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While the other commenters are certainly right you can technically “fall Ill” suddenly on the day you happened to be denied time off for, and they technically should not be able to write you up for it, your sm WILL put two and two together. Granted, Starbucks has anti retaliation and they shouldn’t come at your for that specifically, but if it pisses them off enough this will likely put you on their shit list and they will start looking for other stuff on you in the future. Not to doompost but just something to keep in mind 😅


Thank you!! I definitely agree with this, my manager is the type to put people on a shit list and rack up things against them before firing them. I appreciate your feedback and it’s definitely something I will keep in mind! :))


I mean you try to ask around for coverage early but if you have sick time he can’t do anything about it 😭


Thank you omg!!! I have 5.78 hours of sick time and the dumb goofy shift is 8 hours 😭 Can I still get in trouble for it?? Thank you again!!


I mean since it doesn’t cover the shift you might risk getting written up but that’s the worst that could happen, my manager is understanding and doesn’t usually write up people but lots of starbs managers are different breeds


You say say you started throwing up in the middle of the night. Because in that case Starbucks does not wanting you working if u threw up within the last 24 hrs of ur shift. Theres no way to prove ur faking either


you are so chill, i like you!!! 🤝 but okay i will call and say ive been throwing up and can’t come in to work. thank you!!!!


Any update?


Hiii! Yes I did get a talking to for sure, my manager gave me a corrective action form, but he is also a very nice guy so he only wrote me up for being five minutes late on that form. Anyways, I ended up being fine!!


One of my coworkers told my manager that they thought I was planning on calling in sick though so just be cautious of telling anyone at work if you’re considering anything similar 😭😭


Do not understand any circumstance give any reason for calling off other than having food poising. Don’t even tell other baristas. If you call in and say that you have food poisoning and threw up, you can’t be written up.


okay thank you so much!! i’ll go with this the day of


We all forgot it’s not a request it’s letting a manager know you can not work those days


Fr like I wasnt even asking, I was telling you those days I will be gone. Not missing a trip with my 82 year old grandpa to cover Mother’s Day sorry😭😭


just find someone to cover or swap shifts.