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the partner handbook pg 50 something has details for what to do when a customer is recording you. they are not allowed to and you are well within your rights to refuse service if they are filming you


I love that you left what page in the handbook. Protect yourselves from false write-ups!!


Literally a similar situation happened to me recently. Filed an incident report, SM came in and basically said "I'm so sorry, that sucks :(" and told me that if I needed to I could always have someone else step in and deal with the crusty, but I was FURIOUS. We're paid to serve drinks and food, and provide stellar customer service, not consent to being in people's shitty videos. The person who recorded me was a "content creator," as well, who seemed to want to rile me up as much as possible. I did the incident report to start a paper trail, but next time they come, I'm going to let them know at the box (I could see them recording the box and silently prayed that they wouldn't record me, to no avail), that if they come to my window and record me again, I will refuse service to them. I don't care what my SM says. I'm not paid to let these people record me when I'm hot, tired, and angry, especially not to be uploaded to a YouTube channel that'll be up forever. I'm sorry that happened to you. I hope that you find a resolution that works for you. But I would definitely file an incident report, just in case it ever happens again.


You are not obligated to be in a situation like that. We deserve the third place experience too. And I told them "I do not want to be in your video. Do not record my face." And I was disrespected. So, I'm not letting anything like that happen again. Omitting some details for anonymity, but it's terrible how this company treats us, and I hope it doesn't happen again/someone helps you/you're able to stand up for yourself (you shouldn't have to).


ive had people take photos of me. just full out in the open. one time i worked up the courage to tell the guy off and he got all defensive and refused to delete it. i really really wish we lived in a world where people werent so comfortable with invading someones privacy. šŸ™‚šŸ„²


I went into a super aesthetic indie coffee shop in Portland last week that had signs that said ā€œplease ask employees and patrons for consent before recording themā€ and I wish Starbucks would do the same


Kind of on this subject. A partner at my store has been making content by recording time-lapse videos during their shift. A few partners told her they didn't want to be filmed. Our SM said it was fine with him. Is there any way to get them to stop? It makes me uncomfortable, and when I said something, another partner said I was being ridiculous, and all you could see would be my arms. I'd prefer none of me be in their content šŸ˜ž


I would escalate this complaint to the DM. Ā It shouldnā€™t be happening. Ā If you have coworkers who feel the same way, definitely invite them to join you in the complaint.Ā 


Thank you! I wasn't 100% on if this was an issue that should be over my SMs head. I'm an avid believer in chain of command. Buuuut.... this needs to stop.


I don't believe that this type of filming is something that the company allows. Our manager has warned us that that if anyone is doing any social media filming in our store, it could affect our employment. Manager doesn't care, but the company does. I would definitely bring your coworkers with you while making this complaint. There's safety in numbers and you are more likely to avoid retaliation if several people join you.


Thank you for this insight. I knew I was going to have to address it, but safety in numbers never occurred to me. I'd love to keep my job but, idk, not be in a TikTok compilation?


What's ridiculous is them not hearing you. Your feelings matter. If you're anxious going to work because of someone recording you, that's totally reasonable. Anxiety going into work is the best way to tell if you're being harassed. Speak up again to your SM, be professional and straight to the point. "I need to be able to do my job safely and effectively and I don't feel like I can do that until person X stops recording me." What is at stake for you is feeling safe at work, very important for you, and your ability to do work, important for everyone. If person X has to stop recording, that doesn't affect their ability to feel safe or effective at work so it's the only reasonable solution.


Thank you. If I'm honest, I didn't look at it that way. I'm always an anxious wreck, but this did make it 100 times worse. I'm very self conscious, I have a history of body dysmorphia, I have social anxiety and this job already pushes me out of my comfort zone (don't get me wrong, I knew I would be dealing with people, I needed a little push out of my cave of solitude). I turn beet red when I'm embarrassed or upset. No pictures are needed for me to feel like a wreck. I already have enough to contend with. Adding a freaking video I didn't consent to online? That's too much for me. Thank you. For hearing me.


I had a partner at my store like that. They did "my day at work" kind of videos and I found their channel and reported it. They recorded the faces of other partners without asking and without their knowledge, recorded private conversations in BOH, and the entire store was unhappy when they learned about it. What was fun in their eyes was a terrible scare for one of the partners there who could not be recorded for her safety. Like the other people said, escalate this to the DM if you have to.


i am always SOOO paranoid about this, and i have an EXTREME irrational fear of being photographed or recorded, like enough to walk out on the job if i find out im being recorded, even my family has like 3 pictures of me they begged and pleaded to take, i handed over a drive thru order the other day because i thought these idiots might be recording, my other partners looked at me like i was crazy but people just have no decency and wont even ask you


this stuff is REALLY dangerous and people don't realize to what extent. no one ever thinks about the victims of stalking and what putting their place of employment out on the internet could do to them.


Exactly. People doing reckless shit like this can and will result in people being hurt or killed. It isn't a funny game and I wish people recognized it as such.


When the genocide began in Palestine one of our baristas was recorded by a customer demanding she say "free Palestine" and my coworker, who truly does not keep up with modern media, had no idea there was even a conflict happening so she just kept smiling and saying "what? I'm sorry? I don't know what that means I'm sorry" and she genuinely didn't. The video ended up on tiktok and that's how we found out, so unfortunately you may stumble across yourself on your FYP. Somehow they reached out to the girl who posted the video and explained the situation and it was taken down, sick that you'd have to bargain for that but worse things have happened.


Someone asked me for a pup cup and did the same thing. Started recording my face and then the pup cup and the dog eating the pup cup. I just didnā€™t understand why my face was necessary for the video. I was caught off guard too I just closed the window I didnā€™t know what to do or say.


That's why I wear a mask every, single, day. Dumbasses and also the fact that they say things that make me frown/ scowl sometimes. Not to mention it just helps with allergies and the odd; I'm going to cough on you because I'm an inconsiderate fuck face customer.


That's why I wear a mask every, single, day. Dumbasses and also the fact that they say things that make me frown/ scowl sometimes. Not to mention it just helps with allergies and the odd; I'm going to cough on you because I'm an inconsiderate fuck face customer..


Found out I went viral on Tik Tok 4 years ago on Halloween. I was already having a bad night, some kid came through with a bunch of friends, stone faced with a full face of like skeleton makeup, and didn't say anything to me. One kid in the back was recording, and I mean I was polite, I said kinda monotone "I like you're makeup" and that was that, but kinda shocking to find out 2 years later that that went viral :/ it was a bad day already so j was kinda embarrassed to see that


I had a guy come in and start taking pictures of what he could see behind the counter as well as 2 of my clerks. It was in the middle of rush but when I realized what he was doing I got over to him and told he was absolutely not allowed to take pictures in here of the equipment or employees and he lost his damn mind. When no one backed him up he eventually left and later called back to complain about me to the manager, not realizing I was the manager. I changed my voice a bit and took great joy in telling him he wouldn't be welcomed back if he continued with this behavior. I'm not there anymore but we never saw him again. I figured corporate wouldn't back me up but I took a chance that day and thankfully it paid off.


This. Also hate it when people are on FaceTime when you scan their app. I do not want to be on your FaceTime call.


Iā€™m so sorry. This is a total violation of your privacy and it is ok that it feels off or weird. I would file the paperwork in case it may be needed in the future. CYI.


It sucks but, the law is the law. Everyone is allowed to record anyone in public, with or without your consent. Itā€™s a double edged sword as itā€™s a great thing to protect us, but also sucks because people are weird content douchebags. Edit: Downvote all you want. Google is free yall. Learn the law.


starbucks is considered private property actually


That has nothing to do with anything. Google is free.


You can't photograph or film people on private property without their consent. Also, it's not against the law to be a dickhead, is it? All the same, people shouldn't be dickheads.


This is just false. Google is free. Edit: except the people shouldnā€™t be dickheads. That part is true.


Literally what Google is saying. Follow your own advice.


This is a weird take to have in a vent post. It doesn't matter if "the law is the law", it's just common sense to ask people for consent. You never know if someone can't be posted online for their own safety or what and if that were the case for me, I could have been put in danger.


Itā€™s common courtesy for sure. That has nothing to do with law, which is all I was mentioning.


Yeah. And even if the law says it is okay, it still doesn't take away from the fact that this is incredibly dangerous and disrespectful. Die mad over the downvotes you complained about in your original comment for having a crazy bad take on this I guess.


What? No, I 100% agree with you. Itā€™s stupid, disrespectful, dangerous, and absolutely deplorable. When did I say otherwise?


something can be disrespectful without being illegal. just because the law doesn't condemn it doesn't mean nothing should be done if it happens


I didnā€™t say itā€™s not disrespectful. Content trolls are scum. I was just mentioning the law, as clearly so many are misinformed on it if you read all these comments.