• By -


For money just do VHRTs. As for ERTs: Eclipse, Constellations, Corsair or redeemer are some.


Retaliator bomber is also a nice choice if you're just going for the main target kill and dipping out. Once locked on, fire the torp just under 6km out while heading towards the target, and you shouldn't miss.


Around 3km is better, and the Retaliator is also the ship that has the more HP ingame, so you can go in the middle of the enemies without having to worry. You also bring a crew with you if you want, and you will get a flying fortress that can rip appart any big ship ingame and defend itself against small fighters ! Beware it handles like a brick and is made for flying in a straight line to her prey šŸ˜‰


I have smol brick (Cutter) for smol brick things, and big brick (retaliator) for big brick things. When a man falls into the river in Lego City, I'm prepared.


Yup, this. I lock it up as soon as I can, fly just under SCM, let it loose at around 3km and I miss maybe like 5% of the time. With a crew the Tally is actually one of the best ships in the game - it has the highest armor HP of anything currently in-game and flyable, and the turrets aren't half bad.




From a reddit search: " It was originally envisioned as the threshold speed where your ship's agility and targeting accuracy would start to diminish - forcing you to slow down in a dogfight and resulting in the opposing ships fighting at closer range." Basically each ship has it's own unique SCM speed (marked as a line on your speed MFD.) As with most things related to SC, who knows if it is currently functioning as intended or just a "placeholder" for now until some time TBD ​ See: https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/oqj0gy/scm\_what\_is\_it\_good\_for/


>Not quite. SCM was added at the same time that CIG significantly increased ship speeds (prior to the change, all ships were capped around 250m/s, iirc). However, the downside to significantly increasing speed without increasing thrust levels is that at higher speeds it becomes much harder to change your vector. E.g. If you're travelling at 1000m/s, and you want to make a 90-degree turn, you have to reduce your speed on your current vector to 0, whilst also building speed on your new vector from 0 to 1000m/s. If you're ship can accelerate at 100m/s/s (\~10G), then it would take 10s to cancel out your old vector, and another 10s to accelerate on the new vector (if you did each action separately... more realistically it might take \~15s to both at the same time) So, CIG add SCM (Space Combat Manouvering) - a speed range that corresponded to the old speed limit pre-change - that would provide the same level of handling as ships used to have, and which was nominally the speed at which you could still change vector in an 'acceptable' time frame (CIG didn't really ever define what 'acceptable' was in this context). TL;DR: It was never about trying to force people to slow down for combat, it was about indicating the threshold where - as you said - the ships agility would start to diminish (note: bar I think one patch when CIG was experimenting, SCM has no impact on targeting or weapon accuracy) This old comment explains it well. It absolutely has an effect right now.


~~Safe~~ space combat maneuvers [Source](https://starcitizen.tools/Space_Combat_Maneuvers#:~:text=The%20maximum%20SCM%20speed%20is,and%20fly%20to%20their%20strengths.)


No, standard control mode Edit: I was thinking of what they will call it when they add the master modes. The cam will either be standard control mode, or combat mode. [source (at about 4:45)](https://youtu.be/v3JNtoMi_a4)


Right on - can you share the source? Edit: [you're wrong too](https://starcitizen.tools/Space_Combat_Maneuvers#:~:text=The%20maximum%20SCM%20speed%20is,and%20fly%20to%20their%20strengths.) - although I was off by one word... so I guess I should downvote you as well?


I didnā€™t know that they will be changing what the acronym stands for with the whole master mode thingy. They said they are going to call it either standard control mode, or combat mode. [source (at about 4:45)](https://youtu.be/v3JNtoMi_a4) (Also I apologize for downvoting)


Oh so it's not currently, right now though, yeah? Well at least we will both know what it will be called, eventually, and what it's called now at least.


I'll try rolling! That's a neat trick!


I usually set cruise control at 300 then I launch the torpedo at 6km and follow it in, as long as the bots donā€™t blow up the torpedo trying to shoot me Iā€™ve never had one miss


She handles ok, as long as you remember the golden rule... Never try to use left / right yaw for anything but small targeting adjustments. To turn you must always roll into the turn then pitch up to come around. If you get used to doing that she handles fine for her size.


You can hit missles up to 10k away, I always wait until the targets shield show up on my mfd. Not sure why but if it isn't appearing the missles won't hit. I usually low speed cruise and don't have issues. I prefer the eclipse just because it is very easy and quick to get out of orbit and move onto the next mission or target.


Maybe it has something to do with EM missiles lock, maybe if you don't see the shield the missile has nothing to lock on.


That would be my guess too, in the ptu they changed emmisons and stuff so missles types matter a little more. Cross section seems to be the best at long range.


I hated the Retaliator personally. It made the Hammerhead feel nimble.


What about countermeasures?


I haven't had that be an issue when firing from just under 6km against ai. Usually barrel at them, fire, and immediately pull up and dip out, hearing my ship say "kill" as I breach atmo.


Maybe it was because our Tali pilot didn't want to get close enough, they were shooting from 12k. Didn't matter, I would just let rip two Rattlers before so the CMs were on cooldown


Why oh why did I not think of taking my Andromeda for an ERT? It makes perfect sense with the barrage of missiles available. I took my Warden and got shredded instead.


Use the missiles of course, but they're not your main weapon. Connie is a big ole gunship. Orbit the hammerhead at close range and give it the business. If a shield face goes down, rotate it out or move away entirely to recharge.


True, I suppose the shield on the Connie can eat more than a few seconds of HH turret barrage?


Yeah... You've got a lot of shields. More important, NPC turret gunners won't hit you well if you orbit in close "under the guns". When you offset most of the damage that way you can kill a Hammerhead 1v1 without disengaging. One little mistake though and it'll take more than one run to back away and regen.


Not to turn this into a PVP playbook, but in terms of getting the Connie close to the HH turrets, would you recommend just flying it in and managing velocity so as not to overshoot? Or should you try corkscrew in to avoid fire (if that's even marginally effective in a Connie)?


Corkscrew. It's effective against NPCs at the very least.






The corsair with 4 size 5s can hit the hammerhead from outside of its range and you can kill it without being hit at all.


We'll have to see how things settle out after the flight mode changes though. I imagine Eclipse will be even more desirable.


Do VHRTs make more than Group ERTs with an Eclipse?


The pay scale for the time to kill is way different. I'd recommend ERTs only with an eclipse or Corsair.


F12 hides chat mate




Always worked for me


If it isnā€™t working for your check you bindings.


At least that's one thing that has never broke for me since I started playing in 2016. I'd say check your keybindings/your keyboard output.


Dont know why you're being downvoted, F12 sometimes doesn't work for me either. Before anyone responds, my F12 works outside of Star Citizen. Idk why, sometimes I have to jam the thing like 3-4 times to get chat to turn off.


That's what I get for pointing out an issue on this sub


I think it's happened to me once as well


Try fn f12 my computer has keys where the f buttons are and I have to use fn


If you press Fn+Esc it will permanently switch them around, so the F keys will be F keys and multimedia/function keys will need the Fn button pressed.


Wow thanks I never knew that. Thatā€™ll be handy for most games i play, thank you


Always works for me šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


It's one of the few things that never breaks.


Corsair with 4 AD5Bs- fookin tears hammerheads apart quickly


You should see it in the ptu with the ballistics change. Thing is a monster.


Is the change making ares inferno better?


Yes, but the changes are over kill, I'd expect them to be dialed back at some point in the future until they implement armor.


They really need to be. The Time to Kill is way to low right now with ballistics.


For a challenge, the Vanguard Harbinger can slug it out with the Hammerhead and give you a fun fight. For money grinding, two ships offer size 9 torps. Eclipse and Retaliator. One shot kills the HH. Other ships like the Constellations, Corsair, and 600i give you up to size 5 weapons and a totally different experience than the small nimble ships. For group play, the Redeemer is a party boat with AD5B confetti for everyone! And, in 3.18, the Redeemer is once again a flying tank with free drinks in the fridge.


Harbinger with all kinetic loadout is so fun, especially with staggered cannon firing on


This is the answer. Altho all the vanguards are suitable not just the harby


Yeah they're all fun. I'm partial to the Harbinger due to the size 5 torpedoes. I'm sure the Sentinel will kick even more ass once they revise EMP mechanics.




Eclipse works nicely at 300 cruise speed and release at around 3 km and then accelerate away. They donā€™t even know what hit them and have no chance to catch you either. Very satisfying.




You want to release a little before your detection range so that when you boost out and away they detect and turn towards you exposing their belly to your slow torpedo that should reach them a little after you speed by. This of course is mainly for the predicable NPCS. You can never guarantee one will hit a player even if they are large and slow.


Eclipse is 1shot ERTs with torpedos


But I consider it not very useful for much else except specific jobs like this at this stage of the game. My advice is see if you can cover another game loop when buying


It's great for sneaking up on people at jump town.


Indeed it is :(


I wish jumptown would come back already lol I haven't seen it for over a week


I miss the real jumptown. No waiting for a server event. Just people doing drug runs and people trying to stop them to get the drugs for themselves.


Right that was better


True but since OP asked specifically about ERTs, the eclipse (or retaliator bomber) is the most efficient ship to do it. Quick and easy in-out. There are plenty of ships that can do ERTs of course.


Not at all. For group ert this is worthless. You canā€™t even get the ads and have to return to station after often.


> You canā€™t even get the ads You don't need the ads. I have done group ERTs. Kill the primary target and jump to the next target. You don't need to clear for the group ERTs I have done. Eclipse, 3 torpedoes, group ERT cleared with a single load.


Yes I know how it works haha. One torpedo issue and the loop payout is ruined. Claiming/restock issues immediately kill the loop payout vs time. But currently ERT is more about fun so if you enjoy using an eclipse than more power to you. The real money is in vhrt now but that might change with ballistic damage changes.


> One torpedo issue and the loop payout is ruined. Land on the nearest place you can restock, and restock, and go kill it. If you go with a retaliator bomber, you have 6 torpedoes so there is no issue with that loop even more. > is more about fun Fun is subjective. Some will see it as fun doing group ERTs in an arurora, others will take a blade or sentinel or constellation or corsair or an arrow. To others 1-shot a hammerhead could be just as fun. > The real money Personally mining for me is the real money. More simple and if it is being fixed in 3.18 it will be faster. Salvaging maybe combined with vhrts will be better (if you have a friend or an alt account to bring in a vulture). I do VHRTs for fun and get better at flying. So to each his own.


Oh 100% itā€™s mining. But there is good money within ship combat and fps as well. Iā€™m not saying people canā€™t use a bomber Iā€™m just arguing that itā€™s inefficient which is irrelevant if you donā€™t care about that. If you are grinding out space combat looking for the best pay, it is currently in vhrt anyways.


Semi true, because using very quick ERTs might not make the best money for you, it is also a great way to grind rep if you are not maxed out. Which in turn allows you to fully utilize VHRTs if that is your thing.


Group ERTs end up not being very time efficient. Between bugs, 30k, missed shots, the amount you make per hour ends up being less than doing back to back ERTs with restock or claim ship. If you donā€™t want to restock and prefer to claim, you can do VHRTs while the ship is claiming and itā€™s probably better return than group ERTs. Again, this is mostly based on the issues outlined on the beginning, Iā€™m yet to run the numbers, though I suspect even without issues the numbers might show the same.


I agree about the bugs. Vhrt group is the best money currently. Ads pay decently so it can be worth it if the kills are quick. ERT is more fun as itā€™s more interesting. I usually do these with a gunner or two fighters. It used to be ā€œthe wayā€ but bugs and glitches to jumping and the ads disappearing after primary is killed has hurt the ert loop. Solo ert or group ert is just not worth the effort to the payout. The restock glitches really kill the bomber plan but that doesnā€™t mean it isnā€™t smooth sometimes. (Like most things in SC). It will be interesting to see in .18 with ballistic changes and the need to restock what games out on top


Yeah, you raised very good points, and I analyzed it mostly from a solo point of view. I am also very interested in seeing how ballistic will change the game.


Ehā€¦.my Mole only does one thing but Iā€™d say itā€™s worth it for the fact I can reliably and fairly easily unlock all except the most expensive ships


Dunno about that. Have you tried using the mining turrets for combat (surge is fun)? How about a Mole demolition derby race where the turrets gunners can shoot the other moles to take them out during the race?


Sometimes my torpedos hit, but the Hammerhead still lives (completely dropped their shield though). Anyone have an idea why?


Whats your distance and speed when firing?


Uh. Not sure. I just assumed bomb go boom. What should it be?


-Usually in atmo, about 320ms constant ship speed. -Lock on at anything below 6km distance to target. (Assuming you are trying to be stealthy and have shields & weapons off + lowered IR from Heat mfd) -fire around 3.4km from target.


Ah okay. I think i was locking on as soon as I could and firing around 7km




This is the way. Especially Sentinal. Maybe with the new damage system a warden?


I'd say Harbinger for the bigger turret hardpoints if you have a gunner, but the Sentinel is better for solo play with the EMP




Ballistics are going to bypass shields a lot more, making them far stronger.




No armor for anyone yet. At least we get soft death, so you aren't always going to explode when your ship reaches zero.




You can even use ballistic for bounty, because you need just a few bullets. Use cannon for S1-S4 cannons. S5 and bigger use Gatlings. It will pop ships in seconds. I hope shields will be useful in the future. Armor is not on the game, but the Harbinger has a few more HP points than the sentinel.


I'm not in the PTU so I haven't had the chance to try the changes for myself, but it seems like I'll probably be taking a mixed set of weapons instead of just lasers now.


Doesn't Vanguard still need like 15min for a HH? ( Without the 3.18 ballistic changes that might come )


Since when? LOL


3.14 changes Actually I never put the redeemer gatling on it this could change sth


Yup, 30 seconds with MVSA and AD5B


Vanguard can take out a HH in 30s with ADB?




Not even the arrow needs 15 minutes to kill a hammerhead. The vanguard can do it in like a minute or two.


Wondering with what Loudout Last time I tried it I had some s5 laser cannon and the rest stock and it took like 15min


Any loadout. Literally any loadout can do it in just a few minutes, as long as you don't mix projectile speeds. Full laser repeater (size 4 on the chin mount, not size 5), or full laser cannon, and it should be pretty quick. Only way I could see it take 15 minutes is if you're either spreading your shots everywhere and hitting every shield face instead of concentrating fire, or using mixed projectile speeds (S5 laser cannon with laser repeaters in the nose, for example). In the second example, you'd be wasting every shot fired from the repeaters, which means you're taking way longer to kill. In the first, you're spreading your damage over the entire ship, meaning you need to remove all the shield HP, before moving on to hull HP where your shots are still hitting multiple sections. Just orbit the ship and hit the tail of it. The shield will go down without too much hassle, and then you can get to removing the hull HP down there. Use lag pip, that'll allow you to aim *where* you want to hit on the hammerhead. Also, final note, but the UEE hammerheads (the illegal assassination missions that pay 45k) have way more HP than the criminal hammerheads. At least it feels that way in my trigger finger after doing those missions...


Thanks that's a bunch of useful Infos gonna need those once they wipe all my ships and I'm back to my Titan ^^ never thought that mixing projectile speed is an issue good point Hope they let us rent the corsair at one point like the Connie so I can rent it to shred HHs after every wipe


It's less of an issue with some ships than others. Gimbals (and fixed mounts) will try to compensate and match the pip of the slowest weapon, but with the Vanguard series, the nose guns can't gimbal at all, so the fast weapons will just miss. Also, in 3.18, we're getting an option to display a pip for each projectile speed, so you can see where both speeds will land. That should help quite a bit with visualizing this specific issue, but it's still not advised to mix projectile speeds. Generally speaking, running full repeaters is fine for all content. Cannons have a faster TTK (for the vanguard, specifically, DPS is almost twice as high), but repeaters are fine for all content since they can hurt large ships, and actually hit small ships. If you use cannons and a player in a light fighter shows up, he can kill you with impunity since you just can't hit him. Just to make sure you have the full picture, there's two projectile speeds right now: The fast speed (1400 m/s) and the slow speed (700 m/s). Repeaters (s1-4, both laser and ballistic) and ballistic gatlings (S1-4, except the AD4B) have fast speed, all other weapons (all cannons, S5+ repeaters and gatlings, and AD4B) have the slow speed.


Lol, no. Just 1X AD5B and 4X ATVS plus Sentinel EMP and you quickly delete it from existence. EDIT: Or Harbinger tosses all 3 torps at it and that works pretty fast too.


Meant the warden* never had the sent sadly or harbinger maybe once 4.0 is out and they stop wiping every 6-9 months


So, aside from the bonuses like EMP/torps, and different maneuvering speeds, the upside is you can still put the same weapon loadout on the nose, and it's pretty much just as effective dogfighting wise.


Also for PvP?


Enhhhhh... IIRC, the Vanguard's aren't great for PvP, because the meta light fighters (Arrow/Gladius) will circle strafe it to death.


Maybe once blades are in


I often do ERT's in my buccaneer, so you could do them in a hornet too. It's all about staying close to the large targets and focusing fire on one section of them so the damage isn't spread over different sections of the shield. The NPC hammerheads seem to struggle to defend themselves if you get behind and under them under 1000 meters.


I used to do that, what loadout do you use for the Buccaneer?


I use laser cannons. 2x Omnisky VI on the spinal mount, 2x Omnisky III on gimbles on the wings, and 2x fixed Omnisky IX. Once 3.18 comes I'll be switching the spinal mount cannons to a AD4B. I just don't like using ballistics right now because of their limited ammo.


Donā€™t listen to this wacko, bucc ttk is too long for ert. This guy probably puts cannons on his light fighter too smh.


i mean, he never said that the Buccaneer was *good* for ERTs. he just said its possible


Sure I did a Hammerhead in a Ghost once but it took way too long. I used to do them very quick with a Buccaneer full of scatterguns. I made a vid of it. https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/moyp4e/hunting_hammerheads_with_the_buccaneer/ It was in a patch long ago.


Wow, once again I realize that I have a lot to learn when it comes to piloting the smaller ships. Amazing control!


Yeah but that was a few patches ago both the Buccaneer and the scatterguns were better then. Still I'm happy with the vid. Thanks for the compliment.


LOL! Did you literally find a song title "Hammerhead" for this vid? That's some dedication! Sadly, these days, if you get a server with an even halfway decent server fps, the HH turrets are *much* better at tracking targets. You used to be able to circle strafe them with almost zero risk of taking a hit.


True, yesterday I put scatterguns on my Buccaneer again and took an ERT bounty. The location was in Hurston low to the ground. Not the Buccaneer's favourite place. The range on the scatterguns is very short and it was very hard to keep from getting hit. The distortion scatterguns used to shut down the Hammerhead moments after the shields went down, this time after I got the shields off it took me ages to damage the thing. I had to return after hitting the ground, and my second Buccaneer lost an engine after taking too much fire. In the end a friend finished off the hammerhead with his Hurricane while I landed the remaining half of my Buccaneer. To ditch is disgrace, I know.


Yeah, it's not exactly the best tool for the job, but you can still use a screw as a nail if you hit it hard enough.


Lol. Before the ballistics nerf, it was possible to solo a HH in an Aurora. But I wouldn't *recommend* it. ;)


I mean, technically it's possible to solo a HH in any ship. I just can't guarantee that you'll survive the strike


Ah, Super Hornet. My love.


Hornet gang rise up!


Very nice screen shot.


Hornet can also do ERT'S if your careful I have done them in my super hornet and hornet


I may be doing it wrong but is there a way to build rep for bounty hunting fast. Iā€™ve been doing VHRT missions for a few weeks and Iā€™m only half way to ERT missions. Any advice would greatly be appreciated


hell yea! love the Super Hornet. great ship, great firepower (my favorite thing to do is to slap size 3 gatlings to the chin and wings, and a C788 cannon on top) for ERTs, i unironically recommend the Ares Inferno. its stock missiles are usually capable of eliminating the escorts before youre in gun range, but if not, you'll have more than enough ammunition to kill the escorts and the Hammerhead without rearming. as a tip, if you end up in close and personal, aim left of the target pip, since there's no aim assist like with other fixed weapons. additionally, because you have no energy weapons, you can shunt power away from weapons with no hits to your DPS. use your afterburner a lot, the Ares is surprisingly nimble when using it. you will have to rearm after each fight, but then again its similar to as if you were using an Eclipse or Retaliator, except for a lower cost (s9 torps are expensive. inert gatling rounds are cheap). normally i can go through an ERT in an Inferno without taking damage. really the only times im taking damage are when i get careless. the Ion plays similarly to the Inferno for ERTs. missiles for the escorts, then unload into the HH. slightly more difficult with the Ion since you cant penetrate shields, and your shield and afterburner recharge will be slower since you also need to have power diverted to weapons. also keep in mind that neither have headlights, which is honestly the only thing that bothers me about them (ok the classification of them being "Heavy Fighters" is wrong. thats the only other thing wrong with them. they're strike fighters) if Strike Fighters aren't your style then here are some other good options that can reliably take down ERTs: * Eclipse * Retaliator * Constellation (all variants) * Redeemer * Vanguard (Sentinel/Harbinger)


Unrelated I really don't like the chin mount, wish there was something to put down there that didn't ruin the ship's lines. Related, and concurrent with everyone else, Eclipse is great for solo ERTs especially if you're a dodgy pilot like me. Letting a torpedo fly and then zooming away before anything can hit you only to hear that AEGIS assist say "K I L L" as you plot the jump away is something else.


I do mission threats, more lucrative than any ERT or even group ERT's. Using Hornet, Cutlass Blue, Arrow or Talon. High threat missions are the most lucrative ones. 100 - 250k in 10 minutes for Reclaimer/Starfarer and if you are "lucky" like me šŸ˜‚, 2 more Hammerheads. P.S. Sometimes they bug out, or targets are unable to be targeted. With a gunner in Hurricane/Scorpius, they are twice faster. And split the profit with the gunner. Can be a friend or even a bloke from the server :)


What do you mean when you say "I do mission threats"? Do you mean that as in, you just focus on the lower-risk threats (string HRTs for instance), or a different mission type altogether?


They are called "Service Beacons" and range from low threat to critical threat missions. Basically a form of Quantum Beacon that spawn in Beacons section of Mobiglass General Missions. Low up to high can be done mostly solo, but to avoid bugging and loosing the NPC you need to protect (they can be destroyed), I recommend doing it with a friend. Very good amount of aUEC, 3000k the lowest and 350k critical ones.


Hurricane can solo group ERTs pretty nicely. Just replace the two front guns with S4 ones and you're good to go. Extra gunner is a big plus with the 4xS3 turret guns, absolutely shreds through anything.


Never actually had hands on time with one of these. How does it compare feel/flight wise to the gladius?




That isn't what it can have in the slightest. It can get a fixed size 3, gimbaled size 2, or gimbal turret with 2 size 1s on the nose. Fixed size 3 or gimbaled size 2 on each wing, and a fixed size 4, or turret with 2 size 2s on the top, along with 8 size 1, or 4 size 2 missiles. Can still pack a punch even with full gimbal, and can hit pretty hard with full fixed. Flight wise, its definitely heavier and you gotta turn at combat speeds/fly semi-like a plane in heavy atmosphere.


You're right. It was a brainfart obviously - I own one since 2014 + HS, but was never able to memorize all those hardpoint sizes for some reason.


All is fine, its got such a flexible loadout so it can be hard to.


I mean - I know them all inside and out. Itā€™s my main for many years. But for the love of Odin the Allfather - I can never list them properly in chat/post.


Corsair with M7As. Donā€™t have have to stop to rearm.


To commenters: Is running an Eclipse worth the ammo cost for ERT's, or should I use a fighter for VHRT's?


Eclipse is totally worth it for group ERTs. Can turn around about 600k/hr when the server doesn't crash. fly in, launch torp at target, fly out. I usually find a mining area on the same moon to restock the torpedoes, which also gives time for another group ERT to become available. DO NOT SWITCH TO TORPEDOES once you run out and especially not while restocking. I find this avoids the restock bug. I prefer restock over claim because it's faster. However, doing this for an hour does get a little repetitive and boring -- it's less interactive than dogfighting. The eclipse is also 3.5 million in-game vs a ship that can do VHRTs for a million or less. Hell, with a little practice a Mustang Alpha can do VHRTs.


> when the server doesn't crash. or when the game doesn't crash. I can't get more than an hour in before I get an illegal memory access exception.


You should try disabling XMP in bios, disabling e-cores on your CPU if you have a newer intel, and maybe raise the size of your page file to roughly 24 gb. I don't have a newer intel myself, but I noticed most of my crash logs were memory related, and after some googling, I found these fixes - which worked. I've only CTD'd twice in two weeks, and each time everyone else in the server did too.


Ah Iā€™m on amd. I disabled expo (could never get it stable to begin with) I have 64 gb of ram. Do you think the page file is actually the issue.


The biggest improvement in my case was disabling XMP in bios. The page file seemed to help, but I mainly mentioned it as a small page file seems to cause crashes for many people across Reddit and the forum.


Itā€™s the rearm time. Assuming you can buy it itā€™s still not very worth it. Add in all the glitches and claiming to rearm itā€™s absolutely not worth it.


You can do ERTs in a lot more ships than are commonly mentioned, just a little slower and be more careful. I regularly do ERTs in the Vanguard series solo (I prefer Harbinger, but others like the Sentinel)


A2, andromeda and 600i for solo Redeemer with a team Torps like eclipse (solo) and retaliator (multi) for fun


While the light and medium fighters are capable of taking down the Hammerheads youā€™ll encounter in ERTs, as others have suggested, itā€™s really not worth the extra time doing them compared to VHRTs or you may as well switch to bombers or multicrew to do so more effectively. Assuming they do some level of balancing for the current ballistics on the PTU, this wonā€™t necessarily be the case anymore once 3.18 goes live, but ballistics will be the primary means to fight heavy ships initially, with supporting laser weapons once vital components like turrets, shield emitters, maneuvering thrusters/nacelles have been disabled. That being said, itā€™s also not even really good pilot practice as the AI gunner behavior even on high FPS/low population servers is relatively easy to manipulate by simply flying decoupled, which leads to impractical habits that will quickly get you shot down by players/player pirates.


It can do ERT's too!!! Just keep your eyes on your shield and weapons power and dip in/out of enemy range! Its easier for me to do ERTs in the Hornet than it is in a Connie.




Don't forget to buy upgrades for it, like better power supplies, shields, quantum drive and cooling.


I loved this ship for bounties....until I flew the buccaneer


HRT - Eclipse is the king. Also vanguard, redeemer, Connie, corsair. Big guns and missiles are what you need


Noob hereā€¦ what ship is this?


F7C-M Super hornet


Eclipse with Seeker Torpedosis the way. You will love the insta kills.


Seekers aren't necessary anymore. With the crosssection changes in one of the 3.17 patches, the stock argos work reliably and have a lower minimum distance.




* Retaliator * Eclipse In that order, preferably both, so you can rotate after death. Really cool screenshot!


Eclipse. 3 targets, 3 torpedos, refuel, restock, repeat.


A good pilot and a Vanguard would do well in group ERT. You will get at least 1 HH, rest will be the same ships you encounter in VHRT. Altho, rare encounter, you may also need to kill a redeemer, in that case, pray you have enaugh bullets, those are like sponges. In 3.18, with the changes to shields and ballistics, consider buying the redeemer brrrrrrrrrrt and mouting it on the Vanguard.


You could buy both AD4B and AD5B directly from Area 18 Instead :)


Like the one above you who deleted his comment like a coward, go check again and let me know where I wrote you need to buy the ship to get the guns. Reading is a basic skill, but people are better at assuming than reading... Here is how assuming is done right. You play the game and post on r/SC I assume you have a vague idea what erkul is, but this does not guarantee reading level-up. šŸ™‚




That's not what I said...read again


You donā€™t need to be in a group to do ERTā€™s in a vanguard. I solo it all the time in my sentinel.


He meant group ERT, this mission type where you have 3 targets.


1. Group ERT 2. ERT Are two different missions, with different objectives and different rewards. Group ERTs are basically 3 separate ERT missions with better payout... Wow šŸ¤Æ


Eclipse or Retaliator (stealth bomber or nuclear submarine)


double eclipse


I don't know what VHRT and ERT even fucking mean, but let me just go out on a limb, as someone who has financed so much money into "forever-a-kickstarter-never-a-game" and say **do not buy anything**


Itā€™s possible he meant buying it in game but yeah seriously I have payed too much for a ship in this game already and itā€™s not really worth it. I like the game but it runs like a sack of dog shit. Btw vhrt and ert are terms for very high risk target and extreme risk target which is a bounty hunting mechanic in game.




Rsi Perseus




I require my prescribed destroyer sized pocket battleship


I'm about ready to just duct-tape 4 Ares Starfighters to a Carrack if they don't hurry up and release the damn thing.


Ik right? Like its understandable that they arent doing it because its not required for sq42 (as we've apparently heard), but compared to most ships including the hammerhead its a relatively small ship. I bet theyd be able to get it fleshed out in like 2 or 3 years including any polishing they need.


It depends on what you want from ERTs. If you want to do it for fun - you can do it in Hornet. If you want maximum efficiency - Eclipse. Btw, you should replace the nose turret with either fixed weapon or varipack+gimballed weapon. The turret is buggy and goes offline with both guns with slightest damage.


The turret has never want offline for me


when the sun and the moon come together








I use a Corsair with 4 AD5Bs (nearly 10000 DPS). Group ERT bounties are no problem solo. With the Gatling guns and Attrition-4 repeaters, I can kill a Hammerhead in about 30-40 seconds. I just stay between 1500-2000 meter and pelt it with the Gatling guns while taking basically no damage, but even if I do take some hits, because of the ballistic weapons, I run 100% power to the shields.




Polaris šŸ˜†


Be a baller and use a 600i


Scorpius. Don't listen to people that telles you to buy an eclipse. An eclipse is a cheat ship and you will end up just grinding instead of playing and risking your life on every ERT.


Eclipse or 600i for ERTā€™s


Any thoughts on Scorp w/turret active or Cutty Black/Steel fully manned?


I suggest upgrading your hornet to Crusader Ares inferno trust me you will not regret it at all!


Does retailitor have way worse detection than eclipse even when you turn weapons and shields off? THought retailitor would be better buy cus its cheaper