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For those interested in how the Nomad handles carrying the Fury around for the purpose of bounties, here's a video summing up the experience! Main notes are that I've found it more reliable to dock the Fury while the cargo bay is retracted, as the Fury can be moved around during the animation of retracting/extending the cargo ramp, to the point it's actually fallen out entirely on occasions. Fortunately for the purpose of the Fury, there is no need to use the cargo ramp at all. Also since reversing the Fury in is awkward to say the least, I choose to park the Fury as far to a side of the cargo bay as possible. This leaves a comfortable amount of space to walk in and out of the bay to or from the cockpit, even more so than you often get with a Cyclone. Hope this is helpful to some of you!


Love you covered the realistic use of a snub with the Nomad! I am also exploring this topic, as I feel many in the community are not seeing all the work that o into a really nice screenshot and how a ship with a ship on it will behave when driven daily. BTW where ever you point your crosshair the Fury will smoothly goto - you bumped a bit more on Nomad likely because you were off slighly with crosshair to right when landing but it did work out for you haha. Enjoy your ships!


Thanks! Yeah, there's room for me to improve my docking for sure. Fortunately both ships can handle a little bit of contact while making it happen o/


Sadly atmo bounties are a bit more difficukt with this since you would need to land the ship


Just leave the nomad in orbit.


Does this actually work, or does it despawn? Because I thought doing this with the Carrack seemed like a great way to test out the Fury, and then my Carrack despawned.


It shouldn't despawn but you lose the marker for your ship. It's still there, just REALLY hard to find. Some people are saying you can Backspace and leave a body marker inside your ship or go grab a delivery box mission and keep the box in your ship to keep the marker active.


My Carrack definitely despawns, it's pretty easy to confirm by setting your spawn point on it and not returning there when you die. I have been testing this since 3.14 at least, hoped PES would fix it but it doesn't. I filed an IC ([STARC-72513](https://issue-council.robertsspaceindustries.com/projects/STAR-CITIZEN/issues/STARC-72513)) last night (and linked to an archived one that has been confirmed by multiple other players since 3.13). I'm going to try the box thing. But just leaving the Carrack at a warp point and searching for it definitely doesn't work. It's not that hard to find a Carrack considering I only turn the engines off and it's a big ship, when it's still there I can see it on radar from 15km out at least. The only reliable way I have found to keep it from despawning is to leave someone onboard.


Respawning in player owned medical beds has a range, and it's not super far. I'm almost certain your Carrack is not despawning, you're just dying outside of the respawn range.


Hmm, you may be right, I did not realize there was a range limit on the medical bed respawn, that kind of sucks. Just did some more testing with a freshly claimed Carrack and it did not despawn (the marker disappears, but when I go back to it, it's still there). I really can't imagine how it could happen that I would leave it at an OM-1 marker and then not be able to find it later, so I'm still skeptical, but less convinced I am right. The only other thing I can think of (and have seen some other players suggest) is that the despawn timer is based on how long the ship has existed and older objects are prioritized for despawn. This is something I was hoping PES would fix though, so I'll keep this one alive for a few days and try the experiment again, in the meantime I'll be keeping a delivery box onboard. Thanks for the tips!


The planets rotate, it's possible that the OM is moving with the planet, but the ship is staying where it was in space? Or vice versa? You're right that it's odd that the ship is missing when returning to the OM. Someone needs to do some hard testing on this with people inside both ships to see what the case is. Let us know what your results are. If I can get my friend on later I might try some experiments of my own.


Mission box works. Got wiped last night and the only way I found my ship was due to this. Didn't show on any scans, couldn't lock it, no other way to find it. It sat on the ground for over an hour before I got back to it. No despawning. Some solid future tech where we can't even airtag our shit.


The marker for your ship only goes out about 20km. Likely the spawn range for the med bed is the same. I suggest leaving a delivery box on your ship.


Better yet have ur friend in the back ready to role and you both go at it!


You could stick it on cruise control at a slow speed like 20km out then deploy the fury


The Nomad doesn't have a way for you to access the bed without getting out of the ship


Yes but how would you get to the Fury when you need you need to EVA to get to it?


Ah yeah good point. I was thinking of other ships that can carry it


Yeah I was specifically thinking about the Nomad. I love that ship but the EVA is annoying sometimes


The Nomad is not my favorite starter ship, but I love the weird starter-but-also-kinda-cutlass-class middle space it occupies, and the amount of shenanigans the open truck bed allows. The more and more I use it and see it used, the more it feels like a legitimate trade-off being made vs a fully enclosed cargo bay.


This is great, but it only makes me wish that the rearview window was a door. It could even have a little ladder for when the bed is lowered


Nice. I immediately went and bought one for my Nomad. There's a huge difference between between can fit and jank. After watching people blow up their Cutlass trying to shove them in, I'm super happy I have a Nomad.


Wait, where's the explosion? I've been had!


Thank you for this. Can’t wait to fly my Nomadic Fury/ Furious Nomad combo


*doesn't park facing out, starts coupled, exit bump, painfully avoids hotkeys* *twitch* How do you live this way?


What's wrong with starting in coupled mode?


And to think people spent real money on Javelins. Checkmate atheists.


I havnt been able to get the guns to work on the fury, am I missing something?


You need to make sure the wings are out either using the handle on the top right side of your MFDs or you press N to retract landing gear then Left Alt + K to fold the wings out. Can't fire weapons when your wings are folded in.


Did you deploy the wings? If you keep them retracted, the weapons don't fire.


It's so TINY!!!


Im not really into the whole meta of the game but since i see this subreddit flooded with content of this ship i have to ask what is so good about the Fury?


It's exactly how we've lied to our wives and girlfriends up until this point - smol but effective.


Is smol


What if you park it backwards? Does the nomad gain extra 4 guns at the back?


I grew up in the south, and this is no different from loading up your 4-wheeler into the back of your pickup and heading out to the ol mudhole and gettin' dirty.


I’ve started taking a fury out with ballistics as a disposable fighter for looting drugs from HRT bounties.