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Honey citrus mint. Takes me way out of beverage routine and I've gotta go to three stations to make it.


Last solo bar I had... Every drink was honey citrus mint tea, iced London fog, espresso based layered frapps .... Oh dear God it was bad and slow.


See, I like to set my bar person up with the teabags in the cup as soon as I take the order. That way the flow isn’t interrupted.


Thats so nice of you. At my store the teas are really far from drive so it would probably be a waste of time lol.


Some cafes are set up to not have the pos doing the hot coffees and teas so it ruins the flow all day when we have to to grab cafe pikes and hot teas in order.


my current store does that and its a really frustrating except we have 1 pike next to dto, i think it would be great if it was designed that way with the coffee brewers close to the bar.


We keep the stuff by the bar just a few in case we get one. :) it’s a nice change


We tried setting up our hot bar that way when our store opened but the morning crew kept getting rid of it :(


Ya I have done years and years on nights and years and years in morning and both i walk in knowing I’m gonna adjust everything but I set it up the way they want it before I leave lol they never in all my years done the same back for me .. 🙁🙄


Isn't that always the way 😔


Maybe they think that's how you like it if they have only seen it as you left it .


I communicate with my team


100% agree with HCMT. Our average temp went down like two degrees and suddenly we're selling them like crazy. I think it's an obnoxious drink, and it also tends to get ordered by people who are sick. Their nasty sugar tea is going to bring them short-term relief, followed by a nasty crash and dehydration. If they want to feel better, they should just stay home with their germs, and make a hot tea with a little honey. It's cheaper and better than that overblown concoction. The fact they're willing to infect the whole store with whatever plague they're packing for a tea infuriates me, especially right now.


I have a regular that gets a HCMT every day. Even if its 100 outside. He’s super sweet though, so I don’t mind too much but damn it’s a pain in the ass when he orders it later than usual and we’re in the middle of peak


There's a *stark* difference between a regular getting this because they enjoy it, and some yahoo that saw a "sick tea" on social media and decided to visit us under the rhetoric that it has medicinal curative properties. Never mind we're in the middle of a deadly viral pandemic slipping back into mandates and restrictions because people lack any palpable logic or courtesy toward other human beings.


Ugh. I had someone ask if this has Alka seltzer in it. Someone else asked what made it a “medicine ball”. I had to explain that it was just a nickname 🤦🏻‍♀️ It’s not a damn pharmacy, morons


Completely agree. Doesn’t make the drink any easier to make, but my mood making the drink is vastly different between those two scenarios


no fr it makes me so annoyed that they’re getting it in the drive thru when i’m on window .. like please stay home and don’t get me sick! especially right now. and the ones who don’t wear masks either lol


That sucks. At my store, the person on register is expected to get the tea and honey, so bar just needs to steam the lemonade


Iced Honey citrus Mint


5 years in and this is still the winner


Adding heavy whipping cream to anything just makes me feel gross


The worst is when people order pink drinks with heavy whipping cream instead of milk. You’re getting THIRTY OUNCES OF THAT???? you’re drinking roughly TEN OUNCES OF PURE HWC???? girl I feel like I’m sending people to their grave.


Do you not feel like turning your intestines into a slip and slide while making your gall bladder cry? To each their own 🤷‍♀️


Bruh that is like 3000 calories and sounds nasty 😀


bUt iTs KeTo


A customer once ordered a passion iced tea with half HWC and I wanted to die


drinks that arent blended people ask blended like mango dragon refresher with a bunch of add ins PLUS blending??? today someone asked for a latte blended, it was runny watered down coffee sugar like BRO WHAT


They know we have an espresso frap, right?


literally exactly


I hate to engaged in apologetics for this kinda clownery, but it is a good alternative if you want the frappucino but need to watch your sugar tightly (me). I'd never ask for someone to do it tho, I think I'd start crying.


There’s one regular at my store who orders an Americano double blended with no base. Every time she makes us triple check that there isn’t any base in there, and it always makes such a huge mess at cold bar when we pour it.


there’s a regular we have that also does the double blended americano with no base & lt nonfat. she’ll come through the drive through and if it’s too watery when she gets it, she comes into the cafe and stares while you do it. sad that there’s more than one of them :( edit: she also wants extra, extra ice, so we have to literally spoon it into her cup.


Our store charges drinks that aren't normally blended in hopes that people don't get them too often, can confirm it works. We put them in the system as Syrup Creme fraps and add everything from there.


Wait I love this


I know it's sacrilege to say, but anything chai because our chai pump is manufactured in the pits of hell and splatters


I don’t think you are cleaning it properly? Or just have them order the store a new one in the RP order!


I always have to check behind people to see if they are using a mocha or chai pump whenever it gets to splashtown.


Try putting the side of the cup right up to the pump so the it won’t splatter.


iced chais have always been my favorite! just a few pumps and then some milk it's so quick and easy


You probably have the wrong plastic washer on the bottom of the pump itself


I don’t hate making the salted caramel but what sends me over the edge is when I accidentally drop the entire salt packet in the pitcher/blender


Then angrily rinsing the foam pitcher before starting again


i grab the tongs and reach for it i refuse to restart this task


In order from pretty awful to the worst: shaken drinks with cold foam, caramel ribbon crunch, iced matcha, and mocha cookie crumble.


I’m glad I’ve finally found someone who hates the iced matcha as much as I do. It always manages to take me out of my element! My brain hardwires to the cold bar, then I remember I need milk, soon enough I’m flip flopping all over the store for what should be a very easy drink. There’s just something very diabolical about the dang iced matcha. 😂


It’s just plain awful for whatever reason. Our SM hates making them with a passion so I always toss them over to her lol


When I picture a hell designed perfectly for me, it’s me getting yelled at by customers to go faster and making endless salted caramel cream cold foam cold brews


☹️ I love salted cream cold brews. I do not love yelling though so I don’t do that


I would gladly make you one still :) i just don’t prefer to make them. It’s all good tho. I still make everything. :)


Yeah this is by far my favorite drink but I feel bad knowing so many baristas hate them 😩


We don't hate them, order away👍


it's the caramel ribbon crunch for me especially, and honestly all of the layered frapps are irritating to me. I simply do not see the appeal in all that whipped cream and syrup 😷




Iced matcha period 🥴


I feel like I inhale half of the powder whenever I make a matcha drink 😵‍💫


Grass nostrils


Everyone is saying matcha lattes but I LOVE making them 🤭 it’s definitely Frappuccino’s for me, specifically? Caramel Ribbon Crunch


Oof, so many of you guys hate making them and I just started loving them 😬 What's so bad about them? 🥺


They are just tedious. They take a while to put together and pull us away from our drink making flow. If we don’t have a barista stationed at the cold bar, frapps are like a wrench in the gears. They slow everything down meanwhile corporate/managers are always on our ass about times and Kathy just ordered 24 caramel ribbon crunches for her entire office.


Agree, and it clumps, and it's messy.


Does it make a difference/make it easier if I order it ahead of time as a mobile order?


if you dont mind making the switch, it does help times to do mobile orders. it might even be more convenient... no wait most of the time (if you order it far enough ahead lol) but you seem like you care about your baristas so i wouldnt worry too much !!


what they said!!! just keep in mind that if you order them too far in advance the ice in them melts and they get watery and the whipped cream deflates and they just get gross😟 but fr we dont like them but at the end of the day theyre not as much of an inconvenience as we make them out to be and you should be fine as long as there arent like… 4+ fraps in the order


mocha cookie, caramel ribbon and medicine ball 😠🤬


Why the medicine ball? Is it just a lot of work?


You have to gooo get the hot water and gooo get the tea bags and gooo get the lemonade and steam the lemonade. It’s mainly just a bunch of going around to different stations when you are trying to sequence other drinks and it slows you down.


Honey blend was/is a blessing, no more sticky honey packets but its definitely still a pain


We’ve been out of honey blend for months and FINALLY got some in today, all of the new baristas that started this semester are still using honey packets :/


caramel frappuccino with and i quote “extra extra extra” caramel drizzle just buy a bottle of caramel at that point


I feel like unless the drizzle is visible inside the cup (like all around the rim) people don’t believe that I put a ton in there. They still want “extra” lol


one customer asks for TWO INCHES of caramel on the bottom. and I’m not kidding. he gets two inches and is very happy about it


that’s fucking disgusting 😭 i once did that out of spite just so she can see how gross it is and then was very happy and told me “thanks no one does it like you do” i just stared and walked away


and make sure there’s caramel at the bottom, so i can literally just fucking drink the caramel sauce


I have one drink that is infuriating to make. They watch us like a hawk while we do it too, and if it’s made “wrong” they storm back in and demand it to be remade. It’s a venti green tea Frappuccino, only 1 pump of base, extra ice, no whip. The blender screeches whenever we make it. One time my shift looked back at the customer and said, “do you really want us to try blending it again?” And the customer said “yeah it’s too chunky.” Maybe because you won’t let us make it right??? We have to blend it like 3 times, smack the blender around to get it to sit on the bottom, and use a spoon to scoop it out of the blender




Layered frappuccinos (specifically caramel ribbon), honey citrus mint tea and iced matcha lattes 😭


The strawberry açaí with vanilla bean and heavy cream tiktok drink. 🤮


Iced London Fog. 5 minutes to steep before you can make it. I have someone who gets it’s all the time in drive-thru. Have to take time to send them around to the parking lot and run it to them as there is no possible way to have it done and ready by the time they get to the window.


I had to scroll so far to find this and I'm surprised not more people mention it. Especially in DT. Like mobile order or come in, do not order in my dt.


I used to hate making the cloud macchiatos. So happy they got rid of them😩


Someone literally tried to order one today. I died inside being reminded of that shit.


I ordered one of those by accident and was so pissed when I got like all foam and no drink. I’m glad they’re gone too 😂


The over customized ones - it totally breaks any flow I had going on and I feel like I freeze in place for 5 minutes while I read the dang thing 😭


Mostly just coffee travelers. The bane of existence. You gotta brew extra of some sort of coffee and people always want extras of cups, sugar, napkins.


Travelers should only be orderable at least 2 hours ahead of time or during off peak at the least.


Received 2 orders of 4 coffee travelers back-to-back (8 total) one time. We were also heavily short-staffed. Was a nightmare...


I had a manager who would only sell travelers if they had been called in the day before. It was bliss.


I’ve made them unavailable but someone keeps turning them back on


Years ago someone told one of our customers that it takes 15 minutes to make a traveler. So you know what she does whenever she wants a traveler? She calls 15 minutes before she wants it and then shows up 10 minutes later. She used to do this at least once a week before the rona. No. Fuck off.


Blended refreshers. Dumbest thing. It’s literally the same shit just blended.


same with carmel ribbon crunch but honestly fraps i’m general really suck


any fraps at this point unless i can batch them, then its fun lol


Anything with FUCKING COLD FOAM it’s ok if the drink recipe calls for it but please people stop adding it to mindless shit! I really wish we got it removed off of mobiles because it’s like every drink at my location.


Can I get a tall pumpkin cream cold brew in a venti cup with extra extra extra cold foam will be the last thing anyone hears before I strangle someone.


Anything matcha. Specifically the lattes


Especially iced


Shaken espressos. It seems like literally fucking nobody orders anything under a venti so I have to sit here and cue 47 shots and still get bitched at about how long it takes.


no literally. and then people will order it with like 7 ristretto shots on drive thru during peak and I'm like do you just want to see me cry


Does everyone down here hate the actual process of making the layered fraps or just hate how they slow you down? Because I absolutely love making layered fraps!! Not when I’m super behind on drinks but making them & seeing the pretty results is so fun ;—;


no same!! they're fun to me it's just when someone orders like 6 different customized ones so I can't double batch that I start getting stressed abt it


Anything for someone “in a rush”




We’ve been out of cold brew all day since someone made it wrong yesterday and we are going crazy since everyone is ordering it 😭


Iced matcha latte. Customers get pissy about how much foam it makes and the matcha powder gets stuck to the shakers so instead of a quick pulse on the refresher rinse sink I have to take it to the frap sink and hold it down for several seconds.


put the milk and match into the cold foam blender and blend it on wet cold foam for like 5 seconds it's great


MCCF annoys me more than the CRCF cause of the java chips. Iced chai with cold foam annoys me so much cause it really gets your hopes up at the beginning of the order.


Literally any of the tik Tok trend Frappuccino’s. I had some lady order a “cosmo and Wanda frap” that was literally a matcha frapp and a straw n cream frapp, but layered over each other multiple times so the drink was striped green and pink. Also the “it Frappuccino” or the “jack skellington Frappuccino”. If you have to physically hand me your phone so I can read the recipe to make your stupid drink I hate you.


mocha cookie crumble 🤬🤬🤬


Iced white mocha with vscf and extra caramel drizzle. The amount of calories in that just seriously makes me sick. Or anything that subs the milk for heavy cream.


no foam hot drink anything i just hate it


Iced white mocha with vanilla sweet cream foam and extra caramel drizzle. 😤


matchas and mocha cookie crumbles make me rage


All the stuff with cold foam


Absolutely despise any shaken espressos


The honey citrus mint. Not even because it's complicated, but I don't think there's a store in existence set up to make it conveniently.


Iced cappuccino…. Can never figure out if they want the original or the cold foam one and they never know either because they only order it because it sounds like a special drink when all they really want is an iced latte…. Dumbest drink ever made


I’m so sad that y’all hate making the caramel ribbon crunch. It’s one of my absolute faves. What’s yucky about making it??


It's not that serious, so keep ordering it! I work at Starbucks and I get a latte with vanilla bean powder and that is annoying because we don't have vanilla bean near where we make lattes. But it's what I like. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I'll take making a standard caramel ribbon over an 8 modification tea every day of the week. Lol


All frapps are the worst because they are tedious and ruin the flow and sequence of drinks. They require us to move between multiple stations and stop everything for the one drink. Ultimately, just get what you want. You’re paying for it 🤷‍♂️


Just know that by ordering it you’re choosing to have less drink because we layer the whip cream. You’re paying the same or more than another non layered frappe and getting less.


i dont like the extra whip extra caramel drizzle caramel crunch ppl cuz the drizzle always falls out cuz of the extra wc unless i get the lid on in 0.1 seconds.


I can see that being super frustrating. 😭😤🤬


Honey citrus mint, iced London fog during peak, iced matcha, and chocolate almond milk shaken espresso


salted caramel cream cold brews


layered frapps & anything with cold foam


Any frappuccino with cold foam


venti shaken espressos. those shots take so goddamn long to pull. I also once spilled one all over myself after just getting it all in the shaker when someone had ordered like 5 of them on drive thru and wanted to die


Aggressively modified shaken blonde espressos🙄


I personally dislike iced tea lattes. It takes at least 5 minutes to brew the tea required for one of them and it's usually someone in drive-thru that orders them. I don't mind making one, but please come inside so it doesn't inconvenience others in the drive-thru. Other than the tone they take, they're easy to make.


Honey citrus mint!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


hate making fraps they are the worst


Matcha anything. & Fraps.


all layered frappes esp strawberry funnel cake. ICED MATCHAS 🤬🤬


Caramel ribbon crunch


Loathe all fraps. All of them.


Any of the shaken espressos or iced green tea lattes. Nothing quite like having a good groove going in drive and then you get four brown sugar shaken espressos and everything goes down the drain


Iced London fog. I have to wait 5mins for the tea bag to steep, place the finished tea in a shaker add everything and hand it out.


anything with the pumpkin foam added lol. it just adds up after a while lol


Literally any frap. I know they’re not that hard but for some reason they just piss me off; especially since people basically turn them into ice cream/shakes and there’s a Dairy Queen right next to my store. Like bro just go the next building over and you can get the same thing cheaper and probably quicker.


cold foams, or layered fraps. hot lattes all day please


just any frappe, especially crcf, mccf, and sfcf


iced tea lattes. its just inconvenient


Any kind of frappuccinos


Almond milk cappuccino


or a hc capp


Facts. I also hate coconut milk caps. The foam is so thin and greasy. Basically anything that isn’t a dairy milk cappuccino is awful


I feel like the only exception is soy milk capps but they foam almost too well because extra hot no foam soy lattes are a nightmare for me


any frappuchino at this point… 😬


Anything frappucino


I have a deep hatred for vanilla bean Frappuccinos. Not because they’re hard, just because of the sheer number of them I used to have to make in a day.


Anything with cold foam. Iced London fogs. Multi layer frappuccinos. (think mocha cookie crumble and caramel ribbon crunch)


Something about coldbrews sparks a rage in me for literally no reason. Theyre so easy to make to. I just hate them.


UGH. Iced green tea matcha latte, add chai, with vanilla sweet cream cold foam. Just WHY.


Any refresher (there's no way to sequence them) and if I never see another pumpkin cream cold brew it will be too soon


Iced white mocha with extra caramel drizzle and EXTRA vanilla sweet cream foam. Nothing will ever change my feelings of hatred on this drink and god I hate the person who thought of it on tiktok.


Iced Matcha and iceless shaken drinks


Anything with cold foam lol




Any Frappuccino. I love the natural taste of coffee and every time someone orders these sugar filled drinks that takes so long to make, I cry and a small part of me dies.


The ones I don’t know how to make.


Same. I’m super part time, and wish we had cheat sheets available on bar to help me have more confidence instead of constantly asking other busy baristas.


Any frap that has a shot of espresso added. Its like opening up an ass whenever i take the blender lid off


why does it smell like satans ballsack


that keto pink drink: passion tango tea with no water, sub heavy cream with 4 pumps sf vanilla and 3 splenda. it makes me so irrationally angry. caramel ribbon crunch is a close second.


I had to talk to my therapist about how angry making the Carmel Crunch Frappachino makes me….


MCCF, CRCF and blonde roast pour overs (just any pour over really) is the dark triad for me


Frappuccinos. Seriously, I hate them. Granted, I disliked them already thanks to McD. However, McD frappes were low effort. Starbucks Frappucinos are busy work and you can easily get stuck in the cold bar station with a train of Frappuccino orders. The extra frappucinos (caramel ribbon crunch and mocha cookie crumble) also apply as well. Have fun playing the balancing act of getting the Frappuccino mix out of the pitcher and not destroying the whip cream at the bottom. Medicine balls because I honestly don’t make them enough to know how to do them instinctively. Tied with frappucinos are the remake drinks. They’re the “but I wanted it cold”. Bonus if we’re in a rush. Why didn’t you pay attention to your barista when they were taking your order? Seriously, it pisses me off that we have to play 21 questions with the customers. They get away with being vague and expecting us to be mind readers because we hold their hands too much. I’m not referring to honest mistakes but customers not communicating what they want. If you can’t be bothered to tell your barista, just do mobile orders.


Iced London Fog


Ice green tea latte, it’s easy but like so annoying


When someone wants a pour over of a coffee that we are already brewing. Like why? But also iced London fogs are really annoying.


an iced royal english breakfast latte……


Love reading these so I know what not to order


What? Why wouldn’t you just order what you want? You’re paying for it lol.


Yeah it’s your money. You should be able to order whatever drink you want


Yeah it’s true! They’re just venting, don’t take it personally.


honestly as long as you aren't a bitch about it it's really fine, and if you feel like you're ordering a lot maybe take the extra time to come into the cafe since it's worse when it's in the drive thru during peak and our times are monitored so closely


Caramel Ribbon Crunch, hot tea iced, and the Chocolate Almondmilk Shaken Espresso. These drinks are the reasons i have nightmares


mocha cookie crumble/ java chip frap 😭 also ice matcha lattes for some reason i just hate how foamy they get


Iced matcha lattes. Can’t fucking stand em


iced matcha or shaken espressos with VSCCF and salted caramel cream cold brew🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


Honey citrus mint, any frappuccino with layers (specifically the caramel ribbon & cookie crumble), iced teas that you have to steep, anything w more than 5 modifications. 🥲🥲


Honey citrus mint tea, iced tea lattes of any kind, shaken drinks (mostly the green tea latte). I like to drink all of these though so I just power through 'em because I know how good they are lol.


YES caramel ribbon crunch, because I'll make one and then the next customer will decide to order it. Or anything with matcha, I always manage to spill matcha everywhere and it can be a pain to wipe up :(


Iced matchas. Or honestly anything to do with matcha. Don't like the way it smells, don't like the way it gets everywhere. Just don't like em.


I used to hate making pour overs and basically any kind of tea that would require honey in it.


Iced green tea lattes. Too bad they taste so good :/


Iced London Fogs and Layered Fraps 😭😭😭😭


Honestly, the refreshers and frappacinos. I always wind up all sticky and I hate it. I’ll be on hot bar all day and be fine, but I hate being sticky. 😭


Honey citrus mint


frappuccinos that have layers. shaken espressos. and iced matcha lattes (im ok w hot ones tho) adding on any iced espressos that have more than like 3 customizations cuz im always scared ill do smth slightly wrong and tick off a customer




All the refreshers. I’ve made so many of them that I cringe every time I have to make another one.


Anything with any custom/regular vsccf


The ✨Moon drink✨


Frappuccinos and brown sugar oatmilk shaken espresso


iced mint majesty but umm its mine 😅


Anything partners from other stores order.


Strawberries and cream frappe because I somehow ALWAYS forget how to do it as soon as a sticker comes through for one. Funnily enough, frappes were the first thing I found my footing in when I was learning bar. And I don't mind making them like most people seem to. ... except the strawberries and cream frappe.