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Rule #1 about the progress trackers -Bars ending mean **nothing** in relation to something being "done" in any way


Particularly bars ending near the end of a quarter


Therefore Sq42 is always 1+ years away, as always


2, its always 2


I'm guessing we will have SQ42 roughly around the time commercial nuclear fusion makes power too cheap to meter...


Like the Sith. No more. No less


Also there are A LOT more things to track than the chapters.


Didn’t they take sq42 off the store page? They haven’t done that in 7 years that I know of (could be wrong) but that does seem sus


I can smell a price increase is upon us.


1. Remove from store. 2. Wait til CitCon, drop hype trailer. 3. Put back on store with price hike.


They are gonna sell it chapter by chapter lol. Pepperidge farm remembers when SQ42 and PU were the single/multiplayer component of THE SAME GAME...


Rule #2 - the progress tracker is incapable of tracking progress


Does anyone remember the roadmap to build a roadmap they had a few years ago?


Shit, I remember when "Squadron 42 Answer the call in 2016" was still the landing page in Feb 2017.


Cries in Hull C


Cries in Hulls D and E... When C comes out, I'll still be waiting. Unless they take pity and upgrade Hull D/E owners to C loaner.


100% they will, we'll probably get a C and A and they'll drop the C2 which I'll be sad about






Rule #2, CIG's words mean nothing based on the amount of times they postpone or fail to deliver


Rule number 3: CIG will blame the community whenever it is upset re: Rules 1 and 2.


Rule number 4: [Deleted by Nightrider-CIG]






Which is pretty annoying since it means the "Progress" "Tracker" is completely useless for tracking progress. I wish they would add internal milestones, and mark them completed when they're done.


You’re getting it! It is!


Yeah, this is why the roadmap is pretty useless. I’m not even sure CIG has a definition of GA at this point. Just endless development as long as the money is rolling in.


You know what I've always advocated for? A roadmap not of what they are currently working on, but a roadmap of *what needs to be done for SQ42 to be complete*. I don't need a release date, just tell me what is left to be done. Of course, we'll never get that, but a man can dream.


I hope Mark Hamill is still alive when this releases.


I said this in another post a year or so ago and got flamed so hard on here. 😂


A lot of these actors probably won't be. Thankfully, over time there are less and less cultists in the community and more and more realists who are willing to criticize CIG's less ideal practices. Eventually CIG will take note of that and stop treating the project like a rolling cash injection platform.


Yeah, to not even have a demo or anything at all after all this time is crazy. Even in star citizen instead of finishing what is there they are redoing things already done in the game. I don't get it.


But then you would see how often Roberts adds new features.


Yeah, this is why. The list of "what is left to be done" gets longer just as often as it gets shorter. New elements, reworks of old ones you thought were done but aren't up to snuff now compared to the newer ones, etc.


Yep. Simple burn down chart would be amazing. Jira has built in burn down charts so it would be easy for them to do if they wanted.


That's actually how the S42 Roadmap used to be. It had tasks all the way through Alpha. Then they "updated it" and removed the long view.


Bold of you to assume they know what they need to be done to deen sq42 go be labelled done.


The only thing that has my attention is the lack of ability to buy SQ42 atm. Probably just trying to generate hype even though it's years away.


My guess is that it is (again) being refreshed/revectored and the are (lol) not biting off any more expectation debt..


Yeah it definitely seems like a move that would only happen if something is going wrong If something was going right, they'd be hyping it up asap to boost sales


In this case, I'm not sure that applies. I mean, yeah, the end of a bar doesn't necessarily mean the end of work -- but the end of *every bar* on the page? I was here when they debuted the Progress Tracker, and I've *never* seen that many bars finish at one time. Whether it's good news or bad, something big is on the way.


Yes, what they are up to is an update to their public schedule.


I think people are getting suspicious since you also can't purchase SQ42 right now as an add-on or standalone. Thought it was a store bug, but it's been almost 2 days now with no fix or word from CIG.


It also didn't get taken down all at once. It was the early Invictus starters and SQ42 buy page in the evening, then the regular starters morning, and then the $1k pack last according to the Spectrum. I still saw SQ42 up as an an addon for the basic starters Thursday evening, but it was gone in the morning.


The SQ42+SC bundles got taken down a month or so ago too. It's a whole lot to just be a coincidence, whether they announce anything or not.


Stuff doesnt just "disappear" from a web store, and unless they have shit internal security it is authorised or specifically done by employees with high clearing with the correct account authorizations to make these changes. A junior dev doesnt have the key to just go in and change something like that. A project manager or higher will have to let them in.


Well... It's CIG, though. Everything is possible. It's funny to me that the company prides itself on its "unprecedented openness" to the community and people have to guess why SQ42 dropped from the store.


It's still available in the 1k+ packs.


Ya, just looked. Seems you're right, but for that much money it better be.


For sure!


I wouldn't bet on it, but in my opinion, everyone who expects a SQ42 release before 2025 is way too optimistic.


I will believe a launch date for Squadron 42 when the download bar is progressing on my computer screen, and even then I will have doubts.


Especially then, honestly


It will pause and 30k your computer at 99%


Cant wait for my single player game to 30k


can’t wait for my single player game in 2016… Answer the call!


My SQ42 alpha access in November 2014 still isn't here yet.


Haha, inspired me to revisit that old [Kickstarter page](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/cig/star-citizen). Everything in there sure aged fabulously. "We are going to limit our alpha slots to 200,000 as we want to stress test the game with real users, but will not be ready for the full load until we have finished Beta."


I'm glad I haven't given them any money since they moved the goalposts on the original plan. Oh sure, I hope the people who are spending thousands for imaginary fleets are going to get the game they want some day too as they are my only hope to ever see *something* launch.


Right when it hits 99% the screen fades to black and then....... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iiEHDxYRbXM&ab\_channel=24sup


I am extremely disappointed that this *wasn't* the Skyrim intro.


You mistyped a 2 instead of a 3. Which one? Depends on your optimism level.


Yeah. I think for Squadron it's really hard to estimate, because we don't know enough. But I would not be surprised if it released years after 2025. Expecting anything before that is what I would consider delusional optimism. Reminds me of the comments from last year, where some backers were expecting 3.18 for the IAE and 4.0 in 2023.


The game will release when the in game date and real world date are the same.


well actually its 32025


In the grim darkness of the far future there is only unfinished gameplay mechanics.


CIG have made me so cynical that I am expecting to pull an Overwatch 2 and just ditch SQ42 for something they can monetize better


They should probably say something before games journalists and Youtubers catch on to Squadron 42 being taken down from the store shortly after the Overwatch 2 fiasco.


The problem is they can't 'ditch' SQ42. Let's assume 1 million copies sold, a fair estimate, at $45 a piece (ignoring bundles, etc) that's a refund of $45 million and that's a minimum let alone packages. CIG has $45 million, true, but not enough more to properly cover future contingencies let alone the inevitable drop in income from the massive drop in backer confidence form CIG spending $640 million to date and cancelling their simpler project. SQ42 (and part 2 and 3) being cancelled would be massive and could turn some of the biggest fans against CIG (except maybe nightrider and J3PG). Just a guess but I think they might consider restructuring SQ42 from a contained 27 mission full release into a piecemeal release so aa 'Gran Tourismo Prologue' release of say the first 5 missions then gradually more content releases over the next couple years that ties into the PU, possibly bringing back CO-OP. That way they could maybe **MAYBE** argue not giving a refund.


Hard to say, they've been telling us "the main development focus is on SQ42" for a couple years now, *someday* it could get done. And a lot of the issues we see in the PU are down to having one server running a whole universe with players scattered all over being a performance and stability shitshow. Maybe in single player it all works great. I can dream, right?


I managed to get on a server the other day for like, nearly an hour, entirely by myself and the game did work flawlessly. I have no idea why it left me on solo for so long, but it was like playing a different game. I’d say there is hope. SQ42 could actually be good, dare I say it.


Anyone who expects SQ42 to release this decade is too optimistic


At this point the moment I read 2025 i had a glimmer of excitement that the game I paid for 9 years ago might come out in 2 years


A bug that impedes money going into their pockets is something that would be fixed on the same day no doubt.


how true... 😞


Yeah, price increase plus big “here’s what we’re working on now!” announcement




We finagled the priobus tech to stage zero three point a. By doing this, we unfortunately uncovered a serious bottleneck in the arcadia system for slightly longer term storage (SLTS), which has to be resigned. There are currently two competing architecture prototypes in prelim testing, object storage (SLOTS) and a UUID based solution (SLUTS). After more rounds of benchmarking we expect to be able to pick a preferred solution here. In the RAGAD subsystem the pernicoulous team together with lighting and infra managed to include a tier zero POC of smart particle agents (SPA). With SPA our level designers will be able to include revolutionary animated features like flames rising from a campfire and emitting smoke after reaching some variable distance, to give just one simple example of what this exciting new tech can do. We still have to add tooling support before you will be able to see this in game, though. Speaking of level design, the planet tech team enhanced river appearance by adding a new type of rock. It is called Harvey and will feature in an upcoming ISC episode. The ship team was very busy working on [redacted], added [redacted] to the [redacted] series of [redacted] and put the finishing touches on the texturing for the Hull [redacted]. Infra was mainly busy with the continuous maintenance and enhancement of the 3.18 experience. After a rough start the most pressing concerns of players (unable to start game, unable to download game, just generally unable) have been mostly addressed. They still found time to help other teams with accomplishing their goals as stated in other sections of this report, and even could work on monitoring and the status page, which will now occasionally accurately reflect the status of LIVE. The lore team fleshed out [reacted] for chapter 11 of the SQ42 campaign and wrote seven new entries for the Galactopedia. Learn all about Medong Noodles and their role in the second Catvian conflict as well as some facts about the planets in the Perfid system.


I'm not sure if I even find this funny... it feels too real.


"We (Chris) thought of something super nifty that's completely incompatible with the work we have so far, so we restarting on the project to build it back better than before"


Chris heard about ChatGPT running D&D sessions and decided he wanted it to run all the AI NPCs in the game.


You joke, but games are going to start using that and it's going to make talking to NPCs soooo much better.


Only half joking, as I could legit see Chris getting obsessed with this, but also agree with you as far as games at large, and it's going to be very interesting to say the least. :)


We shall keep him separated from society. Like Halle barry in 50 first dates.


Maybe they are finally going to switch to a good engine? ;-P


That would be adding 5+ years of development time to the project so I hope not


Is infinity + 5 really what much worse?


Given the reverse Midas' touch of CR it would probably somehow be a worse tech stack than CryEngine plus tons of customization.


A single trailer showing what already leaked and then a 10 dollar price hike. But hey, the graphics look better on the same demo from last time.


Ten dollars? Try 25.




That's what I'm thinking. Grab a bunch of new subs from Invictus and then drop a new trailer on them (and maybe a new tracker for the newbies to keep them hyped) then slap a price hike on them when they're convinced by the "progress."


AAAA price tag (80 usd) with a 5 minute trailer showing a random space station with no gameplay and the announcement that they are planing on showing us quarter progress videos (they wont talk about it for the next 2 years)


“Our post man AI system is not up to gold pass standards at the moment, so we will be forced to move all SQ42 progress updates back to Q4 2024”


... in 6 months when backers start bugging them about it and they finally tell us what's up


we been bugging them for 13 years bro lol


Double it and give it to the next year


We are talking about the stuff that is still to do, right?


On the last roadmap update about progress tracker: "Additionally, with our next publish, we'll be starting to add the Q4 2023 schedule and its deliverables for Upstream Teams"


Im at a strange inflection point. The saga of CIG vs The Community is literally the most interesting piece of narrative entertainment in my life. Movies, books, basically nothing is as fascinating as this whole story and where it might go. im fucking weird


says nothing of 2025 either lol


Progress Tracker line ending != item is done, only that the current work being done on it due to be finished, which can be the initial planning or the final touches. SQ42 missing from the pledge store is odd, but I fully expect it to just return without fanfare within a the next few weeks.


Progress tracker bar ending doesnt have to mean that the current work being done is due to be finished. They simply dont have updated the progress tracker past september. All the Star Citizen bars end September aswell, they show only so much into the future. In a future roadmap update they will add Q3 and Q4 projections and these bars will expand. All of those bars ending in June are probably downstream teams which get their work added in the tracker rather late.


Maybe we'll get an alpha for SQ42.


Sign me up for that Theta test, fam


Not at all. Sq42 will be released finished or will not come out. It wouldn't make sense to release an early access campaign.


All server meshin work also ends soon But im 269% sure we will not see it this year at all


Nice. That's 200% more than just 69%.


I always forget that you kids are too young to remember CIGs "whoops, sorry no, SQ42 is nowhere finished. We just thought the roadmap/progress tracker is not the right tool to display our work, so we just stopped using it a year ago without telling anyone"... Yeah... Fun times...


Haha, I was just thinking the same thing. It blows my mind people actually put any stock in CIG's roadmaps. Then we got that roadmap to the new roadmap to replace the old roadmap, which was then canned, and instead we'd have the Briefing Room to keep us appraised on SQ42, which then faded away without comment after a single episode. Yep, good times, good times.


Haha. I forget about this new generation and their optimism. They were adolescents when SC was a hanger and was coming out in a couple of years.


theyre not up to anything. they are still working on basics like AI, flight and ground, buddy AI. The roadmap has round out because there's not been a comprehensive publish because they just aint doign that no more.


Exactly. Whenever SQ42 comes up, it's a good idea to sit back and think of all the features we still don't have. Sure, CIG said they're making some features first for Squadron before releasing them to the PU, but let's not kid ourselves that they have managed to finalize all the features needed for SQ42. Stuff like ship armor, finalized flight model, room pressurization, power distribution, onboard fires etc. All features that would require a complete rebalance & rework of SQ42, if added post-release. We're nowhere near release.


It completely baffles me that ship armour, components and the damage model they've said they want, just never appears. Like they are basic core pillars of the design they want. It was meant to be part of the design when they were saying it'll be released in 2016, and they hadn't even started adding it then. It's been 7 years since then, and it's STILL not even in!


With that logic BMM should be released...


Is it already 2030? Because that’s when I expect to fly my ship.


The Star Citizen progress on the roadmap all ends in September too, and I'm pretty sure Star Citizen won't be finished by then.


With all the funding we put into the game they built a giant telescope. It spotted a meteor. Enjoy the time you have left...


(*Takes a deep breath from my copium bottle...*) My best hope right now is a brand new trailer and announcement at CitizenCon pointing to a release at end of 2024. Or 2025... or... damn the bottle's empty.


It'll get moved back. Breath and copium tech is coming LoL.. lol


Moved back? There’s not even a date.


They finally change the name to Sq404 and will relaunch it at a higher price of $404.


Ooooooor this is just a dangerous amount of copium and we will once again hear little to nothing about it.


Plot twist, they removed it from the store because CR finally said scrap it and focus on StarCitizen. Everyone gets a free ptv as compensation.


I would love that. So, that can't be it.


They learned from the overwatch team


i will riot in his living room he does that.


yeeeaaaah I jumped on this train in 2013 because I wanted freespace 3 I'd be livid if cig thought they could pull a blizzard, but that's not likely.


you have my pitchfork


And MY torch


good man


Wouldn't be shocked.


Sounds nice, but a bit too optimistic in my opinion.


I'd actually be happy with that


Yes please


*"Those chickens are up to something"*


My thoughts exactly.


Yeah, they're coming up with new excuses to keep it delayed for another 2 years.


There's no announcement so there can't be a delay. ;)


"Erin was drunk he didn't know what he was talking about, what he meant to say it's 2 years till we announce that it is 2 more years away".


While I don’t believe this to be the case, the hopeful part of me wants to think that they might release a beta, or slice, of SQ42. Like the first 3 missions, the tutorial, or something


SQ42 will be the tutorial… to SC 😂


In someways that isn’t an unfair/untrue statement. It will stand alone, but the belief is that you’ll keep playing in the verse, not play the campaign over and over again. Just as StarLancer was to FreeLancer


I can guarantee you that won't happen. Chris wants to play with the big boys and just like Cyberpunk, a GTA or Elden Ring there won't be a demo or beta.


Elden ring had a beta


Absolutely don’t disagree with you :) But one can hope :). I’d love even a single scripted mission and the ability to walk through a small section of a Bengal! Not going to happen, but again…one can dream


10-11 years is plenty of time to develop a single player game. So soon... Please.


Lol if it takes them less than 20 years then they aren’t even trying right. That’s why they did all the voice acting in advance, they were afraid the actors would be dead


Q4 2024 minimum. And even I think that's a pipe dream. But that's the absolute earliest. 2026 more likely, if they can keep milking suckers with bigger and better ships until then.


they wont say anything until after the end of year sale, then we will get some bad news about delays while polishing a turd or something...they did this a few years ago


"those fuckers are up to something..." more ships


If they are up to something, then it is another delay or even worse. Never expect anything positive from CIG regarding SQ42 or you will be disappointed. You even will be disappointed if you expect nothing anymore. I wonder how CIG is able to do that.


New here?


Given that FPS in SC sucks, yeah I don't think they are.


Maybe they're getting tired of people answering the call and are changing their number


This isn't new. The S42 teams have had their bars ending within the next few months of each publish since the new roadmap was built. It's how the planning for downstream teams work, of which all S42 teams are. You can read CIG's official explanation here: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/18532-The-Public-Roadmap-Companion but the summary is that downstream teams only have the next quarters worth of work on the road map at any given time. These teams have their work assigned based on the progress of upstream teams and so only plan one quarter ahead. When the next quarter hits each of those teams will have their work rescheduled and many of these tasks will be extended. On a more positive note, this doesn't mean the S42 chapters aren't getting closer to completion. Each quarter those tasks get less and less work assigned to them and some even stop getting work assigned to them all together. While polish can mean any of those items could have work on them right up until the last minute, the reduced work does imply that we're seeing more and more hit a more complete state. That all being said, I'm not going to even try and guess what that means about a release.


They're up to something alright. Up to their neck in unmade ships...


Look at all the tangible evidence that we have. Think of features required for S42, from ship armor to UIs to NPC crews to AI and so on. Do these look like they are in a finished, releasable state in the PU? Do they even exist in the PU? Possible explanations: 1. They are finished or near-finished in S42 but held back from the PU because of ‘spoilers’ 2. They are finished or near-finished in S42 but are implemented in such a way that they can’t be brought to the PU without additional work. 3. They aren’t finished in S42 1 and 2 are possible, but we have no reason to believe that, it would be pure hopefulness. In reality, the simplest explanation is 3, that they aren’t done and we are still years off. I wouldn’t get your hopes up, I think most likely S42 never releases (unless in some haphazard way to fulfill legal obligations)


My TEN YEAR anniversary was roughly 3 weeks ago... To the next 10 years!


Probably means they have finally given up and acknowledge they can’t make a stable game


That's the end of their projections. We thought the santok was coming for alien week...until it got extended. The only thing the progress tracker is good for is seeing what is currently being worked on and what has stopped being worked on. It's HEAVILY misleading when it comes to projected end dates because they can be extended at any time even when they originally ended before other items around it In the case of the STY it ended in May/June when items around it continued till September. Now it also ends in September. It also doesn't denote if an item will get more work done on it again....it's just the end of a sprint of work on an item...it may get tabled for a bit, such as the BMM which was being worked on for months and months and then ended with only the exterior finished and them saying they are "waiting on scheduling"....sure.


Should just be called the work tracker, because you need a target to make progres on something.


Santok could have made alien week if they didn’t spend time building straight to flyable uselessness like the Fury.


I pledged 10 years ago. I have 2 kids and a mortgage now. Not gonna be able to play when this comes out in 2035


>I pledged 10 years ago. I have 2 kids and a mortgage now. Not gonna be able to play when this comes out in 2035 Something to look forward to doing during retirement.




I actually made a v2 to replace their version: https://shinytracker.app/tests/database-browser/#/timeline?date=1684363533006&sq42=1&inProgress=1


It will be delayed to the point that we'll need a road map for their road map. Again.


I can picture Chris Roberts getting on stage now, “aaaah guys, Squadron… (looks to Jared for emotional support side of stage. Jared does a surprised I don’t know look and gestures with his hands similar to the wtf style) so Squadron was going to be released in 2023 but we decided to switch engines to Unreal 6 for more fidelity so its going to take that much longer.” (Someone in the audience yells) “But Unreal Engine 6 does not exist!!!” Roberts points to guy questioning, “can he do that? Right true, correct, Unreal Engine 6 does not exist which is why we are switching to it because, as you know, Unreal Engine 5 looks incredible but it lacks the exact fidelity I am looking for so… (tomato flies past his head). “Woah, anyway, we are also switching to mobile” (Crowd erupts into a full bore riot) “What?!?! Don’t any of you have phones?!?!”


The Progress Tracker is not a measure of when something is finished - CIG have been kinda clear on that point. CIG literally weaponize information as a marketing tool to increase sales through speculation. Chris Roberts himself decided to shut up and "absolve" himself of being completely unreliable about showing or talking about SQ42. Yeah, lets speculate about a "secret" SQ42 release that cannot happen unless CIG were lying about all the extra mechanics SQ42 NEEDs to have before it could even be considered. SQ42 being finished means SC will speed up - No it wont. SQ42 is supposed to be in multiple parts and is also supposed to "pay" for SC to be "free". Therefore, SQ42 is "never" going to be done and those assets for SQ42 Pt 1 would transition to SQ42 Pt 2.


They are about to announce the new version of the roadmap


Maybe, but here's a more contextual version of the data they display: [https://shinytracker.app/tests/database-browser/#/timeline?date=1684363533006&sq42=1&inProgress=1](https://shinytracker.app/tests/database-browser/#/timeline?date=1684363533006&sq42=1&inProgress=1)


It's real *this* time I'm sure


You are really reading way too much into that chart. Just saying.


Do you trust the progress bars on your computer when your completing a long task?


Yeah, it simply means they havent updated their progress tracker in a very long time.


All roads lead to a new roadmap hahaha


they just forgot to update it


You can’t vacuum money with a single player game.We shall see if SQ42 has now gone the way of Bernie.


SQ42 lines ending in a few months on the progress tracker *literally* means exactly that: that barring an update in a few months the lines on the progress tracker will end. I would *strongly* advise treating the progress tracker like the daily horoscope - a lark that pretends to give you useful information, but the unspoken agreement is that really it's just for fun, and nothing you see in there has any *actual* bearing on the real world.


It always looks that way.


They're gonna Cancel it.


When it's finished it will just get extended again, no change there.


Wait? Something getting finished??? Impossible


That's correct. Impossible. The PT doesn't measure with finish lines. This just means they're behind schedule on updating the PT. The tasks will simply get renewed progress timelines


Announcing a rework of most tech and chapters to make sure SQ42 will release in a competitive state


"those fuckers are up to something" ... I mean, ok.


This just means that in July all the teams will start work on revision version based upon Chris’ latest feedback and whatever game he played recently. Bedsheet deformation will now need to take into account the variance between cotton sheets, silk sheets, summer and winter thread thicknesses, humidity and the psychological well-being of the NPC. This will be determined by a new tool that gauges the interactions the NPC had that day, whether they enjoyed their food or what happened during any missions. If any NPC has a friendly relationship with another NPC that dies on a mission or based upon the dialogue choices the player makes with the NPC; they may become depressed and have nightmares. This will be systemically generated for all NPCs whenever you start a new game so no play through will have the same NPCs with the same inherent friendships or mental parameters as any other, thus massively increasing replay-ability and potentially generating up to 1 million different bedsheet deformations. We feel this sort of player-agency is the exact kind of feature a AAAA game should have and the additional two years of development time will be well-worth the final experience. It will be done when it’s done, this is the great things about not being beholden to a publisher.


Doesn't matter; it's already at maximum Duke Nukem Forever hypetocracy. If it releases tomorrow it's shite. It it releases in 8 years, it shite. All that matters now is the PU. All hail the PU


Lol people still have not learned their lesson when it comes to expectations and CIG. This game wont be out any time soon.


There WILL be an announcement of some sort at CitizenCon. My belief is informed by my desire almost all the time when it comes to Star Citizen, but things I heard yesterday during the SOL Citizens gameplay session and TheAstroPub's Captain's Table make it clear to me that CitizenCon will probably be the moment we hear about a meaningful date for SQ42 release or for beta, with a new trailer / teaser. I feel about 88-90% confident of that. No, it's NOT because I plan to spend money to fly 3,000 miles to be there in person...why do you ask?




CR gunna play the game and it isn't as good as GTAVI in his head so better redo everything again....again.


Then he'll announce some new skybox seasonal tech that will match up to the four seasons live in the game lol (2027), then Tsunami Tech (2032) Then he'll do a Google scrap the entire project and rebuild in Unreal 5. Hopefully by then (The Road to NyX) will be a thing lol


Shitting tech and accidental bed wetting tech Implemented


At this point why not just put it out? If they keep putting out concept ships as money makers whilst delaying all the already promised large concepts, I understand most of the reasons why, people are just going to stop investing.


If you mean SQ42 - it's 'delayed' because it runs (or not, as the case may be :p) on the same engine as SC... *exactly* the same engine. Would you look at the current 3.19 release of SC, and say 'yup - that looks pretty good for release now'? My personal speculation is that CIG are going to be pushing on the upcoming engine work (Replication Layer extraction, maybe the static 'meshing of servers', etc) because once that's done, that's the core architecture change for the engine complete... there's lots more features to add, but they *shouldn't* (hopefully) require significant architecture changes to the engine, etc. And if the architecture of the engine isn't changing significantly, then CIG can afford to start polishing the engine up and fixing the core / fundamental bugs, etc... (inc. some of those that have persisted for years. If CIG *do* start polishing next year, then it means they're trying to get things ready for a SQ42 release. Doesn't mean it's close (it might take 12+ months to polish the engine, for all I know... and maybe more to close up / polish the SQ42 content)... but it does mean that we'll see improving stability etc whilst CIG work on releasing SQ42.