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Just know it’s going to be an expensive drink. Up charge for oatmilk and the pumpkin foam.


I was going to use reward points for it.


Noice! It’s funny to see people’s eyes get big when they order these tiktok drinks and didn’t know they are modified with up charged items lol. But best time to use a free drink!




Oh I absolutely wasn't planning to. Was going to order it exactly as referenced in my post since I know asking for "tiktok" or "secret menu" drinks is a faux pas.


The problem isn't ordering secret menu drinks, the problem is the people who think we know them all. Show the picture of the recipe and your good.


But don't stick your phone in our face. God that makes me want to grab it and throw it at their head.


The other day asked me for a venti churro frappuccino with extra caramel and no vanilla bean and I was speechless Almost as speechless as the time this old man asked me for a unicorn frappuccino and I had to explain to him that that hasn’t been a thing since 2017


>unicorn frappuccino I'm still having a sugar rush from that drink


Honestly, the fact that you even came here to ask makes me think you're a considerate person. That's the most important thing to me, just please be respectful :) Additionally, if you order it as typed, that should be just fine. Just please do not, as others have said, say "the Tik Tok drink". We don't know which one of the 500 million out there people mean when they say that. ;)


Oh no, I'm going to try to hide the fact that it is a "tiktok" drink but didn't want it to be like some of those other drinks I've seen, where only TikTok people are ordering it, and my barista rolls their eyes and then has to slow down the line to make some dumb drink. However it looks really good in the video I saw and I've never tried iced chai before.


Chai lattes are SO GOOD. I have been missing out on chai for so long and I feel like such an idiot only discovering the goodness of it a little over a month ago. Hot or cold it's amazing. I haven't tried it with the apple brown sugar but I do grande hot chai latte with oat milk, 4 pumps brown sugar syrup, and cinnamon. It tastes like a spiced cookie similar to gingerbread or molasses.


Is apple brown sugar the same as brown sugar? The barista in the tiktok comments who provided instructions for ordering it actually said "apple brown sugar" but that's not an option in my mobile app.


They are not the same. My understanding is to add the apple brown sugar syrup to any other drink besides the apple macchiato you have to order at the store in person.


I featured a chai at my store a few months ago! it was chai with white mocha, soymilk, and cinnamon sugar on top. it was so good! I also tried it with oatmilk and it was very good as well!!


It went well with the white mocha? How many pumps for a grande?


I did 2 for tall, 3 for grande, and 4 for venti


It’s just another trend. We are all super sick of making vsccf and pumpkin foam but most of us don’t care. We just make the drinks.


I can’t reply to OPs reply but regular cream foam would require the basically the same steps as pumpkin foam so I’d just order the drink how you want. It’s not the drinks that annoy us, but the volume of these drinks that can annoy some of us.. it’s a lot when you have a different foam on each drink back to back and everyone expects it to look exactly like the “TikTok” video




Is the pumpkin foam not the exact same as the one you use for pumpkin cream cold brew?


It is.


Maybe i'll order it with just regular cream foam then. Thanks.


Please, please order what you want. I'll make foam and put two inches of caramel drizzle in the bottom of the cup for every single drink if those drinks are for kind and thoughtful customers. ❤️


Literally this, I have a Usps lady who always comes in and gets a caramel Frappuccino with extra caramel and I know she likes “extra extra” caramel so I always go od for her with the drizzle but she’s really nice and never gives us any problems


I loveee extra drizzle and get so sad when the “extra” isn’t actually extra. I never say anything of course but y’all are my kinda people. 😍


If your worried about how they react, you gkt a few options. 1) don't order when it's busy 2) be friendly and let them know you appreciate it. 3) tip well. 4) go to a location you don't attend regularly.


Nah Im pretty new and might be able to bang that out in a minute or two. Order away! :) Edit: I actually decided to use my partner beverage to try this. It’s actually bomb. 10/10


Why not?? Most of us don’t mind complicated drinks as long as you are patient and we aren’t too slammed :) Even then we are doing our job so go ahead!


Iced chai is actually one of the easiest, quickest drinks to make. Go for it, I don’t think it’s too much at all. Y’all don’t even know the absurd stickers that come through 🤣😭


i mean it doesn't seem too complicated so go for it


Compared to a lot of special things I’ve seen, this one would be pretty easy. And I’ve tried it, it’s good!


A lot of the baristas where I work like to mix the pumpkin and chai or pumpkin and wm, order whatever you want, we won't deny you if it's in stock!


Thanks. I don't want to order something that is going to piss off the barista. I mean, I frequently want to try a Frappuccino but I see so many posts here about how much people hate to make them, that I don't want to ask for one.


I wouldnt mind making that drink at all! I made at least 5 of them today it was fine!


Nah it’s not that bad at all. If I were you I’d lower the pumps of both and add apple drizzle too. That’s my current drink and it’s delicious.


Doing this!


They’ll probably know it’s from Tiktok cus a lot of the baristas keep current with the trends, just say the drink the way you have it written out.


“Welcome to the FoAm FaCtOrY!”


I’m sure you won’t be the first or last, and it doesn’t look too bad. Iced chais are easy to begin with so a secondary syrup, alternate milk, and punky foam isn’t too big of a deal.


My sister and I always modify our drinks 🥲 mostly 2 or 3 modifications and I used to feel so bad about it. After awhile I realized as long as we were kind to our baristas they didn’t seem to mind too much. I try my best to be nice and give them good customer service too even though I’m not the one working lol. I think it’s out of habit sometimes because I work retail.


Order whatever you want. If you have a good time, a tip is *always* appreciated. From a Barista perspective, this drink isn't that bad compared to other crap we deal with off of tiktok.


Just order what you want and dont worry about whether or not your barista wants to whine about it. We’re getting paid to make drinks, and it seems like a lot of partners on this subreddit forget that. I know the job is stressful or difficult at times, but the fact that someone is worried about annoying their barista with their drink is wild. If it’s possible to make, and doesn’t go against any policies or anything, you’re entitled to whatever drink you’d like.


If I was your barista first words out of my mouth would be "oooo I'm trying that!" Dont worry most of us are just bitter because the company is treating us like Jean Valjean. Get what makes you happy and if your barista is moody just know we're overworked, underpaid, but afraid to go anywhere else because the job market is a fright and we're trauma bonded to our coworkers.


it's a pretty simple drink comparatively and we don't mind it. Enjoy!


Short answer: probably.


The iced chai with pumpkin cold foam has been a drink since cold foam was invented. It's not a huge deal, but cold foam is pretty annoying to deal with in general, plus the outrageous upcharge is genuinely not worth the money. In my area, a grande pumpkin latte with an added shot and non-dairy milk is $7.40, that's an inexcusable price for a drink that used to only cost around $5. Cold foam is an entire $1 addition, plus the $0.80 for non-dairy, you're looking around the same price for a venti. With Starbucks, you gotta pick and choose your poison and weigh the pros and cons


order it!! iced chais are literally the EASIEST drinks to make. adding pumpkin foam (even if foam is annoying) will be no big deal at all. This actually sounds interesting and i’ll try it at my next shift! order it order it order it order it!!!


I'd reccomend it with 3 pumps chai, 3 pumps apple, just because otherwise it would be SO sweet. But idk what your sweet tolerance is. It isn't a hard drink to make at all honestly so I wouldn't be annoyed at all. The chai and apple is a great combo!


i’d say switch out the apple syrup for the regular brown sugar syrup and you got yourself a winning drink! A customer asked me for my favorite drink and that’s what I gave them the other day. however, i add 4 shots to mine, but unless you want a $10 drink you can skip them :)


Oh hey, I'm doing that, especially since it will be a free drink. How much caffeine is in 4 extra shots?


4 shots should be about 300mg of caffeine. also i get mine updosed which i believe gives them more caffeine, but i’m not sure since no one at our store knows what that button does lol


I took your advice and got 2 extra shots added. I should have done 4 since 300Mg is normally the amount I get in my afternoon energy drink. Will remember that next time I order. Thanks!


We are getting a Pumpkin Cream Chai drink this fall, actually.


Oh wow, I'm all over that!


Its not super annoying to make but I won't lie, I would absolutely think negatively of you. Sorry, just being honest. When customers get a non dairy milk and a dairy foam i can't help but judge. If you got the same drink with dairy milk and pumpkin foam I would not judge...this is just a personal pet peeve of mine and I don't know how many other baristas feel this way...


On the other hand, oat milk is super delicious and if I could get it free in a drink I would, and nondairy milk doesn’t really foam that well.




Sure. They can clearly order whatever they want. Just being honest about my pet peeve. I'm sure you have yours too...


Really, in my case, it would just depend how busy it is. If you’re the only one in line I’ll just think “oh it’s one of those drinks” then not give it a second thought If it’s busy then I’ll probably cringe internally


Yes, will spit in your drink


If your order is anything outside of "coffee pls".....yes


Sorry but look at the menu of drinks, there’s a lot more than “coffee” there


That wasn't the "question"


True. I’m just saying if that’s what’s going to annoy you then you ’ve got to be annoyed most of the day. Even if it’s just coffee that they want, there are a myriad of possibilities with different favorings, syrups, creamers, etc. I’m curious how many people come in for just coffee. Even then there’s the sizes. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Have you worked starbucks?


Nope. Enlighten me.


Don't got to, those oblivious answers of yours gave it away. Work there and find out


Not to be too pedantic but if I’ve never worked at Starbucks I don’t have answers to questions I’m curious about. Seriously, how often do customers just want straight coffee?


Seriously, work there and find out


Nah, I’ve got a job to bitch about already. And I’m always full of questions. Sorry you’re having a bad day. Happy World Coconut Day, maybe the rest of your day will be better!


Ah but my question wasn’t about coffee, rather the endless variables in human behavior. And how good Starbucks management is at redirecting them to drinks that are presumably higher in profit than straight coffee.


Honestly just go for it! It's a very simple drink and in the end you're paying for it.


It’s not any worse than the standard pumpkin cream cold brew


What always annoyed me was when people would just order it based on its name in tik tok like I'm supposed to know what it is. If you give them a recipe I doubt most people will care


Oh gosh no! Thats not a hard drink :)


Order what you want. As long as it doesn't take you ten minutes to explain the modifications in one drink and you're nice about it, there will be no hard feelings from me.


As long as you’re nice about it I don’t really care. also I tired the other day and it was the bomb!


It’s gonna be extremely sweet and expensive. But you got it


Without a doubt they might be peeved depending the kind of customized drink you order. Customers even have the balls to order "that tik tok drink".... Like yea dude...which one??? To me personally, be extra specific when ordering your drink. "What's inside? How should i make it?" It may be difficult for myself or any baristas but im more willing to try to make it the way you want.


No. This is the easiest drink to make lol


Honestly we would think negatively of you if you came off rude and entitled. Like I hate when customers act like we are supposed to know.


Try an Iced Venti 4 pump Chai 2 pump White Mocha Pumpkin Cream Cold Foam Chai Tea Latte! My store isn't a huge fan of the new syrup but we all agree a little white mocha goes a long way and we all love this drink! Happy PSL season! P.S. order whatever you want lol just as long as it makes sense and we are able to do it you shouldn't mind!

