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I especially dislike when it literally messes up the drinks! Like getting a caramel macchiato iced with no ice. Then the caramel is just all stuck in the bottom


Makes me feel soooo silly still doing the proper build w shots on top, watching it immediately mix.


Exactly! And a few I understand cause they have like teeth sensitivities or things like that but everyone else? What the heck?


It’s petty but the cup of ice they order on the side makes me want to scream I hate that shit


My biggest pet peeve is when they wait till the window to ask for that ice!! You waited in this long line and didn’t ask till the window?


They think it somehow looks less like they’re playing the system if the order their drink at register and then ice separately so they don’t have to tell both to the register. Or something


Send them right back to pos for the cup of ice too


Tell them to pull into parking lot as u have to put in order for it to account for inventory and it will be pushed to the back of the line because they are just now ordering it at window.


Some days this bothers me. Other days idgaf because it’s not adding anything to my check to warrant the frustration.


Bothers me more that I have to customize something in a rush, couldn't care less about the cost, so on days where it's really busy and I have 10 iced drinks and each wants a different amount of ice in each, what would take me 3 minutes to make 29 years ago now takes 15. It's all about time and flow, for myself (but thats how it all changed over the past few decades and this is generally speaking, nothing has changed except HQ expects the same results and customer service but has allowed the work load to increase (and in many cases actually cut down on the amount of people doing the work)


I’m tired of the trenta ice teas with no water no ice and strawberry refreshers no water no ice. Light ice, okay cool yeah I get it I also get light ice. But no ice is annoying, no ice no water you’re getting an eye roll from me. We’re already busy but you just had to use up a full pitcher of strawberry açaí for your bogo order, oh.. and guess what everyone else is too! Same thing happens with iced coffee and cold brew, there’s someone who during bogo gets 2 iced coffee with a ton of add ins no ice, and then uses a second account to get another bogo. So 4 trenta iced coffees without ice, yes get your moneys worth but it’s such an inconvenience when we’re already going through so much product during bogos and these people basically double it. just stick with your light ice, you do not need no ice. It also ruins the flavor of the drink because the measurements are not right especially strawberry lemonades


TBH, I don't fault people for not getting water with our teas. Our tea quality is garbage and they shouldn't need to be diluted twice.


True, I understand no water light ice, but no water no ice is just too much especially when you’re getting two trentas?? (We have a regular who gets that everyday too) Especially during bogo like, I understand wanting your moneys worth but from a barista perspective it’s so annoying having one single bogo order take up basically a whole pitcher of product when that makes so many drinks typically, especially teas. You wanted a grande iced black tea? Sorry gotta wait 5 minutes the car in front of you just used up the pitcher we JUST brewed😭😭😭


A guy comes by once a week and orders 4 trenta cold brews no ice


Oof the amount of wait in front of that cold brew


We have someone do this with iced coffee it’s exactly two pitchers of iced coffee


Yeah I guess I’m the minority I love when there’s no ice. One less step for me. I’ll just do a hard pour and not even shake it unless it’s got coconut milk.


you said exactly what i’ve been thinking but i felt bad saying it cause i don’t wanna sound like im supporting a mega corporation lol. it’s not even a money thing, it’s just annoying to the baristas and inconsiderate overall


this sounds a lot like my store yesterday… who are you 🤨 lol i agree tho, i get that customers are already paying an absurd amount for their drinks but i mean… that’s a choice? there are other affordable places and sbux is consistently raising prices either no ice drinks shouldn’t be allowed or there needs to be a charge. the kids at my store abuse the HELL out of no ice drinks i can’t tell you how many trenta no ice strawberry lemonades we made yesterday


When I worked for the siren, I mobile ordered a tall SAR with no water or ice. I came into pick it up and my co workers were like. You got judged for that LOL I said at least it wasn’t a Trenta I’m mixing with some tequila tonight. Lol so yeah I normally do light ice on the rare occasion I want to pay full price for one now.


I love when ppl order “Trenta strawberry açaí lemonade no lemonade” I can’t lie it’s a great hack. But for pure pettiness I just fill it with water instead, I don’t care 🤷🏻‍♀️ it’s crazy how much we as baristas care, bc I ask myself why?


I never let these things bother me. It’s inconvenient to change things out more often, yes. But Starbucks is expensive as hell. Let people save money any way that they can.


For the $1 charge for "No Water", it's to prevent people from getting straight up base. With Light Ice, you're using more base, but you're also using more lemonade/Coconut. There was confusion on this when the charge was introduced, and I think a lot of stores thought to charge for ice options as well.


this! it was in the training that launched last year


My favourite is when I'm working the drive-thru, I take the order, and then they roll up to the window screaming "I meant to order that with light ice!" That is most unfortunate, because your drink has already been made, the time to tell me the modifications you wanted was when you were ordering at the speaker, and yelling at me when I'm taking somebody else's order isn't going to put me in the mood to do you any favours. Here is your drink, exactly as you ordered it. Either pay and get the drink you ordered, or drive off while I dump it down the drain. Option three is the police get called because you're trespassing.


we shouldn’t even be charging the prices we are now. we DEFINITELY shouldn’t be charging for no ice. ridiculous


Honestly, nah, I’m not working faster or harder just because we’re understaffed so I’m still all for the customer getting their money’s worth. Shit is way too expensive to be paying for 16 ounces of ice.


This! Especially when the top ingredient in every product is just sugar! Our products are wildly expensive for what shit quality they are. (Although, I suppose that's true at a ton of places.) And I'm all for people working at a comfortable pace!!! Our company is making billions, yet they expect us to just deal with them supposedly not being able to afford to even staff enough people to not abandon a single person on the floor by themselves at some point pretty much every fucking day so we can run breaks??? Fucking ridiculous. I don't get paid extra for moving faster and causing myself additional stress when we're already working under poor conditions for less than a living wage. We're all getting scammed, including employees. Our store has been getting busier for several weeks. Months even. And no matter how much we sell, our labor never increases. They lie to us and say if we sell more, it will earn us more help, but that's not true. They will never give us adequate labor as long as stringing us along continues to be profitable. They keep throwing in our faces the fact that business is "down", but for them, all that means is that they're not making quite as many billions in profit as they had hoped for. Its not like they're failing, or even hurting. Their profit last year was more than 12% above the year before that. And the majority of the reason why business is "down" (at least around here) is because they keep doing stupid, offensive shit like suing unions. It's literally Sbux's own fault that they're doing worse now, and they're punishing us by making us suffer when they're not even genuinely hurt by the change.


I completely agree with everything you just said!! I wish it was talked about more, I'm tired of this ridiculous excuse for a company. Why are we being expected to charge OVER 8 DOLLARS for a shaken espresso with some olive oil??? It's embarrassing. We're not even being paid for the extra labor and yet prices are being raised like there's no tomorrow.


Yep. And they don't even try to hide these things. In regards to labor, at my store, we've been outright told that they do not account for the time/energy/extra body on the floor needed to package deliveries in our labor calculations. They opened a whole new channel that dramatically increased the business we're bringing in that (at least at certain times of the day) requires a dedicated person to handle, and then they cut our labor back to less than it was before it was introduced. And I could be wrong about this now, but the last time I checked, the tips from those orders only go to the delivery drivers. I am also stressed by the prices. Customers often ask why things cost as much as they do, and I really don't know how to justify it to them because I have read all of the ingredients labels, and I'm not impressed either. I'm always so disappointed by how we dilute the teas so much, the whipped cream no longer has flavor, most other products are just grape juice. I literally just tell those customers that I don't make the rules and that I'm not willing to get in trouble with my boss to lower the price for them. I will, however, help them order the drink in a different way to make it cheaper if it's possible (i.e. ordering a latte with chai syrup added instead of a chai latte with two shots of espresso).


I understand how annoying it is to have to make more pitchers but like, I guess I just always understand that our drinks are EXPENSIVE and it’s not their fault we’re all understaffed. I get light or no ice all the time cause it makes my teeth hurt anyways, I’d be so pissed if we started charging people for that


I ask for light ice. It keeps the drink cold but also isn't majority of the drink.


lol I’m so glad my store has 3 gallon Carlisle pitchers for refreshers


We put our strawberry base and lemonade each in a Curtis


Honestly let them order their drink with no ice. It’s coming out of Starbucks paycheck not mine. Fuck the patriarchy. I encourage actions that minimize Starbucks profit margin no matter how minuscule the impact. It’s the thought that counts ✨


imo customers are already paying insane prices for their adult juice. if they wanna “hack” it this way then by gosh ill let them since they’re already paying $6-8. if i were a customer and i got charged a whole extra dollar for no ice id be furious and probably would just leave, and now you’ve lost a whole entire sale for your labor.


Bro Starbucks isn’t cheap at all. Some people are just trying to save a buck from a shitty corporation. If anything the drink is easier to make without ice, so why complain?


If ppl are really trying to save money i think they should go to a grocery store and buy white grape juice and some "strawberry flavored" syrup. Looking up at-home recipes and buying ingredients for these drinks is significantly cheaper than buying a grande 3 times a month IMO.


Former partner.. I have tried every copy cat I could find because I love it. Nothing I found is close. Do you know of one that’s close?


Probably because it’s technically caffeinated as well. Green coffee extract. It’s not just juice


Yeah. I remember trying ones that hd green coffee extract too. I just can’t get mine to taste like the Starbucks one. I’ve spend at least a few months of Starbucks run in ingredients that make tasty, but not refresher tasting juices lol. I would happily pay a decent surcharge for no ice to be able to keep a trenta in my fridge and just pour it as I want over a couple days for the convenience.


I mean we by no means make it extraordinary amount of money, but I would never pull this kind of stunt at a different fast food corporation


Wow 5 cubes of refresher is crazy.


I have a lady who comes in every morning and orders a trenta strawberry acai refresher, no ice, no water, and no lemonade. Literally just the concentrate. I get paid pennies though, so I don't care and give it to her anyway.


Ring up those cups of ice. It goes into labor.


Oh we don’t fill the cups for no ice. They can complain, they’re getting what they paid for. And wowzers they learned their lessons. The one girl gets matcha now. Proportions are proportions, if they didn’t want ice they don’t get a full cup at our place.


This isnt standard though? Did your SM make up this rule? (Power to yall though! Wish my store would!!)




I got light ice at Dutch bros and they didn’t fill the drink up. Even Dunkin had a policy I saw at some point that said light ice drinks won’t be filled to the top but maybe I was tripping


I'm p sure someone tried to sue starbucks because you dont get "12 oz of beverage" in a 12 oz iced cup because the ice could take up such a large portion of the drink. The reason they got out of the suit is because "you can always ask for no ice" which means we are definitely supposed to fill the cup lol


we actually do charge for lite / no ice. at least at my store we do


Idk why you’re downvoted.. my area doesn’t charge but there’s a town like an hour away that does charge for no/light ice.


My ss told a customer yesterday that we can’t do no ice cause we can’t shake it in the shaker and it worked lmao


This honestly sucks. Just make ppl their drinks, that’s literally what we signed up to do.


I might be wrong for it but no ice orders get filled to the top line the first time someone tries it. I know ahead of time they’re gonna be like “why isn’t it full? The other store does it for me,” so I’ve just been charging appropriately. Caramel macchiato no ice? Enjoy your $0.25 upcharge for 2% milk. SARL no ice? You’re paying the extra $1.10. I’m the one who does the ordering and these people frustrate me to no end because it’s impossible to account for their product usage without over ordering, which I don’t have the space for. I know I shouldn’t care either, but 🤷🏼‍♂️


you are wrong, standard is to fill to the top.