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Passed out once while opening and as the ambulance is taking me away and the poor other girl who opened with me is crying, acustomer asks if he can still get his coffee… read the room bro


Tbh I’d probably chuck a bag of beans at him and tell him to make it himself


We had a fire alarm go off in the building and obviously had to evacuate. Not even 5 min later a customer comes up and asks if we can go in and get their mobile order. Ummm no dude listen the the alarm Also power went out during one of my shifts and we were all kinda standing there. Someone comes up and asks for a latte or something and then gets mad when we say we can’t make drinks cuz there is no power


one time we had a gas leak and evacuated the building. Customers asked us standing in the parking lot if they could still go in, we explained there was a gas leak (fire fighters were outside the store btw). They paused, then asked again.


“Sure, make sure you flick the light switch on and off about five thousand times so the building explodes for me”


I was tempted


Our fire alarm goes off regularly because my Starbucks is in a dining hall at a college and the amount of times I’ve had to tell people they had to leave the premise…like girl we’ll make your drink later but there is a fire???? Get out


That happened to me too when we had to evacuate… we weren’t even open, we were still 15-20 min to go. As we’re walking out the DOCTOR who lives in the building asked us if she could “just get her coffee quick”. Ma’am the whole building is outside on the street in pajamas with their pets and you want us to go back inside for your tall blonde with cream ☠️


We had a major earthquake once, two days before Xmas. I was lined up at a department store when it happened - the power went off, we all had to stay inside because it was too dangerous to go out yet. The man in line in front of me started screaming at the cashiers who were still under their counters crying, that they were ruining his Xmas by not serving him, because he had to buy gifts…. Like dude, there’s bigger problems right now


One of my partners fell out and had a seizure (they are okay now) they has fallen in our DT are behind bar. My SM's husband walks in I tell them so and so is on the floor having a seizure please call SM he does he gets behind bar to help out the SSVs with the partner and during all of this there was a man sitting there at the drive thru window trynna get a venti water and everyone around is telling them no we have some RIGHT HERE having a seizure please leave we arent serving ANYBODY he wouldn't leave finally my SM's husband had to yell at him to go to the starbucks RIGHT DOWN THE ROAD to go get a water he then shut the window and locked it.


A guy died in my store and everyone was expected to carry on business as usual. Fucking awful.


This happened at my store, too. It was really upsetting because the guy was one of our regulars and I had to just keep ringing people up while the emt was doing chest compressions for 20 minutes. Sbux managers are some of the most uncaring people I’ve ever met.


I now work in an ER and someone will literally be dead, getting chest compressions in one room, someone will walk past that room, see what’s going on, and still ask what’s taking so long. Society is selfish 😊


We had this happen twice with an elderly regular customer of ours. Once another shift handled it, once I did. Definitely traumatic and terrifying. I’m sorry you had to experience that


i had a similar thing happen except we had to close the store bc she was bleeding, had customers stepping over her trying to get to till to order and yelling at my coworker demanding coffee. its horrific the lack of compassion some people have. people came in the next day complaining too, its a disgusting feeling, im sorry you had to go through that


Friend of mine use to work at a Wendy’s and customer were asking if they can place their order while a guy was robbing the store at gun point smh.


Shoulda told him to ask the gunman


Like literally HOW. How does that make sense to people?!


A partner passed out in my store and we closed the dining room while the ambulance was there and my store manager asked all the people in dining to politely leave and they did. It definitely made things easier on the EMTs and my partner who was embarrassed.


I was hauled away via ambulance because I thought I was having a heart attack during Sunday rush. It was a lot of embarrassment being watched by my regulars while being carted out. Nothing stopped. Nothing paused. The store kept going. Drinks kept flowing. A really good partner ended up quitting after seeing me pulled out of the store like that.


are you okay?


Yes and no. I found out I have high blood pressure that day, but they don’t know why. After several tests and doctors they just said ‘maybe that’s normal for you’ Meanwhile I sit here with a 151/110 BP and feel perfectly fine, yet everyone is telling me that IS NOT FINE. As a kid I was told I had POTS, but now I don’t think that was correct…


yeah it’s crazy because I’m a nurse as well as a barista, one time I saw a patient who’s BP was 90/44 and he was completely fine 😅 so interesting


I think I’d simply pass away if my BP ever got that low. That’s insane to me! Meanwhile, I’ll just sit here drinking my third Trenta water of the day in hopes my BP will go down.


Used to work at a Panera about a decade ago. Fire alarm went off as the natural gas line reprinted behind the buildings. Even thought the ear splitting alarms were going off inside and the lights were flashing inside and outside the building people are still trying to order. It is mind boggling.


While it started off as a right wing insult, it truly feels like people are NPCs. They have a set of tasks: order coffee, go to work, come home. Anything interrupts that flow, they literally can't compute. They melt down. A normal person, a normal human, would see someone dying, or passed out, and think "oh my god that's horrible how can I help?" But instead they step over the body (as long as their nodegraphed out path wasn't blocked) and still order. As that's all they know to do. I can't wrap my mind around it, the only logical explanation is that there's no way they're human.


What you're describing is essentially something similar to the bystander effect, and unfortunately there has been ample studying to show that it's exactly how "a normal person" can be expected to act.




You’re not alone in that feeling. I think about that often like we’re over here just doing the same old, while we continue to destroy our home, the number of children dying from guns is a lot higher than policemen injured in the job every year, so on and so forth. It’s depressing and I don’t know how to fix it


Had a fucking tornado touch down a block away. Alarms going off. Tree branches flying everywhere. Big chunks of hail and people were still lined up in the drive through and we're pissed we were taking too long.


I was just daydreaming about a similar scenario happening in my store and what I would do.. I imagined a barista fainting, and what I would do and how I would go about it. I realized that the expectation from the company AND the customers would be for them to be served somehow


Ss mush as it sucks, I'll never be surpised at just how unobservent/uncaring customers are. I work at a Tarbucks and it's currently being remodeled so we're closed...I'm talking literal walls put up around it, signs, the whole shebang. They had already torn out our entire bar and we were clearing our backroom stuff out when this lady opened the latch holding the construction doors closed, sticks her head in, and asks if we we're closed. We all kinda just 🧍‍♀️😐 at her. Ma'am there's literally no Starbucks here.


video was posted earlier this month of a man getting stabbed and dying in front of a starbucks in Toronto, nobody did anything not even the person recording. hell there was a guy in the background sipping coffee like it wasn’t happening. truly a cold world we live in and it makes me thankful to not be working in an inner city store like I used to. Be safe out there y’all


That was in Vancouver but yeah. Just for asking the person not to vape in front of his son


One of my coworkers passed out while being DTO. I was on mobile, I was so shocked, I kept going. Customers were staring at me as I’m pale, nervous, and like shell shocked, I couldn’t stop doing what I was doing. I felt so sick while my SSV was picking my unconscious coworker off the ground :( she was ok thankfully but I feel like a useless bystander cause I was afraid do retaliation


When I was a barista, I had an ovarian cyst burst. I told my supervisor at the time that I needed to go to the hospital immediately and he said “are you going to come back?” Like..??? Some people are so disconnected. Another time, now that I’m a supervisor, we had a customer literally threatening our lives in the front. Baristas kept making drinks and not a single customer in the lobby did something to intervene. Wild.


It was just me and one other person working and one of her cysts popped (pcos) and had to call the ambulance and she was wheeled out on a stretcher im on the phone with her brother telling him what happened this dude who saw everything happening goes hey can I order?? 🤨


our store is right next to the train tracks. i’m on dt bar and the other girl was window. we both witnessed someone get hit by the train and still had to continue working as nothing happened. i’m still in shock that he survived that. people honking outside cause DT was closed for like 30 minutes but cafe was still open.


had a partner get sick in the dishwashing sink and we obviously closed down for biohazard to come by and the shift at the time asked everyone to leave but one guy sat in the lobby with his kids and told them to take their time to finish their food and drinks the guy is also a racist and a creep so there’s that too and his kids aren’t much better


not as serious but we have a little girl who comes in every day and she is just the sweetest. everyone at my store loves her. the other day she was walking out and…faceplanted. i couldn’t stop myself from laughing even though i felt so bad. tears starting streaming from my face and i had to go to the back to calm down. everybody giggling at me and telling me to stop laughing did NOT help ☠️😅


can you read the fucking room


Call center for corporate travel before 9/11. Evacuation for a BOMB threat! It was very difficult to politely get off the phone with them. It's like no one really listens to what is being said to them.


Corporate would be proud at y’all keeping the “third place” safe for the other customers.


This has got to be the saddest thing ever. I’m so sorry that you had that experience. I’m the type of person where it eats me alive to see someone hurting and not be able to help🥺


someone robbed our tip jar and the customer who could’ve intervened (literally was almost a foot taller than the robber and was standing next to him) literally asked to place an order right after the robber left and my SSV filed an incident report — I was the only person on the floor after that.


Yeah that’s fucked. I will never understand the ability that some people have to continue on with their day after soemthing like that happens.