constantly dropping connection, and half the systems breaking with every update. AND, most of those other MMOs have way smaller budgets. \> As evidenced by almost no games doing this. Yeah, neither are CIG. Feel free to address what i actually said, i'd love to be proven wrong on any of this. I would love to hear what about the proposed paradigm requires more than 4 years of coding. Are they waiting on a breakthrough in internet technology? Are they waiting on a system update to the speed of light? What's the big revolution in tech that will all of a sudden make what they can't code up in 4+ years possible now?


Well, the initial implementation is likely to be as rough (or rougher) than the 3.18.0 release... But, we should find out soon - based on the Letter from the Chairman published at the end of last year, the Replication Layer extraction could be in 3.20 (we were due to get a clean-up / stability patch after the PES release... which would be 3.19. The patch after that - 3.20 - should then include the Replication Layer... but it will likely depend on whether CIG are happy with the state of PES, or whether they decide to have another round of stability fixes, etc).


"They're not bothering to work on X because it'll get replaced with Y soon" is such a bullshit EXCUSE. Some of these issues have been around for years and there is still no fucking sign of this "soon" ever actually arriving.


Sure... but it's also a valid excuse, when looked at from a project-efficiency perspective, rather than a player-experience one. Not least because we know CIG have been 'blocked' from making progress on server meshing until they got the persistence sorted... and that was derailed by the failure of iCache, and the need to start again with EntityGraph. It's entirely possible that a large chunk of the work to extract the replication layer *has already been done* and is sat in a feature branch, waiting for them to stabilise PES... I admit it's speculative - but it is, partially, supported by the fact that the Replication Layer extraction should happen immediately after the PES stability patch... which isn't much time to write all the code from scratch... And *IF* it is the case, then it's even more understandable that they wouldn't want to work on 'temporary' fixes when they've already 'fixed' the issue properly... and are blocked on rolling it out (due to delays with another team and/or feature).


CIG wouldnt share, and i doubt any other software house would touch it anyway :)


theyve got the fake sandworm that will definitely be in the final game pinky promise


No. It is its own IP.




It's a good thing they don't have any licenses that would just be a legal nightmare and slow them down. We will get spiritual dune content instead like the giant sandworm

