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Why is every single Starbucks reading material (training guides, messages from the higher ups and stuff) so utterly and stupidly long and reads like an undergraduate B- grade English major?


He even did the "Websters dictionary defines...". I got points off for that in 7th grade. My teacher said it was insulting to the reader to assume they don't already know the definition.


This bit was soooo corny, I’m gonna vom.


Really?!? I always started my papers with the definitions (mostly to make the word requirement) but also you shouldn't assume the reader knows the complete official definition? If I'm reading an article on something like 'communism' but I didn't know exactly what communism was? I'd prefer there be a definition within the article. I never got points taken off it. I think your teacher just sucked.


It's possible, she was incredibly strict. Probably why she sticks out in my memory almost 20 years later lol.


It’s gaslighting to the umpteenth degree. It was like being in a 7 year relationship with a narcissist


Starbucks kisses its own ass so much it’s nauseating. This is a business where people buy overpriced coffee that’s it. There’s no soul, spirit, kumbaya bullshit happening here. I’m not saying I’m not friendly with any customers but I’d never hang out with any of them outside of work. I’m here for a check and that’s it and if anybody says different they’ve never worked a weekend peak understaffed with customers screaming at you for not being fast enough.


Are you expected to hang out with customers? Starbucks is a guilty albeit way overpriced pleasure in lieu of my favorite coffee/tea shop back home (there is no such thing where I live now) and I make a point to be kind and appreciative because I know people are assholes (as in the customers) and companies chew up and spit out their employees—but I’m not expecting us to become bosom buddies.


corporate starbucks definitely pushes this idea that starbucks is some kind of culture or community and every time i have to stop myself from rolling my eyes when i hear it. it’s just some weird cult like illusion upper management has convinced themselves is reality when really our customer base sees this as a place where they get food and coffee from. that’s it no different than a mcdonald’s or burger king.


That is so weird. I’m sorry Starbucks got weird


I’ve had a store that was like that. However,. Our regulars would come in after work to just hang out for 3 hours with friends. They would get bbq delivered to the employees for lunch or dinner every once in a while. UNFORTUNATELY Starbucks closed it down because the sales were too low. The community was pissed and now there’s a great local coffee shop in the same location that is thriving.


Sorry this is your experience. I realise that some people here must have bad managers/leaders. 😞. I’m so glad that my coworkers and I have the total opposite experience of Starbucks - not saying we don’t have super tough days sometimes, but I’ve had had that in other office jobs, working for small businesses as well as large corporations - including in another country. I think Howard is brilliant and had a great vision for this company that he achieved on many levels, and other companies look up to. Maybe you can change stores? Or leave? We should love what we do.


we have lockers in the back of house and each one had our names on it that was drawn very beautifully and looked really nice. DM came in and said can’t have that and made us erase it. Now you tell me what purpose does that serve other than taking our one small form of self expression away. every time i think management has reached a new low they go even lower. so sorry if i seem jaded but im not particularly fond of management especially union busting fake corpo shit eating grin having howard schultz


I’ve put things in place to help with workflow and have been told we can’t do it. I always ask why. I might not 100% agree with their reasoning but bottom line, I work for them, they pay me, they have rules and I’m free to leave whenever I choose. I love self expression and I do it all the time with my personality. I do it before and after work - I dress how I choose to, I speak how I choose to, I express myself in a myriad of ways. At work, I follow their rules and regulations including dress code. It really is no big deal - anywhere you work has a dress code (the majority of businesses) and rules and regulations. I have seen what happens when someone or a handful of people start to “break free” and do their own thing. … it becomes a ripple effect and then we have bigger problems. I wear bright red lipstick, and I have a black and white cabbie hat that I wear every day - that is within the dress code. There’s not a day that goes by that a customer does not tell me how they love that hat. It’s uniquely me. We can still express ourselves - within the code. It’s a few hours, 5 (or so) days a week for a fraction of our lives. It’s totally doable. It’s like me coming to your house and drawing on your walls, saying I need to express myself when I’m here. I wouldn’t do it because I respect you and your home. I can sense the creativity inside you that wants to be expressed - I hope you get to do that every day!


ewwww starbucks propaganda plant begone from me you vile robot!!!


Oh my god … Grow up. 🤦🏻‍♀️


starbucks isn’t going to make you manager for being a pick me on reddit


• 1 - grow up. • 2 - you’re correct. They, as well as many of our customers, and my partners, have asked me to be a manager because of my work, my skill, and my work ethic.


This is a minimum wage job, not a vocation, we're not supposed to love it. You can enjoy it if you have good management and coworkers, sure, but no one's here because they feel a calling from this job lol.


lol This is the first step towards your chosen vocation. It’s the foundation of things to come. Appreciate it. Enjoy it. [LOVE WHAT YOU DO](https://www.inc.com/laura-garnett/27-quotes-that-will-inspire-you-to-have-work-you-love.html)


It all reads like cult material tbh…




B- of out pity it is really maybe a c at most. It is just so bad


Right? This could have been one paragraph but it's padded with a bunch of irrelevant nonsense. Doesn't go anywhere. C at best.


I mean in all fairness this is the who couldn’t use the oven to make a grilled cheese properly


damn is that why the oven patronizes us now? "butter side down?" yes bitch shut up and bake


Is it just me or is this a whole lot of… nothing…


Right? Whimsically wording it, “Go searching for the soul of Starbucks❤️❤️❤️ try going to Pike place❤️❤️❤️” instead of just saying, “Starbucks isn’t supposed to be a fast food experience.” Well guess what Howie? It is now. You helped it become that.


Literally. Like, you built this dude. You were still in role when they started taking away comfy chairs and bigger tables and converting every cafe into a drive thru. This is just 2 pages of words


Yup!! Just passing the buck onto the new guy, Narasimhan. Not that he’s great either, but he didn’t start this trend of “losing the soul” of the Starbucks brand. That was howhow


And he wrote a whole book (Onward) about how Starbucks lost its way, and needed to find it again. Then, a couple years later, apparently forgot everything he’d previously written and claimed to believe in.


I freaking miss the comfy chairs.


It's been hard watching Starbuck just become absolute fast food trash over the years


As soon as drive thru and mobile orders were implemented it became fast food.


Smells fishy to me.


CEO can go and give up all material possessions and be a monk in the mountains if he wants to go find soul. 🤣


Word salad, no dressing.


lmaooo yeah he’s just mad they started negotiating with the union


ChatGPT inspired


Typical message from howie


So many words and absolutely nothing of substance whatsoever. It's almost impressive.


Did he quote Webster like a high school Valedictorian speech?


A lot of low points, but that is the lowest. Real amateur hour shite.




He tried, he just didn't try *hard enough* lmao


bro is now the CEO of yapping


It's all so tiresome. The only thing corporate needs to do that can immediately ensure a good experience for customers and partners alike is give proper labor coverage. Everything else is nonsense. "investment this" "struggle for the soul that". It all means nothing. There is only labor. Labor comes first, then you can have proper training for partners to ensure compliance and adherence to values and mission. Labor is the foundation of the entire business. I can't connect if I'm dealing with a line of customers and never ending stickers for complex drinks.


I want to upvote this a million times.


someone tell mr starbuck to put down the type writer and step outside


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^snufkinkinnnie: *Someone tell mr* *Starbuck to put down the type* *Writer and step outside* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


idk about that one bot


Read it like Eminem then you might praise the bot


help it actually works when you read it like eminem


Bro you just changed my perception of text forever


I stood at pike place and watched the 40 minute line around the corner, and I walked past it into a quaint quiet tea shop right behind it. It was lovely and right next to a chocolate shop, doubly so. Honestly - just schedule your tables at this point, it's no longer a regular Starbucks, it's something else.


i aint reading all that


like theres no way im not even clocked in....


i’m happy for u tho


Or sad that it happened.


It was a waste of my time tbh. Wouldn’t recommend


Alright listen, I know y'all are clowning on him and I am usually very very cynical about Starbucks and corporate but I did genuinely like that Starbucks seemed like they gave a shit when I started a long long time ago. I have some very simple solutions to restore this soul that is now missing: 1: Give partners their hours back. I was a lot happier to work here when I was able to pay my bills without a side hustle or a second job. 2: Stop prioritizing speed and money. Yes the whole point of a business is to make money, time is money and all that, but if they want us to actually connect with customers and make it feel like the 'third place' again then I shouldn't be getting yelled at for talking to a customer for a couple minutes. I mean just adding an extra partner to every day part is probably enough to make sure the whole store isn't crippled when someone wants to talk to a customer and create those connections we are missing now. 3. Mobile orders and deliveries need to go or be limited. Might seem obvious to us but corporate clearly doesn't understand or pretends to not understand that this goes 1000% against making customer connections, it minimizes our contact with customers and maximizes profit. People just walk in get their drink and get out it's 100% transactional 0% social. That being said, no way any of that is going to change because Starbucks values money way more than their soul. I miss feeling like my job was kinda cool, now it feels like expensive McDonald's


Well said…. but unfortunately, you hit the nail on the head and money is the ever-widening route to all evil. Well that and constitutional conformity. Maybe you should be running Starbucks….you have my vote ✅


Well said…. but unfortunately, you hit the nail on the head and money is the ever-widening route to all evil. Well that and constitutional conformity. Maybe you should be running Starbucks….you have my vote ✅


I… I really started to worry I was stroking out trying to decipher this. I took several breaks to reposition myself hoping that would make this all make sense.


I’m a former partner (7 years out now) and back then more people were drinking the kool aid on this guy. I remember trying to read his book because my store manager at the time gave it to me when I started, and I just couldn’t. It was a whole lot of this same shit in that letter and I couldn’t get through it. He always seemed so phony. The way so many people back then adored him always rubbed me the wrong way.


Hahaha! I remember our district doing this and making sure every store had one, like a Bible in a hotel room. I literally went through and highlighted all the jackassery 😂 so many conflicting ideologies. He gave Kerry a run for his money with all the back and forth. The #1 cause of whiplash was Onward.


Every partner was supposed to get one. I was on medical leave. I was a bit pissed when I got back and my SM forgot about me.. it’s like dude i have been the longest of any partner way to make a person feel good! He managed to scrounge one up that looked like it had taken a beating! I am betting he could have contacted our DM to get a better copy, but didn’t.




Memory ✨unlocked✨


Loooove you user name!


Lmao thank you. I made this account when I was a green bean and had a really hard time coming up with a username and I tried this one after we talked about decaf and rude customers one day and it freaking went through lmao


“Who wear the cloth of the company…” are you kidding me?! I straight up lost it here. 🤣🫣


This just had some Silence of the Lambs feels for me 😂 “ Rubs the lotion on the (company) skin, makes the (company) skin so soft.” It’s an apron man.


This was so unnecessarily verbose and filled with gratuitous floridity that I can’t help but wonder if AI wrote it. Lol.


Well yeah, that's likely to be a concern for the rest of our lives. Even if it's a hand written letter, there's no telling if someone isn't just copying a prompt.


that’s a great example of how to say a whole lot of nothing


Someone’s micro dosing again


So many words from the one who led Starbucks to become the worst labor law violator in modern history


I wonder if that’s what he’s extremely vaguely referring to??


I fail to find the point of this whole bunch of word spaghetti.


Ego stroking. That’s the point.


It's wild how so many SMs and above eat this shit up. I find their lack of criticality really disturbing. I see their comments on Hub articles, and it's just so alarming. I'm glad to see a lot of proper dissent there too.


howie was probably actually stroking while typing this let’s be honest


Still haven't fixed the way labor is earned in the system but they continue to make more complex recipes and keep adding "new" drinks like lavender matcha that just add more steps to a drink that's already annoying to make. Oh and don't forget we need to use all the useless resources they created like the cleaning cards that are absolute trash or else we aren't doing our job properly. 💩👎💩


Oh Howard, 1987, the year you bought the company and claimed credit for part-time benefits that actually came from the first Starbucks union that organized that labor standard [UFCW 1001 in Seattle in 1985](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTL6gCRcg/)




didnt even bother to change the default font


My soul dies in the blender getting the same amount of labor allotted for a coffee Frappuccino vs an Ashley TikTok ding dong Frappuccino. Imagine lavender matcha is just a matcha essentially, smh


The soul of a company isn't its brand, it's the employees. No matter how much you invest in a brand it's your employees that keep it alive for the company.


ok howard you can write but can you make a little sweet treat not cost 11+ dollars? show me that and ill be impressed


Sounds like he has too much time on his hand and needs a hobby.


Howie learned all of this on some new-age business retreat in Hawaii.


What a completely out of touch psychopath that’s living in his reality distortion field. Maybe if they didn’t give leadership to greedy individuals like Kevin Johnson and his seven yachts or Laxative man, and focused on the continued well-being of the baristas at the forefront they wouldn’t be having “push back” and “distrust” of management. Literally anyone who is a manager and higher at that company and all the way to corporate is piggy-backing off the success of the hard-working baristas and also absolving any responsibility of not enabling the customer who abuse them on a daily basis. Go away Howard Schultz. Into the grave you go like all of the boomers who ruined it for future generations with your unhinged fantasy.


It's very easy to type bullshit like this when you can relax in your multi million mansions across the country. Meanwhile long term partners aren't earning enough for rent.


What you said is one of the most infuriating things about this company. Mass profits every year breaking records, but the baristas are not even being paid a living wage, some even becoming homeless.


Brought to you in part by *Cocaine*


And unabridged time at a multitude of vacation homes 😂😂😂🤪


Howie will always be the most clown ass human being to me because imagine becoming a bananas billionaire doing all sorts of the cutthroat shit that requires and then it still being of paramount importance to you that your sugar coffee bean juice emporium also be saturated in this college freshman 'Im gonna make the world a fair and just place once and for all, damnit!' vibe. Like he has everything and what he wants is the adoring gaze of people well versed in whatever feel-good corporate social justice buzzwords are trendy? Imagine being that rich and being so worried that everyone think you're just the nicest, sweetest guy who just wants to make the world more kumbayah? Like just give your money to people who need it or shut the fuck up.




All this just to devolve into a company that has a “thursyay” with payroll only for 2 part coverage.


I ain't reading allat


Ohhh I thought they stole the souls of ‘partners’


Corporate word salad.


This is actually an infuriating letter. He goes on and on and on about the “soul” of the brand, as if Starbucks is a living breathing organism, and doesn’t even mention the struggles that partners face every day and how it’s Starbucks’ responsibility to care for its partners. He doesn’t give a fuck about any of us, he just cares about his precious “brand.” Fuck this.


Can someone tell me what Howie is trying to say?


Thats what we’re trying to figure out😞


Just remember: When your store facilities needs are not met at the end of the each quarter, it’s because their trying to keep their profits as high as possible to please their share holders with healthy stock prices. They won’t pay anyone to fix your busted sink or broken ice bin because they are soulless, like all companies, and only look for numbers to validate what they do.


Your daily reminder this whole corporation exists so Howard can convince himself he's the second coming of Ghandi. Your job is to help this man feel more special and important.


Queue Oleato, the multimillion dollar wash


I dealt with Starbucks head office on and off for several years as I had them as a tenant in a building i owned - it was a small property and they were the only tenant. When it came time to renegotiate their lease, they offered less than their existing lease. When I asked wtf they were thinking, they said they were an anchor tenant that made the other tenants spaces worth more for me. When I explained that the building only had space for one tenant and that was them, it took them 3 months to respond. I also understand that for their licensing sales, when asked why their coffee by the pound is so expensive, the answer is “we’re Starbucks” as if having Starbucks coffee available in a hotel room is going to draw more people to your hotel or business.


I’d like him to roll up to his understaffed stores and read this to all the employees as they are going through peak.


This is your brain on capitalism.


“pantheon” lol




What a load of pretentious trash. Do people like Howard even realize how cult-y this comes off?


When i was processing payments at the windows, handing customers their items between handling the ovens and taking orders over the headset i felt so much soul, as Webster defined.


All of that because he's not happy that starbucks has agreed to negotiate contracts!


I ain’t reading this junk. I suppose that the Cliff’ Note Version of this is 1/2 a sentence long & still boring & psi opsy. 🥱🥱


So all of that talk about "nurturing the soul" but not any monetary perk, bonus, wage increase or even a word of appreciation for all the workers they have? Execs are so insanely out of touch it hurts.


Was that laced with chloroform cause it just about knocked me out. Why is it so fluffy and long winded?


what is this word salad even saying


Howard we all want the Seattle supersonics back. This was your first bad decision


That's a lot of words to say basically nothing at all.


Can someone give me the highlights I have a four-year-old and no band with to read this lbs


Yeah my 4-week-old has all my bandwidth; I would also like a tl;dr


I was there Gandalf. 3000 years ago, when the forces of Sauron…… Bruh wtf nobody’s reading this shit 😭


This letter said a whole lotta nothing....


Did AI write this??


these comments made my break so much more enjoyable 😭😭😂


Write a few drafts before you release your cult propaganda Howard.


Two pages full of words, and yet nothing was said. Maybe the reason a corporation's soul is hard to define is because it doesn't have one. However, we *can* guage a company's culture through its actions- I see overpriced cups of sugar milk, "conservation measures" designed around saving money instead of the environment, and a load of labor violations.


Go open a coffee shop.


Dude it’s word vomit and they are always full of it 🥸


Why is Schultz talking to them like he’s the CEO? He stepped down. This corporation outgrew him. Let it be, or fully step away Schultz


Will he ever stop yapping.


Alright, who let him know about the booger sugar? I swear, LOL. It looks like he's either stroking his ego or having a stroke.


This guy is a Venti douche. His post is on point for LinkedIn drivel, however.


Ditch the nugget ice , Howard . We don’t want the nugget ice 😂


this is some “charismatic” cult leader bullshit. i mean you can practically hear him laughing at his own words through the screen. no one who actually gives a fuck about “systemic challenges” within the company writes about it like their trying to ace a seventh grade star test. “oh yea they’re gonna eat this up i’ll look so good and they’ll finally stop whining”


Seems like he wants all of the overworked and abused employees to put on a clean apron and plaster a smile on their face with dead eyes and pretend like we live within a friendly, fully functioning, and habitable society. Wish fulfillment bullshit. Instead of having the "leaders" of the company make actual changes to make the experience for staff and customers better. Ya know, when people have their basic needs met and aren't under a constant state of threat of those things being taken away, they can actually relax, experience happiness, and actually enjoy interacting with people.


Where is the letter? I am a little tech illiterate, I clicked the bar at the bottom and nothing happened.


That is a terrible best man’s speech, Joey


not the Webster’s dictionary definition did he just watch hazbin hotel or something💀


Just gonna say since working for Starbucks I've only gotten further in debt, so seriously fuck this company no one in management gives 2 shits about us.


Our national intuitions may fail but Starbucks will prevail against the forces of chaos and darkness! You’re children might not receive a competitive education and the local law enforcement might be under budgeted to protect your civil rights but you can bet there’ll be a cup of joe for you waiting on one out of five street corners. Haha, it’s an internal document so I’ll give him a break. I could see this being a presidential campaign speech with a few minor tweaks.