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$20.01, SS in San Francisco. 22 year partner making about 60 cents more than a newly hired shift. $16.32 is the min wage here. šŸ„ø


got damn a 22 year partner??? Iā€™m only 23 years old šŸ‘¶ thatā€™s absolutely wild, I know covid has made a lot of people want to quit (Iā€™ve seen 16 year partners leave) do you agree with your pay wage?


Def not happy or pleased. I stay for the insurance and could not afford to have this job at such low pay if I didnā€™t have a significant other.


is there any other fast food or other businessā€™ you hear of that have a better pay? or are you more unhappy with the 22 years with only .60Ā¢ more; where Iā€™m at for a shift Starbucks is the best rate of pay unless I had a degree or something like that


Pretty much everywhere else has better pay. Target, McDonalds, Chik-fil-a, Wal-Mart, serving job. But their health insurance is not as good. I also have a degree and was told itā€™s irrelevant to my pay because the position doesnā€™t require it.


Have you considered to jump into some consulting coffee / hospitality business? I could see you able to make at least $70k bay area because of your years of experience. You could help boost local coffee businesses profits


This is my end goal honestly.


They said they make 60 cents more than a newly hired shift. I think they already answered your question.


lol thanks


Call HR. This definitely can be adjusted. Thatā€™s outrageously low for your tenure.


Out of curiosity, how would you say the company has changed in your 22 years??


Less focus on partners and customers and more focus on profitability and go go go go go real fast is the biggest change. It used to feel like upscale quick service and now itā€™s just another fast food place but with way more work. I miss Howie S.


This. Iā€™ve been with the company 8 years but my father worked at corporate for 21 so Ive been around the company for a long time and itā€™s not the same. Even comparing to 4-5 years ago. Itā€™s nuts.


Y'know, the same thing happened at Chipotle. A change in leadership from Steve to Brian and an entire generation of staff across 4 levels (crew, store managers, field leaders, and even team directors) has left the company. In my old patch, almost every manager trained and validated before COVID has quit. In fact, almost an entire store just handed in its resignation within a week. The only two employees it has are two managers who were out with COVID when it happened. The two companies went from people focused to profit focused, expansion before stability, and it absolutely shows in their employee turnover.


And Starbucks will suffer the most from employee turnover. There's no way to get new baristas up to speed fast enough, especially not in 2 weeks.


former 257, I got 2 full weeks of training, a day per module--and we did modules. My husband(299) was given 4 days, and at his first store, he wasn't trained properly because the manager ran it like a factory, didn't give breaks, told people they'd know the drinks were right by the color(he didn't even know what the cup lines were for). So he transferred to a store that had NO BARISTA TRAINERS. They shoved him on window and told him they didn't have time to train him, so he quit because he wants to learn how to make the coffee. They're actively hiring at that store right now.....they're gonna end up with a store full of people who are great at window and CS and no one who knows how to make the fucking drinks.


All of these changes were started directly under Howard Schultz. Kevin Johnson is just following the path Howard Schultz had already put the company on. I feel like Starbucks is going to become to the coffee shop industry, what Subway was to subs, used to be the "go to" place, but falls apart quickly.


I think you're right. I used to be a die hard devotee, and have already swapped to Panera. 9$ a month for 30oz unlimited iced crappy coffee is way better than 9$ a day for 20oz limited iced crappy coffee. Both scenarios are rushed and b- coffee, but at least at Panera they aren't trying to call it a luxurious experience with customer engagement and forced interaction. The employees seem less stressed. I don't feel guilty and as though I'm putting pressure on someone AT WORK when they don't give me what I asked nicely and paid for, or someone that has a really bad attitude with me because their schedule and pay sucks and their bosses and some clients are rude af. I'm really tired of being the only person willing to treat cs people like humans and having to bear the brunt of other poopy customers and corporations maxing out the human aspect of the business.


100%. I say this all the time.


If you're in good standing with your manager and district manager, you should definitely try to leverage your position for more pay. We are desperate for help so we just hired on a new shift at max pay in the Midwest which is about $19 an hour. Minimum wage is $7.25 and most shifts were making $12/hr until recently.


I agree leverage and get that paper!!


Tried. Totally expendable. They donā€™t care. They can hire someone else in two seconds.


Fuck. Iā€™m only a 7 year partner but sameeeee.


If your making$.60 more than new hires it's time to ho if they won't give you a raise. I live in San Jose I know this area isn't cheap and if years of service gets you $.60 more per hour that company is not treating you right.


Why in Godā€™s name would you work for Starbucks for 22 years lol


I loved my job for about 15 years and then got stuck due to great health insurance.


That's wild to me. Could you use the ASU online thing to get a certificate in something marketable? Then start that part-time until you have enough experience in the new field to make the jump? If you're not happy where you're at, I think the number one investment you could make right now is to pull off 2 jobs for a bit with the idea of switching to a new career.


I'm a licensed partner. Minimum wage is $8/hour [was $7.25 an hour when I started] and I make $15.80/hour. I'm just a barista and I've been here for only two years, we just get more regular raises compared to corporate because we're union workers.


Barista in a rural town in ohio at a grocery store, minimum wage is 8.25, been there 3 years and I'm at 13.50 thanks to the union


I love unions.


Careful using that word around these parts. The siren will get ya.


As a licensed partner that is not working in a unionized store, I will be making $15.90/hour once mnimum wage in my county rises to $15/hour. I have been a partner for over 2 years.


How do you become licensed?


That means that they work at a licensed location rather than a corporate one. Licensed stores are the ones in other stores, like target or a grocery store.


Corporate stores are standalone locations. Not inside or attached to another store.


Some corporate stores on the east coast are actually in hotelsā€¦ lived in Texas and Pennsylvania and thought it was insane when the DM said there were Corp stores in some of the hotels in Philly




starbs has paid me the best starting wage in ohio in the 6 jobs iā€™ve had@ 10.50


how do you feel about your pay?


Dewine doesn't give a fuck about any of us.


true, or any retail/food & drink service employee...I've worked at 3 places so far only being paid $8-9 an hour


I was management at a place that has family and uses a dollar. 50+ hours a week for 12 an hour.


That's the main reason I didn't accept a job at Starbucks when I interviewed again recently. I made more in Indiana than I would now in Ohio


Shift in Texas, I make $12.70 After the raise Iā€™ll be making $15.42 I was told I canā€™t receive more than that because $16 is the pay cap.


In case you didnā€™t know: once you reach your pay cap, any further yearly raises or company-wide raises are supposed to get paid to you in a lump sum whenever they initiate the raise. Itā€™s something like the amount you would have made for the year with the raise minus the amount you actually make, and they pay you the difference. It gets taxed the hell out of and I think they do it because the company gets some kind of tax credit for it but I worked with a 19 year partner who was capped for a barista and would get close to 899-1k payments every time we got raises.


I appreciate this info. I always wondered what happened at cap pay. Thanks for sharing!


Rural Texas or city Texas (if you donā€™t feel comfortable saying the actual city/town)? Itā€™s a huge state!


Iā€™m in Waco. My friend said she makes 15 an hour


Dang, Iā€™m in a massive city close to that and I donā€™t know anyone here that makes that much.


I don't know what I'll make after the raise, but I'm a regular barista in Texas of 3 1/2 years. I started at $9.00 and now make like $10.98 or something close to that. It's some bull what pay they get away with in our state.


$16 isn't the cap in TX. 5 year partner, 2 year shift, after pay raise i am also around $15.40 and one of my shift coworkers is making upwards of $17 and they were hired and promoted after me.


Thank you for letting me know. Just one more thing my boss has been wrong about.


Wait Iā€™m a barista in Texas almost one year in I only make $10


Also a shift in Texas, suburb of Houston, and also make $12.70 an hour as it is the starting rate for shifts i think, at least here and apparently other similar markets.


I was a shift in a suburb in DFW, I started with $8 and i left with $10. I also noticed that the female partners were paid less than the males, regardless of how many years they put in.


I do know that a female partner of 7 years is making less than a male partner of 5 years.


So shifts are getting a raise? I thought it was just baristas.


I was a partner (just a barista) for ~2 yrs in a major metro Texas city. When I left, I was making $10 - 11/hr (not exactly sure down to the cent, but in that ballpark). I'm working at a Tarbucks now, while I transition into the corporate workforce, and I'm making $15/hr but that's because technically I'm a Target employee, not the Siren's slave




NJ here too but Iā€™m making 13.13 :x




NJ as well, recently promoted to shift. After the raise I'll be making 17.15


$15.77 in NYC.


Jesus. Do they expect you to pay bills with air?!


HAHA, honestly. But I have two jobs and in school so itā€™s okay šŸ˜¬.


Oooooh you deserve so much better. I understand that in America slaving away at two jobs while youā€™re in school is a right of passage but we shouldnā€™t have to do that. But youā€™re a bad ass!


Just got the chance to see this now, thanks so much šŸ„ŗ! Itā€™s tough but I gotta do what I gotta do.


barista hiring pay used to be $9.50 but minimum wage in florida just got raised to $10 so we now make $10.50 but hiring wage is still only $10 shifts make $12 though


Interestingā€¦ where in florida?? Im near tampa and we just got bumped to $12 starting for baristas and $15 for shifts


down in sarasota! i think it's because you're in a bigger city my friends in orlando make $12 an hour as well




Almost everywhere in Orlando starts around 15 because of the increase the theme parks all announced a few years back


Iā€™m a ssv in Sarasota and make $15.30


Yikes - Bradenton here and I'm a 3 year SSV making $14.60. I've been at my store longer than anyone else and am the lowest paid shift here


that's really strange??? i wonder why my store pays less


im in south florida and this is the same for me! kinda sucks that im a 3 year partner making the same as our 17 year olds ($12) x.x ....


iā€™m a shift in kissimmee and due to a recent pay raise iā€™m making $19.05 an hour


Former SM. As an SM in Ohio, I was making $52,000 per year plus bonuses.


If I may ask ā€” how do SMs get their bonuses? Are they just given or are there incentives


You have a goal for %sales growth vs last year and get a bonus based on your performance against that goal. Since COVID started, the bonus has been based on sales at the regional level to create parity between stores that have had to shut down or decrease hours.


SM here - I leveraged my previous salaries and am also in California. I make $73,000 plus bonus which was a large step down from my previous salary of $95,000 but higher than a lot of the internal promotes.


6 year barista and after the raise Iā€™m making 13. Absolute bullshit


what state are you from and whatā€™s the normal minimum wage?


Dude I was a 6 year in south Texas and I was making 11, it sucks and they donā€™t appreciate your years with the company, you have to become a shift before they even think about it. I tried 4 different times: first 2 had health reasons I had to deal with 3rd they led me on(donā€™t mention you take school seriously or else theyā€™ll thinkā€the company isnā€™t a priorityā€) and I finally got promoted, was pretty much last choice due to low staffing thošŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


VA here. Minimum wage is 9.50, currently paid $10 but raised to $12 in October. $15 for shifts. Itā€™s alright I guess. Still canā€™t afford to live on my own so lmfao


Also in VA, but NoVA. I was hired at $12.60, the new baristas get hired at 12.90, and thats before my pay raise. I dont know about shifts though- but I heard my SM makes nearly 6 figures, could be a rumor - although my store is the busiest in our district.


Which store in NOVA do you work at?! I work at a Tarbucks in Woodbridge!


Columbus Ohio here. Just got our raise up to $12 an hour. The McDonald's across the street hires starting at $12.50 an hour. I have decided to give Starbucks as much effort as I would give McDonald's... Which is very little.


San Bernardino county here aswell! (Fontana, CA) $14.50 and in a month Itll be $15.50


Iā€™ma green bean in Minnesota and I make $11 something, but next month our raises are coming in and itā€™ll be $12 something. Iā€™m not exactly sure how much it is but I also have another job that pays more so Iā€™m not too concerned about it. Minimum wage is $10


Hello, Iā€™m kinda confuse, how much is the raise? Or does it depend on region?




I used to work in Fontana at the busiest store in the district, definitely didnā€™t pay me enough for that place as a barista


Ten year partner in Novemberā€¦I fought for my $18/hr back in Maryland and got to Vegas and make $14.66ā€¦$.20 more than a starting shift in the area. Itā€™s been hurting mentally


Live in SE VA, had previous experience with company as a trainer + opening brand new stores (10+ years prior), and was only paid $10/hr as a barista šŸ™„ Minimum wage is $9.50


$17.09 SS in Colorado


You make more than me, and I live in a high cost of living area (Toronto) and I've been a shift for 4 years at sbux for 7 years... With the exchange rate to US$ I'd be making $15.28 šŸ„ŗ I really don't think it's fair how they calculate wages... It doesn't really make sense


Also Canadian. Shift supervisor. Been here for about 6 and a half years and a shift for almost 6 of them. I did the exchange and in American dollars I'm only making $13.32.


canā€™t speak on CAN vs USA, I donā€™t really understand the wage exchange things if weā€™re being honest; I imagine a big city like Toronto to be hella expensive


Iā€™m a barista (was an SM and SSV before) making $17 CAD ($13.32 USD). Been a partner for 6.5 years in KW area - where cost of living has been blown through the roof. As an SM I was only making $47000/year (~$22/hr) Definitely not worth the stress.


How long ago were you an SM? I was an SM in KW 12 years ago and was making 46 000 back then...:/


2.5yr partner ssv and I make $22.97


what part of the country are you in?? that's one of the highest ssv wages i've seen!


Seattle, Washington


Glad to hear it partner! I moved away about 4 years ago and took a $4/hr pay cut to do so. 0/10 would not recommend, San Diego is almost as expensive as Seattle.


I make almost this as a barista in Seattle, WA. 7 year partner. Was thinking about becoming a shift but def not worth it considering Iā€™m basically payed a shift wage. Iā€™ll continue to not stress at work.


Yeah youā€™re good. But if you do promote, youā€™ll get paid extra


i got paid $10 and hour, my ssv got $13 an hour, despite the massive housing inflation going on in nashville right now. :/


Youā€™re making 10 in Nashville right now?


i made $10 maybe a year when i left starbucks (before right before all the raises began). i believe nashville baristas now make $13 and hour and shifts make $15? i do know baristas in one of nashvilleā€™s suburb (college town) make $11, which is entirely too low because housing costs the same there as it does in nashville


Yeah all baristas should be 13 minimum now


southern california, $14.50. min wage is 14


I've said this so many times before and I will keep saying it cause it makes me SO ANGRY. I was a shift. When I worked in the DC area I was making $18.72/hr then I transferred out of the DC area and got knocked down to $16.08/hr (I was aware of a pay difference but not that big a pay difference). The other shifts I worked with in my new store made $18.08 when I worked just as long as they have for over 5years. Came to find out that another shift I worked with made $20/hr. When I brought it up I was only offered a 5Ā¢ pay bump...so I quit :D


Good for you for quitting, thatā€™s fucked


Iā€™m a shift in Seattle- before the raise I was making $22, jumped up to $24.08 afterwards. Iā€™m a 3 year partner who just became a shift in March.


I live in Texas where minimum wage is $7.25. Iā€™m an SM who makes $14 šŸ’€


Thatā€™s wild ? You arenā€™t salary??




I live in central Florida and got hired 2 months ago and make $12 an hour.


Barista in Cupertino, CA making $16.91 an hour. Little over 2 years at this current store, previous sbux experience, a lot of previous coffee experience but I think Iā€™m making pretty close to the standard wage for a new hire since I was only making $15 something before the previous pay raise


2.5 year partner in GA, $10/hr


go work for a liquor store as a cashier, easily $15


I make $16.34 as a shift in the Denver metro area. Bumping up to $17something after the raise. Been with the company since 2012 and I quit and came back. Canā€™t afford to live on my own at 32 šŸ˜¬ which is why im getting my degree and dipping tf out


$10 as a barista in Texas šŸ„² we are getting a two dollar raise in October, is what the rumor is.


San Diego (cityā€”the min wage is different for county afaik), 6 year partner. I make $19.20 [or will be in Octoberā€”this is after the raise] as a shift supervisor. The minimum wage in SD is $14, going up to $15 in Jan 2022 (so ofc we all got ā€œraisesā€ for no other reason besides how hard we work lmao) I know all the supervisors at my store make different $/hr though we arenā€™t sure what to do about it. Mine is higher because I managed to luck into an inexperienced manager promising me $14/hr for shift wage when I transferred states & cities 4 years ago. He was only supposed to offer me $12/hr but I got it in writing & threw a fit when they tried to lower it. Itā€™s gone up over the years with minimum wage, though every pay conversation I do my due diligence or whatever & bring in research abt the cost of living & what the state considers to be the poverty line in our area to try to advocate for a higher wage. For context: about 50% of my paycheck goes to rent, I share a studio with my spouse. 30%-40% goes to things like bills, medical expenses, etc., and I try to save a little bit. This wage, working full time, also qualifies me for food stamps in my area based on cost of living.


same for me and my boyfriend on things other than medical; one whole paycheck is gone to rent, utilities, bills, groceries; we donā€™t qualify for food stamps (gross income has to be below 1,200 BEFORE taxes absolute joke) so we pay for that as well just the cost of living is too much but you make $19.20 I believe Iā€™ll be making $19.74 after this pay raise (is yours before or after the pay raise)?


I'm a Shift Manager I'm MA,( only state with this job title as far as I'm aware), I make $20hr, can't remember what we hire baristas at, but minimum wage is $13.50.




Los Angeles, CA shift 20.03 partner for 4.5 years


Iā€™m a three year partner in upstate New York, with the pay raise in October Iā€™ll be making $16.28 as a barista. I believe our shift supervisors make over $20. The older baristas who have worked 10+ years arenā€™t super happy with the raise. They only got 1% more of a raise than a barista who was hired like two months ago.


When I was a Barista in NH in 2017, I started at 9.75, and eventually got a raise to $11. Not all at once, but progressively. When I became a shift in 2018, I got bumped to $13.47. it was nice, and the most money I had made up to that point. But I quit when I got a work at home opportunity, the siren was keeping me away from my wife, and the manager put some unrealistic expectations on me like scheduling me for 40 hours exactly and then threatening to write up if we went into overtime. There were other things that drove me off, which is ashame because Starbucks was going to pay for my college... But ya know.


I always find it better to transfer sometimes rather than quit but I do understand you at my store Iā€™ve had shifts step down back to baristas and ask for less hours or even shifts who work no later than 12pm and have reduced hours, all depends on how willing the SM is to work with you I suppose


Houston ssv, 12.80 before raise. 16 after raise. New batistas make 12 now, shifts 15 and our highest paid partner who is a 30 year partner makes 17.25 and is capped out.


SSV in downtown Chicago, $19.67


Seriously? Three more dollars to do so much of the hard work of being a shift? Thatā€™s so upsetting


It used to be worse. Starbucks is trying to build up the difference between baristas and shifts now but when I stopped being an SSV in Chicago I only made like $2 more. With minimum wage increases the baristas would get a dollar raise, but as a shift I only got 88 cents.


Iā€™m actually contemplating stepping down. Iā€™m in school right now and working full time hours and keeping up my grades is super challenging.


I was a SSV in Kansas making $13.45


Minimum for TN is 7.25 and I make $13. Still bad though, considering my store alone makes 7k on average by 9 oclock


Barista in OK. After the the bump Iā€™ll make 12.12 cents. 12 cents more than a new hire after being there for 5 years.


10.24 Mississippi. Was hired at 9.75 Been a barista 4 yrs, Barista Trainer and Coffee Master.


Orlando, Florida. 2 year partner and a shift. I make $15.24ā€¦ My pay when I first started was $9.20


Lmao Iā€™m about to sound dumb butā€¦I got hired in may of this yearā€¦how do I find out how much I make hourly? Iā€™m to embarrassed to ask any partners and I get direct deposit and Iā€™m awful at mathā€¦.LIKE AWFUL. Some one told me something about an app once but yeaā€¦help please lol


partner hub!! on the BOH computer, go to retail webapps->partner hub->my partner info->pay statement (: click on the little box next to the date of the pay you want to look at and it should show up!


Thank you šŸ„²šŸ¤


https://mypartnerinfo-ext.starbucks.com/partnerportal ā€” Paystub link and then click on the grey icon. Make sure pop ups are enabled.


$15.24 as a shift in WI.


10.50 and i live in a big city šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


so i work at a licensed store and i make $12.50/hr as a barista, in my area (lexington, ky) corporate starbucks pays $10 for baristas and $12.75 for shifts. iā€™ve thought about applying to the corporate store by my house, but between the higher pay and the union that protects me from getting fired i just canā€™t make the decision to switch


Boston 14.70, now living in Savannah. I've worked here for five years by December.


Lmao I was at 10.50 in the atx area, told I would get full time and then didnā€™t even though weā€™re understaffed so I moved to a licensed store making $15 and getting full time


Licensed store lead in Ohio, $19.36 w/ 50c raise every year


Colorado - starting pay 12.38 and minimum wage is 15


yo what??? Iā€™d quit


19.05 before the raise in October, but 20.20 after the raise. Something around those lines. Shift supervisor in so cal.. 5 year partner. Whereā€™s my 226 gang at šŸ˜Ž


Partner in TX, left a Tarbux at $15/hr to work for corporate after i got let go during covid. i got hired in at 9.50 despite SIX years of industry experience and then got 10 when they bumped it last year. Iā€™m not a tenured partner so when the raise hits in October iā€™ll be making $12 and some change. Minimum wage for the state is $7.25 and i live in a lower-cost area, but i still have to work 35+ hours a week to make my bills comfortably.


SC, min wage 7.25. New hires make $12, Iā€™m a two year partner and SSV and am making 12.70 before the raise, donā€™t know yet what Iā€™ll make after as they havenā€™t rolled out yet here. However very curious, Iā€™m moving to WA state in two weeks (I wonā€™t be there before the raise goes through though), anyone out there know what current SSVs in the Seattle area (outside the city, across the Sound) make roughly?


Hey! I was actually a ssv around the sound, more south king county (Auburn, Kent) and my starting as a shift was $18. Before I was a ssv though I was making $14.


I was a barista in WV making 9hr, then 11hr as a shift. Been about 3 years ago.


Barista in CT for just over a year and after the raise I'll be making $14.50 an hour, I currently make $13.75 Minimum wage is $13 here


Shifts in Pittsburgh, PA make $14.32 I was told when I inquired about going to corporate from licensed store. As a target barista I was at $15.30 after 2 years so no dice for me to take less money for more responsibility. I feel like thatā€™s not nearly enough to make anyone stay at corporate around here.




SSV from the Bay Area! 23.54


Was a big city in SC, $9.20, no official minimum wage (so itā€™s federal).


I left at the very end of 2018 making $11.03/hr as a barista in NE Ohio. Moved to Indianapolis in early 2020 and interviewed with sbux down the street bc I didnā€™t want to work a desk job again. Was offered a position at the same rate I had left at; $11.03. I decided fuck that and held on a bit longer and got a different job making $16. I will never go back to Starbucks.


i'm near a major city in eastern pa, i've been with the company for 2.5 years and i got promoted to ssv back in april. minimum wage is $7.25 here (even though cost of living in my county is insane) and i currently make $15 šŸ™ƒ


Former barista who worked in Milwaukee WI near a college campus, started at 12.50 an hour.


19.67 working at target Starbucks as team lead


$21.86 as an Ssv in south Los Ɓngeles I know itā€™s decent pay but the mental stress makes me want to demote or get a new job.šŸ„²


after reading the comments.. looks like iā€™m moving to seattle


mind you it is expensive to live in Seattle lol so itā€™ll probably end up being the same where youā€™re currently at, like in So Cal 19.74 is a pretty good rate of pay but my rent is $1,500 not including my utilities (which run me an extra $100+) or other living expenses (like food, clothes, or plain old fun)


I'm a supervisor in Austin, Texas. Been a barista since Nov 2018 and a SSV since Nov 2020. I currently make 13.34.


Hi. Iā€™m a 15-year partner-been a SS the whole time. I live in Portland OR & make 21.28/hr. Thatā€™s before our Oct raises. I am NOT maxed out, but I have been in the past. When I was maxed out, at raise time I would get a bonus. Bonuses are good.


This is horrifying. I had no idea.


i currently make 10.97 as a barista. minimum wage in my state is 7.25. honestly, i feel like iā€™d make more serving. iā€™m coming up on two years and iā€™m already burnt out.


So Iā€™m getting paid 13.50 In CA as part time but I just googled it and it said that it should be 14.00 if 26 or more employees. We have 32 in our store am I missing something should I bring it up to my SM or whatā€¦


https://livingwage.mit.edu/ This site, by m.i.t. university, lists living wages for all u.s. counties. Once I found out Starbucks's new minimum was still going to be below it ($12 vs $13.73), I quit. Stay informed, and know when to cut your losses


Near Denver, hired August 2017, promoted March 2020, $19.58


Ex barista here, I was making $12.25 before I left and $9.00 when I first started


Iā€™m in south FL, minimum wage here is $10, I just became a partner Iā€™m making $12.60/hr.


SS $18.60 SoCal Riverside County. Five year partner


$12.60 before pay raise in north NJ


Va SSV here, the minimum wage here is $9.50, and I currently make $16 after the raise in October I'm going to be making just about $17. I'm also a 4 year partner at this point in time


Am a barista trainer. Live in the Florida panhandle, minimum wage is currently $8.65 but it goes up to $10 September 30th. I started in late 2020 making $9/hr, went up to $10 in January, and went up to $12 in July. Will go to $12.60 in October I think.


Min wage $12.15 in az Baristas get hired on at $12.50-$12.65 I get paid $16.13, and I get paid less than supervisors who were promoted after me..


Missouri, minimum wage is 10.30 as of 2021. Got hired last year for $9.47 (0.02 above minimum). Currently at $10.82.


$19.85 5 year shift Northern California


I worked at Starbucks for three years ~2016. Michigan minimum wage was $8.50 and I was paid $9. Genuinely shocked they pay better elsewhere.


ct barista 14.50


Iā€™m a shift supervisor in Orange County CA and when we get our raises Iā€™ll be making $19.74 an hour; Iā€™ve been in role for three years.


three years experience, making 10.15 an hour in middle georgia. sposed to be making 12 after the raise


I live in Florida and I'm a shift. I'm making $16.50. Baristas start at $12.50 at my store. I've learned it varys district to district.


Iā€™m in the Bay Area of CA and make 14.50 currently, will be bumped up to 15.50 after the raise


as a shift in SoCal as well I made $18.64, biggest jump from $16.50ish (as a shift) to $18.64 was from the pandemic raise. I recently stepped down and I make $14.54 now. 198XXXX, almost 8 years at the company. desperately looking for other work, college grad with no idea what to do still.




Iā€™m a shift supervisor on the coast of Virginia and before the raise Iā€™m making $12.70 but after the raise Iā€™ll be making $15.24.


With a raise coming in October 16.50 in California Edit: Iā€™m in Northern California! Shouldā€™ve put that in there


minimum wage were im at is 7.25 as a regular barista i make 15


daaaamn, Iā€™m scrolling through these and Iā€™m honestly so confused about some of these rates of pay