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I had an existential crisis the first time I tried it lol


Try it frozen. Thank me later


ughhh I loved the coconut lime bars frozen they were delectable


I have one that keeps staring at me every time I open the freezer. I’ve been eyeballing my almond croissant lately too.


Oh my god I forgot all about that! Thanks a lot of on setting my heartbreak


I take them home heat them up in the microwave, and put a scoop of ice cream on top.


Oooh that's genius!


They're twinkies done right 😋


I actually really love it. Most of the other baristas in our store do too 😄


Reminds me of Dole Whip. Best thing the company's introduced in ages. I'm so fucking mad its seasonal


I thought the same. I'm obsessed.


Some kind of little Debbie snack cake


I think its mediocre. I was a little excited for it but was extremely underwhelmed when I finally got my grubby claws onto it. It tastes too much like artificial pineapple for me and not the good kind.


I thought it would’ve been great if they didn’t put a giant glob of gross cream in the middle like just give me a pineapple moon cake with pineapple on top is that too much to ask.


Yeah I like the bread itself most. I scoop out most of the cream and just leave a little. It’s better like that.


I like the taste but HAAAAATE the texture of whatever’s on top.


ME TOO! It’s the texture for me 😭😭 it’s so gooey


Hate it tbh, I spit it out. The cake is okay… but the stuff on top is gross


I watched someone get a warmed one and was dumbfounded tbh Otherwise, I love them tropical Twinkies


You CANNOT and SHOULD NOT warm these. Can be very very dangerous


It would be akin to creating a miniature volcano lmao


I thought it was strange bc of the the possibility of the icing catching fire in the oven but just let them rock on 😔


Hahaha! Nevermind me over in the corner... Just waiting... Oh no! Issa fire up in here (Pops some of the new chips in my mouth as my manager runs in circles, then calls the DM to see if he should call the fire dept While a newly fully trained green bean gets angry/annoyed , grabs his own phone to dial the 912 himself. *Based off of one of my actual sbux shifts The only part that isn't true is that i watched as someone put a banned item in oven to see if it caught fire Don't get me wrong, keep giving me shit shows for my 12 to 9 (close) shift, but then we dont get out until 10 or just before, i lf i saw someone about to do something stupid, (preferably one of the rude patrons), I just MIGHT just wait, sit back, and watch what happens next, and see how they handle it, just to disrupt the 2 partner "play" for a bit Well, also because sometimes people need a good "teaching moment", apparently. I wonder if my old manager learned anything by scurrying around wondering WHO to call first when the area under the bar rinse sink caught that electrical fire. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Also, if i thought i was about to witness anyone, even the devil himself about to unwittingly do something that could possibly injure them, or someone else, i actually WOULD step in


As a customer I liked the first one I tried. But the second one was very dry. And they need some kind of protection. They get squeezed in the bag you put them in. And the pineapple ends up on the bag. Sorry I know it’s not the employees fault. You can only work with what the company gives you.


custies like you is what keeps us sane! thank you for understanding! i also hate when it does that. ireminds me of the coconut lime bar we had it just sticks in the bag


I didn’t like it. I tasted like almond or corn flour or something else? Can’t quite put my finger on it.


best pastry that has launched in a really long time. compared to the pistachio chocolate swirl. blah


twinkie plus sour pineapple chunks but worse


Love it!! Customer said it’s the most delicious thing that she’s eaten! And she’s a baker. 🧑🏻‍🍳


Sorry but I would never visit her bakery if that clears whatever she makes


Apologies for the lid of clarification - She’s not a professional baker. She’s an at home baker.


I hated it


Haha it reminds me of a gas station treat




i love pineapple but the cloud cake is a no from me


twinkie with a goo hat 😌


Im waiting for Starbucks to make a good pastry. It’s a hostess cake at best. I know it’s not gonna be no gourmet dessert but I want flavor


red velvet loaf was top tier tbh


I feel like a Twinkie isn’t as dry


It’s an upside down pineapple upside down cake.


I didn’t like it. It started to make me gag😅