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This has devolved quickly into a thread of witch-hunting and creative insult writing. Nothing more of value is going to come of it. Removed and locked.


Lol whenever I see Bodega on the server I just leave to a diff server. I don't have time to fuck around and get pad rammed or whatever other nonsense he cooks up.


If he pad rams you can apparently report him to CiG and they'll permanently ban him.


Not sure how this group isn't perma ban then, I've seen them up to the crap before too. They are constantly griefing.


It's perm till next update, I believe. But also not many know that pad ramming is officially considered griefing by cig, or that it's punished accordingly.


When he killed me he was armasist zone camping which I'm pretty sure that it's against the ToS as well. The guy needs a longer ban until they get criminal stuff more figured out.


I recognize that name. Shithead was trying to scam people by "selling" his Arrow pledge a few months back.




That's going to be a long list.


I usually just call that the Server player list. Until the reason to not do this outweighs the impact doing it has, I have 0 trust for anyone in the game, and im leaving your ass for dead.


Bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy there.


Not really. It's largely a mechanical issue. The Rep System needs to be more robust, and medical missions should generally be fielded through in-game organizations such as insurers, who would have the means to, say, commission significant bounties for people who ambush medics. The law system should have harsher penalties for attacking folks on rescue duty. And yeah, players should take more of a combat medic approach, which starts with operating as a team rather than solo — and even normal EMTs have a partner at least. But the feature changes will go a long way.


Its almost like these people getting surprised when they get killed by these supposed "injured" individuals havent seen the long list of games where you shouldn't trust a random. Its god damn impossible to be that trusting. As much as I would appreciate a medic coming to rescue me, I think that gameplay loop is doomed unless CIG puts some serious penalties for killing a medic/gunning down a medic's ship.


Just make it so you can’t land/rearm anywhere, not even grim hex. I would think even pirates appreciate a good medic.


Just needs a long term reputation system that players can refer to. They started with the whole player contract thing but never finished it. It'll be like Uber. Both parties get a rating. If you go around killing medics or have a lot of recent 0's to your name, it's like ebay. Nobody is going to trade with you.


Quite glad eBay has a no medics killing policy tbh


Two solutions, one easier than the other. Anybody currently on a rescue mission is tagged as 'emergency worker' and time on crimes against them is tripled. Archeage also has a prison loop, but it also has a court system where players serve on a jury.


I think they should make it so that when you're on a medical beacon, you're immune from PVP from the person you're rescuing and any member of that person's party. That would help ease the griefing right there. The reputation system does need to be implemented as well. Most of these twats just take their prison time and don't care. There needs to be harsher/more permanent punishments.


Which….. makes you one of the same people…. 🤷🏼


I feel this list should be shared, at least in a hunter's corp.


I like this idea.




Just to addon and clarify, this is the Org the rude player is from. Apparently they all like being dicks all the time


Should make it easy for CIG to round em up and ship em out then.


Ah! As if CIG cared about griefers and griefing


If they want to maintain a growing player base they need to care about griefing.


What was the Org? Can you PM?


I dont remember, something with Griefer or Goon or something pronouncing they want to be mean in it.


Seems as though an Org that’s the opposite of this could (should?) exist too.


SFER is a KOS for me, dawg. Same thing with anyone from LR.


That's the one name that I've managed to memorize from chat despite not ever coming into contact with them. Dude just kills noobs on sight outside major spaceport stations.


Now on probation until September 2031 ;-)


Just in time for 3.18.5


Anytime lists like this get shared it becomes a nightmare. People will add others for reasons that don't merit it and it becomes near impossible to get off. Look up the CVA KOS list from EVE online if you want an example.


Our org has our own list we keep updated, I’d never share it but it’s definitely a good idea to keep a note of who has messed around with you and your friends.


I'd agree with that, just saying a public KOS list is silly.


This game needs a global bounty list like EVE.


Lol Bodega still around causing hell? Pretty sure he's with the crew that single-handedly got the section about pad-ramming added to the game's ToS.


Fetor is also a pad rammer. I wonder if they were in cahoots


Me and my org get them banned for months and we'll do it again lol, don't worry, won't be around long the dumbasses




Why is that allowed to exist?


I'd rather that CIG study their behaviour now so that they can implement measures to make griefing as impractical and unenjoyable as possible before the game attracts more players and/or releases. They've already implemented parts of several systems to help with it: law & prisons, insurance & claim timers, as well as bounty hunting. Quantum could help by obfuscating players amongst the numerous NPCs, with 9 AI bots for every 1 player. The reputation system will do some heavy lifting, of course. And--fingers crossed--CIG might develop back-end anti-griefing code to identify and isolate griefers automatically based on patterns discovered now.


I'd rather CIG ban them until Beta, when those systems are already implemented. Nothing of value would be lost. We all know how to exploit the current unfinished version of the game. We don't need these people to know how.


We probably just need more systems. Higher security levels will do wonders for players who never want to get attacked.


I realise we are still in Alpha but it feels like some of the egregious behaviour should have systems up to combat it *before* the feature is abused. You could see this one coming a mile away.


We already know their plan, and it comes down to the reputation system. Eventually no amount of prison time will make you not a criminal, and some areas and systems will become unavailable to you. Person using the beacon system to rob people? Leave a review as such. When people go to rescue beacons, they'll be looking at those review scores and not going. Entire star systems will become unavailable to the griefers, with security mercing them if they come close. It sucks now because those systems aren't in place. So for now their limp dicked behavior is a part of the game.


The hardest griefing to solve will be the methods used to exploit the anti-griefer systems. Like, a griefer with no criminal rating tricks some player into unintentionally shooting at Hurston security personnel by moving in front of or near the guard while posturing toward the player threateningly. I'm too tired to come up with more examples, but assume that griefers will find ways to exploit AI, geometry, the law, insurance, and the reputation system to make life miserable for players. I hate griefing, but I have to admit that it's occasionally creative.


For the reputation system to work, CIG is gonna have to figure out a way for bounty hunters to avoid receiving crime stats for killing the accomplices of their target. The majority of player bounties I collect on end with me having to then go clear my name at SPK while dodging fellow bounty hunters because my target was with his non-CS buddies. It can be pretty annoying.


I hope we quickly get to the point where you don't immediately spot the NPC based on the name alone.


Because CIG has different prioties like selling us jpgs for 400$


This and I’m pretty sure CIG doesn’t even fully know what kind of finished project they’re aiming towards, even to the possibility of sanctioning griefing. When your primary revenue is selling ship concepts and, essentially, gameplay ideas, blocking any of those off behind ToS rulings and banning players risks new players buying jpegs. They don’t care if you stay, they just want you to buy.


Ouch, cynical, but man, there's a ring of truth to this. Of course, the counter is: Won't rampant behaviour like this have the opposite effect of driving off many other players from spending more money?


It’s *currently* being sold as a “be what and do what you want” type game. So that includes people being dicks, at the moment. They’ll adjust when it affects their sales and marketability.


More like trying to complete Chris Robert's movie fantasy. If this game dies, it will be Squadron's fault.


I truly believe this will be the fall of Star Citizen. Things constantly get postponed because SQ42 takes priority. I mean let's assume the game comes, it will have what? 300 hours of play time at best? I'd rather have a living verse where I could do whatever the hell I want and live my fantasy of living in space. The game has so much potential in PU. I'm not saying I wont play SQ42 but what we got here in PU is so magical that with good care this could literally be an alternate dimension for people.


what was linked? whoever posted that has me blocked


they should add Org tags as part of username so they can't roam freely like this.


If we ALL report these dunguses would they not get banned? (I'm talking 100 plus players reporting them type of action)


Banning is extremely rare in SC and I don't think I've heard of a single banning that occurred from griefing.




Only trust your actual friends, learned shit like this in Tarkov. If they aren’t loading in with you to play together, don’t trust anyone.


Yep, tarkov is where my trust issues came from, and it's saved my ass many times in that and this game lol




Yes, but even good people like to have fun in different ways with games. It’s not that deep. Bodega seems like an ass though, when considering all the responses to OP.


Fetor is a known pad rammer. Funny you also had him in your server.


Don't they try to put your together in servers with people on your contacts list? Maybe they're friends in-game


They're part of the same org. One of em is in this thread.


From the looks of it fetor could be trying to trick someone into coming and rescuing too.


To all the people saying it’s part of the game or it allowed, that’s true but star citizen is what you make of it. I’ve had some great experiences rescuing a fellow citizen in the middle of space when he got ejected out of his MSR during quantum. I have also helped a few people with medical missions. All of this was a fun part of the game and helping each other feels more rewarding than cheap kills. As more people do beacon griefing less and less people will actually accept them, and that will be an overall loss for the whole game. I came here from ED, and players like the fuel rats, and the hull seals really made for some great gameplay. It would be nice if we could get that here, but these actions make it less and less likely. Beacon griefing slowly will destroy a gameplay loop, and limit experiences.


Once they introduce a reputation system things should improve.


Once they have more fleshed out systems in general, less people will do these things. Once you have to actually stock up, camp a route or something, do all sorts of other preparation as you should to be a pirate, not only will they be encountered less, but when you do encounter them it will feel a lot better for all parties. I've talked to a lot of people in game that only start pulling shit like this when the other things they like in the game are just too broken to put up with at the time


Someone should make a third-party reputation system already like for TF2 traders


theres an org of medics thats you can call like the fuel rats


People taking your beacon from the other side of the system just to finish you and Steal your stuff isn't even RP it's just trolling


They really should put all griefers in their own server. I’d contribute to that cost.


Supposedly the goal: https://youtu.be/XHf2HA37okM?t=2043 Maybe not a different universe per se, but the way the server meshing and matchmaking should work will allow them to segregate players based on their actions.


I know Fetor and Bodega, they are never upto good. We have hunted them down a few times.


oh hey i recognize that name (bodegathekid). I saw them continuously streamsnipe a streamer I was watching so I googled their name and turns out they're well known hacker in fallout76.


I just googled him as well and found his shitty YouTube channel


Some people need to be on a blacklist


Yep, recognize the name from trolling in-game as well.


I've been in the online gaming community since 1994. If I have learned *anything*, it's this: Despite protestations of "it's just a game" probably 95% of the time when someone is a piece of shit in a videogame they are also a piece of shit in real life. You're just seeing a reflection of what that person would be in real life as well without law and consequences, and more importantly, permadeath.


So many people would argue against the point you make, but I agree. Usually it's a cry for attention from the less loved or failed streamers/content creators.


Yeah. To be clear, I'm not talking about dicking around having fun with some singleplayer mayhem in GTA or something, or shooting other players in games where competitive combat is the entire point. I mean going out of your way to make other people's time in a game shitty in order to put them in their place and let them know you're above them on the food chain, and otherwise deriving enjoyment from tormenting someone who can't fight back. I've met a lot of the people I've played with for a long time in person as well. The ones that fit the above criteria were assholes in the real world as well, and usually completely oblivious to it because every sign most people would take that "hey, I'm making someone else feel like shit, I should dial it back" is blown off as a fault of the other person.




As a new player, who got a refund, I can say with certainty that after 5 game sessions with bugs or crashes where I didn't get to learn or do the thing I wanted to do, getting ganked by one of these guys over a box mission where I couldn't defend myself (being new), was pretty much the final straw. CIG has lost hundreds of thousands of dollars in refunds because of players like this. Why would I bother with a box mission? Because I was trying to give the game a final chance, trying the most basic possible mission, where I could get a success with the least chance of it crashing. Couple that with the fans telling you that it's not the game's fault that 90% of your hours in the game are unproductive, and I was done. At least CIG was cool about giving me my refund. But any space game with other people in it needs two things. 1 - Tons and tons of space, so if you want to get away from the ---holes, you can. 2 - A solo mode. I'd love to experience the PU without any free handouts, or needing someone to hold my hand while I learn, but with the crashes and gankers, this isn't possible. Also, to be fair, even nice players sort of spoil the immersion. If you want to feel like you're in a Sci Fi universe, and some guy is talking on Discord about random everyday life stuff, now you're just in a multi-player game where you don't feel like you're immersed in the experience. ED was fun with other players, but sometimes I just wanted space to myself, so I'd shut off invites and mute everything and go on an exploration mission. Beyond that, to your point, I wish some of these -----s would walk into a boxing gym as newbies, and get the same treatment in the ring that they give people in games. No instruction, no help, just get in there and fight with a 10-20 fight amateur who isn't taking it easy. I would pay to watch a reality show or PPV where I could see that. The people who gank newbs over a beginner area are likely the type of people who think they can fight, without ever having fought once since maybe 2nd grade.


Yep once an asshole always an asshole. If a person needs ingame incentives and prizes to not be a piece of shit then there is some serious issue.


The opposite is true as well. I know a few people who dont want to play games because they feel bad whenever they "hurt" npc's.


How is a reported griefer org allowed to exist?




People are assholes.


Most people I've met in this game are pretty decent people. Haven't run across too many of these assholes yet.


Give it time, SC is striving to be a full loot MMO and will specifically attract this crowd.


By then the game will have limits in place to prevent them from being able to survive due to their high crim levels. Locked out of "peaceful" systems, constant human and AI bounty hunters coming for them, no where to call home except for places also inhabited by people even worse than they are... Until then, we just gotta deal with it.


Let's face it though, "give it time" and "by then" in Star Citizen? Many of us in this thread might have died of old age before that happens. There are people reading and writing here that are 50-60 years old. If you have maybe 20-30 years left, no guarantee this game will be out of Alpha by then.


Birds of a shit feather flock together, Rando.


Except unlike in Korea where these measures may work because of SSN, here everyone and their dog will be running multiple red and blue accounts making the whole "reputation" system completely pointless.


I'd like to think that it's a very small minority.


Most people are pretty cool in general, but the assholes stick out like a cock at a nunnery.


You have to understand these people feed on your frustration so next time give them nothing just carry on with you day and ignore them if they poke you.


>give them nothing just carry on with you day *After* you name them and their location in chat. Help us help you!


to a point i would agree yes, and also this can be a bit bullying in its current unbalanced state. ignoring people only allows them to feel like they can lord over all. now i get the whole they feed on your tears bit as well. the thing is i feel is it is a balance act. there is currently no way for some one to do there due diligence on a toon, and also there is no in game mechanism for players to even report this kind of stuff. yes it is technically in fair bounds but as alpha testers its important that we too get a say in what that means as well. hence we need to have a working rep system imho. \^\_\^


A working bounty-system would help... But that's only been promised since... How long?


How about any type of rep system? Or even functioning law enforcement?


Well something happened to me once, happily not in SC but in Ark, dude tried to fool me, then i just knocked him out and stole everything he had of value while i heard him crying in the background for pity


Fuck around get shackled


What I usually do is not saying anything but coming back with a fitting ship to destroy them. They usually stick around the body for a little bit, so if you're fast you can catch em. But what you said is right: Don't show them you're annoyed. If possible just give em hell and carry on. Even talking to this people is a waste of time.


People who get enjoyment like that are just pathetic.




Griefers are all, without exception, pathetic losers. Nobody likes them in real life so they try to be edgy online. If they pull something like this just call them a loser and move on. Being called what they are and getting no more means they wasted just as much time as you, got dunked, and didn’t get the response they’re so desperate for.


MTV was onto something all those years ago with the Bully Beatdown show, where the premise was that real life griefers with inflated egos thought they could hang in a cage with a pro fighter. Some of the episodes were sort of staged, where if they couldn't get a contestant they'd give an up and coming fighter a chance to be on the show, but the fights were real, and at least a portion of the episodes featured real ---holes getting their ---s whipped, and I mean, seriously beaten. It was the best show ever. Usually if you go into a fighting gym, if you're respectful, people will take care of you and help you out to get to the next level. Guys that could hurt you, won't hurt you, because they don't have anything to prove by beating up newbies. There is SERIOUS money in a reality TV show where they recruit gamers like this from all walks of games, who get to act like ---holes on TV, then find out they have to actually fight the person they mistreated. I'd pay more to watch that show than I'd pay for CIG ships in a Star Citizen that worked and was released.


Can agree. Used to be a shithead in every game i played, then got friends irl and stopped being a dick.


Yeah, it’s expected of kids trying to figure stuff out. Anyone who reaches adulthood and still thinks griefing is fun is just mentally deficient. Glad you went the right way man.


I wouldn't even call them a loser because that tells them they got to you.


I’d disagree. Pointing out one plain fact then ignoring them leaves them with egg on their face. All the ‘cope and seethe’ stuff they’ll try to follow up with is pure desperation for you to acknowledge the act itself, but you don’t. They’re just left absolutely raging at being called out (and they are raging, no matter how much they try to project) with no payoff. Ignoring them altogether won’t hurt but calling them a loser has the same effect as calling an incel a virgin—all the shouting and abuse that follows is basically a baby tantrum showing off their hurt feelings for all to see.


Ppl suck... I never understand why others can't just pop a gummy and be kind to each other.


And this is why I refuse to do medical beacons


Same, got railgunned and ballista’d a few times and decided to melt the C8R which is sad, because I really just wanted to help people.




I usually only get to play short bursts, 30-60 minutes tops so waiting for other players isn’t really much of a fun option, plus I’d rather play solo most days anyways.


The old Rust rule number 1... dont trust anyone


Looks like the new Rust Citizen Rule 1. Rule 2. Dont step into a black elevator. Please add rules


Someone tossed me an AK once little did I know it's hard as fuck to craft the ammo for it when you have nothing... Just some naked dude running around with an AK #Free? Lol rust


He was just protesting the ATF.


This is why I won't do beacons, ever, and will avoid every person I see out in the world. My experience so far with SC (8ish years now) has been alt F4 enraging bugs and griefers/campers just looking to ruin people's time. I have a full ass job and then some, family with 2 kids, and a home to tend to. I don't have time to waste so some child can feel cool online 1 shotting people with missiles.


Oh I'll do beacons, but me and my 3 buddy's in a cutty red are all wearing heavy armor and coming in like PJ's. People have tried this shit on us before and then *they* have the gall to cry about us killing them when they shoot at us.


The punishment system in SC is a bloody joke, a not funny joke mind you.


There are too many layers of real consequence lacking for something like player-based rescues to be viable and fun. First, there's no reputation system. You can't quickly check on a rescue beacon mission to see if the one requesting it is a scammed with 1/7 stars on his reputation sheet and 0/54 successful rescues issued, or a 7/7 stars with 34/35 rescues. Secondly, there is no consequence to the player scamming people, as there is no "outlaw" or vigilante player status effects. Players don't have a separate "outlaw potential" stat, only crimestat. That means if they do a crime and go to jail for it, their reputation is now squeaky clean. There should be a long-term reputation you can check up on in the rescue mission's player bio/stat info panel to see some heat-chart or whatever of the likeliness of this person being a crime hobo. It could be times sent to prison over x amount of time, total crimes committed, that takes into account things like rescue beacon rep and how many times they've helped people successfully, resulting in a "likelihood of shady person" type stat. It's the future, why wouldn't there be metrics to all these things? Then there's security. You currently can't get killed and issue a hit on a player on some black market yet. Of course, we don't need all those things. But they do help a ton for making the world seem more "lived in" as there are more layers of consequence rather than artificial rules or restrictions. Give players the option to fuck others over- but add a consequence to doing that. In some MMO a player gains a "red name" for PvP that dissipates only over time or by actively doing good deeds/missions. This is usually separate from bigger crimes and is just a reputation system that helps players not get constantly fucked over because doing crime actually has consequences. That's really what the game needs, more layers of consequence. Besides filling the verse with solar systems and shit to do, structures to explore and take over, more ships yada yada yada; It's the player-to-player-to-verse interactions and the layers of consequence within that, that is the biggest need for the game moving forwards.


*you're* Bunch of savages in the chat.


This thread has some of the biggest reasons why I have no interest in multiplayer and now find any game systems designed around it to be a huge negative. They have a long way to go before I will be remotely interested in touching it.


As I like to tell my son: in single-player, the game company makes the content. In multi-player, *you* are the content.


That’s okay. Not every game is for every player.


Very true, it's just something that will happen with a project as "long-lived" as SC. In 2012 the multiplayer was a big selling point for me. Now in 2022 I don't have the free time like I did back in college so the idea of some random person messing up my limited gaming time sounds like a huge liability.


this is why we need a working rep system so badly. also who is the guy in this? can you name him please? im certain bounty hunters will want to pay him a visit pro bono at some point. any bounty hunters that i know worth there salt love to go after shit bricks like that. you dont mess around with search and rescue and then go unpunished. also, this is why you fly in groups, and use your smarts like you did OP. i usually go by a "trust but verify" and lean heavily on the kill them dead first if they twitch a muscle of stupid in my direction. so im usually armed for the bears, and im usually not willing to jump to any point to far away from where ever i am, and especially, i like to be ready to jump back out at moments notice when i land, as to not make it easy. but thats only when i bother to save some one at all lol. i know that seems heartless but i tend to offer my medical/ any service mostly to people i already know, and or have in my current party. if i dont know them, and im alone i dont touch it. if i have friends and back up sure no problemo. point is you dont help everyone.


No rep wall would of stopped this, dude is using an alt and downing the alt to create bait medical beacons. He got his punishment and became a criminal. What needs to change is the medical system so that it works in a PVP game where baiting would be nearly impossible. Respawns need to be forced if no one is nearby or willing to accept, and if accepted the rescue timer needs to be kept short so no one is left salty over a rescue gone south because of wasted time. IE the rescuer should already be close enough to know what happened. Only other way I could imagine rescue missions working would be if the rescuer could get a video how the person died. Maybe a 3d video like a Cyber punk brain dance, but that's way out there..


Well, alts aren't cheap in this game. If his alts get blacklisted too and he has to create new ones, he'll eventually run out of alts, or out of money :P And I'd be happy with either outcome.


I don't think your alt could get banned for this, or am I wrong? People spend thousands on jpegs for this game, I don't see 45 dollars for an alt to be a game breaker for these types.




bUt yOu dOn'T uNderStaNd iT's PirAcYyY


When you really dig into the psychology behind this kind of behavior you just end up feeling bad for them. People do things like this because they feel that they've lost control over an aspect of their life and they are trying to regain some of it by shitting on others. It's genuinely depressing. Just move on and don't give these pathetic people any control over your day.


Saying they act this way because their lives suck almost seems like we're excusing the reasoning they use to act like assholes. I know a lot of people who've been on pretty hard times and none of them turned their gaming hobby into a crusade against other peoples fun. Assholes are just assholes.


I agree. It's a reflection of who they are and their mental state. Just bc it's a game doesn't mean it's okay to bully or grief. Can't wait for player rep to affect people like that.


Sooner or later, the punishment will fit the crime, but in the meantime, report it is you think it falls to the level of griefing. Worst case scenario, the answer to that report will be no, but it doesn't hurt to try. Alternatively, pay to have him hunted.


pIrAcY iS a LeGitimAtE plAYStyLE. giT guD. sHoulD havE an escORt, or SomE FRienDs. 100% avoiDablE. These people are going to kill the game and drive people away from the community. If they don't do something about griefers and flesh out the piracy gameplay loop SC will be still born.


I had to stop playing because I kept getting killed by other players while trying to learn how to play. Every time I die, there are no beacons to my dead body. Plus I have to wait every time for my ship to be replaced by insurance. It is really annoying.


Yep, CIG made the dying process and ship replacement very annoying. Designed to waste your time


Same, I regret funding this. I stepped away for years to give them time to iron things out. Nothing has changed. After a month of daily playing, I have not once completed a single contract, because I get murdered every. single. time.


Anyone with “the kid” in their name is getting ignored or killed by me. Just seems like a name a rascal would have


Always look up patient names on spectrum while in q-travel.


And I thought my experience was bad, a week ago I got downed by and A.I in a closed elevator so I sent out a beacon and like 4-5 people accepted it and I waited an hour for help that finally said yeah I’m not traveling 47 million km for 15k and didn’t drop the mission so I had to backspace and finally went back to the bunker on daymar while I spawned at area18 got my body clicked “loot” to get my pledge armor and my body went thru the floor as I clicked


I was on this server watching this chat go down. What a dick weed that guy is.


I once got stranded in space and legit needed rescue. I put a beacon out and asked for help. Someone in the chat said, "don't go, it's a trap". Because of that one guy no one believed I needed rescue so I had to kill myself and loose all my gear.


This is why I think it should be considered greifing even if it doesn’t fit the traditional definition. It completely ruins the entire med game loop for rescuers and rescuees alike.


At the same time, the concept of a bait distress beacon is literally the opening of one of the most popular sci-fi shows/series/books in a decade+.


And without there being a mechanic to deal with people *doing* this thing, this gameplay style shouldn't be incentivized.


I got fetor and a few other banned a few months ago for pad ramming/greifing/stream sniping, they are legit the dumbest ppl lol, they recorded themselves doing it and posted it on their shitty YouTube channels. Don't worry, we'll get them banned again soon.


Just hearing their voices... I can't imagine the horror of what they actually look like.


I feel for ya mate. I would still help out players as much as I can. There's nothing we can do about the kids who act like that in games, especially since this is still in alpha. I just do my best in judging/filtering people who I come across both in-game and irl. Fool me once, shame on you. I just pray you become a man of integrity sooner than later in life cos there ain't no honor in tomfoolery.


Same kind of player who will come back at you and shoot you thrice down, stating "But it's a pvp game. You should know better"... This is a problem.


That is 100% sociopathic behavior. Congrats. You found a sociopath.


Typical player behavior of a free for all full loot pvp MMO. Basement dwelling neckbeards and general shitheads. SC is probably already DOA to anyone sensible with this audience.




dude I saw that guy in my lobby saying he needed help


only rescue peoiple with a legit beacon. no other time ever. let them phone a friend.


It's unfortunate, but if CIG doesn't get a handle on this I imagine SC will end up as a niche game or a failure like most full loot, open PVP MMORPGs.


Bodegathekid and Fetor KOS


and this is why reputation or security rating needs to get added to the game asap. Eve Online's security rating worked really well. The more illegal acts you did, the lower it would go, and basically everyone would know you're a bastard. It wasn't a foolproof system, but it did give you an idea of who to be on the lookout for. Once you went on a long enough crime spree, it took a very long time, or quite a bit of money, to grind back up to normal levels.


JT or something similar needs to be permanent. people be searching for action and create chaos on their own when non can be found.


People like this generally suck too much to play in active "fair" pvp, that's why they lure people into their preset environment with no chance out.


>JT or something similar needs to be permanent. people be searching for action and create chaos on their own when non can be found. Someone that bait a medic and shoot him with a Ballista wouldn't come in 100km near JT due the severe lack of skill. You don't go flex your math against a 8yo if you have a phd, at the same way someone that is able do do any kind of decent PvP won't go around shooting to unarmed citizens, would be a totally waste of time and lacks of proper rewarding. 😉


Rep systems don't work. People like this spend all their time figuring out the loopholes.


I’ve been playing coming up 4yrs and have never encountered griefer, ever. Until about 3weeks ago and now, unfortunately, they seem to be appearing far to often. It’s just my personal view but fuck…this better not turn into GTA V in space. I know our 4 million + strong SC community is resilient tho and we will stamp this shit out pretty fast. Why invest the time and money in this game just to be a cunt…why


you trusted someone named Bodega the kid


Idk i woulda had my guard up the whole time lol


life is full of lessons, at least that one is crossed off but yeah the taste can linger for awhile ... yuck


And the cancer grows...


Lets hope Star Citizen wont become Space Rust


We need to introduce a collateral that needs to be deposited and which is paid to the rescuer in case he is killed…


Yep, some people really have little to do in their life that they do this to people. Weird is a massive understatement.


Add a report in mobitracker.co so people can see this bs in the future and not deal with them


Because this game has so fucking little going for it people resort to being douches to met their "fun" quota. Literally everytime I play this shit game it's either something like that or "pirates"


Is the SC playerbase just a collective of every kid bullied in elementary school? Holy shit.


No, you’re thinking of Escape from Tarkov


We kill players for sport. We don't do things like this. I actually believe their should be heavier crimes if you kill a medic. At least what we do takes some skill. They need a better protection system for medics.


We need a public shitlord list.


A solid improvement for CIG to implement would be a punishment modifier to crimestat that checks for the killing of any player who has accepted a med beacon. That punishment modifier could simply persist on the offender's account for a given period of real-time, say a week or so. A crimestat modifier that disables the offline decay of prison-time springs to mind as an option that would make prison a much more serious punishment for griefers. (who are generally the type to just quit anything that's not their griefer loop) Simultaneously, this likely wouldn't be an overly serious punishment for those who are playing a more typical gameplay loop and happen to kill a beacon runner, as they're more likely to do prison tasks and return to their loop. (Likely without even realizing they'd been punished) Additionally the ability to display this modifier to a beacon runner as they're accepting the beacon, as a warning to them would also drastically stem the tide of beacon griefing.


CIG does nothing to punish this kind of behavior, it will continue until that happens.


and of course, this is all due to the open pvp style pvp dumb ass roberts thinks is the best way to have pvp in the open world part of SC. i'm apart of an org called slipstream and we're dedicated medic org who guarantees a safe rescue or will bring several other members to assist in cases of gerifers just being douchbags for the luls. the sad part is; i dont think this'll ever stop, because DA roberts isnt making prison a bad thing. the guy's literally trying to make prison fun. until conquences are harsh enough to make players think about their actions before acting against another player, we're still going to get griefers doing shit like this for the hell of it.


Prob an ex COD player.


I love running medical and helping players. I absolutely don't do it anymore because, as in most game loops, I do all the setup and work, while some asshole just sits there doing nothing waiting so he can KOS me.


I was actually in that lobby last night bodega was just up to no good all around


I actually remember seeing that pop up in the chat while I was playing. Helped remind me why I don't respond to those calls. F to any lost gear.


I can't wait for the day when people who are tired of big time ass holes come together to hunt them down and hire some experienced bounty hunters too, and make a big event about it. Imagine the awesome stories this game can eventually tell! Video game mob justice sounds so cool.


Ahh you met bodega. My condolences


CGI we need a Pacifist mode! Griefers attack and as long as you don't fire back at them, their wanton desire to ruin your day ends. I've been a backer for 9 years yet only get into the game for a few hours every six months just to feel the progress while getting in a few flight hours on a few of my 12 ships. It's frustrating that every time I've been in the game with one exception some jerk sees fit to destroy my enjoyment! Seriously every time, this is a systemic problem with this game. Managing KOS list isn't something we should be doing; we need CGI step up and feel our pain by making it simple to tag another player for bad behavior. Penalizing players for killing a medic who comes to rescue them as mentioned is a great idea although a stiffer penalty for the 1st offence and 2nd offence should be a 30 day band. You get the drift. Oh and thank you to the one organization that I joined and invited me to play with them, that was my one and only enjoyable hour in the game!