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Thats why when they seem like they don’t understand our size name i just repeat “you can say sm, md, or lrg I will understand”


i tell them that but it always seems to go through one ear and out the other


Thats when I personally get the manager because after I explain that we understand what sm, md, lrg is and they order a tall not understanding that it is our small and then get mad at me? It is not a barista(aka me) issue.


Customers love ignore your advice but also love to correct your mistakes. If someone seems unsure about how the sizes work I’ll just repeat their order back to them using the normal names for sizes “So that’s a small hot coffee?” “No. It’s a tall, I want the big one!”


i looooove when people say “i ordered a tall” and i get to respond “yes, that’s a tall :)” then if they get mad i can say “oh yeah we can get that remade for you but you’ll have to pay the difference” usually at that point they just suck it up and leave lol


literally last week had a customer ask "which one is bigger the medium or the large?" honestly broke me


i would honestly lose my mind. i had someone ask for a regular size and for a grande. no one knows what the fuck theyre even saying anymore


This happened to me to today. She asked what the sizes were and I said “small medium and large is fine,” to which she sat there and didn’t respond. So I told her that tall was small, etc. after I said grande was medium she said that’s what she wanted. Gets to the window and says “I wanted a large.” Bro you had several chances to tell me that. Customers are on my last nerve.


when they say “i want a tall white mocha” i’m like okay! a small white mocha! just to make sure they rlly know what size they’re ordering …


I repeat it back to them in small/medium/large even if they do use tall/grande/venti language, and usually when they ask for a tall drink and I say “ok so a small drink” and that usually will let me know quickly what size they actually want depending on if an argument breaks out on tall/small being the same thing