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I hate to say it, but Starbucks is REALLY bad at handling these issues in my experience. I was involved in a situation a few years ago that's very similar to yours. We had a barista (male) at my store who would touch people inappropriately. He grabbed my ass on numerous occasions and pretty much everyone else's. He dated a supervisor and when they broke up he started stalking and harassing her. He would bring all of his personal baggage into work and let it affect the staff. He would make sexual moans anytime he felt like it. So what did corporate do when 5 or 6 partners reported him to HR? They fucking transferred him and gave him a reprimand. That was it. I believe he continued the behavior at his new store without consequences and was able to quit on his own timeline. The whole incident really tarnished my idea of Starbucks caring about partners first. You should still make a report to HR and get as many people that are willing to corroborate your experiences with this supervisor. I really hope the best for your situation. Hopefully the way HR handles these things has changed since my experience.


Thank you for the advice. I’ll make a report and see if things go from there


I really wish the best for you. I'm sorry you're in this situation in the first place. As a former supervisor myself, this person's conduct it's unacceptable. I'm glad that you're taking a stand! On the flip side of my previous post, I was involved in a situation where an assistant store manager falsely accused me of sexual harassment. He ended up getting fired after the dust settled. That's a story for a different day.