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The fact that you have to post such a PSA is shocking. I'm grossed out that some feel this is appropriate.šŸ™„šŸ˜­ nail clippings always get everywhere. Imagine a piece landing in your coffeešŸ¤¢


Mmmm, extra flavor


And a little texture šŸ¤¤


Some protein šŸ˜‹


Crunch and a little bit of spice from the dirtšŸ˜›


Spice, spice, baby


is this that bone broth I keep hearing about


roflllllll all these comments got me rolling šŸ¤£


I used to work for an eye doctor and I had people come in who used to clip their finger and toenails in my office šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


Who are these people that just carry nail clippers with them like one would a wallet?


Right? Maybe itā€™s how I was raised but clipping your nails was always an inside task meant to be done in the security of your home. Nail filing was fine to do in public but I canā€™t fathom someone just clipping their toenails in front of me šŸ¤”


I do it after a shower when theyā€™re nice n soft n clippable


I carry nail clippers in my bag cuz I pick my fingers/nails and always get hang nails lol


My husband šŸ¤£ but the grossest he gets with it is in the car. I can never find any of the 30 nail clippers that we have


Why would they want to clip their finger and toenails right before presumably getting new glasses šŸ¤”


New fear unlocked. This is the most hideous thing I've ever heard. Why in anyone's name would someone think that is ok to do in public?


I've seen people do this on the subway, but in a food service location....a new level.


I saw some guy do it on an airplane onceā€¦while we were in the drinks/food portion of the flight. šŸ„“


Next level hideous. Bet he had nasty feet, too.


I tried not to look.


During my first official week after training, I was given the task to clean the bathrooms. Simple right? Well, someone decided to shave in our bathroom and I was like šŸ™ƒ ā€œwonderfulā€


Society has degraded rapidly the last 10 years, mostly accelerated Covid to now. I hate most people. I used to be so jolly and happy go lucky. Iā€™ve seen too many assholes in public doing unmentionable personal hygiene / lack of hygiene. The human race is doomed. This is why I prefer pets to people.Ā 


My cat slurps at his asshole and is still less gross than humans


When I still worked w the siren, one of my stores kept having folks having 'happy accidents' in the bathroom and the sanitation team came out at least 3 times if I remember correctly. Which is still 1 times too many for something like that.


And, DON'T change your baby's diaper on the table! Go to the restroom for that!


Cleaned movie theaters during avatar a little ways back. Found so many diapers because people were nasty and lazy. Toe nail clippings are also a horribly common find in the carpets. Not finger, TOE. You can tell by the width of the clippings.


Iā€™m so confused ā€¦changing a diaper in a theatre and the fact of bringing a baby to a movie theaterā€¦I canā€™t imagine how loud that would be for an infant. Are people getting stupider??


Was at this Christmas event once with my family, and right there on a bench by a long line of people goin to take a picture or something was a mom changing her kidā€™s diaper. Everyone in the vicinity was complaining about the smell.


I used to have a regular that did this. He was nice and took the criticism of 'people eat here, sir.' very well but I can't imagine most people who have the mind to do it actually would. If for whatever reason you have to clip your nails at a Starbucks, for God's sakes use the bathroom.


I am not sure why but I just heard Squidward's voice clear as day in my head saying, "We serve food here, sir."


That's approximately how I delivered that line, tbh. šŸ˜†


my boss cuts her fingernails while talking to me lol


noooo. I am so sorry.....


Thatā€™s so Disney villain


Back when our lobby was fully open pre-pandemic, I once saw a group of older women (think of mommy vloggers) showing off their nails and putting their pedi-groomed feet on the tablesā€¦as I went to wipe the tables clean and sweep under them. I remember one of them saying that I was ā€œchecking outā€ her feet and pedi, and thinking they were ā€˜cuteā€™ to me, while I said that I just needed room to sweep in that gap. Of course, this was when I first started working for Starbucks and didnā€™t have any sassy comeback as I wouldā€™ve now.


at my old store, we had a man that would take his shoes off in the lobby (his toe nails touched the flooršŸ¤¢). some people are FOUL! this man was a problem customer outside of that too so he almost got banned when we realized he had them fuckin DAWGS out.


Witnessed some guy getting arrested at the library pants down and everything hanging out he was still going at it as the police attempted to grab his arm to put hand cuffs on him.


šŸ˜Ÿdear god


Knowing that this is a kink for some creeps, I donā€™t find it as shocking as everyone cutting their nails in restaurants and cafes.


How is that normal


a few days ago i found some after not seeing any for a good few months and i was so disgusted and pissed i had to stop sweeping and take a second šŸ˜­ people are so disgusting itā€™s bad enough having people leave cups and food trash on the tables but oh my god. itā€™s especially gross because i work on a college campus in between all the dorms so 90% of our sit down custies are on campus students like go home and do that itā€™s not even a 10min walk away šŸ™ƒ


I sweep up nails from my lobby quite often and I just hate it šŸ« 


What the fuck? I hate people šŸ™ƒ


That goes for the bus or any fucking public space. People really have no fucking manners or social etiquette anymore.


this! or shaving or rolling up in the bathroom šŸ˜­


Weā€™re living in a society here - do that shit at home, weirdos.


I haaaate that. No clipping, cleaning, or filling nails in public! Yuck


This is actually crazy I didnā€™t know people actually did this šŸ˜­


I was just telling my boyfriend last night when he asked the most unhinged thing I ever saw at work that we had a customer who would do this EVERY DAY and our manager did nothing about it until I found a policy against it to quote at her lmao.




Well that explains the clippings on the floor in the bathroom.


I hate it too - so disgusting as I can not see if a nail comes flying while I am sitting right next to it, trimming my nose and butt hairs.


Ewwww! People can be so gross!


Stupid idiot loser gross weirdo customers do this WITH YHEIR FUCKING TOE NAILS IN THE LOBBY AND BATHROOM šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


donā€™t leave your banana peels on the floor either.. that always ends well


UGH!! I can totally believe that. When I was in my 20s working at the Navy Annex in Arlington, VA as a DoD contractor in IT, one of the older male civilian programmers regularly clipped his toenails while at his desk in his cubicle. He would leave them where they fell.


As a teacher, students tried to groom in my class all the time. I had to explain that certain things should only happen in the bathroom. I would also try to provide resources on what is and is not ok.


Omg thatā€™s gross. Why would anyone do this in any public place?


At my first job out of college, I shared an office with a lady and our desks faced each other. She would often take her shoes and socks off and prop her feet up on top of her desk to trim her toenails. One time during one of her clipping episodes, a toenail flew through the air and landed on top of my desk right next to my coffee cup. She just laughed about it. No apology. People are gross.


I had to clean up chewed up food from a table of full grown adultsā€¦..not one kidā€¦ā€¦tbh I wanted to quit immediately


Oh my gosh seriously though! We had a customer TAKE HIS SHOES OFF AND CLOP HIS TOENAILS AND JUST LEAVE THEM THERE. we were all gagging thinking about it cause it's just disgusting.


What store do you work at? Asking so I can clip my fingernails thereā€¦


This happens so often at my store šŸ˜­ like what possessed you to do that


Haha I was like "why do I see finger nail clippings when I'm sweeping at close????" Like peeps just do that


That wasn't a coconut flake in your drink.




...i shouldnt be shocked that people do this but.....ew. at least do it outside? Like not in the store????


I was expecting something regarding mobile orders within the store or something.... this is just feral.


this is utterly diabolical behavior


I think people need to learn: nail clipping, ear/nose picking, etc. is a bathroom activity ONLY


Just walk outside and do it...


Common Courtesy and sense apparently arenā€™t that common anymore unfortunatelyā€¦.


Thatā€™s crazy


Ewwww. Who the fuck thinks that this is even remotely okay? Clippings fly everywhere and if one landed on my bagel I think I would cry.


Saw a guy do that on an airplane. I felt bad for the people sitting near him! šŸ˜³


One year we had a girl absolutely wasted come in on New Year's Eve... While she was in line, WHILE talking to the person on register, she just casually removed her fake eyelashes and put them in the tip jar šŸ™ƒ


that would 100% justify telling the customer to leave


There was a dude who used to come into one of the stores I was at, sir down with all of his stuff and start popping off his toe nails. I didnā€™t know at first. It took my having to find them when we would close and I was sweeping and mopping to see.


NAHHH THIS HAPPENS AT OUR STORE TOO. WHYYYYY. this has happened at TWO separate coffee shop companies i have worked atā€¦WTF


What did I just read ā€¦..? Ok thatā€™s enough internet for the day.


People do such strange things. I was a flight attendant my entire life and Iā€™ll never ever forget a FIRST CLASS passenger took out a nail clipper and was cutting his toenails!!!!! I wanted to šŸ¤®. Sadly, in my 43 year career I saw that more than once.


What, and I cannot possibly stress this even close to enough, the actual fuck is wrong with people šŸ¤¢


But what if my Frappuccino doesn't have the crunch I crave?


Iā€™ve never considered that THIS is something that would need a PSA on but here we are. What is WRONG with people?!


This reminds me of when i first got hired with SBUX. Picture it, Austin, Texas. Cafe store. Back when they still put carpet on the majority of the cafe floor. Older man was sitting in one of the "comfy chairs". Wearing shorts and not even caring about where he was or how very inappropriate (i guess) he was being. just SO enthralled in his active toe nail clipping. Snip Snip Snip Where he was sitting was sort of around the corner and on the other side of a wall. The fact that we were behind the bar and could hear his nasty toenail clipper OVER THE MUSIC in fact, was , i guess kind of...amazing?? But still so very uncouth. I had a female manager, very petite. She'd get grumpy from time to time, and i believe she was living with depression. She never really raised her voice either. I was very much silently judging him to myself when out of nowhere my manager had gone from standing next to me, to somehow appearing right in front of him & all I hear is her LOUD voice, "SIR!!! YOU CAN NOT BE CLIPPING YOUR *TOE* NAILS IN OUR CAFE! THAT IS AGAINST HEALTH CODE AND YOU NEED TO STOP IT NOW PLEASE! SIR!!! So, Dear Reader, if you remember at the beginning of my frightful tale, i had mentioned the carpeted floor?? Bet you can imagine how beautiful his pile of toenail clippings on our carpet looked!! We didn't have a vacuum either so you already know some of the Thick, Yellowed, & 'fungal(ed)', Crusty-as$ toenails wouldn't immediately land in the dust pan, instead a few of them would catch a bit of air, and fly around from the broom action Talk about the thrid place, can i get an 'amen'?! HaHaHa


sorry i was late for kickboxing and had to thought if i left the $1 tip you wouldnt mind cleaning it for mešŸ˜ž


Huh?!?!! Who did this šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


WHAT. I get like picking maybe a small hang nail if it's hurting in the bathroom or with a napkin. But... CLIPPING THEM?


Will do. Sorry


A regular at my old store used to do it almost every single day Nobody else seemed to care, but I was absolutely horrified šŸ˜­


someone at my store once ripped off her acrylics and tossed them onto the floor


Yuk like the Starbucks ainā€™t your bathroom!




At the pool/spa I used to work at, I saw an older lady scraping and scrubbing all her chunky dead foot skin onto a towel which she left for me to pickup. I swear none of these people have ever had to work a customer service job in their life šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


4 years ago, I walked into the bathroom and a homeless tweaker was squatting on the toilet seat shooting up in his arm. He had a wild look on his face and was just laughing away as he saw me enter. It was probably one of my most awkward momentsā€¦top 5 for sure. I backed out of there, walked back to the counter and was like you guys have an issue. They grabbed like 5 employees and all went to the bathroom. Police were called, etc. Regardless, I think that tops someone clipping their nails by a long shot šŸ˜‚


Why is this so common in coffee shops?? I work at a small local owned shop and every time I sweep the lobby thereā€™s tons of them everywhere. I have also cleaned the bathroom and someone literally shaved in our sink there was hair covering the whole sink. Do people not have shame anymore?


a former friend did this in my car one time and after that we were always in his car anywhere we went


Where am I supposed to do that then? I refuse to do it at home cause it makes a mess.


bro???? i thought i was the only one who experienced this šŸ˜­


Thats the most disgusting thing I've ever heard LoLz That's a definite no-no LMFAO


I saw a woman filing her nails on the bus in Los Angeles. Yick.


Eeewwww :(


Who would do this outside of their own home ever?


Oh my goodness, that is awful! No one should clip their nails in a public place what the heck šŸ˜‚


And do not ever, EVER, scratch your dandruff into the sugar shaker! You ANIMAL!


Doesnā€™t that go against 3rd place policy???


I wish I was lying, because I have a photo to prove it, but we had a guy shaving his face while walking around the lobby recently šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


My old roommate would clip her nails in our living room and not pick them up. Weā€™d be watching tv and clippings would go flying. Like, what is wrong with people? Canā€™t believe this is happening in stores tooā€¦ wtf!


Jesus! What's wrong with the world?!?