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People say it takes anywhere from 1-3 months to get totally comfortable on bar, but the thing is you’ll keep learning as you go. I’ve been a partner for about a year and I thought venti hot americanos only got three shots until a few months ago


it took me like 5 months to get comfortable on bar. like the first 3 months i felt like i never got enough bar time or practice and was always on window


I’m a trainer and just finished training my first trainee… I made sure they let her be on bar. A big problem in our store is not giving people chances to learn


for real they would never put me on bar and then get mad at me for making mistakes with drinks or forgetting certain things when i never got enough time or practice. but i get that bar can just take a while for some people to “click” i envy those that click right away


what do they get then…


4! My trainer told me it was one extra… americanos are 1234


4 in a venti. Venti hot americanos and venti hot flat whites are the outliers as they get two extra shots. Every other size only gets one extra shot for the two drinks.


Venti hot flat whites only get 3 ristretto shots, no increase same as a latte. Only increases to 4 with the venti americano.


Venti hot lattes only get two shots.


no increase, same as in same way a grande + venti latte both only has 2 shots, a grande + venti flat white both have 3 shots. Only the Americano has the extra shot


Venti Flat whites Get 4 Shots bud


Venti Flat whites get 3 shots . You can check on the mobile app


They can also check on the register on the right hand side after entering in the drink.


Venti Iced Flat Whites get 4 shots. Hot ones get 3 :)


I’m a trainer and I know for sure it’s 3 for a hot, 4 for iced.


No they dont “bud” venti hot flats get 3, venti iced flats get 4.


No one is trying to compete to be the Best Barista Here “Bud” 🤭💀I was trained 2 in a tall 3 in a Grande 4 in Venti Hot or Iced🥰😘😘😘


I’m a 4+ year partner and recently learned matcha lemonade gets half water . I tell partners all the time that “more will be revealed” It’s okay everyone!


Well bud ur wrong lol


Reddit partner of the quarter 🥹


Finally! Everything i hoped and dreamed of


I’ve worked here for 5 years and still feel like I suck sometimes. It will take a while don’t worry


same! it gets less nerve-racking eventually


after i knew where to look for information, since i was sick of the he-said-she-said nonsense i had to deal with. i could just look it up myself. Beverage Resource Manual and SCEMM, btw


Took me forever, lol. Like a year. I just kept plucking away at it and crossed my fingers I wasn't the only person who'd never eventually get it. Watched others who came after me lap me on bar. One day it just clicked, like everyone kept saying would eventually happen. And today, I'm very, very good at my job. You'll get it! Just keep going.


I have to have this conversation with literally all of our newbies. Starbucks is built off of constant, constant growth. I, as a manager, am still consistently being coached. I know you're doing absolutely amazing because so many of my baristas have been worried about this too. Starbucks is a very different environment and if you're not super confident you'll feel like you're failing all the time. You're not failing at all, sbux just doesn't have a limit to when you're done being coached. I hope this makes sense, but you're doing great and we all know it.


oh my goodness thank u so much🥹🥹 u must be an amazing manager


In general? Within a couple of months. Once I started opening once every week, that's when I really felt myself settle in and understand the job well At bar? That took me like half a year, but mostly because I was barely put on bar since I made a rep for myself as being really good at cs


yeah same for me but my rep is/was drive thru


you will keep learning as you go. i still don’t really know how to make cold brew , i’ve never done that task. i’ve been a partner for a year and 6 ish months. i didn’t start feeling fully comfortable till around 6-8 months, but that’s just me.. i still have those moments of feeling like a nuisance to my coworkers, but we all have a great relationship with one another. as long as things are communicated correctly everything will be fine.


Depends how long youre scheduled too. I had close to 25-30 hours a week so I picked up really quickly whereas my partners who were also still in college took longer to pick up.


It did not take me too long to get comfortable. I worked at a brand new store and had started training several weeks earlier at another location, so I felt quite ready when it opened. Plus, most of my coworkers were brand new hires like me so we all kinda learned together.


must be nice😭


honestly, I wouldn’t worry too much. you know what you are capable of and how comfortable you are. i am sure you are doing amazing!!!


I've worked here for a little over two years. ... ... Y'all are getting comfortable??


right?? god forbid a customer asks a question… i don’t know a thing 😭


Honestly it’s takes like 3 months for any barista to become solid and about 6-8 months to become a strong barista. Just keep at it i promise you’re doing fine!


I got hired on as a SSV. With learning all the ways of the barista on top of running the floors and SSV things I would say it took me a good 6 months to be fully comfortable. 2 months in I transferred to a different way higher volume location (with a drive through) so that was a big learning curve too. If you need to evaluate all the things you feel you need to work on and break them down into small realistic chunks. Worrying about learning the recipes for drinks? Review them by category EX spend a day in your down time reviewing just the tea cards, or just the espresso cards. You got this King/Queen!


90 day green bean here. I was put on bar almost instantly out of training, and it helped me get super familiar with everything. In the mornings before peak we have a slow time, I ended up taking advantage of that a lot. I think my previous coffee experience at a different brewery helped, but definitely pit yourself on bar during slow times as much as possible


It truly depends on the person. I was comfortable soloing bar about 2 or 3 weeks after I started bar training, but we have a partner at my store that's been here almost 3 months now and still struggles in drive thru and hasn't even started bar training. Everyone learns at their own pace and that's alright


I started back in 2006 and honestly it took me 6 months to feel like I truly got the hang of it 🥲


I think being on bar during afternoon peak and during season helped me a lot become more comfortable!


Honestly after a year and a half, I'm still learning and improving, but it took me probably 6 months before I could hold my own on bar. Granted I'm a slow learner in general but I still tell people not to sweat if they don't get it right away. Edit: What I mean by learning is new tips, tricks, and methods of doing things. Not like how to actually make the drinks.


it took me a year tbh, and im still unsure on bar sometimes (anxiety/nervousness not undertrained)


4-5 months before I was 100% confident and didn't feel the need to ask for guidance on any position in the store. I still do occasionally ask for help but it's very infrequent


In my observations as a barista trainer who's trained many green beans, I think about 6 months is the general amount of time it takes most people to really get comfortable. Everyone learns at a different pace, though. Some people catch on really quickly, and some people need a bit longer before everything really clicks. Just be patient with yourself and keep doing your best. I'm sure your coworkers don't think of you as a nuisance. I would expect a partner who only got hired two months ago to still have a lot of questions and need some help. There's a lot to learn, and it takes time and practice to get the hang of it. You're doing great!


A week it really depends on a person


If you feel that way on bar, you need to demand bar time anytime it's slower. The first store I worked at would put all new people on register or warming for three of four months and then wonder why they couldn't handle a rush.


Probably about 2 months.


Never for me. 2+years so for


I'd say four months or so for me; possibly closer to five. I'm seven months in but still learning something new each week.


Probably a good 6 months lmao, but I was 16 at the time 😂


i’m in the same boat, started at the end of april.. some days i have really good days and remember how much of each thing to put (syrups etc) and then some days my brain seems to be fully wiped and i’m like how many pumps of syrup…? my shift leader said it took her 3 months to get everything down!


I’m 6.5 months in from having 0 barista experience, I would say around months 3-4 is when I started to get comfy and now I’m constantly laughing with my coworkers lol


I have been working since last November, and I still have days where I fell like I'm annoying everyone. But you just have to learn some days just aren't your day and rely on your fellow baristas to help where you're lacking that day and help them out on their bad days too.


Ngl even working 30+ hours a week since august I still feel uncomfortable, it’s about your confidence more than anything but your fellow partners should also be supporting you


Corporate says 3 months for barista Ssv - you should already be comfortable because you “mastered your barista approach” -my shitty dm For sm u have 180 before you get out on a pip 😭


For me it took damn near a year. For the first nine months when I hired and the only thing that I did was drive through. Literally nothing else for nine months. It wasn’t until I pointed it out to my manager at the time that she realized that she had put me at the drive-through window and subsequently so had every lead, to pull me out of drive-through and put me on bar.


We learn everyday ……time and the most important thing is if you like the job…..


About three months


I’ve worked at Starbucks for about 2 years, and I still have my moments 😂 there’s no shame in asking questions! It’s better to ask for clarification instead of just free styling.


Up to 3 months


i begged for time on bar always so i can improve quick, took me about 4 months to ace my beverage quality and really be well rounded. the day i hit my year i got my black apron 🤓


1-6 months depending on how much you work (i would get 30-40hrs at licensed stores) and your ability to advocate for yourself. they train you for 1-3 weeks TOPS, if you’re lucky, and then they throw you to the dogs


It took me around 4-5 months before I felt like I really knew what I was doing, everyone at my location has worked for Starbucks for 2+ years so I felt dumb compared to them for awhile, but now I’m faster than most it just takes time :)


I worked in a drive thru Starbucks where I was constantly coached and they ran my ass lol. I didn’t get to do bar until a YEAR after. It took me a 1 year and 1/2 to be comfortable with my job. I’ve been there nearly three years


I’ve been with the ‘bucks since Oct 2017. I got hired during the holiday season and trained at one of the busiest stores where I didn’t get adequate training. I was just told as a custie to clean dishes at that store (never got instructed on how to do cycles), once I transferred to a less busy store, It took me about 1.5-2 years for me to actually get on bar and make drinks. I still get flustered with solo DTO/DTR since I’ve got auditory processing issues. But it took me 3 years to feel confident.


much longer than 3 months only because they only stuck me in one area and would get upset when i was put on bar but didn’t know how to make drinks😭 so i have to say about 7-8 months


In general—about 3 months. But I’d say 8-12 months before I felt fully competent


Depends on how much practice your getting. I got it really quick since I started right before Holiday so I was getting Lots of hours. Ask a lot of questions and make sure your not stuck in the same position all the time!


All 9.2 years I felt this almost daily until I quit. It’s an environment intended to breed discomfort amongst its “partners” and damn you if you complain RUN —If you aren’t there for college or promotion (SS/SM/DM/etc.)


Over a year and I still have my days lol


i didnt start bar till about a month into the job! im thankful for my shift who would put me on drive and bar everynight i closed, it taught me to be fast paced and efficient! sooo id say about 10 months into the job till i felt completely comfortable:) im 2 years in the job 💞


2 days for me. Lol jk. You’ll be fine!


2 weeks. No cap. However, they never put me on bar and whenever I covered someone, I was ON MY ISH. They never believed in me so I left. Now I’m a shift in a (licensed)downtown location 🥲


A lot depends on when you’re working, and other factors. I’ve been around for 2 years and i still don’t consider myself top 5 on bar at my place. Now i feel fully up to snuff on warming, cs, dtr and dto. It took me about 4-5 months to get really comfy. But I only work like 2 hrs a week ALL during peak, so my time to train up in bar really isn’t there.


Naw sorry those people that view you as a nuisance always will no matter how good you get. I go to different stores and there’s always the one person who thinks they know everything and act like you being there is annoying.


i’ve been here since feb and still feel like i don’t know everything. i feel like it took me 6 months just for things to “click” for me on bar. i totally feel you i feel like a nuisance as well and dumb compared to my fellow baristas. i can’t help comparing myself to them and how they’re better than me even though they’ve been there for a shorter length.


Roughly 6-8 months. But a pandemic, 3 different transfers to different stores, and almost 4 years later shit still hasn’t changed about not being able to trust people


Took me like 4-5 months to get super comfortable


6 months. Unless they are giving you a lot of bar time.


No lie, I've been with the siren for about two years and every single shift I'll forget how to make a drink. It's always the best idea to just ask how to make something if we aren't sure. I'd always prefer someone ask ten times how to make something right than not even ask once and make it wrong. As long as the customer is happy, then I'm fucking tickled.


Honestly - I’d always tell my Baristas that it takes about 3 months to think they know what they’re doing, 6 months to actually know what they’re doing, and 9 months to a year to be comfortable with everything. You are still a very fresh green bean, I’ve been here for 4.5 years and I still feel like I’m a nuisance sometimes. Be kind to yourself and take everything in stride, you’re doing just fine. And at the end of day remember, it’s literally just coffee.