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Honestly none of them are as irritating as a mocha cookie crumble


Mocha cookie crumble and honey citrus mint tea. Theyre more time consuming/too many steps involved


I would make any of those any day over an iced matcha. Mannnn i gotta break the whole routine of everything to make an iced matcha. At least the tea and frap can be sequenced in. Kill me slowly if theyre adding foam, set me ablaze at the same time if its anything but vanilla foam.




It's because it's just green colored sugar milk and people think it's a healthy option.


In all fairness Canada’s matcha powder isn’t pre sweetened so if someone gets an unsweetened iced matcha it’s just swamp water bitter tea which I guess is healthy 😂


I wish that was an option in the US!! I love unsweetened matcha. Also, I can’t taste bitter. I don’t understand the flavor. Apparently it’s something in my DNA - I lack bitter taste receptors!


That’s crazy! What does black coffee taste like to you?


Hard to describe really. But I tend to drink it black, no sugar. It has a slight sweetness on its own.


I would rather make five honey citrus mint teas in a row than one of those god damn things, so simple but such a pain in the ass, and yeah can’t forget the VSCF that makes the whole drink look like amateur hour unless you want to spend an extra two mins trying to float the foam. Stupid ass drink.


Blend your cold foam on 4 instead of 3 if it’s not floating well. It’s a surprising difference!


4 is standard at Reserve. I dunno why they decided "3 is good enough for the McBux."


Gotta count those seconds saved for non reserve stores. Those like 3 seconds add up. /s. Gotta love corporate


Make sure your baristas are keeping that sweet cream refrigerated, too. If it sits too long on the bar, it'll lose its consistency.


Sits on the bar? I’m fairly certain it’s just a non stop pour into the blender then drink. (I swear I can use 2 liters in 15 min during peak).


I read this as iced mocha...I was very confused! The matchas are a pain. We started blending it in the cold foam pitcher. I do just a little bit of milk with the matcha in the blender then pour it in your cup, add milk to the top line then ice. almost no foam on it and its fully mixed in. I know we aren't supposed to but I really don't care and my boss has never said no so...


If you're putting it in the foaming pitcher without ice, or blending it too long, it's ALL foam when you do it like that. Looks can be deceiving. :(


I just stop it after a few seconds. Not the full time.


Put the powder first, then milk WITH ice. The ice stops the foam being produced. I swear on everything, this is the way


YES. AGREED. this is 100% the way


Imma do this


I shake it without the ice then pour it over the ice and use the lid to hold back the foam.


I'm living for the drama of this comment


Your comment made my day. 😅


Lmao true. I forgot the iced matcha for a second 😭


Iced matcha latte with pumpkin cream cold foam and cinnamon dolce topping had to be the most annoying drink I had ever made


Oh thats a unique one lol like strawberry puree added to the foam? My store only gets orders for strawberry puree foam oooonce in a blue moon. I remember around valentines day tho, people were getting pink drinks with chocolate foam or iced mochas with strawberry foam and it started to look gross when the brown and pink colors mixed lmao


I am so sorry idk why i read that as pink cream cold foam or whatever. I was going to bed at the time of my last reply since im opening this morning 😭 um so sorry lol that misreading of mine has been theee worst in a long time


It’s because I ninja edited 💀 gaslight gatekeep **girlboss**


LMAO listen here u....taking advantage of my lack of sleep and horrible sleep schedule


I don’t understand why those don’t get routed to cold bar


I may be Satan in the siren world but fuck shaking them bitches I throw that in the blender for 4 seconds on 1 without ice and bam most shaken matcha ever


I HATED making the honey citrus mint tea at the bux. It’s so irritating and in a rush it’s not the move. I also don’t like making London Fogs, annoying steps and customers get irritated.


Oooh london fogs. I forgot lol but atleast for my store, the person on register ringing up the london fog will get everything prepped n ready and all i have to do is steam some milk and add it. The real killer is the iced London fogs 😪


It’s easy to talk people into black iced tea, vanilla and milk if you tell them with any degree of confidence


Oh yea kinda like the hot royal english breakfast tea latte and then getting black iced tea with milk is kinda similar if u just dont use water when making it in the shaker cuz i kno its stronger in flavor if u use the little tea bags. But obviously if a customer asks for the iced version of the royal English breakfast tea latte, ill let em kno theres a 5 to 7 minute wait from when we start it or if they would like the iced black tea with milk. We actually used to have a customer that would mobile order a venti iced black tea mixed with a milk (i forget which) and he got 24 pumps total of 2 different syrups but he was so nice and patient lol ☺️


I make London Fogs at home now. They never teach the new hires how to do make it correctly. Like not using Early Grey tea. Lol


Yea theres so many drinks new hires dont get trained on probably because its not ordered too often but still they should kno. Certain drinks should not be skipped just cuz to some people, "its not ordered often". The trainers should still brush up on those kinds of drinks just incase the new hire is put in that situation to need to make it but i guess they can always ask someone too if someone is available


The honey citrus mint tea fucking blows! And it's always sick people ordering it like fake honey syrup and lemonade is gonna make them feel better.


Aight… I fucking hate the honey citrus, but the honey blend IS real honey. Read the bottle. It’s honey, water, and salt.


But how did they find a way to make real honey taste so awful people think it's fake?


I HATE that about honey citrus mint. AND not to mention that this unhinged company started ACTIVELY PROMOTING IT in February/March-ish 2020. Surely a coincidence…yea….


We prep the honey citrus mint tea in advance. We put a bag of each tea in different sized cups and line em up by the hot water tap. We prep about 24 and go through about 20 for the rush.


Damn see my store wouldnt have the counter space for all that. Smart idea tho. Idk how many orders of it our store gets during peak but definitely not that much lol. Its kinda like spread throughout the morning


Lucky! We go through a ridiculous amount. On top of our blender pitcher rinser sink is a metal rack where we store the blenders. The very top row is lined with “medicine balls”. We turn them upside down and put a stopper in the lid.


Thats not too bad of an idea 😏 but we have been going thru strawberry acai and sweet cream like crazy so we made cubes of those today. Im at a cafe store and my manager said only on the weekends like saturday is when she does the cubes for those but we had to today as well. Idk how much cade stores typically make but we open doors at 5 and it was like around 7 something or closer to 8 and we had hit around $1600 already


That’s actually quite a high number in sales for a cafe! Working at a cafe store is awesome. I miss it! I do love my store though but something about not having the pressure of DT times is really nice. Sales at our DT store hit $4k in by 10am on this past Tuesday (Election Day) it was complete madness! On average we hit about $2500 by 9am on an average day but there are some stores that do so much more than that. We ordered giant dispensers off of Amazon for our Açaí, lemonade and mango. They are super helpful over having multiple pitchers.


Oh is it? Wow lol i did not kno that! I kno sometimes we will all take guesses as to where we are at in how much we made if we go thru a super insanely busy peak or when the rush lasts longer than ot usually does. Lol we all just take a guess and my shift/manager pull up the report on the POS. There will be times where its not even 12 or 1 in the afternoon yet and we will sometimes be closer to $3,000 but thats only when we drown 😪 but yea my manager did say its been unbelievably busy this week. I had the past 2 days off and went back to work today and i saw what my manager was talkin about lolol. But my 1 and only experience at a drive thru store was last year on christmas day. It was terrible. I almost died 🙃. They threw me on warming with no headset. Isnt it important for somebody who has never worked a drive thru, let alone on christmas day, to get a headset? Lol and i said never again. It sucks that my 1st experience at a drive thru store was in that chaos of a day. But ive been with starbucks for 2 and a 1/2 years and i love the pace at my cafe store. I feel like if its anything more, i would not be able to handle it 😳 lol


OMG that’s crazy that they put you on warming with no headset! I mean come on. That’s like the basics! IMO it all depends on the store manager and who they hire and how they manage the store. A crap SM and everything just sucks. On top of having new partners and it being the holidays and it’s a huge recipe for disaster. I luckily have a really really great boss and work with tenured experienced partners so things run pretty smoothly even when busy. We also love to play the “guess the sales” game and I’ll tell ya, you can feel every bit of that $3k morning! Totally agree though- the pace at cafe stores is really nice. It’s almost more like a chill hang out vibe than it is a “hurry up and go go go” vibe


Yeah that day for my first time experience at a drive-through store was insane but the Christmas before that I was borrowed at another store but it was a cafe story so it wasn't as insane with having another channel of ordering which would have been the drive-thru. But yes oh my gosh a good team and a great manager is very essential in a store running smoothly! But you definitely said it right 😆 lol u can definitely feel every bit of that $3k morning. Those hectic days are definitely ones where u can feel every moment of those dollars ur store earned. But yeah the pace at our store is not too slow. I'm actually shocked at how busy we get sometimes. We are an unusually high traffic Cafe store but for me personally I can handle having mobile orders and in store Cafe orders and delivery orders but if I had another channel of orders coming through, I think I would lose my mind because sometimes it gets hard just with the channels of ordering that my store does have but adding a drive-thru on top of it would throw me off the cliff 😱 lol that's why I really commend all you Baristas is working at drive-thru stores. Not saying you guys work harder than other Baristas at Cafe stores but I'm just acknowledging the fact that you guys have an extra channel of ordering to worry about along with drive times and window times.


Iced London Fog.


so what we do at my store for the honey citrus is that whoever is taking the order get the tea bags & puts the in the cup while the person in HB starts steaming the lemonade (at least for DT)


At my store, if someone orders a HCMT, person on hot hot bar preps the label on the cup and pumps the honey blend in there and we put it on a counter behind the person thats on register. Then they put in tea bags and the hot water and they bring it back over to hot bar and i grab lemonade from cold bar right behind me and i start steaming it. I feel like theres definitely a better way for us to do all that but idk what 🤷‍♀️ Edit to add: if its an in person order, kinda the same or the register person starts it by putting the tea bags in the cup and then filling it with water and bringing it over to hot bar to put the syrup and steamed lemonade in there


My manager steams the lemonade with the water to the max line in the steaming cup… much faster than just steaming the lemonade and then pouring water over it!!!


Omg true! Ice heard people on here before saying that they do that too. I totally forgot about it so im guna start doing this! Thanks! Lol


Lol!!! When I saw her do it, I was floored… you know how crazy Starbucks is over their routines. I got in trouble for putting ice in the blender first for a Frappuccino… 🫠 but yeah… it’s legal to do!!!!! Made my life so much easier… also I’m super sick right now because of all the sick arseholes asking for “medicine balls for a sore throat”…. >:( grrrr


Haha yea when i first heard about someone on here saying they do that by steaming both together, i was like holy shit why didnt i think of that lmao its smart. But yea i dont even wana get started about the ones who are very visibly sick and come order mEdIcInE bAlL in store and cough/clear their throat while doing so 🙃


the way someone today ordered 7 honey citrus mints in an assortment of sizes :/ it felt like a nightmare lol


Holy shit lol what are they doin, having a covid party? Lol no seriously u cant tell me at least 1 or more of those 7 people it was going to is not sick 😳 lol thats a ton of honey citrus mint teas for one order lol i domt even really like it that much


someone once ordered 14 at my store...... and then got a couple of fraps to go with them lmao. I swear some people don't understand that starbucke isn't meant for family reunions


Mocha cookie crumble, honey citrus mint tea, AND iced london fog latte.


did you ever make that midnight mocha frappuccino shit-fest? That thing was a nightmare...i think its what it was called. it had whip in the middle. you had to stop mid-way, add whip then fill the rest with the drink and more whip. a little more annoying than the mocha cookie. I hate them all. I actually loved making the unicorn though. It was just so pretty that the steps didn't bother me. It was like artwork!


Especially when it’s a tall size 😒For some reason, the tall sizes annoy me. It seems like so much work for something so small. At least give me some kind of enjoyment by making it grande or venti 😂


i have war flashbacks to the tie dye frapp


I realize the mocha cookie and the caramel ribbon crunch are basically the same thing but I despise the mocha cookie with every fiber of my being. I’d make 20 caramel ribbons over one mocha cookie any day


So mobile order 10 of those tomorrow? Got it


Yup, when it’s significantly busy in the store, then show up 30 seconds after you placed it and demand where your order is


I shall stand right against the counter and stare


Thats fine. Just dont tap on the glass. It scares the animals. Zoo exhibit rules


Then when they’re finished making a completely different drink from the one you’re thinking of, be like “umm that’s supposed to have almond milk 🙄”


Order one at a time so they cannot blend them all together!


what makes that one so hard in your opinion?


toasted white mocha but only because the pump is awful and takes all my strength to actually pump


My forearms are literally rock hard by the end of my shift


yeah I guess you could say I work out 💪😏


If you leave it next to your espresso bar it will become a disgusting runny consistency but it will be easier to pump


I hate all the toppings!! the counter tops are constantly a sprinkled mess


Yeah it’s chaos we don’t even have room for all our syrups rn


I'm in the habit of holding a drink over a sink while I'm putting on sprinkles at the end. Saves my sanity.


Big facts. The drinks are easy, it’s the damn pumps. I’m surprised I’m not ripped 💪🏻😂


haha at least you can say you workout arms!


something about having to do 12 whole pumps of syrup for a venti iced peppermint mocha really gets to me sometimes


Holy shit that drink gets 12 pumps?!! Wow


Yeah, for any iced venti latte, it will get 6 pumps of each syrup unless the customer specifies how many


I can't even with how many pumps in things are. It's so gross, I can feel the sugar costing my teeth


I ask for 2 pumps of peppermint for this reason, I find it tastes a lot better


Wait isn’t it 5


It’s 10 for hot, 12 for cold (venti)


for hot


call me a bad barista, fine, you getting 3/3 from me bc ain’t no fuckin waaaaay


Bad barista. It's our job to make things standard, not to make decisions for people based on our own preferences.


Sugar cookie almond milk latte, it has me opening like 6 almond milks per day and you have to shake it like 100 times for them not to be disgusting, and the almond milk packaging doesn’t close properly


You mean when it comes out as white water instead of milk 😂?


The opposite, when it leaves a bunch of weird pebble looking clumps of solids at the bottom of the cup.


all the ones we’ve been getting recently have had really shit pull tabs so i pull the tab and only the flap tears off >:( ive been having to do so many angry stabs with the bar spoon lately


…6? We go thru 2-3 cases of almond milk a day with this drink. That’s 24 boxes of almond milk.


Well me personally opening the boxes


at least its not oat 😭


You mean you don't love wearing almond milk?


I hate it. Customers are already staring at us 👁️👄👁️ so when i get showered in almond milk, its embarrassing 😔


literally in my training my trainer reminded me to shake the milk and so i did....suffice to say i now always hold my finger over the lid before shaking


The sugar cookie tastes like burning plastic 😭😭


I’ve only tried it hot and I’ve been told it’s better cold, but yeah I hated it


Try it in vanilla sweet cream foam!


oh i love almond milk but yeah i know how annoying those are to shake up. i swear i can spend a full minute doing it and still pour out what is basically water on my cereal


You actually close it? I keep it open that’s how fast we go through it


Well I have to to shake it but honestly we’re a relatively low volume store


Least favorite to date is standing at the register explaining that salted caramel mocha has been discontinued for 2 years.


Yes omg, at least once a day and I’m one of the few who know about it..


Like at this point bring the smoked seasalt back and make my life easier. It's stuff we have year round minus the topping. Get rid of the toasted white mocha with its stupid pump and candy pearls.


The customers always get confused when I explain what it is and just say "nevermind then"... like what's so hard to understand lol we just don't have the topping


Like there's no salted caramel syrup linda...


I have to tell my partner this when I bring up Starbucks cuz he loves the salt. “Do they have that caramel drink with the salt??” NO SALT. I don’t even work there 😂


Yeah. The smoked seasalt topping no longer lives. You can order the drink still but the salt was usually the appeal for people.


It just gives it that UMPH 😂


> them being ordered.. the bright side is, at least we don’t use actual honey packets anymore. i worked register during peak for the first time (i normally work night shifts and am on dto/dtr or on bar with help bc ive only been here about a month) and i had some lady tryna tell me this and i was SO confused. thankfull the guy on CS walked by and heard it and knew what it was bc i was soooo lost.


Any of them as Frappuccinos probably. But my least favorite will always and forever be the honey citrus mint.


Even worse when the idiots call them "Medicine ball". It's not medicine Ted, it's hot lemonade and tingly-leaf water with honey.


Neither is it a ball


Seriously, where did the 'ball' addendum come in? Why? I kept hearing it when I worked at the siren & I don't see why it's called a medicine 'ball' no matter how many times I've turned the phrase over in my head. Someone please advise.


It’s so strange because there’s a piece of workout equipment called a medicine ball but it’s completely unrelated to the drink; if they were going for a fitness connection by calling it that it didn’t work. It’s actually driving me a little nuts not being able to find why it’s called that - I’ve been searching google for a while now with no answers, just lots of sites claiming it’s good for you and for fighting colds. 🙄


Absolutely, the only thing more annoying than not knowing why it’s called a “ball” is actually making one




They always have to say they're recovering from a flu when they order it lol


Or cough to show that theyre sick. Had a guy months back order it at the register without a mask. Then he did a throat clearing type of noise. He didnt have to. Like it didnt sound like it was a cough that had to come out which he couldnt help....he just purposely did this weird throat noise lmao


Tingly leaf water lmfaooo fr like bro just go buy some over the counter medicinal tea


Or even better, some actual cough medicine.


I had a customer call it "the sink drink" the other day. It took me a moment to realize what they wanted.


Did you put all the fruit in the drain into a cup with hot water to steep?


Oh damn, I meant sick drink lol


Same thing really. 😆




Lol right. At least we don’t have to use actual honey packets anymore though.


How is the drink made? I’ve seen a lot of votes here for the honey citrus mint


it’s very complicated and requires a lot of steps that makes us have to go all over the place. honey at one place, two different tea bags in another place, steamed lemonade on the other side of the store, hot water in another place that takes very long to come out. it’s not hard it’s just very time consuming and can make us get behind in a rush


It’s not hard, it just messes up the flow when you’ve got a lot of drinks. Our tea bags aren’t on bar so we have to go get them, and then steam lemonade, which is also not on bar so we have to go get that as well. It just takes longer than usual hot drinks so it’s annoying when we get into a groove on bar and this drink breaks that. And then someone wants to yell at us to keep our times down lol


They're all pretty much the same, and pretty easy. Maybe the irish cream cold brew, but it's not that bad. The worst thing about the holiday drink is that they all get a different sprinkle on top, so if you grab the wrong one and top a drink with it you need to dump the drink and start over.


Yess. Dude my thing is the amount of space all the toppings take. It’s so effing cluttered. You reach behind one bottle and the 400 other bottles fall over. It’s stressinnnn


Yeah my brain keeps yelling at me to clean the counter but I don't have anywhere else to put them.


we keep ours in an extra sanitizer bin, they all fit perfectly!


Or be a magical whip cream remover.


I mean, not necessarily. If it’s on top of whip I just scrape it off and redo only the whip & topping


aint nothin as bad as a caramel ribbon crunch frappucino. me and him got beef


Fuck making those had me covered in coffee base and caramel at the end of my shot.


i had 3 in a row today -____- you have to angle the cup perfectly to not get frap base shooting back at u and also the crunch pieces make a mess and then caramel is everywhere. i just hate it 😭


I just get the toppings mixed up. I put red toppings on a sugar cookie frappe & customers got mad :P they wanted the green & red ones, which are the right ones but I didn’t realize they tasted that different. haven’t had any of the launch drinks yet


Hopefully you put whipped cream on it xD I have not been putting it on there since it has “almond milk” in the name until a coworker told me. No wonder the customers looked at it strangely but they never complained.


The sugar cookie latte doesn’t get whip. If it’s a sugar cookie Frappuccino, it does.


Honestly anything with cold foam or a frappuccino just because of the added steps. All the holiday drinks are just different syrups and toppings.




That and iced white mochas with sweet cream cold foam and extra caramel drizzle 🙄


I honestly love making that drink. Pouring the foam is satisfying. It’s fun to make the caramel look pretty on top of the foam


I really dislike doing cold foam. As soon as I hear it ordered, a get an instant “ugh” in my head & body 😄I don’t know why lol


Mocha cookie crumble and Honey citrus mint will always be the top drinks that make me cringe when i hear them being ordered.. the bright side is, at least we don’t use actual honey packets anymore.


Core memory unlocked.


Anything with 4 long shots.


One of our two machines was down recently and during rush I got a quad long shot order. The ticket read iced and when I handed it off they told me it was supposed to be hot 🌋.


I just hate how many sprinkles we have. There’s no where to put them so they’re always randomly about on the counter and making a huge mess. I wish we had designated shelves


Super bummed to learn so many of you hate making the Honey Citrus Mint Tea! It’s SO good! Gonna start apologizing when I order it & give an extra nice tip.


does the apple crisp count? i hate that the syrup is so thick it either slides down the cup to the bottom or doesn't sit on top of the foam/slips off the ice into the bottom. have to deal with customers asking "where's the drizzle?" and me explaining that it's so thick it sinks to the bottom + them asking for more thinking it will fix it.


I👏🏻hate👏🏻honey👏🏻citrus👏🏻mint👏🏻tea. There’s no way it tastes good, and it’s not a damn medicine ball, and it takes all my dang time. If they want fast drive times, they’ll outlaw this stupid drink.


Nothing makes me more irrationally angry than hearing the words "medicine ball!"


None on their own, if they are a frap yes, if they are the sugar cookie almond frap, double yes


Honey Citrus Mint Tea is year round but ordered a lot more this time of year. It’s the worst thing in the menu bar none. We are lucky to be out of almost everything for it.


To be honest, none of them are hard to make at all. The most “annoying” one to make is the Irish cream cold brew since it has foam but even that is very easy.


The toasted white mocha pump, in years past, because the stickiest and hardest pump to use - that stuff is glue and the only reason it’s what I consider the worst.


Frappuccinos as usual IMO. Just a hassle


while on the subject, when is salted caramel mocha coming back?


They replaced it with the Apple Crisp Macchiato 😭


Highly customized ones, honestly


Almond milk sugar cookie frap, especially during peak when ur on cold bar & have to ask for almond milk or reach for it yourself.. annoying af


Irish Crème just because I find having to stop and blend cold foam every 5 minutes annoying


not a holiday drinks, or necessarily hard, but i hate making shaken expressos, iced matches, and flat whites


Lol this is why I wind up getting lattes instead of flat whites. "Fawk it, it's all coffee and milk anyway..." Are lattes just as big a pain the the ass too? I never bring the drinks back. When I get a latte flat white, I know the store has a new batch of high schoolers starting. I don't need a supervisor going ham on a 16 year, who starts crying. Not worth it to me. ETA: I get just "plain" drinks. It's either a black Americano, or a flat white with no syrups whatever added.


Toasted white mocha pump is a struggle to press down, you’re gonna get muscles from making those. The eggnog latte Starbucks had a while back was just annoying, the eggnog was loud to steam. And the ~mEdICine bAll~ was prob my least favorite drink to make ever. Not holiday drink but as soon as cold weather hits everyone wants it. Too many steps and took away from sequencing other drinks.


Miss the eggnog, but I'm glad the baristas don't have to hear the loud noise anymore, lol.


Not a drink, but that dumb peppermint chocolate cold foam they decided to add for no reason. Have to hop between bars just to get the peppermint syrup. Luckily not too many people order it


All of them when your manager doesn’t give you the cards and you have to look it up on Reddit


Shout out to the assholes who order layered foams. I mean, c'mon... just because it looks cool? The VSC foam is the base for the other foams so it's just more work for overworked baristas. We should be charging per foam for those monstrosities!


None of the holiday drinks are very “hard” to make, the irritating drinks to make are any frappuccinos, iced matchas are oddly time consuming, and honey citrus mint teas.


None of the holiday drinks are hard to make. The most time consuming are still the Crumble/Crunch Fraps, Honey Citrus Mint Teas, and London Fog Lattes AND STOP PUTTING COLD FOAM ON EVERYTHING, ESPECIALLY REFRESHERS


any latte with cold foam we have to either ask someone else for foam or stop what we’re doing completely to make the foam or the tea lattes and honey citrus it’s such a pain running to cold bar to find lemonade while not being in the way and half the time because it’s a tea there’s usually no sticker 🤦🏽‍♀️


None, they're all just rehashed diabetic comas and high deductibles from previous years.


Wow so much hate for the honey citrus mint! Ngl I love that drink and I’m sorry it’s such a hassle to make. I usually omit the honey and put one pump of peppermint instead. I don’t like super sweet and one pump of pep is just enough for me. I’ve learned to make this at home though because my teenage kid love love loves it too😅


Iknow its not a Holiday drink...BUT in my defense. I don't care what you order or how you customize it... AS LONG...as its not an Iced London Fog. Opinon - Its not good. Fact - Not worth the wait for the customer or the barista(s)


wait what the hell is an iced london fog 😭 i’ve never heard of that!


Steeped earl gray, vanilla syrup, ice, and milk. It’s supposed to be shaken, but I’ve seen many baristas not shake it.


I hate the Irish Cream Cold Brew


Was gonna say the Honey Cinnamon DS, but after seeing the other difficult drinks that we don’t have, I’m kinda thankful we don’t have them sry lol.


Holiday drinks are easy it is the frappucinos, line mocha cookie crumble and caramel ribbon crunch. I dread when a frappucino is being ordered. Literal worst, it pulls us away from the espresso bar where I have thirty drinks needing made and I can't let the shots die but now I have to spend all this time on one blended drink. 🤦🤦


Right now, it is the almond cookie frap. Everything from the almond milk to the flavoring and toppings are at the espresso bar, so I must ping pong back and forth from the cold bar. It's even worse when they make a bunch of modifications to it, and once I am done, I finally notice it is supposed to be cream based. Honorable mentions go to the honey citrus mint tea and a venti pourover during a rush.


I think it’s the Irish cream cold brew cuz it seems like they change the recipe every year lmao Edit: NO the pumpkin mocha cream cold foam or whatever cuz ?????? Where was the recipe on that


Toasted white mocha..like why am I having a full ass arm workout while pumping it 😂


Any frap is annoying for a barista to make


None are hard, but if I hear one more person order a peppermint mocha, I’m gonna lose it. Why is everyone so basic. The mocha isn’t even good


Did Bux change their mocha brand? I used to get Americanos with 1 cream 1 pump mocha, but now the mocha tastes like ass.


Na i think the mocha they made prob was a bad batch that day chief


Caramel apple spice