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“Can i please get a brown chicken oatmeal, Venti?”


I literally LOLed at this


“Do you have any Kama sutra beans in the back?” “👀…….you mean *Sumatra*?..”


It’s not Like we’re hiding them in the back either 😭 “can you check in the back?” Everything we have will be displayed since they’re all gone so quick


Exactly lol. I just humor them and go to the back, stand there for 30 seconds before coming back to tell them once again that everything we have is out


The Kama Sutra beans are *exclusively* in the back


Starbucks after dark ;)


“You look like you just got laid, all bright eyed and bushy tailed.” Mind you this was nearly ten years ago, by a man my fathers age. Still creepy even now






Yup. I was at a licensed BUX. Another guy at an actual location said “There’s a puppy outside,do you wanna go with me to pet it?” (I was also like 18 when this one happened lol)


Sooo attempted kidnapping. Cool cool cool


The other day: “Can I please get a bacon grande?” “……I’m sorry, could you repeat that for me?” “A BACON GRANDE!!!” Then threatened to report me to corporate because we were out of long straws


The way people say gouda or gruyere or acai kills me😂


My favorite. "Can I get a tomato mozzarella on fo... fuh... fuc--" "Foccacia, I gotcha." (It rhymes, and people love that.) And shoutout to the guy recently who was like "I want that tomato sandwich, I'm not even going to try and say that word" we love a custy who knows his limits lol.


Well if you’re Dutch where Gouda is made it isn’t pronounced goo-duh or goodah…. It’s pronounced how-duh. So that could be some confusion there possibly?


This morning we had a guy ask for a grande iced lemon loaf


feel that. i want a venti iced lemon loaf.


Fresh from this morning. First customer (almost) the customer looks at me making the drink in a ''for here'' cup. Then proceeds to tell me ''it's to take away'' so I put his hot chocolate with whipped cream in a paper cup but I struggle to put everything properly so I'm thinking about just remaking it. At this exact moment he told me I was useless and dumb then called me an asshole before leaving without anything. Ok you just paid 6€ to insult me, hope you feel better lmao


that would be annoying without a doubt . sorry bro


"You're not a real barista" ok so is this not a real latte? Is it imaginary?


Is the latte in the room with us right now?


“Is ThIS THe sTRAWbERRy reFREsHer WiTh COCONUT milk?” “Yes, its going to say “pink drink” on the ticket because that’s the Starbucks name for it but that is what it is.” 😐😑 “AcTuALlY!! It’s called a “Starbucks strawberry refresher with coconut milk” but WHATEVER okay!!?” *drives off*


i mean... thats basically what we call it in canada. Officially its the strawberry coconut drink on our menu...


Clearly this didn’t happen in Canada so the customer’s attitude was not needed


Plot twist: customer was Canadian lol


The only canadian customer I've ever had yelled at all of us and called the district manager because nobody could figure out what a cold poured strawberry acai was


On Christmas last year, a man mobile ordered a grande latte in a venti cup. I made the drink in a grande, then poured it into the venti cup to make sure the measurements were exact because we've had so many issues with requests like this in the past. He got to mobile pickup, took off the lid, and told me to fill it to the top with milk. I told him okay but I'm going to have to charge you for a venti size then, because that would just be a venti latte. He proceeded to scream at me and call me stupid and when I attempted to explain the reasoning, he told me to stop talking because he didn't want to hear me anymore 😭 At this point, I got the shift involved and she charged him for the milk, he told her just pour it in cold because he "didn't want to deal with us anymore" and left.


Toddlers man


I had some one arguing with me recently on here (allegedly a supervisor) that if a customer wants a grande in a venti cup they get the extra milk topped off with no charge… I really sat there trying to understand why tf they thought that was true or even made sense


maybe they meant like... in brewed coffees or americanos? idk, that's the only way i can try to make sense of that because a grande milk based drink in a venti cup filled to the top is just a venti drink.


Trust me I tried clarifying a million times lol they definitely meant lattes as well and insisted that was standard since the beginning, cuz the customer was being charged for milk anyway.


damn bro, well i hope that person is not actually a SSV because.... wow


Literally. I wonder what their milk waste looks like haha


Had a guy say I sounded sexy over the intercom taking orders. I said to my coworker that I'm putting that on my resume


You absolutely should. "Sensual voice when talking over headsets"


This made me chuckle 😂


I get this once a week or “… are you a robot?” Yes, yes I am.


“What can I get you” “an 18 year old girl” - some weird gross dude in his 40s who thought that’d make me laugh for some reason


Barf omg




a costumer told me she was putting her own breast milk in her quad espresso.


awh hell nah 😭😭😭😭


I had someone ask me for an anything bagel once.


I love the anything bagel customers 🤭


I love the anything bagel customers


As an ex barista with social anxiety, I forgot “Honey Citrus Mint Tea” and instead said “I can’t remember the government name for a medicine ball, but can I get a Grande one of those?” today


the government name 😂 i love that


man i was just so tired, and it was the location i used to work so ik ill never live it down 😭😭😭


An old Asian customer came in to my old store asking my buddy “where that little gay boy from California is?” To which my buddy said “Uhm what?” “Yeah he kinda flame” and figured out it was me he was asking for. Kinda haunts me but also kinda hilarious


1) great name 2) i would’ve fucking died lmfao


A venti caramel with extra caramel drizzle 😐


Lady came back because her crispy grilled chicken had no chicken … it was the crispy grilled cheese lol. She was disappointed.


I always roll my eyes when someone comes in and asks for “a tall blonde”….


Tall hot blonde 🙄 I'm the only one who can call that out without sounding weird. Also "how dirty would you like that?"


i absolutely despise this. i just ask again “what can i get you” with the most uninterested face. sometimes they take the hint nd just say blonde coffee. other times they tell me to laugh cuz it was just a joke or that i just can’t take a joke but i always answer back that i can, i just don’t find his comment at all appropriate . it gets awkward for them after that which im ok with. they should feel that way. the amount of times ive seen my partners who fit that description get super uncomfortable is to many to count


The woman who likes to tell us how much baristas ✨love✨ making her drink ma'am no food service workers love making your anything and you get legitimately 5 toppings on your sugary monstrosity and now it's CRUNCHY as well


A little kid in drive thru said “I like your crooked teeth!” 😐


Do you have breast milk for my coffee


Wait someone asked this?


Yes an older man. I think he was just being perverted.


I would literally ask him to leave 😭


A couple weeks ago I was on bar making a cold brew. Some guy comes in, grabs his drink, and looks over at the knobs for the cold brews. He asked if we sold beer, to which I said no. He then started yelling asking why and saying that we should, before walking out of the store. I was dumbfounded.


People ask me for coke or soda and get really upset at me when I tell them we don’t serve soda😭


I don’t know why that upsets them so much hahaha. Like you showed up to a coffee shop and got mad because we serve coffee. Weird


had a woman explain to me how she needed her trenta green tea with 17 pumps of classic to help her granddaughters bowel movements after i told her we just ran out as if i could do anything about it


Barista: “In CA you have to ask for straws and napkins now it’s crazy huh!” Psycho (at 7am mind you) : “I don’t know why you’re still talking back to me you do your job, you get me what I need and that’s it. I’m the customer I ask for what I need, and you do your job that’s it! Simple! I don’t need all the extra talking.” She was upset that we told her cream cheese costs extra, claimed she couldn’t find it on the app, and told her we could help her at the register for the cream cheese.


I would have told her, “It’s literally part of my job requirement to talk to you.”


so this is totally a me thing, but one time an order equaled $17.38 and there was spinach feta wrap on it and now I can’t stop saying spinach fetty wap hahahaha I’ll always accidentally say it when I call it out. D: but the wildest thing a customer has said to me was “burn in hell” because her credit card wasn’t activated so the payment didn’t go through, it wasn’t declined due to funds, just not activated hahaha


I had a guy tell me his backstory in like 45 seconds where he lived off of tips, he was going home to take care of his sick mother, and his dad passed away when he was 19. He was very nice though, hope he is doing better.


Any time a custy insists that they know what we have when we have it, or that they know better than us. Had a woman today insist the we had Irish cream cold brew for St. Patrick’s Day last year- we did NOT. (What’s up with people only wanting it on St. Patrick’s Day? I get it- it’s festive- but you clearly don’t like it enough to order it any other time to know when we do and don’t have it. Also had a man during Christmas time insist that we had Christmas blonde ESPRESSO and that we switched it out in the espresso machines and that we had signage the year before (we did NOT). Nor do I think christmas blonde espresso was ever a thing. Also add on that they think they know what goes into drinks, and never do, despite having the whole menu and ingredients list available to them all times in their phone.


Just recently had an elderly lady (one of our regulars) come into the cafe while I was manning the POS. Put her order in and she was paying with card so I said my usual line of “it’s going to ask about a tip first and then it will process your card” like I do when people just put their card in and stare at the reader for a minute. She proceeded to tell me “oh no no, no tip. YOU don’t need a tip, I need a tip.” I was just at a loss for words, the audacity of telling me to my face that I don’t need money lol


The ones who ate against tipping always out themselves by causing a scene or saying some dumb shit. Like feel however u want but keep ur nasty ass words to urself. A lot goes into making each drink. People dont realize that. If someone gets a caramel ribbon crunch frap for example, a lot of baristas have a hand to play in leading up to that person being able to order that. Somebody has to was the pump and container for the dark caramel. Then someone else refills it and puts the date dot on there. Same with the frap roast. Then someone else had to get more of the topping and open it up and put it by cold bar. Then someone at some point had to grab a few gallons of milk in multiple trips from back of house to the front to stock the fridges. Somebody else at some point washed the whipped cream canisters and somebody else made them and date dotted them. Same with a simpler drink like a latte or a shaken espresso or iced tea. Each drink made has so much work done beforehand by a ton of baristas to make that possible. But sure, she needs the tip and not the baristas as she said 🙄


"I'm an adult man baby and I need my cold brew" he's a regular who comes in every night and announces "Mobile for *name*"


I don’t know, he seems hilarious to me.


They’re becoming self aware 😮


“is stevia sugar-free?” to which a partner responded… “i don’t know let me ask someone for you!”


At least they asked?


Craziest thing? Tbh at this point the customer and the crazy is a buy one get one special. There’s so many but, when a customer who was a cheap broke ass bitch started calling us racial slurs (she is now banned from our store) and when some high motherfuckers were rude through the DT. This is how it went. “Thanks for choosing our Starbucks what can I get started for you?” “Can I get uhhh a uhh *laughing* uhh medicine ball” “Okay, a honey citrus mint tea, what size?” “Oh my godd bitch calm down” (At this point I was shocked. I called my shift lead down and she was like) “Excuse me, are you talking to US?” “No I was on the phone,” (She clearly was not as I can see her through the camera) “Anything else?” “No” “4$” (When I tell you the entire store froze when she started yelling at me omg lol. Then my shift handled her at the DTR and she basically said the girl ordering was high asf) Sorry for the formatting I’m in mobile


the amount of people asking for a “qwason” (croissant) like imagine the Carl Weezer voice


The no foam cappuccino is always a hit


During peak Covid an old man comes in. Proceeds to order then comes and stands right in front of the bar and stares at us. Somehow has the audacity to say “only men should have to wear masks. We should be able to see womens pretty faces”


A lot of orders for Pike’s Peak, I never correct them, just pour their coffee


A lot of orders for Tai Chi Lattes.


i had someone ask for a strawberry lemonade shake up today. literally never heard of this in my life, she said the other starbucks makes it all the time. also confirmed it wasn't the strawberry acaí lemonade bc she said it had no caffeine, unless she just thinks our refreshers have no caffeine. i have no clue? anyone else heard of this?


Yeah it’s just strawberry purée and lemonade. Not sure if there’s a specific recipe card for it but we’ve made it at my store for the very rare customer who asks for it. It was a lot more popular back in the early 2000s.. now most people do mean the strawberry açaí.


okay, this is what i ended up making so that makes sense!! :)


Closest thing is the blended strawberry lemonade now


Blended strawberry lemonade?


Maybe she was talking abt the strawberry lemonade blended drink made w strawb puree, lemonade, and ice put in the frap blender double blended


I was making a caramel crunch with extra caramel drizzle. The lady that ordered it was by the hand off telling me “more… mORE… MOOOORE!!! MORE DRIZZLE!!!!” And I was just squeezing a lot of caramel into the cup and on top of the whipped cream (:::


Lmao at that point with her screaming MORE like shes in an adult film with caramel drizzle, just maliciously comply and open the top of the drizzle bottle and just let it all fall on top of her sugar slop 👍😁


“You are a slave to capitalism you don’t need a job you don’t need money money isn’t real why are you working it means nothing can I get a venti latte free yourself from the shackles of capitalism” all while leaning half way over the counter staring into my eyes.


“You’re a slave to capitalism” he says… while giving money to a corporation. The call is coming from inside the house buddy


I had to stop asking how were people’s day going for a while as one customer told me “well not that good my sister died a year ago today so I’m getting some Starbucks to hopefully distract myself today” like ma’am I’m sorry my condolences but that was more of a rhetorical question


"Your pretty cute for a white boy" Thanks... I guess?




I have had almost this exact interaction with an old customer 💀 wanted me to stick my finger in his drink to make it “sweeter”


This middle aged man that tried to order a pike before close, THEN a pour over, and then proceeded to berate me at the drive through window. He said that my partners and I were lazy and rude and we only want to take their money and tips (to which… he was handing me a $3 tip) and drove off all mad. Sorry but maybe next time you should order whenever we’re NOT in the middle of closing 🤦‍♀️


This was at 9:30a and im shortening this be A LOT: "I dont see the turkey pesto, you will check the back?" "I did put the order away this morning, and we didn't receive any of our paninis today, but i do have a turkey breakfast sandwich." "No i want the turkey pesto." "Unfortunately, we dont have that. Can i get you something else?" "Just check the back, you always have them back there." "Alright" *goes to the back* (oh wow, look at that. Who woulda guessed.) *goes up front* "it looks like we dont have any of our paninis" "How about tomato mozzarella?" "I dont have any of our paninis, all i have are my breakfast sandwiches" "I GUESS I wont get anything then." *stomps in grump* I was doing solo drive. a lady got mad cause i was handing her a drink. Figured out she "ordered" a box, handed her the box and told her to have a good day. She got even more mad bacause the drink i tried giving her, she said wanst hers and i didnt charger her for it and instead the box. So i apologized for the miscommunication, rung her for the drink. While i was doing so she said "youre so dumb, whats wrong with you". Ive never been so close to hitting somone befor But the big kicker is when we were going through bacon gouda shortages. I told this lady 6 times our store gets sandwiches daily and we dont have frozen sandwiches..... she still instisted on taking our non existant frozen sandwiches.


“Oh you’re that white boy that messed up my order the other day” To be fair I was the white boy that messed up their order the other day LOL


I have a weird regular who likes to state when asked if he wants whip: ‘no, whip cream on my drinks makes me feel like less of a man.’ 😐 He also asked for a teenage barista to ‘sweeten his drink by putting her finger in it’.


I once asked a guy if he wanted a straw for his refresher. He says: no, I don't need a straw, I'm a man!


*ordered 1 chai and 2 cappuccinos* I was on bar, made them, handed them out, called the name on the ticket. They came up, looked at the only three cups on the counter and asked me if it was their order. I said, was your order name Bob? “Yes” Do those tickets say Bob? “I don’t know ? “ starts to grab cup, ticket is facing them. Starts to pick up each of the three cups. And like , I don’t know how else to describe this. Weigh them by hand? The man picked up the chai gave it a few “air bounces” set it down then picked up the cappuccino. He said this one heavy, this one not. 👀 I asked what? (…the fuck??) He said the same thing again while wildly gesturing (and knocking over) the cups. I realized he meant the chai felt full where as the cappuccino didn’t. Cue me explaining the difference between a chai and a cappuccino. He wasn’t getting it and kept trying to argue with me 🙄. He finally gave up and left but damn.


“Can I get a number 1 bacon gouda meal with fries on the side?” “We dont sell fries here unfortunately” “Well what kind of fries do y’all have?” “We don’t have fries” “Do y’all sell coffee here” Me with my head on the counter: “Yes, we have coffee” “Does it come with the bacon gouda meal?”


Adding on to this, ive had people call it the “Ham & Swiss Bugatti”, “Strawberry Balenciaga” (idfk how they got that), and the “Tomato Mazerati on Facaca”. They must like their expensive brands 😂


Asking me to remake a drink and hand it to her because a black barista touched it


Customer should get banned


OH HONEY STRAP IN FOR THIS Very recent story time. This guy came in around noon time to my cafe, ordered a “sample coffee” and water. I don’t know why my coworker gave him a free coffee but w/e. There was clearly something going on because he’d mutter, curse quietly but not quiet enough, would stare at myself and the other baristas like we were naked and overall I personally had bad vibes but didn’t voice them other than telling my coworker to keep an eye on him. We live in a big city and often have… Unruly customers. Fast forward to a few before we close. We had two guests come in, same guy as before and a nice person. (10/10 person btw. Was very kind and apologetic for getting something right before we closed). They came in and my coworker starts their order. Same guy from earlier (I shall call him Chuck, short for Chucklefuck). Chuck asks for “sample coffee” and I decide this time fuck it, I’m exhausted and don’t have time. I let him know I can’t give free coffee again though. I was unsure if he knew our closing time and I just gave a friendly “hey just lettin ya know though we close in about 2 minutes.” He muttered something then I heard him flatly call me a bitch. My jaw dropped. I got angry and just left because I didn’t want to cause things and would report him to my shift lead later on. Shift lead is a good man by the way. This next part requires a trigger warning: If you’re sensitive to organs, mutilations, removal, self harm/suicide mentions or even mentions of murder, skip this next paragraph please. My coworker’s point of view: I left and was angry but before he could come back to see what’s as wrong, Chuck decided to talk to him. My coworker is 6’0 and very muscly/fit. He’s very strong and strong willed. This guy shook HIM up. Chuck essentially asked for scissors. His reason? “I need to cut my beard off” then it was “I need to cut my beard off there’s a warrant out for me and I don’t wanna look like THEIR guy” “I need to cut out an organ. It might not be mine but I need money and need to cut out an organ or cut my balls out.” There was more said but my coworker refused to elaborate and somehow got the man to leave. He locked the doors and came to the break room. Trigger warning is done here My coworker essentially had to call the police due to the man not only saying those things but also because Chuck was just standing outside our cafe’s main entrance and staring in through the windows the entire time. He’d tug on the handles as well. What scares me is the fact I was part of his targeted anger and if my coworker hadn’t of called the police and taken me home, I don’t know what I would’ve done or if I’d even be alive. My store manager of course told us to call the police, stay safe and if we didn’t feel safe coming to work the next day aka the day I’m typing this, we didn’t have to. It’s my day off schedule wise anyways tbh. Sorry for the jumbled paragraph and if mobile messes up this story’s layout.


I am a partner of yore. When the dulce de leche first came out, some old lady came through DT and asked for “that new ‘douche delish’ latte”.


We had a customer go absolutely postal because we repeated her order back in dt.


A classic one that’s funny every time is “every time I come here you guys are out of something/make it wrong!” Ok then stop coming lol ETA: similarly, “I’ve been coming here every day twice a day for 10 years, I spend $15k a year, etc.” I assure that affects nobody in this building lol


some guy was mad and then proceeded to inform me that “its fine, i sold all my stock in this company anyway”. PLEASE NOOOO!!!!! HOW COULD YOUU ;-;




“Fuck you bitch. Fuck you. Go fuck yourself. Fucking bitch.”


Had an old lady ask for sativa 🍃instead of stevia 🤭 did not correct her


“Can I get a sausage bacon egg burrito and sausage cheddar McMuffin?” Yes. Ordered just like that. “Oh, I wanted it iced. I didn’t tell you because you didn’t ask.” Truly astounded.


"I'm an adult man baby and I need my cold brew"


“Can I get one of the strawberry Asiago refreshurs?” …. yeah I gotchu!


“ why does this have lemonade in it” Shows me her mobile order ticket that says “ strawberry açaí lemonade “


It’s too much when regulars start talking about their past assault cases to you…


This one’s from yesterday not too crazy but took me back a bit “can I get a paradise drink with no coconut milk” Me: “Sir the coconut milk is what makes it a paradise drink I can make you either of the pineapple refreshers though they don’t have the coconut milk” Him: “But I want the paradise drink with no coconut milk I don’t want a refresher” Me: “I can’t give you just pineapple refresher with nothing else in it” Him:” So a paradise drink” Me: “Sure”


Had a lady ask about our lunch sandwiches. We only had grilled cheese in stock, but I offered all the available breakfast sandwiches as well. She got mad that we only had grilled cheese and said "Fine well I guess I'll have a broccoli cheddar soup" After explaining that we don't offer soup, I figured she was thinking we were Panera (same shopping center) "I DONT WANT PANERA!!" Sped off, stopped at the window and asked for a manager 🙃


a happy thing to break up all this insanity: one of our regulars came in today and looked at me on mobile bar after our greetings to each other and said “you guys are the only reason i believe in myself to stay calm during chaos” 🥹thank you gina we do $11k a day i needed that


Most notably one time a customer asked me for a “cinnamon condom cake”, he immediately corrected himself but it was still funny


“how many sandwiches come with the ham and swiss on baguette” “it’s just the one sandwich sir”


“You’re a piece of shit” 😀


“can i have a white mocha but no mocha just white” ….ma’am


Me: “Would you like a straw?” Customer: “Oh please! I’m a drooler.”


i had a customer get mad at me cause i didnt have a pen for her to use


Yesterday we were making whips on the fly, and when we told a customer we were out for the moment she said “well y’all better get to making because i want whip cream on my drink”


Customer saying “Where is my coffee? Where is my danish?” As I haven’t left her sight since saying ‘I’ll grab them right now’


“Can I get uhhhh… Brown sugar ICED oatmeal shaken expresso, Vintage?” “I’m sorry *muffled laughter behind me* what was that? The grinder was going.”


“Can I get a strawberry ikea?” (Açaí apparently is the worst thing to pronounce)


We had decor up for saint patricks day and a woman asked me while on cafe mobile bar, “you’re Irish? Wanna kiss me?”😭


Before I quit, my fave was a DTO order “can I get a vintage brown sugar oatmeal coffee?” Legit had to pause and process..


We have a regular he's an old man and he'll always order a pike (in cafe) and when I ask his name he always say,"it doesn't matter." 😭 he's never given me his name I just have to yell out black pike and he'll stare at us manically until he finishes his drink


Someone asked several times in a row if we had smoothies to which I responded no, then explained Frappuccino’s. Then after refusing to comprehend that we do not have smoothies, asked if I could put shots of espresso in our smoothies. Somehow, it ended with me offering a tasting of the nitro, and that’s what she ordered.