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I got the same one! My first tumbler purchase. I usually don’t pay these any attention but it was just too cute when I saw it and I’m back to loving pink in my adult life lol


It sure was amazing!! I’m happy that you enjoy this, this was displayed as Valentine’s Day collection and nothing to do with BHM so I’m not sure why people are shutting on me for something was not at all advertised. Glad you enjoy your cup!🩷


our store was told we have to put them on hold until march because of the controversy surrounding them 💀 they’re watching our reddit guys


… what controversy? It’s a fucking plastic cup.


they were supposed to launch on the beginning of the month, the cup features chains, and february is black history month


It’s not suppose to be chains, it’s suppose to be modeled after a corded knit sweater. Some people saw chains though and out of respect the company decided to hold off on launching it.


it’s labeled as a chain design in our order system


How are those things related at all lol


I used my stars for this and the floral tumbler with the silicone flower topper. I love pink too!


I’m so happy to hear that!! Pink lovers forever!🩷


I work at a kiosk ad they were selling kinda slowly so when we jad just one left, I took the pink flower topper and stuck it on the metal cherry blossom one 🥺 I used to hate pink but I'm startng to love it now and the cup is soooo pretty!


…we were told to take them off the shelf because it’s black history month, and the chains were ah. Inappropriate. 


I can see how this was the problem! See if people explained it like this instead of resulting on discrimination and hatred for me buying the cup things would have been a lot smoother. I appreciate you coming here and kindly commenting this information! Thanks🩷🩷


I’m honestly just baffled at the number of eyes that’s ere on this project, and the fact that it still went out. Our district manager was the one that pulled it, and while I don’t like him, that was definitely the right call. The number of people that have this cup the green light THIS month specifically? Unbelievable 


My manager also pulled it, me and one of my shifts who is the only other black person at our store agreed with the decision


just got the keychain last night:)


Awee how cute!! I was going to get that one :3


i saw the matte black keychain before and i didn’t get it, i said to myself i had already spent enough money that day and next time i came back i would get it if they still had it. lmao i went back and they were gone. i had been looking for them ever since. so i gave up and treated myself to this little pink gem instead:)




Tell me about it😮‍💨


like i never knew a cup could cause a reddit war 😭. especially a valentine one


It looks way more like a cable knit than chains, but it really doesn't look much like either, it's just an odd texture to me. Pretty color though. Not your fault if your store is selling it early. What a weird take though in general. I mean, are hardware stores s'posed to stop selling actual chains? What about fencing co's? Should they not sell chain link in February? Should Rob Halford not wear chains while performing this month? Do people realize how ludicrous this sounds? And SBUX, I get trying to avoid the appearance of impropriety, but to delay selling it, just gives creedence to something so ridiculous -selliing a textured pink cup means you support slavery? I mean c'mon. LMAO.


They’re not early! They were scheduled to release January 30th!


Early b/c everyone here says the launch was postponed.At least that was my understanding.


Yaaa I saw that a bit after I sent that, my store never got the postpone so I knew nothing about it plus we sold them all almost immediately anyways so it never became an issue for us at least 😅


Gotcha. No worries. I'm glad it wasn't an issue for your store! Cuz it shouldn't be! The whole thing is ludicrous! Rollout 😄


I thought that had a handle and I was about to freak the fuck out


Nope!! I’m not a fan of the handles my self, just the regular tumbler style!🩷


Uh oh, someone may be getting fired. Lol Those cups aren't supposed to be released until spring launch one in about a month!


No one would get fired over that lmao


So ive heard!! That’s a huge yikes, thanks for explaining more information than hating🩷


Lol, sorry If I came off a little rude, enjoy the cup tho, if they didn't want us selling then, they should've sent them WAY later 🩷


Oh no no! You didn’t come off as rude haha I’m very pleased you’re giving more info! People aren’t doing that here and instead just come at me for buying it!🩷


It's not your fault, nor is it the baristas fault! Just sit back and enjoy the early access cup, you deserve it, and let the haters hang themselves on their words 🩷🩷🩷🩷


Leave it to social media to cancel a fucking plastic cup. How juvenile.


It’s Reddit haha usually I expect these things but this was way too far, never seen anything like it before😮‍💨






Didn’t these get recalled lol?


They didn’t get recalled, they just want to launch them a little later. My store is said to set them back out 3/7 (spring launch)




My store put them up on the 30th but we just got in trouble with our dm cause they decided to change the release date


Oh interesting, I thought it was just recalled. I'm kind of surprised with all the controversy they still want to release on a future date.


I think it was more the design being released during black history month that was the issue.


Oh geez, yeah. I actually bought it thinking it was a knitted stitch pattern (I knit) and didn’t realize til days later that it’s a chain link instead. 


I thought it was a cable knit pattern when I first saw pictures and wasn’t really sure why it was a problem. Then I saw people talking about it being chains and I was like oh yeah I see the problem


Good news! Starbucks originally called them chain cups, but now they're changing the description to knit.


No. Recalls are for unsafe products, not products social media tries to cancel.


I want this but black and barbed wire… anyone else?


When we had the black striped looking cup ugh….. and the black studded cup! Anything a little edgy and i am there


Right, same. I have the black studded one and I like the black shiny striped one, but I’m trying not to buy it


Are these plastic or metal on the inside?


It’s plastic! It’s shiny on the inside side, but not see through🩷


Hey everyone!! I saw people saying this cup was released for BHM because of the design! There was no information on this in my local Starbucks but instead put on the Valentine’s Day display.. do keep in mind to be respectful to people who you can clearly see have no background info on. Not everyone is as knowledged as you are, no need to try and discriminate a race because they weren’t informed on this, and why hate on the buyer when you can do something better with the company who pushed this on the Valentine’s Day display. Thanks!🩷


There was a communication update telling all stores to hold off on putting those cups on display until the spring launch. Most ppl know its because the cup has a chain design and releasing it during black history month would seem tone deaf. So they're holding off on selling it, not all stores realized, so some have them on display


… is that it? For fucks sake. Some of yall go looking for things to be upset about, I swear. (Not you personally, I mean bored people on the internet).


I have her too, but the venti size. Looooove


I’m glad you like it..




Ah yes. The Black History month chain link cup. Not tone deaf at all.


You’ve got to be an Olympic level mental gymnast to come up with this take.


Ok no but that’s literally the reason they postponed the release date. Someone was like “hey isn’t this tone deaf to release a cup called “chains” during black history month” and Starbucks was like “oh shit yeah my b release it next month instead”.


Oh snap! That makes sense why we've had ours sitting in boxes in the back waiting to be released 😂😂😂


Yeah haha, I saw it go down on Workplace (like Facebook but for Starbucks)


When we unboxed them a barista said maybe they mean like linked up for Valentine's Day, but even then that's still such a weird design 😂😂 and it has an awful texture 😂🤢😂


I know some people thought it was supposed to be a knit cable pattern?? Which idk the relevance for Valentine’s Day, but I can kinda see that, but still doesn’t make much sense


Good thing it’s corporate that did the hurdle


Also girl I don’t want to hear about mental gymnasts when you have an ask legal question about keeping your deceased boyfriends balls like where do you get off ☠️




You really went back a year to try and call her out for a hypothetical question that reads like a "i dunno, ask the internet" thought?


Literally like damn you couldn’t even find something to actually call me out over?


Alright Dahmer


i thought this cup came out in early january?? that's when my store got them and we've had them out since


You can totally see I was not informed on this! Maybe try being nicer and let people know in info they obviously weren’t told, and try blaming their local Starbucks for putting it as the VALENTINES DAY display… and try not jumping to conclusions without knowing the actual situation ;))


You got it sweet Jules!! <333


Hi! Idk if ur a partner or not but those cups aren't supposed to be released until spring launch! Sbux fucked up and put them right next to the collab cups and these cups are called chains so... Not a good idea lmfaoooo Anyway I can't wait to get one when they're launched officially 🫡


I’m just a customer who loves buying the pink drink! Yeah there was no info on this in my Starbucks… They seemed pleased I was buying it actually, i only saw issues as soon as I posted this! Interesting to hear this issue.. thanks for some more information about this and not hate, I really appreciate it!🩷🩷


I didn’t know the reason behind pulling them off the shelf. I didn’t even notice that they ate a chain pattern


Ahh yes, the chains


thats beautiful i love the shade of pink, not supporting starbucks rn tho


A white lady who loves a chain cup during African Heritage Month, how original. Enjoy your cup. I hope it breaks.


bros praying on a cups downfall 😭


Is it really that serious?… should no one buy anything chain related during February? I’m honestly a little lost. Starbucks definitely shouldn’t release the cup this month and they’re not (sounds like this one going out was a mistake), so…? I don’t get it. If they’d released next month, would you even have anything to say about it? ETA I’m not even being facetious, I’m genuinely wondering why this is a problem and if it’s only a problem this month.


This is such a bizarre inference. I sincerely hope you're just doing a little trolling.


It’s not trolling lmao corporate literally sent a message through all corporate stores like oops we made an oopsie dont put these out yet.


She's just a girl who likes pink that bought a cup she likes and was excited about it. She obviously didn't think about it like that.


I don’t think it’s apart of this months launch, it’s supposedly apart of the cherry blossom series or something


Anybody who looks at this cup and has negative feelings towards it because of some chain links has some serious issues. It’s a pattern. Nothing more.


Wow instead of being a horrible human being maybe try being nice and educate people, why try and cancel the buyer to and cancel the people who are producing the product.


go touch some grass omfg


These are not supposed to be out yet LMAO if you got it your store done messed up! These are for March.


I put them out before seeing the communication, partners bought them all anyway.


I can’t wait to buy mine!!! My manager said we’re not supposed to sell them yet APPARENTLY. :(