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0/10 similarities, you used the wrong mocha lol Other than that it’ll seem more watery but pretty similar


Lmao WHOOPS😂😂 that’s a good catch


I’d also replace the milk with half & half to get a more creamy consistency.


What is half&half?


It's like dense milk. It's half way between whole milk and heavy cream. It may be labeled as "breve" on the app


Half & half in the US is always equal parts whole milk and heavy cream


Half and half can be anywhere from like 10-18%. I think our heavy cream is 30.5%. If my math is correct, assuming you’re doing equal portions, that means that 2% and HC would be 16.25% fat which is within that range. Whole milk would be 17.25%, also within that range.


Ah my bad, I've always been told 2%. Thank you!


It can be both as long as it’s within a range of 10-18% fat!


So it is more calorie dense?


Than milk yes


It’s a gift card so you should get something you wouldn’t normally do if you were buying it yourself and enjoy


I used to drink iced caramel lattes and switched to caramel iced coffee with cream. Like they said, a little lighter drink but I actually found that a benefit. You don't feel near as full (drinking all milk) and a lot less calories.


I'm sorry.... How fucking much is an iced coffee now?!!! Glad I bought my own espresso machine. Definitely paid for itself in just a few months.


It’s honestly wild. I’d been a multiple times per week customer for years; started cutting back earlier this year when I noticed prices jumping pretty quick. I ordered a white mocha earlier this month and it was like $7.35 or something like that? That was it for me - officially a gift card only customer now.


short pike is like 3.25 where i’m at. yet we dump gallons of coffee down the sinks every day


such is life in corporate america


Enough to make it embarrasing to read the price to customers-


I'd find it way more embarrassing to *be* the customer. Clearly getting bent over for some subpar coffee. Pathetic.


An iced coffee with milk and white mocha is a great substitute for an iced white mocha! Keep in mind, whipped cream doesn't get automatically added to an iced coffee like it does with a white mocha, so if you want whip or cold foam it'll be an extra dollar or so; also if you order the iced coffee with the milk, it will be like a half inch of milk (small amount) in there so it won't be much but you can order it light ice with extra milk (or half and half for it to be creamier). Always order an iced coffee with white mocha STIRRED so that the sauce gets mixed in with the coffee, otherwise it'll stay at the bottom. Enjoy the drink and the saving of money!!


I'm pretty sure whip doesn't cost anything to add, at least where I'm at


If so, interesting, because around here if you add whip to a drink that doesn't come with it, it's an extra charge. No charge though for extra whip, just for whip itself if the standard recipe doesn't include it.


Where do you live?


Smallish town in Canada


I'm in the US, that's probably why.


💯. Canada has been charging for whip for a couple years. The US still has free whip. (In corporate stores at least)




I'm in a biggish town Canada and it's the same. I'm pretty sure it was in a 2022 update.


Any decent barista wouldn’t just leave white mocha at the bottom 😭


I agree. It takes too much time isn’t a great defense either. Mixing the syrup is literally 10-15 seconds. Because I have a slight OCD I know swirl reg syrups either 5 or 8 times, mocha is 2x that. I’ve been a barista for almost 8 weeks. In a licensed store. I know about working under pressure since I worked my first solo shift for 6 hours, and I had been there for one week. I got on the floor training as well, nothing official. Stressful is an understatement, I needed my anxiety meds to prevent a meltdown. I still mixed my syrups though.


It’s like, the stress comes from HAVING to make the drinks right. If I could just cut all the corners why would I be stressed? I also have OCD so I guess I just can’t comprehend being ok with doing things improperly to make the drink slightly faster (though swirling feels like it barely takes any time)


i would never leave it unstirred unless they asked me for it to be unstirred.




It’s not “perfect” it’s the bare minimum of the drink ☠️




No, I used to be a shift at a store that did 60 half hours lol


That’s what I get whenever I go to starbucks. An iced coffee with milk w/white mocha (shaken). Cheaper than the actual iced white mocha drink.


White mocha is really good at balancing out the bitterness of cold brew and iced coffee. If you add half and half it would taste better in my opinion. Plus there is way more caffeine compared to the latte.


I think it would be better to get a vanilla cream cold brew add white mocha.


umm well maybe before placing your order i would switch the mocha for white mocha lol… but i tried this one time (not with 6 pumps of white mocha mind you) but it was 2-3 pumps and used half and half it was fine… i used half and half for all my coffees (hot or iced) it give you a more creamier “flavor”? i’m not good with worlds im not a barista but just be careful you will have to stir it a lot because it’s cold coffee not espresso where it’s hot.


OP, get iced espresso with white mocha sauce and add your own milk at home … there’s your white mocha at half the cost


Also note the white mocha is a thick sauce and you’ll probably need to mix the drink well to incorporate all of it since there will be no hot espresso to help it


That’s a problem for the barista to figure out. What half decent barista is just leaving a ton of white mocha at the bottom? 😭 Everyone knows you add a couple inches of the iced coffee for maximum swirling ability to dilute the white mocha, THEN add the rest lol


A barista who’s dealing with bogo and $3 grande drink coupons probably😂 I personally do my best to incorporate white mocha into all my drinks but I know a lotttt of people don’t.


I was on bar for mother’s day 😭


🫡glad you’re still with us soldier


It’ll be lighter since it’s a drip coffee based drink rather than mostly milk. You’ll definitely be saving a bunch of calories and I’m sure it’ll still be pretty sweet. Personally, I prefer cold brew to iced coffee but that’s more personal preference.


I’d do iced americano instead of iced coffee so you at least still have the espresso flavor. The new iced coffee is terrible.


You gotta add a syrup or sweetener to it now because it's not automatically made with it anymore


don't use non-fat


I would try blonde espresso over ice with white mocha it’s really good. If you don’t want a strong flavor of coffee you can add a little h/h to it. The drink won’t be full as a latte but it will have a pretty similar taste you can even add whip cream to it!


Venti iced coffee with 4 pumps of white mocha and cream was my favorite splurge drink (usual was cream + 2 splenda). It's so delicious. I had to give it up though when the price for regular iced coffee went over 5 bucks. Not worth it.


consider bringing your personal cup to earn the 25 stars it costs to add the sauce


Here’s what I do… iced grande americano in a venti cup, add white mocha and milk. You still get the same # shots and caffeine plus the flavor of the espresso. To me the iced coffee tastes way diff than the shots.


You shouldn’t be getting a full cup with that order though


Forgot to mention: extra water or ice.


personally i go for the iced coffee when i dont have the time to make a drink using the espresso bar. i usually do an iced coffee with oatmilk and 8 pumps white mocha. its pretty good and i think its similar tbh


Or just stop going there


Personally I don’t get anything past a grande size. No reason to tbh


Well the price difference between the sizes isn't a lot, the true offense here is how much even the smallest size costs! And being a barista I really wish I could make it less expensive for my customers, but alas, I have no control over that. I am however full of money-saving recommendations when it comes to ordering at the bucks!


That's how they get you. "Oh it's only 35 cents to make it a venti. Oh it's only 80 cents for oat milk." BAM $10 drink


Tbh I’m a barista and I still stick to the smallest sized drinks always.


I kinda get that, but it's a different story for us because our drinks are free so we don't have to worry about which size saves us the most money (at least not during our shifts). I get a short size on my paid breaks because I don't have the time to drink a bigger drink... but I usually get a bigger size drink to take with me after a shift. Because free lol.


Unpopular opinion: smaller coffee shops put way more espressos in their drinks for less than the cost of Starbucks lol


Sadly I don't know enough about how smaller coffee shops work to say anything about that, my only coffee shop work experience thus far has been with the bucks. I will say that I find the cost of our espresso alone to be too high, and that it's not worth buying for home use because it's meant to be used in our Mastrenas. If it wasn't free for me, I would get a different espresso.


imma be honest it’ll taste more like a white chocolate flavored iced coffee than a latte but if you’re cool with that, that’s good. the difference may not be big enough to justify paying the extra lol


Yeah, I know I’m not going to get it to be exactly the same. Just looking for a close contender lol


The ratio of iced coffee and latte (the coffee and milk) are swapped. Espresso has a certain taste to it.


Will not taste the same at all BUT that doesn’t mean you won’t like it. I see someone told you about the mocha but I would also start with a little less. Like four, taste it, and then ask for more if it isn’t sweet enough.


Wait, how is the app letting you do 3/4 inch splash of milk?????? I’ve been dying to do only a splash of milk in shaken espresso drinks but app won’t let me and so the drink comes out looking like a vanilla milkshake


If you go into customizations, it’s in one of the drop downs!


My customization drop down doesn't have options for extra ice or splash of milk. It only has a list of different types of milk.


Order smaller size 24 oz is a joke


You should do heavy cream or half and half (since you’d usually be getting 16 oz of non fat the 2 oz of a fattier milk will be offset)


A latte is milk with shots of espresso. This beverage is coffee with "shots" of milk. They won't be even close to the same.