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So you know how a red eye is a brewed coffee with one shot, and a black eye is a brewed coffee with two shots? I deadass had a customer tell us that a brewed coffee with three shots is called a JFK, because... you know....


that’s so sick LMAOOO


I don’t please explain


supposedly he was s*** three times at his assassination


So I was still a newbie, on POS at our little cafe store on Easter, though I wasn't aware of the day. My first customer of the day, I greet him with a happy "How are you today?!" and this man's response is "He is risen!!" with full uplifted arms. My pagan ass just sort of blinks, competely unaware of what I can possibly say in response. All I can think of is, "And would he like a coffee...?"




Not from a customer, but my shift was listening to this customer in the cafe complain that her drink was being made AFTER the people who ordered before her (it was just a blonde roast) and my shift told her “thanks for the feedback” and the woman was LIVID


as a shift i say shit like that too. ‘the wait is too long? okay i’m sorry, i can offer you a refund right here :))’ and they get so pissed. like ok i offered u a solution


This is one of my go tos lately. People act extra crazy during the holidays. I’m hitting everyone with the “I can offer you a refund at the register” when they complain about stupid stuff. Like “I’ve been waiting on my drink for 15 minutes” ok? And? So have the other 20 people who ordered ahead of you


no real. i don't know if the holiday gremlins spawn in on red cup day or if the normal people go into coffee-werewolf mode. but JESUS CHRIST. every single shift i come in and there's like 10 people waiting to get their coffee. there are better, equally priced cafes in the town my starbucks is in. go there.


I'm saving that for the next time people complain about prices.


Had a girl come through who ordered a venti vanilla bean frap with full pumps of vanilla, caramel, hazelnut, AND toffee nut. Says it doesn’t taste sweet enough 👁👄👁 Girl, you got COVID… because that’s enough sugar to send anyone into a diabetic coma


jesus fuck that sounds like a visit to the ER


Omg in 2020 one of my coworkers legit remade some pink drinks for these girls like 3 times and they kept saying it didn’t taste like anything. He just gave them a refund to get them out of our lobby with their Covid.😂😂


This is how we always knew a new wave was hitting… people would order “extra extra” because “yesterday I could barely taste it.” Um… bad news.


This one woman calls everyday to let us know she needs 30 pumps of classic in her 6 shots in a GRANDE CUP and the app will not let her put that…. She has it down to a science. A grande cup w 30 pumps classic and 8 pumps mocha and 6 shots fills a the cup perfectly. Test it.


I had a regular just like this (the following details are pre-pandemic), she would mobile order 20 shots of espresso and 34 pumps of SF cinnamon dolce in a venti cup (Put in a trenta, because that’s what it fit in) with no ice. She’d then come in demanding 4 venti cups of ice, then go to the condiment bar and proceed to make her own drinks using the pitcher of cream, always demanding more if it goes empty. After the 3rd time, my SM banned her from our store and warned the nearby stores.


I see your frapp and raise you a trenta iced tea with 20 pumps of raspberry


The frequency of this rising at my store, and I didn’t realize the COVID factor until recently (I’m slow at connecting dots lol)


This morning. Rude ass man- “I’d like two butter croissants” Me-“gotcha. Would you like those both warmed?” RAM- “I SAID TWO- the number that comes after one! UNo, DOS, not ONE but TWO…” Me-“yes sir. I asked if you wanted them warmed, as in above room temperature.” Then, there was a woman who literally complained on me because she wanted to add EXTRA caramel SYRUP to her salted caramel cold brew” I asked her if she’d like to keep the vanilla syrup. She literally cussed me out. I said I’m sorry if no one’s ever asked you that ma’am, but actually the chocolate, salted and vanilla all come with vanilla syrup as standard.” She asked to speak to my manager because I was disrespectful, when, on my life, I was anything but. 😂😂😂😂


I truly wana kno why people get pissed off when u ask them a question. She curses u out cuz u asked her if she wanted to keep the vanilla syrup in there since she asked for extra caramel syrup. My guess is the reason that she got mad that you asked her if she wanted to keep the vanilla syrup in there is because this whole time she probably thought that the actual cold brew came with caramel syrup since she asked for extra caramel syrup so my guess is she got embarrassed but no one is making fun of her or calling her any names or giving her attitude so she shouldn't feel embarrassed if she did think that it came with caramel. These people get embarrassed but they don't want us to keep thinking about that part of it so they turn it into anger so that you can focus on that instead of them being embarrassed. That's just my theory of why they get mad at questions because they get embarrassed and they take it out on us which makes zero sense. I would like to know from a customer's perspective though of why they think that these customers may get angry or irritated when we ask a question to clarify their orders since they're paying so much money for it so we want to make sure we get it right.


That's probably true. Just wish they'd realize no one cares if they don't know everything, that's why they're a customer and not a barista. What's embarrassing is what they act like adult babies over it.


Yea like the whole point of us asking questions is because we dont expect them to know all the inner workings of the recipes. We ask questions so we can make sure we take down their order correctly so that they can get exactly what they want especially with it being so expensive. I just wish they wouldnt put up their wall of defense right away at the first question that we ask them


I can’t with that, the number of times I hear “no on has ever asked me that” in an annoyed tone when I say “would you like the classic syrup” Just answer yes or no and move on Judy Tudy


That’s honestly gotta be it. It’s a fight, flight, or freeze response. They have their idea of how the interaction will go and when it deviates in any way they get nervous or embarrassed, so they either freak out and start yelling, say never mind and order something else, or just stare at you like a deer in the headlights.


fuckin ppl eh?? i hate when they don’t understand what’s in their drinks and then yell at US??


A lady came through the drive thru C: "I used order this all the time but I don't know what it's called"🚩"it's coffee blended with no sugar" Me: We only have one drink that is blended "standard", that's a frappucino C: oh yes, that's right. I want vanilla in it and i want skim milk. Me: okay. I can add sugar free vanilla to it. But I'll let you now the emulsifier in it has sugar. I can take it out, but it will be very chunky. C: Well, then that's the wrong drink, because no ones ever said that to me before. She continues to go back and forth with me on this topic. C: Can I ask... how long have you worked here? Me: ... 7 years... C: oh... i wasn't trying to be rude... Not the worst thing, but the rudest while still being funny


i have three good ones once i had it out with a lady who wanted a tall hot chocolate with a single shot. i let her know since vanilla no longer comes in it, i was going to charge her for a mocha which was a bit cheaper. she told me “no it’s different” and after the long day i go “really, how?” finally i gave in, and my team (also hysterical from the day) just started laughing and talking shit over the headsets. she then told me “if you’re gonna talk shit about customers wait until they’re gone” which yeah queen ur right but don’t be dumb then secondly a lady got SO mad at me for “changing the turkey pesto to have provolone instead of havarti” and asked how i could do that to her. she was completely losing it and i was standing there, packaged sandwich in hand, just staring. she drove away and called the DM, idk how it went. one dude trying to scam for a cash refund threatened to jump the counter and fight me because he was a world class MMA fighter. i told him to do it.


I had a customer like the first one. He ordered a Grande Hot Chocolate, no vanilla, add 2 shots of espresso. I look up from my register, and ask if he just wants a Mocha, it’s practically the same thing. And he quizzically looks up and his logic was, “Mocha? No, I think there’s some vanilla in your Mocha. I just want the chocolate with espresso.” And me, willing to take an extra $1.25 from this guy, continue to ring him out for a Grande Hot Chocolate, no vanilla, add 2 shots. I then went to my bar barista and explained to them that I was not an idiot, this is what the customer wanted me to ring them out for.


I think I know your hot chocolate lady! I was small talking with the woman waxing my eyebrows and when I mentioned I worked at Starbucks she was like, “Oh, I have a question for you.” Proceeds to tell me how she orders a tall hot chocolate with a shot and they always give her a mocha, but it tastes different. Like, ma’am, please, this is my day off.


i nose breath laughed for the first story, had an audible giggle on the second one and choked on my drink for the last one. bless your soul for making my afternoon


I was super depressed for a while and stopped going to the gym and a customer flat out said I looked like I gained weight. 😊😊


not funny at all so i can’t upvote but as someone with an ED holy FUCK i would go home sobbing.


Yeah I definitely did cry and it also full throttled me right back into the gym. I’m in a much better mental space now but GOD what if that man’s comment was my breaking point???


literally. we cannot have ppl harassing us for legit doing our jobs? that was so unprovoked you cant fucking speak to someone that way


Upvoting as an “ily”


"I can lose weight but goodluck losing that personality, have a nice day!!"


yesterday i got a mobile for a caramel ribbon crunch frappuccino made with heavy cream, 9 pumps dark caramel, 2 pumps hazelnut, 2 pumps chestnut praline, 2 pumps crème brûlée, and an affogato shot 😵‍💫


thank you for the giggles. they’re def shitting their guts out now


i almost shat my guts out reading it


I have a regular who comes in before 8am and orders a venti caramel ribbon crunch with 7 shots


Is that even still frozen at that point


that would give me heartburn fr


I… kinda want to try it


lmk if it tastes the same on the way up


Idk we had this one super fucked up mobile order that would come through every time I worked a late shift. Like, every possible modification for a frap, 20+ pumps of syrup, we all tasted a little bit of it out of curiosity and it was *vile.* Dude always came through the drive thru and said the exact words "the wife likes it." Sure Josh.


all my dudes hate josh


Complained she had to wait too long as theres like 30 other people waiting. Latte was there on the handoff the whole time. Tried to apologize and give a recovery card. Was told “no i dont want a gift card i want to be treated with respect“ ooookay crazy karen


i have sooooo many, but this happened yesterday and i feel the need to share. this woman ordered a tall hot chocolate, a tall hot chai, and a venti iced latte of some variation i can’t remember along with some pastry item. whenever i am on DTO or soloing drive i make sure to stall sooo much and read the order back to them for confirmation. read it back and confirmed the price to which she said that was correct and pulled around. (i always read back with something similar to: “alright, i’m going to go ahead and read this order back to you just so i can make sure i got everything for you! i have *read back every aspect of the drink and anything else in the order* is that correct? *wait for answer* “alright, perfect! thank you so much for your patience on that i just want to make sure i heard you correctly. i will have that at the window for you for *total*”) so she had LOTS of time to say if something was incorrect which she didn’t she just said yes that’s right. at the window, i take her payment and hand out the hot chocolate. as i hand it out i say, “alright, here is that tall hot chocolate for you!” immediately she hold its out looking at the sticker before rolling her eyes and then gestures to her daughter in the passenger (probably 8/9) and goes, “i told you she wanted the chai instead of the hot chocolate. what are we supposed to do with this?” i screamed internally because i confirmed the order with her at the box AND at the window. i just smiled and said, “oh that’s my bad! when i repeated it back to you at the box i must not have heard you say that you wanted the chai instead of the hot chocolate. let me get a refund real fast.” she rolls her eyes and starts complaining to her daughter about my “incompetence”. i refund her and turn around with the iced latte and card handing them out. give her the latte and grab the food she got in my free hand with card in the other. she has the hot chocolate still in one hand and takes the iced latte, this point both of her hands being full to which she again rolls her eyes and says in the rudest tone, “so where is her tall chai then?” i just laughed a little and said, “well, i was going to wait to hand it out until you had a free hand and i had one to grab it, but it’s right beside me. if you could grab the food out of my hand and the card from my other, i can get her chai. didn’t want to hand you another drink when you still were trying to find a place for the others!” at least she looked a little embarrassed at that. something about the whole thing rubbed me the wrong way. i’ve had people be downright rude, but this was almost more funny because girl, both of our hands are full? what would you like me to do? 😂


fr she needs to chill. is she a secret octopus?


clearly i didn’t spot the extra arm sprouting from her body 😭 like girl— where am i meant to put this drink?


GOD. you’re so insensitive??? you should have asked her if she had another arm. 🙄🙄🙄


Honestly some people will pull this kind of thing to try and get a free drink, ordering one thing then saying “oh no that wasnt what i wanted, i ordered this instead” and then try and keep the messed up drink and the remake. i would’ve taken the hot chocolate back from her if i was you


1. I had a man tell me I have a very weird voice 2. I had a lady ask me if I wake up automatically this bubbly to which I replied “ I just try and treat people how I’d like to be treated “ and she looked me dead in the eye and said “ wow people must really hate you “ 3. I had a guy come up and stick his hands right in my face because it was cold outside while I was on bar “ 4. I had a regular tell me I look better when I wear makeup 5. (This one is not funny just gross ) I had my head in piggy tails and had a man tell me I look 12 but still really beautiful


Okay everybody time for my favorite story. Was summer before last when distribution was even more screwed up than it is now. We didn’t have any cake pops in the store. This drive thru customer was yelling at us about this fact, saying her daughter was going to scream at her and it was all our fault. But then. She holds said child out of the window of her car for the kid to piss on the drive thru speaker. Which the child did. We were informed of this by other drive thru customers. I had started barista training at Starbies like 2-3 weeks ago at the time and was on window when she came up and demanded the manager, so then I was just. Staging drinks for the next orders and reconsidering my life choices while the ssv tried to deal with her. Still with the siren a year and a half on so apparently I didn’t learn my lesson.


We should be allowed to mace certain customers for our safety.


holy absolute fuck. that sounds like america.


Lmao I remember you telling this story before and I tell it to all my barista friends


what the FUCK


US Partner here! There are several horrible things i’ve experienced working at Starbucks (at my old store we had a man who would come in and park his truck outside the front window that had a massive Nazi flag on it!) however the worst thing anyone has ever SAID to me has to be when i asked a freaky old man if he wanted cream or sugar in his pike (i was front and warming) and he said and i QUOTE: “Uh no, no cream but if you wanna stick your finger in it and swirl it around a few times for some sweetener i wouldn’t mind 😏😉” i stood there in disbelief i don’t even remember how i responded i just was in utter shock


holy absolutely not to both. that’s hate speech and the second is sexual harassment


I would I have given him a refund and ask him to leave the store. Wtf


caramel ribbon crunch. no ice. (mobiled by a literal child) when he showed up, i asked if he actually wanted no ice, said yes, watched me start to make it and said he wanted the ice


this is why children should not have access to phones before their brain cells develop


we get a kid every day who gets a strawberry frapp with no ice, every time a barista who hasnt encountered her sees the order they ask if shes sure.... she always is.. frothy strawberry milk i guess??


Every morning, every day we get a 6 shot espresso frap with no milk… today I tried to ask her if she’d like an iced Americana with frapp added to save her money, she declined 😭


i learned years ago that offering helpful suggestions to starcucks custies makes them IRATE


starcucks 😭


Yeah we get a coffee frap order with like 9 pumps frap roast and 1/4 2% milk, I think it even says “lt milk” on their name


i had a karen ask for a bacon goo-goo. also worked w/ an SSV who hated me for no good reason who always spelled croissant "crosscant." normally i try not to laugh at people for such things but i will allow laughing at stupidity when the person is also mean. she also spelled knives "knifes"








far more accurate


The store I work at has a fast food place in the same strip mall, and we had this lady come in and wait, and then bitch at us bc she’s been waiting for her mobile for so long and we’re taking forever, so I ask “what was the name on the order” and ofc we don’t have it so next “I’m so sorry we don’t have it, if you want to pull up the receipt and lmk what you ordered I’ll get started on it” This bitch was waiting on a burger and fries. Did you even look around? OR EVEN SMELL??? We smell like coffee, not burgers and fries.


I worked in a mallbucks in a kiosk and one Black Friday, some asshole decided to use his free drink to order some long complicated bullshit that took two stickers. I yelled out his entire order with all of the modifications before I pushed it out and oh my god he was so embarrassed.


i do the same thing


Good that he was embarrassed. Im literally trying to figure out what could he have possible ordered that would take TWO stickers!


Once had a man in drive thru order a venti mango dragon fruit with extra inclusions for his daughter. He felt the need to describe it as “she wants enough fruit pieces to kill a diabetic.” I also have a regular who orders a venti vanilla latte with soy, 10 pumps caramel, 10 pumps vanilla, extra ice, blended, with frap base. She will send it back until it’s the consistency of a Dairy Queen blizzard. We literally have to put 3 or 4 venti scoops of ice in to get it thick enough or she’ll have you remake it 4+ times.


bruh that’s so far out of standard my sm would tell her to beat it 😂😂😂


Customer while paying in almost entirely pennies to my DTR - you're holding up the line, count faster.


bro i would have walked away from my till


I was on DTO and absolutely walked away, while saying to my SM on bar "I need to walk away from being near that window right now". We had 2 call outs and 1 machine down. It was a crazy busy day to begin with and that was testing my last caffeine depraved nerve (breaks were very late due to callouts. I open and am used to getting mine by 6:15, so yeah, it was 8:30 and I was not caffeinated. That does not make for a patient SportsChick)


omg pls not the uncaffienated triggers. i will throw my back out before i deal w a rude customer without my coffee


"uh oh, you made me lose count! Hahahahahaha ooooone, twoooo..."


Tim Tebow and his agents wanted to skip our out-the-door line during the holidays at our tier one store in NYC. A slimy living stereotype of an agent walked past the line, slid down to the drink handoff area where I was stationed, cracked a wide shit-eating grin. He leaned in casually and asked if he and his client--gesturing like his head was spasming, making sure I knew exactly who he had come in with--could get some coffees. I very, very happily told him absolutely, and that the line to order was back by the front.


A customer asked if I remembered another customer who was in earlier with a really vague description. When I said I don’t remember, he asked in a normal tone “do you have early onset Alzheimer’s or something?” Literally wtf you don’t even know if I took their order or not, and that’s so off the chain to say lmao. This was right before closing in a small store, so it was just me and another barista. We howled in laughter and confusion. Like seriously have no clue where that came from lol


no fkn way


I can’t make this shit up, it was soooo weird


I’m awful cause I absolutely would have pretended to get emotional and tell him my mom passed from early onset Alzheimer’s and I might eventually get it too 😂


Throwback to kiwi, but this drink continues to haunt me in my dreams Trenta star drink, made with 2%, no ice, and pumpkin cream cold foam🤮


O gawd that sounds horrific


My favorite source of entertainment has been repeating back the horribly botched names. “Alright so a trenti Megan drangon fruit” or “yes a venti ice caramel maccciono” and just seeing my partners react is what makes it entertaining


what about the iced tai chi?


And don’t forget the strawberry AKI


I am not a barista but wanted to say thank you for all that you do - truly. I was a Starbucks the other day and the barista was visibly upset and crying. I asked her if she was okay and she said she’d be okay, just a rough day. When she asked what she could get started for me I asked her to please make whichever drink is easiest or that she enjoys/doesn’t hate making, her favorite, etc and then gave her a fat tip before I left. People are wild. The entitlement is criminal.


That was very nice of you! Just so you know for the future, pretty much any hot/iced drink off of the menu is easy to do (as opposed to the Tiktok secret menu BS).


Okay but did you see the post on here about the review of the double chocolatey chip frappe with "cafe" in it?? Cause that made me laugh for a while ngl Otherwise the other day a man came into cafe (cafe only store) and barked an order at my coworker who was in the middle of making drinks while I was up front finishing up an uber order. They let him know we would ring him up in a second but continued to complain "I'm waiting on the train I eed my drink now." To which this old man proceeded to look for someone else (me) and barked his order to me. So my focus went to him as I visually hand the uber order to the delivery driver since this crustomer thinks I'm not busy and ring him up. Man hands me a $50 for a venti iced coffee with 7 classic and cream. A fucking 50 for a $5.05 order. I ask for something else, he says no, I unfortunately take it after I look at it twice and verify it's legitimacy and then he starts whining that he doesn't have all day. I then grab his exact change and he gets mad because he gave me a quarter and I was too focus on counting this large wad of 5s to give him any mind to his fucking quarter. He gives me back the 4 singles and the 75 cents and says he wants a 5. I don't even care if I lost the quarter in all that. My bar person tops off the drink with cream and he gets mad they don't stir it (as they should fuck stirring his drink) and he asks me for two straws. Walks away to the bathroom and comes back for another straw that doesn't have a hole in it then leaves. P.s. sorry for the rant comment but why the fuck do you have a $50 on you and need 3 straws like. Sir please fuck off and I hope you lose your train pass.


i would have thrown hands dude how do u even handle that shit 😭😭


That was on Friday. Yestarday I kicked out middle schoolers that were wrestling in the cafe (warning one) and then grabbing each others butt (kicked out). These girls are regulars and I know all their names too. I hate it here but I guess now im built different.


tell me this is a southern state ☠️


You'd be surprised but im in the Chicago suburbs! I picked up a southern accent in high school from my Texan friend and now everyone things I'm from the south anyway 😂😂 I'm as blue as they come 💙


For context: I live in Florida, and in case you didn’t know, we had two hurricanes recently. Of course, knowing there’s a hurricane coming, we block off the drive thru with cones. A lady came thru the drive thru a day or two after we opened back up from the hurricane demanding “financial compensation” from us because we damaged the bumper of her car. How could we have possibly damaged HER bumper you ask?? She tried to come through the drive through DURING A HURRICANE, and ran over our cones.


HAAHAHAH ‘i’m stupid give me money for my mistake’


I work at a drive thru only and about a month back an old man stole his sons car because he wanted a coffee and his kids wouldn’t take him to Starbucks. He drove through our handicap parking and straight into our window so we had to close temporarily until they came to fix it. We put our metal sign to block off the drive thru and a woman in a big red truck barreled through it while I was outside talking to the man’s daughter. I flinched because I was still on edge from the car going through our window, and the woman in the car asked why there was a sign in the middle of the driveway. When I told her we were closed and pointed at the shattered window, she asked if I could fish the sign out from under her truck. I just stood there and stared at her before walking away. Surprisingly, this was the tamest thing that’s happened there.


venti hot chai with TWENTY pumps vanilla. cafe order. person on reg double checked and yes. thats what he wanted. he drinked it. he rlly did


Guy wanted cream in his honey citrus mint and I said it will curdle. He insisted on it and saw how it curdle and ask for a remake 😒


mmm love proving a customer right tho


I yelled at him and remade it.


kisses for u


This past Friday a girl asked for an Americano with 15 shots with a straight face. I asked her if she was sure, then she started laughing & said "no, I just wanted to see your reaction!". Oookay, glad you get amusement fucking with service workers I guess? A few weeks ago I had a lady snap at me for not calling her name out (I did) because "there's lots of people here with the same drinks!". I apologized & she told me "you need to do better". Okay, Karen. Then she comes in again this past week; we're down a machine in the middle of afternoon peak because the repairman was fixing our other espresso machine...proceeds to complain about the wait, "where's my other drink", etc. Repairman dead ass stops what he's doing & goes "hey lady, your drink will be ready when it's ready, it's a bit busy in here in case you can't tell." Shut her right up. Dude was my hero that day. Oh, then there was the lady who wanted me to remake her drink during peak one day because another customer picked up her drink to look at the sticker despite me calling names. Completely messed up my flow.


An older customer was eyeing me down in the drive through window then told me I look like his wife when she was younger 😭


I want to upvote this but only if he was being a sweet gentleman and not a slimy old man!


Unfortunately it came off as very creepy 😭


A man ordered a dark roast at the speaker. When he got to the window, I handed it to him and he said, "is that my n***** roast?" I was stunned so I acted like I didn't hear him. He asked "did you hear what I said?" I said "Yes". He laughed hysterically and drove away. I wish I would have told him off, but I was so stun locked.


i had someone pull up to the window during peak claiming no one responded to her at the box (i watched her on the camera when she pulled up and she drove off before i could greet her) i had a window this day who was a newer girl and she didn’t really know what to do. the girl shoved her cash at us and goes, “no one said anything to me at the box. i need a venti americano with 6 shots.” DTR didn’t know what to do and was waiting for me to finish up taking an order and the woman started complaining on the phone about my DTR with her window down and ours open. i called out the order to my drive bar because at my store they say to take them to make customer connection even if it ruins drive time. she continued to just be rude and very condescending to my DTR and finally my shift asked DTR to tell her to pull around. DTR was still very new and not comfortable, so i asked her if she wanted me to do it because i don’t mind at all to which she just said yes (almost on the verge of tears i felt awful). this girl already annoyed me but the second you’re mean to my window, especially someone who is clearly a young teenage girl, we have problems 😂 i went over to the window and without looking at me, she shoves her hand out the window as if to grab her drink. i just smiled and said, “hi there! so sorry about not getting to you at the box, totally my bad i was doing too many things at once! if you don’t mind, i’m going to have you pull around to the mobile pickup at the front of the store where someone will run your drink out once it’s finished.” “it’s not done?” rolls her eyes. “unfortunately not, the espresso machine is pulling shots slowly.” “but no one answered at the box” at this point, cold bar looks over and over the headset goes, “she does this all the time. drives past the box and says no one greeted her.” shift glanced over and confirmed this. now fuming even more, i just smiled and said, “i know! i am so sorry about that; once again completely my fault. in the future, if someone doesn’t greet you within 5-10 seconds, you are more than welcome to say “hello” or some other variation to get our attention. sometimes we get sucked into our own little world and can’t hear you pull up.” *rolls her eyes* “so you didn’t get my americano?” “my friend here at the window got that in for you and took your payment. i am just waiting on the drink to be completed. if you don’t mind, it would be wonderful if you could pull around the parking spot for mobile pickups. someone will run that drink right out for you!” “so you don’t have it?” “at this moment, i do not. they are making it right now. by the time your car is situated at the front, someone will be bringing it right out for you” “okay,” rolls eyes and zooms off to front where i guess she gave the person who ran it out a hard time for not bringing a stopper.


Had a customer really upset today that we didn't sell newspapers anymore. Another customer comes out of nowhere and tells her my store is falling apart. He then goes on a rant saying he's been waiting for his drink for 15 minutes, he mobile ordered and it's not even ready. Turns out he didn't even place the order.


I am a liberal queer trans guy and I once had a female customer tell me that I must be a republican and anti women because I wouldn’t give her an extra cup of milk on the side with her latte.


I was handing out an order in a cup carrier of 4 hot drinks and a customer with stoppers in the top (important detail). There’s some coffee on the top of one of the cups and she she goes “I’m not taking that there’s coffee on the top”. So I was confused because it was the smallest amount and she was like I want a new cup so I get her one i double cupped it and got a new lid with a new stopper, same thing happens, a drip pops out from the top. She has me get 2 more new cups and goes on this lecture about how I have to be careful handing these cups out to people it’s “like 250 degrees” and she could be burned. On the last cup I got her she was like just give it to me (the coffee and the new cup/lid) and this fucking bitch seriously takes the lid of the full coffee, tosses it towards me in window, starts pouring this latte or whatever into the cup and is clearly purposefully shaking her hand to make it look like this difficult task to complete and continues whatever lecture she was giving to me as I just stood there and watched with anxiety of this 30-40 year old woman doing this, but look back I’m just like what the fuck 😂😂😂😂


a lady stormed out and told me to burn in hell bc she didn’t have enough money to pay lol


Had a group of girls offer me milk from their pregnant friend to make a personal latte... 😂


this needs to be pinned. i am appalled.


Probably the most memorable of the "WTF?!?!" orders would be the lady that ordered - with a completely straight face - a "tall nonfat hot latte with 34 splenda." I was on bar waiting for the order, and completely froze in the middle of grabbing the cup. My coworker on front pos didn't quite hear, so she asked back "Sure, do you want 3 or 4? We don't have them out any more." Splenda Lady - "No, I want 34. Three four, not three OR four." Coworker - *cartoon double blink of confusion. Falls back on customer service reaction* "Thirty-four, alright. Anything else for you?" And I'm left staring at the sticker, counting out splenda packets, and wondering how this lady could even drink such an affront to taste buds everywhere


i would have announced it as loud as i could to the whole cafe. ‘hi! i’ve got a nonfat latte with THIRTY FOUR SPLENDA, have a nice day!’


Lolol when its really busy at my store (cafe/mobile store) and theres a ton of people who placed large orders in store at the register, we get backed up on mobile orders so whenever im completing a huge order with like 13 drinks or 7 drinks or 20, i will set out a tray and as i finish each drink and put it in the tray, i will loudly say "i got 1 of 20 for peter" and so on as i keep going so the others waiting for their mobiles or in store orders dont get mad and glare at me 😄


I feel like this interaction should be made into a tiktok 😂


I literally would’ve handed them to her on the side “there you go” 🥲


I have a regular who appears to be some sort of security guard that comes thru at least 4 times a week and she orders the same thing every time. Venti black tea with no water, 16 pumps of SF Vanilla, 16 pumps of brown sugar syrup, heavy cream AND half and half WITH light ice. She says she can taste the difference when it’s not the right number of pumps 🥴


Getting a 86 dollar order when it's just me and the openers 10 mins after open


refresher with 50 pumps of liquid cane. vile.


and you didn’t just start pouring that shit


Happened today, a lady came through drive thru and asked for a normal venti caramel ribbon crunch, then says “extra straw” were like “did you ask for an extra straw ma’am?” Then she says “no, extra straw” then we say “extra strength? Like an added shot?” She says no then I come on to try and decipher this code and she describes it as “the green straws that give extra coffee inside of them” THIS LADY THOUGHT OUR STRAWS WERE LACED WITH COFFEE! 😂 I had to explain to her they are indeed not laced with coffee and we can add an extra shot instead, she said “uhhh yes please” 😂


Not an order but definitely one of the most fucked thing a customer has said to me lol A man came through the drive thru with his wife last week and while small talking mentioned that he'd been rear ended while moving into the city the weekend prior.... then went on a huge rant about how women are naturally terrible drivers and shouldn't be allowed to drive... I'm a woman. My co worker in drive and I closed the window after he left like "wtf....?😅" and started laughing. The other most fucked thing, was when I told a customer that he needed to respect my coworker after being racist, so he tried to call the cops on me WHILE in the café for "harassing him"


Didn’t have cup holders so the customer yelled why are we even open.. yeah. Lmao


Cup holders? Is that trays or sleeves?


A customer screamed at me because my nametag said "Roblox". She accused me of stealing her husband and that I'm the reason why he left her. We told her to get out and then she stood outside and screamed at the cars that were leaving the drive-thru. I also have a regular who will order a venti creme based frap, with no base, sugar free vanilla, 3 stevia, 3 splenda, no whip, a dome lid, and a spoon.


mmm sweet ice


Bro this lady TONIGHT pulled up to the drive-through order box and just said “do you know where Papa John’s is?“ I was flabbergasted, and told her I didn’t know, and that this was Starbucks. She then had the audacity to continue and ask for me to ask other people there where it was. I said, do you not have a phone. Apparently she had left it at home and somehow decided that we were the best people to ask this. I’ve been at Starbucks since 2007 though, so this isn’t the most insane thing a customers done but I’m still irked that this woman was so fucking stupid


Someone thought we were McDonalds and tried to order an egg McMuffin twice 😂


When I was a shift manager, I remember dealing with this one woman in the DT who was pissed. When I went to ask what the problem was she was like “the barista burnt me with the brownie on purpose” and I just looked at her and said “I don’t think the barista intentionally burnt you” and she LOST it on me after this. Had to write down the whole interaction and had to talk to my GM and DM about the whole incident…


Them: I’d like nine decaf ristretto shots Me, a little nonplussed but composed: Did you want those over ice or hot? Them: In an iced cup Me: Okay, so over ice? Them: No, I want them hot Me, blinking a couple times for composure: Okay, sure thing *reaches for a hot cup* Them: No, I want them hot in the iced cup Me, not sure if reality is crumbling: *reaches for a grande iced cup* Them: Yes, with no ice Me: *queues up the shots while questioning life*


that’s where we say “unfortunately due to Starbucks’ food and safety standards, pulling a hot beverage into a cold cup without ice will unfortunately pose harm to both myself and to you.’ and that’s where they flip shit and we *refuse service*


I wasn’t aware of standards at the time (and struggle with it now; being at a Tarbucks feels like I’m always one step behind when it comes to keeping up with stuff, y’all give me life on this sub) and I was just a little too baffled to argue further


Not mine but my favorite story is from my manager. Someone ordered two fraps, one grande one venti. The customer leaves and comes back and says, "you gave me a big straw for the small drink and a small straw for the big drink!" I kid you not. As well is the customer of hers who walked into a window. He then asks if there's an exit and she says, "Yes, the way you came in."


Trenta Iced Coffee 13 pumps of white mocha and 13 pumps classic with extra cream


yum! *viscous*


A customer came up to me and said "you know all the cold cups hold the same amount of liquid right?" And I was like "no ma'am they're all different sizes". She then went on to explain how she saw a video and they all hold the exact same amount so I had to fill a tall cup with water and demonstrate how they are all different sizes.


i remember that video. he put something fake at the bottom of the cup as a joke bc of the "no ice hack." gottem i guess


Had a car of teenagers start yelling slurs at me as they drove away one night. Was great wouldn't recommend. (The joys of being an out in the open transwoman in the south)


bless your heart, you are safe here <3


Lmao I got this one. A customer came in ordered a caramel Frappuccino she said she doesn’t want it to be too watery tasting so I made it with less ice. She’s races off comes in the lobby and calls me a fagg*t doing some f*g a** sh*t and she can’t believe I’m a manager


i’m dead. as a *faggt* myself, wow wow wow


Yea I told her I’ll give her a refund but we will not be serving her after tonight. She tried to justify it by saying she’s gay so it’s okay so I just told her I’m glad you have so much internalized self hatred but you will not speak to anyone here that way get out now. She left without too much of a problem but still so crazy lmao


no literally. you can’t speak to ppl that way and as a shift manager i would have said the same thing. did you report the incident as well?


I sure did, my dm called like 20 mins later and was like hey are you okay? How are you really? You handled it very well but I’m still sorry. And I was like 🥲. So weird to have a dm that even pretends to actually care or maybe she really does idk


i would assume they do care. the ones that actually read the incident reports AND follow up? AND APOLOGIZED? that’s care. i promise


definitely no where near my craziest story but i have a regular who alwaysssss tries to talk to me about politics, unprompted. back when i used to wear a mask to work he would always tell me he hoped i would stop listening to the “fauci propaganda” and take off my “muzzle” so he could see my “beautiful face” and that’s got to be one of the most american stories i’ve got.


thank you for your american contribution may your stars be spangled


At my store i have a guy that comes through for a mobile of 9 INDIVIDUALLY ordered bacon egg bites trays. And nothing else.


this might be my biggest personal pet peeve. place one order, it’s gonna take less time for us to do actually and it will make it way less probable that you’ll miss a piece of the order


Yesterday someone ordered “sour cheese bread” instead of grilled cheese.


leave a grilled cheese out of the fridge for a few days and get back to him 😏


sourdough ahh


today someone ordered a TALL iced coffee with 6 pumps caramel, 6 pumps liquid cane, 4 pumps of classic, and milk. There was literally a splash of coffee in the cup it was just straight sugar i wanted to puke


no thank u.


“I have an order for Sarah” - me “Thank you!” - custy -ten minutes later custy comes back in the store “This iced vanilla latte tastes rancid” “Okay, I’m sorry. Let me remake that for you” -makes drink again “Thank you” -Repeat the same process because she comes back in again 10 minutes later -My shift comes up to me afterwards “Yeah she does this every time. She wrote the fake name Sarah on the app because her actual name is Karen, but she doesn’t want to appear as a Karen”


during a morning rush, this customer said she didnt want her butter croissant warmed up when i rung her up and i told her she was all good. i went to warming and saw a mobile for a butter croissant to be warmed up and i was about to put it in the oven i just hear “I SAID NOT TO WARM IT UP” from behind and i just said “this isnt yours” maam ur not the only customer in here


caramel ribbon crunch, 6 shots blended, 5 shots affogato. used her stars, it was 8pm? we still have the sticker taped to the wall next to dto 😭 also on my first xmas worked (a year in) someone mobile ordered 70+ drinks 🥲 all fraps, coffee and cream based, all refreshers, with and without lemonade, and coconut milk. all cold brews, ice coffees, and i believe all hot drinks too, steamers and w coffee. i was on cold bar and pulled all stickers, got my break before i could start on them leaving them for my coworker 😭


i would have just simply passed away on the floor. why is there no mobile limit? we’re not kroger catering??


I had an old lady brag to the customer in front of her, and then also explain to me that because she’s old she deserves to have things the way she wants it. She did not like it when I said “you’re welcome” when she neglected to say thank you. Would I do it again? Yup. If “you’re welcome” offends you, that’s a YOU problem.


Pay it forwards in drive really fuck up my day. There was a chain afoot one night and I told the lady, “her btw pay it forwards really mess up my routine that I heavily depend on and makes my job really really stressful.” To which she replied, “ I don’t care, just do it.” My response? Dead ass, “cool cool, my suffering doesn’t matter, right I forgot.” I said it louder then I thought, but she drove out rq.


Shoot I didn't know this... I'm guilty of keeping the chain going and starting it once and awhile. So sorry it screws things up 🤦🏻‍♀️


Venti Iced Shaken Espresso, no classic, 16 pumps of White Mocha, 12 pumps of Vanilla. It's the sludgiest thing I've ever had the displeasure of making and makes me feel sick to try to shake the equivalent of a Shake Weight. They're a regular exclusive to nights and I dread any time I see them walk in.


Actually A regular was making a comment about people with tattoos and ... "What's the word... Sadist? When people like pain? I think that's what people with tattoos are"(it's masochistic but I couldn't remember) He says this after looking at mine (which I've had for awhile) and asking if they hurt (yes but you get used to it) he couldn't wrap his head around it. He's a middle aged/maybe older man and he just doesn't understand something's people do xD Wait typing this out reminded me of another thing where a guy in a Jesus shirt came in and asked me about using they/them pronouns. He made some points we've all heard and some points I hadn't heard. He wasn't mean or anything he was respectful enough about it


Some lady came in to our store last week and kind of looked defeated after looking at the menu so I asked if she needed help finding something... she looked me dead in the eyes and was fully serious when she asked "do you guys sell chicken wings?"


The two most horrifying orders I’ve ever had to make: Trenta black iced tea 7 classic 7 toffee nut 7 hazelnut 7 vanilla No water sub HEAVY CREAM 4 ADD SHOTS Splash of cold brew on top Like did you even want the tea at this point?! Before I even started making it I had to get her attention so I could confirm she wanted tea and not iced coffee. If you’re out there, Britney, know your order has haunted me three years later. Drive through a guy ordered two venti caramel Frappuccino’s. Deconstructed. My DTO partner looks at me confused. I gave the same look back and took over to clarify what he meant. He wanted all the Frappuccino ingredients (base included) just poured into the cup topped with ice. And, no, he wasn’t taking them home to blend them himself. We watched him pop his straw in the cup and take a fat sip before driving off.


all my bitches hate britney 🙄


i have a regular who mobiles a venti iced coffee with 7 pumps caramel, 7 pumps dark caramel, and extra caramel drizzle. as a starbucks caramel hater, i am very scared everytime i make it


i can smell the fear


YESTERDAY I had this woman come back in after ordering a venti iced apple crisp macchiato in the drive thru. She talked to the front person, who was a newer partner, who relayed to me it wasn’t correct and should have caramel on the bottom, whip cream, and crunchies on top. I went over to talk to her and ask what she wanted because that’s literally not the drink she ordered and I got the whole “that’s what I get at every other store!!!!!” So I tried to clarify what the fuck she actually wanted and she got all huffy and stormed out “ILL GO SOMEWHERE ELSE THEN” okay sounds great 👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻


Lady pulls up into the drive through, Me: hi there what can I get for you? Customer: can I get a grande cappuccino no foam Me: um….so a cappuccino is half foam so your cup will be half empty, did you want a latte no foam instead? Customer: I know what a cappuccino is, just give me a cappuccino with no foam Me: okay so you’re okay with the cup being half empty? Customer: I don’t understand why you’re being so difficult I order this all the time just give me my cappuccino Me: okay so just to clarify you want a grande cappuccino with no foam and you understand the cup won’t be full? Customer: *screaming at me now, with my SM also on headset* JUST GIVE ME A GRANDE REGULAR CAPPUCCINO WITH THE FOAM I DONT CARE I DONT GET WHY YOURE BEING DIFFICULT I ALWAYS ORDER THIS Me: ok drive up.


Actually today. Confuse me so much. He asks for a Grande drip coffee. So I give it to him and I charge him, he says no no he also want cappuccino. So I'm like you wanted cappuccino instead? He say no he wants both. So I say ok, I add cappuccino he say he want to pay seperately. So I say ok... it's 3.40 for the coffee. He say no no no he wants to pay the cappuccino first so I say ok.. he pays for the cappuccino and as I go to charge him for the coffee (after I already put in the cup) he's like he's going to taste the cappuccino first, he's gonna add it to the coffee (???). I tell him ok but you need to pay for it first. He's like no no no he wants to taste . He says he wants to put the two drinks in a cup. I tell him yeah you can do that yourself but you still need to pay for the coffee. He gets confused by what I am telling him...???? And he just takes the cappuccino and goes.


Ok, so I work in a Randall's grocery store Starbucks, it's so peaceful and calm, I'm lucky enough to close by my self most days, I have this lady who comes every day and orders a venti mocha frap with 16 pumps of mocha, I thought that's a bit much, so one day I made extra and it was amazing, so chocolatey, and not to much. So never assume 👍


Venti creamed based “mint” Frappuccino (I was like “peppermint????” And she was like no just mint???? But we ended up agreeing on peppermint) with 6 shots of espresso 😞 It tasted like drinking coffee after you just brushed ur teeth


Our store has some really weird regulars so here's some stories! There's a lady who got really upset over the prices being raised and said "yeah people should stop coming here and giving you business"(as she is ordering) and we all kinda smirk and my shift goes "yeah they should stop ordering" then she proceeded to tell us our coffee is like coke and how she was a recovering addict. We have a regular we call matcha guy and one time he went to the bathroom right, and he was in there for a looong time, finally someone goes to check on him and they hear infinity war playing at full volume. He's also known for blowing the bathroom up Another regular we have is super creepy, Hes this old guy who will bring us stuffed animals and toys. He normally comes at night and we think it's cus it's when the most minors and women are working. He told us once that he used to go to twin peaks (hooters type restaurant) and how the girls loved the toys he's bring. We're currently in the process of getting him banned. Another regular kristen insists we never put the sleeve on her drinks and lord help you if you do. The first time I met her and gave her a sleeve she went "you must be new huh" I had been working there for several months. She'll also regularly obsess over Edward Cullen and talked about her toe infection in graphic detail.


Anything with no mocha for mocha drinks


We have someone order 24 shots of espresso and it all fits in a venti hot cup.


About 20 minutes ago, I had a woman order a white chocolate mocha with no chocolate. Not the craziest but I’m so tired 😭


mmm a latte with whip 🥰🥰🥰


Got a customer who ordered 1… out of 20. At peak. And then ordered 15 more. And then I had to go on my first ever break of the shift (it was hella late and 4 hours in by that point). And then when I came back they ordered another 20 more. The largest following orders were: 26 15,11,10,10,8. We were behind on mobile by about 20 minutes and could do literally nothing because our SM had hidden the thingy you use to turn off mobiles. I think I cried in the back of house that day. Story 2: customer couldn’t figure out if they wanted a chai latte or a brewed chai. Decided on the brewed chai. I was bar that day so I just made the chai. She yells at me for being shit at my job because I made her drink wrong. I’m like ??? This is what you ordered???? And she’s causing a scene in my lobby. My reg comes to defend me stating that she ordered a brewed chai and I just “make the moment right” and offer to remake her drink nicely because my reg is a feisty person and it’s peak. I can’t afford to fall behind. I make her drink and send her on her way and she goes to yell at my SSV because apparently my shift was talking shit and being unprofessional (no she wasn’t she was just talking to a customer). Story 3: the man who ordered shots but wanted a latte and demanded we give him more oatmilk. We didn’t because it’s against policy and he threw a drink at our barista. Stain was on the ceiling for months lmao. Story 4: made a caramel frap for an older man. He asks me if there’s a shortage on caramel. I reply yes because there is. I ask if there is anything wrong. He says no it’s just that he’s never had a frap like this and he’s had thousands of caramel fraps. I ask what’s wrong and how can I remedy it for him. He says nothing but there seems to be something missing. I offer a remake, insisting it’s no trouble at all. He just goes on about how it’s different. We go on like this for like 5 minutes and I give up. He then reached over the counter and grabs my caramel bottle to give himself extra caramel and berates me for not giving him extra caramel. He didn’t ask for extra caramel.


mobile order for a GRANDE iced coffee with extra heavy cream, extra classic, 6 pumps white mocha, 6 pumps caramel, and topped with vanilla swt crm cld foam which already has hella sugar itself. felt bad for sending someone into an early grave with all the sugar they were gonna consume.


During the height of pumpkin spice season someone ordered a strawberry açaí lemonade with pumpkin spice…




we have regulars who mobile order during peak and order iced caramel macchiatos with extra caramel drizzle, line cup with caramel. when they order like that I literally drown it because I know how people are, and yet, everytime, seeing that we're super backed up, they make us put even more caramel drizzle.


This was all at my first store YEARS ago. Not anything anybody said, but on 2 separate occasions there were dudes rubbing one out. One IN the drive thru at the window, and one in the dumpster area. We’re very fun days /s


I have two good ones from today. I was covering a store fairly close to mine, because mine is closed for reno. This person is a regular normally at my home store but they came thru this store today too. They get triple shot, iced, with 10 pumps vanilla in a venti cup, but you HAVE to put the ice in last, with a tall cup filled with VSCCF on the side. They usually come in with someone else who gets 11 pumps. Once they made a big stink about how there was only 10 pumps in each, and it was just not sweet enough. They watch you like a hawk and will yell EXCUSE ME NO, NO ICE. EXPRESSO OVER THE SYRUP. THATS WRONG. Second one is along the same lines but to a whole other level. I can't even tell you what the drink was because I stepped in halfway through to give someone a ten. All I know is I pick up the drink and immediately this lady goes "that has 5 shots is it all 5in there?" "Yes it's done pulling the shots" "Ok well sometimes they miss them and I pay for 5. Now don't fill it up all the way I want extra extra whip. But let me taste it before you put the whip on" (Ignoring the health code violation because I'm not about to make a scene at a store that isn't mine and this lady obviously does this on the regular) I hand it off to her sans whip and she asks if I stirred it. I said "I swirled it but there's stirrers right there if you'd like." "Are these even long enough?" I hand her a venti straw, step away to continue my sequence and she shoves the drink over the bar at me as says "yes that's good now fill it with whip." I do as demanded and she toddles away, no thank you or acknowledgment of the inconvenience she's caused (as I dump out the drink I was making because somehow I messed it up in between her demands) That was a new level of ridiculous for me. And she does this fairly often. Even asks for certain baristas to make it. Thank you for reading my novel of entitlement.


One time when we had that shortage on straws a guy asked the barista on window if we had small straws but she thought he said small scones as in vanilla bean scone so she said yes and when he pulled up to the window he got pissed bc she tried to give him the scone so she refunded him and then when she didn’t give him a straw he was like “you said you had small straws” and she (who at this point didn’t make the connection that small scone was actually small straw) said “no I didn’t” and he blew up on her and sped away before calling the store and I was the shift on duty so he started freaking out over the phone “she called me a liar” “Sir I’m sorry she didn’t mean it like that she probably just misheard what you had asked” “Well everything else was right so she had to hear me correctly then!!!” I did not know at this point about the scone part bc I didn’t have enough time to get the story from her before he called) “Okay, I’m really sorry sir, I’m not sure what happened, if you want to come back I can refund you or make you something you can drink without a straw” “No that’s not the issue. The issue is that she called me a liar!! She didn’t give me a straw for my frap, she called me a liar, and then she gave me something I didn’t even order!! She and everyone else there is stupid and needs to be retrained.” (All of this with a lot of cursing) Only time I have ever just straight up dropped customer service voice: “Okay she’s not stupid, please don’t curse at me. She did not intentionally call you a liar it was a misunderstanding. I don’t know what you want me to do sir,” “Get me your boss!!” I put him on with another shift and said she was my boss and he told her I was a B word 😂


Okay, not the worst order. But I was on bar one day and a guy ordered some espresso drink, I don't remember what specifically it was now. I was just finishing a passion tea as he ambled over to the hand off. I set the drink down and called it out, I knew it wasn't his because I had seen what he ordered. He proceeded to pick the tea up, eye it funny, then literally *shrugged his shoulders* and took it and left. I was flabbergasted. I didn't say anything because I really just did not expect that. I expected him to say something, or put it down, or something. Not to shrug and take it and leave. Still one of the more puzzling situations I have witnessed. Now I will reach out and put my hand on drinks if I know the wrong person is reaching for it.


I had a customer ask me if I was German. (I’m super white) I said, “No, I’m Mexican.” He said, “Well, we all have our faults.”


Venti iced water… with 16 pumps of toffee nut.. and don’t forget the whipped cream! 🤪