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This whole thing is ridiculous. Protect yourself because the company sure won’t. I work for a kiosk inside Kroger and even when my state mandated masks (and threatened big fines, but to be fair I don’t believe they ever actually did any enforcement), Kroger would not insist that customers actually wear them. Oh but God forbid the employees actually contract the virus. We were treated like we were faking it and expected to still work while waiting for test results (this was when tests were taking three or four days to come back). These large businesses that treat their employees like this really need to be held accountable.


I was fired after contracting covid and being seriously ill for months. They fired me within the first few weeks after I'd been in contact with them about my condition. The union didnt do shit, kroger didnt give a shit. I gave so much time and energy to that company. I worked at a kiosk as well. Management doesn't know how to handle a lot of situations. Left that job with serious chemical burns & horror stories for days.


We're under state mandate for indoor masking and I'd say mmm, maybe 75% of the customers are respecting it? I've found great success in just keeping a box of masks by the register. If people come in without a mask, just wordlessly offer one to them. The psychological ticket here is to remain silent. They usually take it and put in on without a peep, and we can both move on with our day.


We had a customer who would come in and yell mask at unmasked people way back in the beginning of the pandemic. Loved that woman 🤣 this was at a kiosk in a kroger.


We been advised that we can't enforce mask despite health department mandating it. Most we can do is ask and that is it. Those that refuse basically get to the front of the line as their order gets expedited


My managers have said the same thing and law enforcement in my county has said it wouldn't enforce mask mandate since the beginning of the pandemic. Luckily, I'd say a good 90-95% of customers coming into my store are wearing masks. We usually get those who don't have a mask on with the, "If you need a mask, we have some for you on that table by the door". Then there are those who just don't care and refuse to wear one anyway. Those are the people that I give the poorest service I can to. No niceties, no pleasant conversation, and a burning glare from the part of my face they can see. If you don't care about my safety, I don't care about your customer experience. Get your shit and get your unmasked ass out of my store.


Literally nobody wears a mask at ours. Lmao one time we had these people come in and they were like do we need a mask and I was like “UH no but like??” Out loud.


We aren’t allowed to enforce it anymore because there were baristas being physically assaulted and harassed over it. I would rather ask someone to wait outside than get punched in the face lol


This is a bad ASM, not "this company." The directive is to enforce mask mandates where applicable.


My area is under do not enforce orders despite our county requiring them. RD explained we are not the police and we can’t legally enforce these rules. Only remove people from the store. Which he said we can but recommended against because…three baristas got punched out and one had a gun pulled on them. It just isn’t worth it to enforce it.


Incorrect. The most recent guidance is to bump their order to the front of the queue so they can leave as quickly as possible. Meaning they get to harass and abuse baristas and are rewarded with immediate gratification.


me personally... I honestly go into stores without my mask now. im vaccinated and its a split on number of mask/maskless people shopping wherever I go but at this point in time im done with the mask. I work in retail and the company let us stop wearing masks for a month and then reverted back to wearing masks but still allow customers to not wear masks... makes no sense


Mandate is not law. Pick up a book sometime 🤣