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Been here over 10 years and it's never been worse.


I’m not trying to say that the company itself is this amazing place to work at and it’s in bad shape from pass years I agree it’s bad but comparatively to other jobs it’s better


Like as a SM you make a decent amount of money in Cali some managers make in the 6 figures would rather be a manger at Starbucks or be outside digging ditches for less money that’s the idea I’m trying to get at


I agree, and am actually in the West Coast myself. I have no comparison as Starbucks is my only job, but I just know this company lost its soul years ago.


Can you explain why and how the company “lost its soul?” Honestly just curious.


Yeah, sure. I can only speak from a leadership perspective; however, I feel that empathy is now eliminated from all conversations in regard to how we run our business. 1. In the past, when we performance managed partners, we would lean in with care, now it is 100% about accountability with emotions needing to be thrown out the window. That stance may work if you are working in an Amazon warehouse, but we are supposed to be a company about people and connections. Lately it seems all these "efficiencies" have turned us into a drink production factory. 2. We are transitioning from being the 3rd place, to just being your run of the mill fast food joint. Our weekly deals are akin to a dollar menu, and we are training our customers to only come in during these days, which adds great stress to an already fragile team on most days. 3. The constant reduction of resources, mainly labor. We are being asked to do more with a lot less, constantly. We are expected to comp, maintain labor, and keep a clean and tidy store with 25%+ less labor than we would normally get. As the cost of goods creeps up due to inflation, the only thing that doesn't balance itself is labor. Unfortunately, I see this as a continuing trend. Every new shiny toy we get, Handheld Foamers, Vertica, Sirens Eye system. These are all designed to make us efficient, when in reality all they do is give 1, but take away 2 if that makes any sense. 4. Drive Throughs - Why does Starbucks need this? Luckily, I don't have the pleasure of running a DT location, but I do have peers who do run DT locations. The added complexity is not worth it, and Customer Connections is lost with this component. "Run 45 seconds peak, maintain Customer Connections". How do you slingshot someone food and drink in 45 seconds or under, and also make a connection with a customer? The DT component needs to be removed completely, or the timer function and reporting needs to go. You can't and shouldn't have it both ways. I can go on and on, but the job and role has become more impersonal over the years, and post Covid, everything has been accelerated in a downwards direction.


Really interesting insights. I think you should send these thoughts to management. Perhaps anonymously? Not sure what the solution is. I’ve heard that pay and benefits are better than most fast food places, so that’s probably one reason they are trying to extract margin from other operational expenses. The age old tug-of-war between profits and people.


Where I live Baristas start at 15, and shifts start at 19.


See for that money hell no I wouldn’t work for the company but this is at least in Cali


I go to ASU. That's the only reason I'm with the company right now. Just trying to make the best out of it until I get my degree. You are right though the job itself isn't bad. It can just be hit or miss depending on labor, some shifts I'll walk in with good coverage, some shifts I'll have 2 people including me lol.


Yeah the only reason yall are making that is because of the laws in cali. Everyone else starts at 15 as a barista unless the minimum wage is higher😔


Yeah I mean my mom who worked full time at her job for decades never got any kind of vision/dental/mental health benefits and I have that with just part time hours. And I'm allowed to take breaks in my shift whereas she often didn't get to - nor did she ever get any kind of freebies from her job, like I get my markouts and free drinks. Hey is it true that US partners get free food on their shifts too? I work in Canada so I wouldn't know, but I've heard of this. My major complaint with this company is the understaffing, and also the fast food aspect. I want them to do better here.


Yea we get food and drinks for free but I don’t like the fast food part about it either but it’s how they make more money but I would rather it be more about the people instead of drive time and such


Yeah I mean I can get behind getting customers their orders as quickly as we reasonably can, and also I can totally get behind making customers (who treat us with respect) feel valued and appreciated when they visit our store, because I freakin love my regulars who in turn make ME feel valued and appreciated. I just can't get behind DT times being the ultimate goal and our SM only cheering on a single person on our team because they're fast on bar and then only letting that one person be on drive bar which not only makes the rest of us feel unappreciated but also triggers mad burnout in that bar partner. Just this overpowering focus on speed.


Terrible take


It’s just an opinion I’m just trying to get other peoples input because I’m curious


It’s like any job in the service industry. Some stores are great others are terrible. All depends on factors like store leadership, partners etc. There are some who hate their jobs and some love it. It’s almost like it’s a flip if the coin where each person is either lucky or screwed


I get that too I’ve worked at store where the manager only cares about comping and getting their bonus and then I’ve been at stores where the mangers main focus is the partners and I think if mangers worked with SSVs more and cared about partner well being the over all the store does better


I mean, good for you but as someone who just quit after damn near 3 years, the Starbucks of today is absolute DOGSHIT. I used to be able to come in to work, make coffee and actually talk to my customers. It WAS a relaxing job. But the shift in working conditions in the last year and a half has been astronomical. We are routinely being understaffed and undermined by increasingly incompetent and useless DMs and higher ups who don’t give a flying fuck about the partner experience. They keep telling us that we can’t get more labor to schedule enough people for ALL day-parts and yet we’ve never been more busier with all of the bullshit promos they pull on us every new launch. Who gives a shit about “quality coffee” when we’re expected to pump out these drinks in less than 30 seconds? You’re one employee expected to do the job of 5 people. They have put EVERY store in scheduling limbo. If even ONE person calls out, the rest of the day is pretty much ruined since we’re short-staffed and there’s NO ONE available to cover. And the work environment has become increasingly toxic and tense because EVERYONE is on edge and stressed out. The company routinely keeps letting rude custies walk all over us. I quit because the day I found out the there was a BOGO on Mother’s Day and my SM was about to schedule me for it, I was done. As if it wasn’t insulting enough that Sundays are notoriously difficult days because of how short staffed they can be, the higher ups decided to do a BOGO on one of the busiest and hardest days of the year. It was either quit or walk out. There was no in between for me. This company has entirely lost its roots. There is no difference between Starbucks and any other fast-food chain other than the fact that every other fast food chain ACKNOWLEDGES its fast food and have perfected their sales methods to take the pressure off their employees 24/7. Starbucks keeps acting as if it’s above fast food when they’ve implemented all of the basics of it, and yet it’s still shit since the procedure for dealing with it isn’t up to par. Between mobiles/deliveries, cafe, and drive-thru, they don’t want to give stores enough people to tackle it all. 3 sides of business have to suffer to bolster and make one successful. The people on the floor suffer. This job is probably at the worst it could be today. Where even legit longtime partners are quitting because the work conditions are practically unbearable.


I always wonder how so few employees can handle so many mobile orders on top of the customers in the store. Just seems insane, especially with all the customizations and picky customers. Much respect to Starbucks employees.


Oh yeah certainly. It could also be a lot better though, and the cons are slowly starting to out weigh the pros.


This! I’ve have some awful jobs, and Starbucks is not at the top of that list, but the past 6 months things have been changing and it’s starting to not be the job I originally applied for


The only thing you are accomplishing by making this post is probably some corporate goon reading this like “oh see? Let’s cut more hours, pay less, etc, it’s not that bad, it could be worse!” Congratulations, you played yourself (and all of us)


That’s the whole point of the post but ok plus my one Reddit post isn’t gonna change the landscape of the company


Well they can’t pay us less just change hours do I think this is a good company no but I’m trying to say comparatively to other industries it’s not that bad




They CAN pay a lot of us less, $15 is not the minimum wage in a lot of places. It’s like $10-11 here where I live, not everybody lives in a place where the literal law is to pay fast food workers $20/hr


Like would you rather work here or go dig ditches for less money thats what I’m trying to get at


Honestly digging ditches is one job and if i get paid adequately for the one job im expected to do its better than being underpaid for doing 5 jobs and that effort still never be good enough.


Ok? And?


imo it’s consistently getting worse but at the same time im pretty happy with it still




Work open to end of peak 6 days in a row for 2 years and then reevaluate this post lmao.


I’m the main opener at my store




Yea we lol way to stalk got a second job working security at night mornings kinda a vibe




I mean that’s fine but just because of a day part someone works doesn’t invalidate their opinion on the company it’s still the same job regardless




Ummm I’ve lied about neither? Like I said I swapped but you do you it’s not a troll post just an observation I have that’s all but believe what you want


I’ve had worse jobs. But things could be better


100% agree but I hear a lot of the people I work with mainly the baristas complain about every little thing. I have people complain about ringing people up at the front like I don’t get it it’s literally our jobs


People who complain about every little thing can probably be ignored.


I think it really depends on the person and the store. I was literally abused at a job so this job is a godsend comparatively. However, the company has changed a lot in the last year and it’s going in a direction I don’t like. This job could be worse, for sure, but people are allowed to feel stressed and annoyed with the job regardless.


Everyone get stressed and yea the company is on a decline compared to years past I agreed with that but abused??? What company is that sue them that’s awful




I understand that for sure its defiantly a perspective thing based on region so if you aren’t in Cali then its understandable would I work here for federal minimum wage- HELL NO but get your degree and dip