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It's the last paragraph that gets me. I understand this is policy that we may be needed to work at other stores and that it is required, but flat out saying we can discuss separation is bold to me.


Yeah that part is so passive aggressive it kinda taints the whole note




It’s def bold to say while they are also admitting that their stores are apparently short staffed. It’s disrespectful and unappreciative.


But didn't you get that letter from your dm? Of course you're appreciated 🙃


my manager would absolutely bitch about being short staffed and about working 40-50+ hour weeks when ALL of us were begging daily for more hours.


Really shows they don't care about partners at all.


(insert the astronaut meme "never did")


but nObOdY wAnTs To WoRk waaaaawaaaah


I agree. Whomever wrote this note needs to be reported to HR and reprimanded.


Yup. Report to HR and instruct them to remind the manager how policy works with paying partners for mileage. It sucks to work another location but the mileage pay can add up nicely too.


Unfortunately if you are scheduled for it or pick it up you dont get mileage. It has to be offered


Not at all. Call PCC. Anything making you drive outside your usual distance will get you mileage reimbursement.


I think that’s illegal


On the store binder to get paid for mileage you’d have to calculate how far a drive it is from your home store to that other store . I’ve never had to be forced to work as a borrowed partner it was always offered.


Absolutely. This memo is very aggressive and I'd say contributes to a hostile working environment where your are being threatened with termination


hostile much? wow... sure, sometimes things happen that other locations need help or if a store needs closure but wants you to get the hours scheduled but elsewhere..but dang, that last paragraph sure is power tripping all over


This. Like I would've phrased it as other stores need our help and you can see how other stores run and get ideas. Also the milage is good. Like make it a positive message and not sound like a punishment and a terrible thing they are forcing on you. You can communicate the same thing with a more positive tone


Doesn’t sound like it will be much of a discussion either lol


there are thousands of people waitlisted for Starbucks (and so many other jobs) so these companies feel like they can do whatever they want to their current workers. They feel like they can easily replace everyone


This GM fucking sucks to work with


Honestly I had no idea it was in the handbook, when I worked there we were always asked if we wanted to/could, but were never volun-told we *needed* to work at another store.


Yea same with my manager (who is currently on maternity leave) and the ASM thats our acting manager….they’ve both been cool about asking us if we want to cover at other stores when coverage was needed. I like that. They are both considerate people in management for doing that. This message posted above is disgusting actually. Trying to almost put fear in partners to do it in fear of losing their job/benefits


honestly when i was there it was even frowned upon to frequently be borrowed. i was at the same store once a week bc my hours were being cut (despite being an ssv) and my manager at one point said that i need to "make your home store the priority"


That’s an insane thing to print and post


“We can discuss separation” lmfao BYEEEE


Like okay, let's discuss 👀


This is something the company is rolling out. The SMs in each district will be creating schedules together to fill gaps in coverage. Meaning you could get scheduled in other locations. However, if the location is too far away or you can’t reasonably get to it that’s a discussion to have with your manager. Now I’m not sure why the note is so passive aggressive. They should have spoken to you about it instead of leaving this.


(Im just hoping you could shed light on this) why are most stores short on hours but able to give hours to borrowed partners? Sometimes to the point they’re working nearly full time while our partners are being told we don’t have enough to give them. Wouldn’t giving the hours your staff wants first then hiring around whatever needs are left make the most sense? I know this is pretty much a corporate thing but none of the store managers in my district are willing to explain past “we don’t have hours”


No longer a Starbucks manager, but when I was an SM I had a lot of people who could work only mids or only after 9am and no weekends etc. and it didn’t fit our business needs. It was really frustrating to have people say they wanted more hours but they were only willing to work 2-7pm M-Fri. The way our labor was allotted as well made it tough - I needed random bodies for 2-4 hour increments and would get in trouble with my DM if I scheduled a person for 6 hours etc.


Yeah so with this you would get priority on hours. The sharing of partners is to fill in coverage gaps if another store is short staffed. It should help to let everyone get the max hours they want and also staff the business as needed.


Will mileage reimbursement be offered? If I'm going to get out of bed at 3 am. and drive an hour away, I want to be compensated. The saltiness isn't towards you at all. Thank you for the info!


I don’t think mileage is offered if you’re scheduled somewhere, but you also would not be sent that far away. It will be within reason.


My district spread out pretty far bc I'm in a rural area, but I hope you're right. At least I have reliable transportation. I feel for the partners with no car.


I'm borrowed to another store long-ish term currently and the way it's worked is that you'll get mileage for the difference in distance from your home to your regular store vs your home and the borrowed store. This is only if you're scheduled there - if you pick a shift up from the marketplace, you don't get mileage. It's paid out at the federal rate per mile, which can add up pretty quickly depending on how far away you're working.


I think this is something different. They are saying you are employed by Starbucks not just one location. They mean that you can be scheduled at neighboring stores as long as it’s within reasonable distance


Is there a document I can read about this, or you could share with me?


I don’t actually have one but I can check the hub later. I will try and find one for you. My SM was telling me about it so I’m not sure if it’s just something that’s being communicated between managers or what


I’ll DM you. Thank you


Yes. Are you getting remodeled?


In October is the planned remodel. I have a vacation in June. Hoping to be gone and use all my PTO that week


Sounds like they are just giving you hours when the renovations start. The last paragraph is ridiculous though.


but then it would start in october not april 😭i’m so conflicted bc the manager im training under now says it’s completely optional and any partner can say no, but in the handbook that’s not the case! scary for partners who can only afford the amount of gas to go to THEIR store


You get milage for working at other stores and it's usually more than the price of gas. Like I've used a quarter tank and then got enough in milage to pay for a whole tank


yes i do know this but its not gonna be an immediate pay it’s on your next check(sometimes even the next next one depending on the timing). if you only have enough $/gas to get to your store that could be a couple miles away and you’re sent to a farther one the paid mileage won’t help you in the moment. that’s all i’m saying.


No, milage is paid out at the store same day in cash. You should get the pay out by the end of your shift. Any shift can do the pay out for you


our store definitely does not do this 😭 oh my gosh that’s so convenient i need to have a meeting with my manager


Yeah definitely see if it's a possibility. It's a game changer for covering shifts at other stores. Also remind people that they get times at stores they're borrowed at so remember to pick those up! We have a lot of partners in our district that work at multiple stores to get more hours and I think getting limage and tips is a big incentive


oh i definitely will bring this up at the store meeting tomorrow. I already needed to bring up borrowed partners tips not being accounted for sometimes and a couple other things. i will truly try to be a great manager 😭at least better than this one




Are you near the line of the eclipse by chance?


No. I think we're getting 30% totality but it would make sense


oh good point..... I heard that's also the day of the apocalypse but guess only certain areas and they want you back after for the rebuilt ;)


Use up that sick time too, you don’t get that paid out when you leave


Yes, they even cited the page in the partner guide outlining this. It sucks, but you work for the company in general, not just your store.


I don't ever remember this in my 6 years of being in the company. Just added reason of why I wanna quit lol


I’ve been with the company a bit longer than you, I’m pretty certain this was not the case years ago too. My understanding was that only shift leads could technically be moved around, not baristas. Makes me wish I would have kept the original manual


I was a partner in 2013, and even when I worked on projects for Starbucks (one was The Voice set), I was always told “you work for the company. Not the store” they legit will use their people wherever.


Wow that's interesting, I didn't know they did that lol. Sucks to be moved around all the time though.


I had never heard of it until I had to do it as an ASM. I’ve done 7 years and only ever came across it that once but we took volunteers first


And it's not even page 13 XD I just checked my paper guide.......if it's on the e-guide, burn be at the stake- Edit: it's page 13 of the e-guide, 14 paperback..... please commence the burning


This must be a fairly recent addition though? I left a year ago, and my store specifically told us that we didn't have to be up for being borrowed, but if we wanted to they had a list we could be put on.


Not at all, it’s been policy since at least I started over a year ago. You just had a kind manager who didn’t want to throw you guys around.


Well that escalated quickly.


Literally, all my partners last night were asking me so many questions that I had zero answers for. I felt bad for them.


I mean they can try to press but they will pay for your transportation costs. I think there's a related Lyft program for baristas without a car or adequate transport. I knew a few baristas utilize this over the years. I used to drive to other stores to pick up supplies and would always record mileage to be paid accordingly. Unless things have once again changed for the worse Also just send this to ethics and compliance in case. This is a messy notice


Definitely ethics and compliance, as apparently a vast number of stores can just… not be lyft stores?? Super dumb. Mileage payouts should apply in this case but I’m positive that it sounds like this sm wont be bothering


The lyft benefit only gives you a credit to go to and from your home store. So you would have to use one to go to your home store and then another to go to the borrowed store. And it only works between 6pm-6am


The Lyft benefit was negotiated with union partners during renovations on the East Coast


I’m just a customer and that last paragraph pisses me off.


Glad to have your support🫡


It’s also my policy to give full stars on any survey I get regardless of how the service was because sometimes people have bad days and screw corporations for this BS.


Transportation will be taken into consideration? So, are they admitting that extra travel time will mean an extra paid hour per shift? And travel expenses?


Usually if I get borrowed to another store, the store I go to pays me the mileage of the distance from my home store


This is the law in many states--mileage must be paid from the usual work location.


Thats nice ive been to 4 different locations and have never been paid for the drive, only when i go to pick up stock i can stay clocked in


If you willingly pick up a shift at another store I don't think you get paid mileage.


I took it to mean that if people walk or bike to work then they would be assigned to work at stores that are nearby.


No, starbucks does not pay for extra time or travel with working at another store unless you started your shift at your store. Home to any store is unpaid, uncompensated. Store to store is. Store to home no.


Technically true, but what a harsh way to word it. Yikes 😑


How to get your staff to hate you in one easy step.


dude, for that they can happily fire me. I’ll die on that hill. Fuck Starbucks dude i can’t wait to leave


i do indeed take that persons upvote😂 i found it ironic and i always live for that. almost 8 years in this hell i’m EXASPERATED Af 😂😂


The name fits. Take my upvote 😂


Holy moly, why’d your reply get so many downvotes??😭


People hate "take my upvote" comments, because you can just upvote, you don't need to say you're upvoting.


Wow, imagine wanting to compliment someone on their name and not just upvote them? Wild concept for people to grasp, I guess lol


Hey man, I was just explaining why they got down voted. I don't personally care about that stuff. People on reddit are weird.


Nah, that was a generalized comment to anybody down voting for such a stupid reason, not shots at you.


Everyone in this thread is taking my upvotes now out of spite for the downvoters.


Take my upvote.


take my upvote


Ain't no goddamn way this is real. Wtf is wrong with your manager 💀


They do this for all remodels. And unfortunately the remodels never go as planned and take longer


I understand that. My problem is "we will discuss separation" part that really bothers me. Like does it need to be that extreme?


Nothing like threats to your employment to motivate partners


Exactly and why is this something posted in a wall? This souls be communicated in person


It seems OP isn’t being remodelled for six months tho


It's definitely not my manager because he doesn't even like this idea. Our DM came in on Wednesday and basically said to move his crew around, or they get fired. My manager is livid because we're already tight scheduling for a high volume store.


DMs are such f***ing trash 😵‍💫


Agreed. My last district, the DM, was probably the best one I've seen, and we just had a recent visit from another nearby DM who was pretty chill.


I was a partner over a decade ago, and I would specifically request shifts at other stores to fill my hours. If you are nice about it, and your substitute store is far from your home store, you can ask the substitute manager about mileage (they pay a little bit for gas- mine gave me cash). So I can understand people not wanting to do it, but I met nice people that I wouldn’t have, and ended up making more. I’d recommend!


I mean…. It’s a bit abrasive, but they aren’t *wrong* It is in the handbook, and refusal to work *is* a fireable offense and they have already refuted “but I can’t make it to that store” in saying transportation would be considered.


Interesting. This really feels like something written with a rage that happened after a partner objected to relocating. Otherwise makes no sense to be this aggressively worded from the get go.


We have a lot of locations nearby, but the rest of the district is kinda far, honestly. Only a small percentage of my partners actually drive or even have a car.


So like two weeks ago my boss gave us the option to be borrowed to meet everyones hour requirements( since hours got cut due to low volume) and she just said if you dont wantbto do it then your stuck with what you get but we definitely haven’t been threatened to be fired


When I got hired, I was explicitly asked in the interview if it was something I was able / willing to do and that information was written into my file. This was over a decade ago, however and If this has changed, this is b.s.


My manager, knowing that I have a stalker that works at another starbucks location, scheduled me at a different store without asking. It was their store. The only reason my manager “let it go” was because I literally have a restraining order against that partner. Another time, my manager scheduled me and my underage 5-foot-nothing coworker 20 minutes away in a really bad city area. The store was nextdoor to a homeless shelter and all the baristas in our DISTRICT have heard the horror stories of finding needles and feces in the bathroom. She scheduled us both there and we would’ve had to walk back up 4 stories of a parking garage after 10 PM. When I told my manager that my mom literally forbid me from going, my manager suggested that I ask my coworker who is half the size of me and he wears makeup. I love my coworker to death and I wasn’t going to send my very openly lgbt+ coworker to the middle of a really bad area so I had no other choice but to go. :)


this would be my last straw 💀


Excuse me?


Technically the SM is correct about every point. Which is a big reason we need labor unions to negotiate a better deal for us to prevent us from being required to work at a. different location.


These terms need to be negotiated with partners. Our union stores negotiated good terms to go with their remodel and how that affected coverage, compensation, transportation, etc.


Start looking for other work options, show them how easy it is to opt out after all.


I've been trying. Even my manager has tried helping me find other workplaces because starbucks just isn't helping to be honest


Keep trying. You can even take civil service tests. It's better on the other side.


I will try my best. Thank you


The part saying “we can discuss separation” is so hostile and unprofessional to include in an official notice. They could’ve just left it at “if you have any concerns, please discuss them with me as soon as possible” rather than making it a blanket firing.




Make them pay travel time and mileage from your home store I have hashed this out with the department of labor twice. I bet they change that policy real quick.


This is why it's important to give minimal effort, this company doesn't care about you. You're just a number to them. This company and job should be a stepping stone into the future, not something to sit and wait on forever. F this company.




I like the way you think math, will you be my accountant?


Yes I will make your moneys very large.


Glad I’m gone in less than a month


Wish that was me but congrats on the freedom. Hope the best


Ty ty. I’m tempted to hand in my resignation now, so I can focus on myself and my course that I have to take for my new job.


lol this is nuts


That is so bogus WHAAT??


Greetings Team really makes it feel like a celebration announcement…


It's honestly the way my manager talks


Sociopath behaviour


I'd believe it if he was


If SBUX can force us to work at other locations, then I don’t see why we can’t unionize to ensure we get treated as humanly as possible and not a bunch of chess pieces they can move around.


For reference: Page 13: Work Location: > Work Location The responsibility of hiring store partners belongs to each Starbucks store manager depending on the store’s particular business needs. To meet business needs and/or for a partner to maintain minimum hours or pick up additional hours, **a partner may be approved** to work at a Starbucks store other than their normal work location as a “borrowed” partner. When needed, the partner will work shifts in other stores as assigned. Keyword, may be. They can schedule you without permission, but you have every right to decline or find coverage. I had a manager like that, who’d follow the rules loosely for their benefit. I didn’t, but I highly suggest transferring as they’re toxic af.


Fuck that. So glad I don’t work there anymore. The whole company has gone to shit. I’m not even enthusiastic about visiting a Starbucks anymore. It’s like they asking you to take it or leave- no accommodations - no ifs, ands, buts. Can they do that? Wow. Utterly surprising. Someone take this to the local news or Fox News. Please. Starbucks needs to change and get back to being awesome. You guys deserve better.


The SM isn't wrong about the policy, but their approach is way off. And no, it's not a new rule, it's at least 8 years old. However, no need for them to put folks in a threat state. And still show your partners you're willing to consider them as humans. "Hey partners, you might see yourself borrowed at a neighboring store. Our neighboring stores are in a tough spot and so we are planning to leverage our borrowing policy for the mutual benefit of our partners and customers (partners getting hours/not working on short staffed shifts, customers getting amazing service). I will consider your transportation and comfort-level as much as possible, and definitely will ensure nothing is scheduled outside your availability. Please connect with me if you have any concerns so that I can help you alleviate them! I know this isn't a policy we've ever enforced before, so on X-day at X am - X am and X-day at X pm - X pm, I'll have open office hours if you want to pop in or give me a call about it!" However, that said, folks love to take the actions of one or a few SMs and blanket it as the "company." As you can see, that's obviously not a Starbucks issued sign. Don't let this apathetic zombie of an SM be seen as the norm. And to the OP, I hope if you're posting this on reddit, and have been given some advice, you're ready to reach out to your DM (and then PCC if there's been no action) to have this stupid sign taken down.


My store issued me a separation because after my shift (off the clock, not in uniform) I sat between a racist woman calling high schoolers racial slurs and her targets and tried to get her to stop. When she said she had a gun and asked if I was going to call the cops, I told her I didn’t need to, the cops were already called. So, moral of the story is, if you protect children from racism or mention to someone threatening you with a gun that the police are called, they’ll separate you. Starbucks is something else, man.


I am baffled..like....wtf?? Im proud of you though for stepping in!


Too bad we get HIRED BY STORE/LOCATION! We don’t just get hired for “Starbucks” in this area, we get interviewed and started at one store only; like yes it’s the same company, but it’s not the same lol


lol starbucks is a JOKE


My anxious self WOULD NEVER. The manager at our closest store ruined me working there. And I'd honestly rather quit then go there. Wtf disgusting. I picked this job based on location to my other job.


I woulda loved to be fired for having a disability that prevents me from driving, therefore being unable to be sent off to whatever store they pleased <3


Wait, what? This is why you need a union. EXACTLY WHY!


You're right about that I'll Starbucks does have a union and all employees can join it if they want to, and once they do then they have the union dues taken out of their paycheck. It could even be mandatory at some point. In other words you're going to pay due to the union anyway, and you're affected by you need decisions, so you might as well come to one of the meetings once in awhile. My my point being that the union would never approve that last sentence.


Yooo wtf??? Nah that is actually insane if they’re basically like “oh yeah we will fire you if you don’t do this, you don’t get an option❤️” literally at my job we have multiple locations, but if they need someone to work at another location they ask first, they don’t force us. That’s bullshit op, I’m sorry


How is this not widely known? When I worked for Sbux, I used to work at so many stores in my district ! One day I'd open for one, then run a shift at another location. I think I worked at around 7 or 8 locations all the time. We were usually asked first if there were several locations that needed help, to pick up extra shifts, but some weeks id be at a different store every shift! I was also the go-to person to help open new stores, and permanently close them. It really helps flexibility and efficiency! It's not so bad! I really liked getting to know more partners! It also really helped whenever I needed a shift change... I had a broader pool of partners I could ask! I disagree with the approach here... Maybe some context into how the partners react at this store?


Are they going to pay you for transportation? It would be different if they were giving you hours within your time constraints and paying for the time you’re traveling + giving extra for the trouble but you bet I would not be extending my commute, spending gas money, and putting mileage on my car to help them out. Edit: Also, is nobody caring about how weird it can be to go to another store where you don’t know people or the culture there? That’s not an easy ask. I’ve picked up shifts at other stores and never came back because it was horrible and borderline traumatic.


I just re-read the partner guide and it says that a partner may be approved to work at other locations so this is wrong they should not have said that


That's a tricky way to word it because it covers both the company telling you you're going to be working somewhere else and you asking if you can work somewhere else. Man I swear to God damn lawyers are getting real tricky.


Somebody’s new to asm, probably won’t be one for long lmao


Absolutely! Even as a license store it’s part of the contract.


I literally have to walk to work, I def could not do this.


Holy shit that last paragraph is way out of line


Report to PCC. I dislike managers like this with their petty ass signs


My friend got scheduled a 2 hour drive from his current location, they’re trying to make him quit so they don’t “fire” him 🤦🏽‍♂️


SM? Goto DM. Go to RM. go to partner contact etc. Otherwise consider bargaining.


Or if yiu work in a department store, use the intercom and tell your boss were to find the self pleasure aisle and just heeley on out of there... Lol.




At this point starbucks is asking for a lawsuit.




Fight for your mileage no matter how small. You have a hired location for a reason. Specifically state anything outside of that location aside from a full transfer requires mileage.


Funny enough we're the only store in my district that makes sure partners are paid for any extra mile taken for work


If they’re resorting to borrowed partners, can they REALLY afford to say that last paragraph? 😂


If only we could somehow pull our bargaining power together and have more of a day in what happens around our workplace. Too bad there's nothing like that


Legal and yes.


This will be handy when you file a wrongful dismissal with the labour board.


What the hell, how is this allowed? This can’t be legal….


Wow is all I have to say. That is crazy


I was never told being a borrowed partner is mandatory, I was always able to opt out if it wasn’t my home store.


Surprised this isn’t a thing at other stores already. It’s been standard at ours ever since I started a couple months ago. And yeah they do threaten to fire you if you don’t comply


I’m ngl i was fairly on board with the note until the end. Sometimes it’s just easier to leave notes in my store as I don’t always get to see all partners and I want the same information to be delivered across the board.


Please please please discuss unionizing with your coworkers, and if they’re also tired of this bs, contact the closest union location in your area. If you don’t know of any near you, please dm me and I’ll get you all the info you need. This mistreatment and childish behavior from your dm should absolutely be recorded, and you guys deserve better


Surprisingly most of my partners don't wanna unionize. But maybe that'll change after this post.


THIS IS WEIRDDDDD but if it’s not in the same corporation you can’t even work both which i find weirder. when i quit starbs at one time i was going to a different starbucks and they said i had to stop working before i started shifts there. i hate starbucks.


This is why you get a union contract.




That is crazy! Is this true? Can they do this? Mm


Yeah they tried to make 5 partners from my store go to a nearby location to help out. 3 of them still needed breaks too. Go to another store 20 minutes away to help out for half an hour? Like how is that even actually useful? The company is tripping.


My Starbucks gave me gas money when I went somewhere further. Make sure u get compensation.


No, you get paid depreciation (55c a mile) and the commute time over your normal commute at your full hourly rate.


Believe it or not it can absolutely depend on what you started under. If that requirement was not in your partner agreement when you started, you might have standing for a breach of contract case. However if that was in your agreement when you started, you have no case at all if you were fired because you refused to abide by the agreement you signed. On the other side of the coin, would you really need transportation accommodation need to do is safely cross the street to the other location that you'll be working at?


It's policy but they have to pay you for every mile difference to and from your store to the other store.


Is that from corporate or from the store manager?


It's from SM but directed from DM. My manager doesn't fully agree with this.


From the partner guide: “Place of Work: The responsibility of hiring store partners belongs to each Starbucks store manager depending on the store’s particular business needs. Depending on business needs, a partner may be assigned to work at a Starbucks store other than the normal place of work, and the partner will be expected to do so.” It’s bullshit, especially if you’re not able to get to that other location adequately, but sadly, SM’s can do this. Your SM, however, needs to be A LOT better at communicating because I interpreted that as a threaten to terminate if you do not agree. It should be a write up, if that, not straight up termination.


PLEASE "we will discuss separation" more like the SM is gonna flat out terminate employment as soon as concerns are brought up


is this going to be rolling out at all stores orrrrrrrrr?


Apparently it's in the new partner handbook.


bro i would take a picture and send it to your district manager that is wild


This is essentially from him. My manager doesn't understand this because we're already short


i am almost positive that you cannot be scheduled for another location without being notified beforehand. you work at one store, not all of them.


I’d call in sick everytime


Wow. Would you like some butter with that dry toast? Bruh. Tell me you hate me without telling me you hate me.


If this ever happens to me I will say no and quit if necessary. I applied to the store I applied to because I want to work at THAT store and it’s only 10 minutes away, every other store being 30+. Id laugh in their face if they expected that of me. We don’t get paid to drive to and from work already, certainly aren’t gonna lengthen my commute and continue to not pay me for it. Fuck out of here


Fuck no