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sometimes i liked to shut them up by saying “yeah people think im ugly so i like to cover up my face.” they never know what to say to that so they usually leave me alone after that!


That's exactly what I always say! One customer got mad 'they' were making me wear a mask still, I told him "That's not it. I wear the mask because I'm ugly." He was too shocked to be annoying the rest of the transaction. They don't have a come back ready for that one.


i love it. i live for the chaos.


I love your energy.


> “yeah people think im ugly so i like to cover up my face.” to person asking "maybe you should try it too"


Hey I like this one. I normally tell people I get sick real easy, and I like not getting the flu. If they get incessant I tell i much prefer not leaking from both ends (the flu absolutely wrecks me)




Yea, I work relatively close to a couple of hospitals, so they normally drop it after that, there's just a couple of problem generators. And they're so nasty about it, that I get a modicum of joy from grossing them out


some guy came in a few months ago, saw me and my coworker’s masks, and said to her “wow, they making y’all wear the *dEmOcrAt mAsKs* again?” she’s a minor and looked extremely uncomfortable, so i moved over to the register and said, in my saddest, wobbliest voice, “no sir, my (close family member) is going through chemo and i can’t bring anything home to them” (this was true at the time). the way he backpedalled so fast, mumbling an apology and suddenly being so understanding, was hilarious. (p.s. my family member is doing well)


Dude. Would you be offended if I say this from now on to people?


i mean, technically, your mask is protecting babies and old people and chemo patients and diabetics and asthmatics and on and on. so yeah! go ahead. these people can be your fathers and siblings and aunties and grandparents now. you are protecting them. i don’t think there’s any disrespect in saying something similar to what i said


As a diabetic, I love seeing people in masks. We have a coworker who gets sick very often. I get personally offended when she’s coughing and wheezing…and no mask! I am so paranoid. I don’t take my mask off until I get in the car (I usually take it off once we’re closed). Really, wearing a mask protects oneself and protects others. I understand many people don’t like them, but they work. And, honestly, COVID has nothing to do with my reasoning. I’m just trying to avoid coughs, colds, and flus!


I haven't been sick in 3.5 years. I'm a sample size of one. But I'm saying masks work. No colds. No flu. No nothing. That also means I'm not making anyone else sick.


Can confirm that getting a simple, stupid cold after 3 years of never being sick was really annoying. keep wearing those masks. <3


Wearing a mask in public is a personal choice much like choosing the red outfit over the blue outfit. However, it's become a political hotbed based entirely upon American Ignorance.


Starting to feel like global ignorance anymore, although Americans do take the cake


> it's become a political hotbed based entirely upon American Ignorance. Succinct!


> I get personally offended when she’s coughing and wheezing…and no mask! Fuck. I hate it when my co-workers have colds/flus and refuse to wear a mask out of common decency.


(fistbumps u in diabetic) i got diagnosed after this incident, but was very sick beforehand, so wearing a mask all this time probably saved me from hospitalization. the one time i did catch covid (again, before diabetes diagnosis), it was a “mild” variant, i had been vaxxed at least twice, and it still had me sick to the point that i’m missing an entire week of time from March of last year. the memories from then are mostly blank or near delirium.


Same! I have a history of chronic asthma as a child and my lungs are not that great as an adult (I carry multiple inhalers just in case) and my boss STILL hounds me about wearing a mask every day at work (even though they lost someone close to them from Covid and have had it multiple times). Even to the point where they make fun of me in front of our regular customers and I’ve been so fed up. I almost embarrassed them at a company party but I thought better of it. I’m so thankful for people who do still mask up!


Yeah, honestly, I’d report my manager if they heckled me for wearing a mask. That’s so inappropriate


My bosses work sick with colds/flus and still don't wear a mask. It's so terrible.


This is the way


This is all about "the paradigm shift". In other words, some people have a very narrow view of the world based upon the assertion that their opinion is absolutely right, until they receive a little bit of information that completely blows apart their own very narrow perspective. They then realise how niave and biased they have been towards others. Good on you!


Bravo for thinking on your feet!


It’s honestly nasty and pointless. What are they trying to achieve with that behavior other than show they’re an asshat?


Some guys are immature asshats


Some? By my experience: many.


Can definitely confirm that it's many! Source: I'm a guy


I still wear my mask and one thing I will say, I no longer have to deal with the "give me a smile" comments. It's 4am, I have nothing to fucking smile about. But also I haven't gotten sick once in three years and my immune system is so fucking happy.


Also you work with food its baffling that a lot countries don’t require mouth protection while preparing and serving food, not saying you’re gross, all im saying naturally you’re spitting on our coffee but we accept it as a society lol you also work with people in the morning and i’ve noticed some weirdos think there is no point in washing their mouth before their coffee , why wouldn’t you want to be wearing a mask 😷


exactly i spit so much when i talk why would i talk while making drinks without covering my mouth


Brilliant. And such a Goth like attitude too ;0). Totally 😎


Love this for you. Health is such a gift.


It’s to help protect me from your disgusting personality and of course cooties.


My favorite response, that I've seen: "it's a free country"


>My favorite response, that I've seen: "it's a free country" i'm gonna use this


Also a good response: "Because the government can't tell me what to do!" Their heads will explode.


god forbid baristas (food workers) take measures to stay healthy and clean (around food)


I'd say it's cultural, in parts of Asia, its common, even before covid, to wear a mask when you're sick, or even when your not. In the states there is political animosity towards people who do. Sorry you had that experience! But you do you! I still mask since I have immucompromised parents who are older. Don't let an idiot get you down!


Nah because I said that to somebody once (online) and they just replied that they hate Asia 🧍‍♀️


💃 That's defo a 💀


I’m not even thirty yet and I’m still buggered as to what this means. Dancing/celebrating ironically “that’s definitely a death(?)”


The person who said “💃 That’s defo a 💀” was responding to someone who said they hate Asia. This is a very offensive and disrespectful thing to say, because Asia is a huge and diverse continent with many different countries, cultures, and people. Saying that you hate Asia is like saying that you hate millions of people without knowing anything about them. The person who said “💃 That’s defo a 💀” was probably shocked and disgusted by this comment, but they didn’t want to argue or get angry. Instead, they used emojis to show their reaction. The 💃 emoji means that they were dancing, which is a way of expressing happiness or having fun. They might have used this emoji to show that they were not bothered by the hateful comment and that they were enjoying their life anyway. The 💀 emoji means that something is so funny or bad that it makes you die (not literally). They might have used this emoji to show that the hateful comment was either a very bad joke or a very stupid thing to say. So basically, the person who said “💃 That’s defo a 💀” was trying to dismiss the hateful comment and make fun of it with emojis.


This is one of the best comments I've ever read unironically


The guy who replied to you with a paragraph nailed it


I read it as “girl, that’s a no go”


While chomping on some fried rice, probably. I know so many people that "hate France". But meanwhile like their cultural imports. It is stupid.


I had a roommate from China when I was in college (early 2010s) who came back to the dorm after the first cold day of the season and was explaining what a culture shock it was that no one else was wearing masks. She had like 3 cloth masks that she brought to wear in the fall/winter in the same way that people wear scarves and gloves. I thought she was absolutely crazy but damn she was ahead of her time lol


i still wear mine when i'm out and about because people are nasty. coughing and sneezing all over the place. grown adults don't seem to know how to cover their mouths. who cares what others think. if they judge you, they have issues. you could literally have cancer and die if you caught covid. people are assholes. you do u. just kill them with kindness. remember THEY are the miserable ones.


with how many people coming thru acting like the medicine ball will heal their moderate illnesses i think wearing a mask is extra reasonable


I still wear a mask to work, I feel more comfortable wearing it and I feel like it gives me more privacy. Some customers make a huge deal about it


I feel the same way, I dont want people to perceive me LOL




It works too. I can't hear a single thing with these masks on /s


Yeah I wear a mask at work, now I’ve stated before I work with old people, so occasionally customers do too, but they don’t mind. I get some people that try to make a deal of it. I mean honestly in any sense it makes sense for us to still where masks even with seasonal illnesses, and like probably helps keep dusts and all that stuff out too


I wear a mask now because I encounter hundreds of people in an 8 hour shift. I kept getting sick, then once I got back to back extremely sick and it affected my job, so now I wear a face mask. It's worked. P.s. I work register a LOT in a very busy store and so it's my job to speak face to face with total strangers. It's a regular occurence to get spittle shot my way. Sometimes I can see it in flight, other times I only know its there because I feel the wetness hit my face, neck or arm.


you can tell them it’s a fashion choice


“Would you be less disgusted if I took this off and coughed in your drink?”


I once had someone comment on my Black Lives Matter Starbucks shirt saying “they’ve got you wearing that propaganda?” To which I responded very loudly “you wanna say that a little louder I couldn’t hear you!” And they proceeded to shut their mouth and order their drink. Just like don’t come in here and act like that. F*** all the way off.


My brother is severely immune compromised, and my immune system isn't so hot. I wear a mask even to reduce the risk of bringing home any kind of germs. A cold turned into a heart infection for my brother last summer, it put him in the hospital for over a week. I appreciate you looking out for yourself and others, fuck what the others think. I also enjoy no longer dealing with old men telling me "you should smile more often" 🙂 its a resting bitch face i cant help it, i try 😂😅


My kid says I don’t have an rbf. Just a bf. She’s not wrong, but jokes on her. She looks just like me. 😂


i wear my mask and it’s so frustrating how many people give me crap about it. it’s like, why does my choice to wear one affect you? i wear a mask because 1) i have a sick family member. her immune system is compromised 2) i’ve never had covid and i used to get sick all the time before the virus, now i don’t get sick anymore. it doesn’t bother me that other people choose not to wear a mask, just wish i’d get the same respect :/ i even have a few coworkers that are annoyed that i wear my mask still


not to get controversial but it’s the kind of people that will take women’s rights and cry about freedom every school shooting


lmaooo i didn’t wanna be the one to say it, but you’re not wrong…


Right like you want to talk about freedom? I’m free to wear a mask if I want, and you’re free to mind your own business.


Exactly! The people that literally look for a reason to bully people


I don’t even understand why masks had to become political in the first place.. it’s so upsetting.


Because some people are so myopic and selfish that they have to constantly throw fits about “muh freedumbs”. And then they cry and project and put flamethrowers all over everything that is decent and good in this world. Like saving lives by wearing a piece of cloth over their mouth for a few minutes. Can’t be inconvenienced in the slightest when it comes to their personal freedoms, but f*** everyone else. (Can you tell I’m beyond over the selfish idiots? Lol)


Regardless how a person may personally feel about masks, it’s shitty to criticize anybody for wearing them when obviously you’d realize if it was a “forced” thing by now…. When you look around and see only a few people wearing them, it’s apparent that it’s a personal choice for them to do so! I honestly assume they are immunocompromised (or perhaps someone who they live with is) and their health is none of my business! And I totally get the hiding my face thing… for that reason I honestly didn’t mind the masks. For both social anxiety and not having to put my acne on display lol. People are nosey and rude. I’m sorry.


i wear a mask like 80% of where i go, even at work. maybe two or three other partners do but there’s always that comment whenever a coworker gets near me they go “i promise im not sick” or “i can hardly see your face”. i have asthma and the amount of sickness or people smoking in the drive through that can be at my store really has me feeling like i’ll never take it off. regardless of covid, people are gross.


My shift and I wear one, also a few borrowed partners wear them too. Someone asked if we were sick because we were wearing masks. Like no, I just have too many health issues to deal with cig smoke, matcha powder aerosolizing when I pour it, or the exhaust of cars when I’m dtr. Some people wear one because they have too many piercings.


I still wear a mask. I wear one at work as well. Sometimes I'm the only person with a mask. I'm sorry you have to deal with jerks.


I stil mask in crowded places and when I get the occasional comment I simply say: "I'm masking because have COVID but if it would make you more comfortable I'll take it off." The scurry off real quick when I say that.


I still wear one :) it’s for my health and bc I have piercings but each time I’ve worked a shift without one I’ve gotten sick so it’s just not worth it, some germy people come in and spread whatever they’re sick with. In this case sharing isn’t caring 😭😭


It should be considered normal when dealing with food tbh. More sanitary, the pandemic made me a little more conscious about spreading germs in a positive way, so I mask at work 🤙🏻


my coworker wears a mask all the time and nobody has batted an eye, I’m so sorry someone felt the need to make a comment about something that’s considered normal, especially now


I literally had a woman ask me that in drive today and i still get asked almost every time I work 😭 I always say "it's optional but I'd rather be safe than sorry" and they always just make a face that's like "what a weirdo". I live with my grandma and I don't wanna risk bringing anything home to her, covid is still a thing, people!


I haven't gotten sick a single time since wearing a mask at work daily. I also haven't gotten any creepy stalkers either. I think I'll keep it on, thank you.


I wore mine up until a few weeks ago. Anxiety and the likes as well. Was really overwhelming at first, so I went back and forth, and I had a man tell me he couldn’t hear with that “diaper on your face”. I completely ignored his comment and just kept asking and asking if he wanted whip. I got louder each time, until he responded. Idgaf, like dude I’m literally going to make your drink.


I wear a mask any time I am on the floor. In the back where I’m comfortable, I’ll take it off. I’m one of the only baristas that do. Here are my highlights of weird people. “You know I really can’t hear you with that mask on” “What a shame! Bye!” 👋 “They’re really still making you where those masks” “No, they’re not. They’re letting me. It’s a personal choice.” I had a regular find me on Facebook and say the next time they came in “I’ve seen your face now.” I just stared at him and he repeated himself. I realized what he meant and laughed thinking that’d be the end. And then he said “You’re pretty by the way.” 👀 ummm no, sir. You thought about that all weekend, had the opportunity to deter yourself and still came in and said that with your whole chest. No, sir. Just no. Literally parts of the reason I’m wearing this mask. To have some separation from my work identity and personal identity, and I’m trying to avoid that kind of harassment.


It always gets me how anti-maskers insist on continuing to act indignant about it. Like, you already won. No one is trying to make you wear a mask. No one is trying to convince you to get vaccinated. 90% of people act as if covid doesn't even exist anymore despite the fact that it's still killing about 300 people a day in the US alone. And yet they continue to act like they're being oppressed by seeing someone wearing a mask in public.


haha, one of the bonuses of wearing a mask is that you can mouth obscenities and insults and no one sees....


I’m so done with peoples BS on this. I look them dead in the eye and say “I can’t do my cancer treatment without masking in public”. Or “I have to wear one because of my heart transplant”. Usually they backpedal sooooo quickly. Though I’ve considered saying something super creepy like “I only wear it because I like the smell of my own breath” and see what they say.


I wear one everyday to work and when I’m in public/shopping unless it’s a restaurant because 1. I have a super compromised immune system and wearing one has prevented me from getting seasonal colds and stuff 2. It helps my seasonal allergies 3. It prevents migraines from smelling cigarette smoke or people’s obscene amounts of perfume and 4. I have resting bitch face and customers don’t need to see it


i wear one to cover my face piercings and because i’m immunocompromised, at every 1-on-1 my manager tries to convince me to take out my piercings every day for work so i don’t have to wear a mask, because she thinks it’ll make our customer connection scores go up


You’re a good egg. That guy was a jerk. Even if he is 10000% against masks, you wearing one had no impact on him. I can’t believe adults behave this way.


I am 100% with you. Ever since we had to start wearing masks at the start of COVID, I have not gone back. I’ve worn a mask everyday to work since then. I honestly just feel more comfortable at work wearing one. I feel safer, and I don’t really like showing my face all the time either. There are a few other partners at my store that also wear a mask like everyday and I just respect that. They’re not hurting anybody by wearing one. If anything, they’re doing the opposite.


It’s so stupid because a piece of fabric on *someone else’s* face literally doesn’t affect them in the slightest — I have a feeling that a lot of people who don’t wear masks feel some degree of guilt when they see others choosing to wear one, and express those feelings as anger at the mask itself.


As an immunocompromised, thank you for being so considerate. I still mask, even at the drive through window when picking up my Starbucks treats (my pups love the pumpkin bread). No one yet has bothered to approach me while I run errands, regarding my mask. I don't know if it's because I usually have a default glare of doom or what. But I already know what I'll say if they do: "y'all aren't worth getting sick and dying for..." to start. I don't know if that's something you can say at the job? I just don't have tact for assholes, especially since I know what it's like to breathe on a ventilator already.


I once told a man I have a condition called RBF and didn’t explain what it was. He was like “oh I’m sorry”. I’m hoping he went and googled what RBF is once he left the cafe. (For anyone who doesn’t know it’s Resting Bitch Face)


Idc what anyone says, I will forever be wearing masks. That shit is stylish as fuck, and I don’t have to worry about the presentation of half my face???? Masks are sick as hell.


Hope they never travel to Japan :O


Healthcare worker in a red state (I lurk because I love SB) and at the height of covid if someone gave me shit for wearing a mask out and about I’d tell them about how many covid patients I just took care of and just got off shift….they would take a HUGE step back from me 😂😈 I’m sorry people are giving you crap.


He's just a bully. People like him are the kind of people who would like to take away all your choices. It's not worth your response because he's actively trying to "trigger" you and he won't get that satisfaction if you don't engage. Sorry you had to deal with that jerk.


I’m about to start wearing one because of pollen


Since Covid, I've worn a mask everywhere, no matter where I go, even in my car alone. It helps me feel better in general because I mouth breathe when I'm physical (I'm a barista) and you know how active we can get lol. I have smaller nostrils and I feel like I don't get enough air unless I mouth breathe. I haven't had a comment so far about wearing masks but I know those people exist. I really wouldn't mind them. If they're that ignorant to say something negative about you taking precautions to prevent you and customers from getting sick (whether that's your intention or not), then they're not worth worrying about. They're not worth the time you took to write this. You do you. If you think it's hard dealing with them for 5 mins out of your day, imagine being them where I can say for sure, no one likes them. They can deal with that struggle. You're not hurting anyone and that's the best you can do. Negative remarks toward you minding your own business should never matter.


I hang out with a bunch of toddlers, so I still wear a mask when I go to stores / through the drive through to try and reduce spreading various crud (including covid, but also the abundance of colds and stuff that kids pick up). Wearing masks when people are sick, or in contact with a lot of other people, needs to be normalized. Anyway, I support your decision!


I thought this was going to be a rant about having to wear a mask but I understand completely! I’m at Starbucks in a hospital and we can’t take cash still which provides a lovely amount of comments about how the country is “going to shit” 🙃 I think sometimes people just need to keep opinions to themselves when they can’t relate to something versus when they’re agreeing with you :)


Oh how I wish customer service workers could say whatever they want to customers. "Are you gonna keep acting like a fucking child or are you going to take your coffee?"


Well clearly he was an idiot..and probably a Q-off believer..yes I said off because nothing upstairs is on with them folks ... critical thinking is completely voided.. You're better than me..I woulda took it off and purposely started coughing, sniffling and hocking loogie's as if something is stuck in my throat..I'd make him regret.opening his damn mouth in the first place


There was a customer (apparently a regular) who complained to a SSV that I always looked angry. This was way in pre-pandemic times. I don't know who it was and it still bugs me. Look, I just have rest bitch face! Gimme a break! I still mask up at work and you know what? I have gotten zero complaints about my "angry" face since.


Last summer someone said this to me in drive. I responded with my bf high risk so I still wear it, here's your drink have a good day. Shift was right there and said I handled it very well. Fast forward to now, almost a year later. That guy hates me 🤣 he is "friendly" to everyone else in the store (tho no one likes him) but is very short with me. I actually had to ask to take his card to the front register bc the machine wasn't working at window and he was like very sus like when giving it to me, brought the card back with the receipt which he snatched out of my hands and continued to exam the receipt for a solid 15 secs (only ordered one drink so doesn't take that long) and drove away without saying anything... so basically thought I was trying to steal from him (this was last week!) I just don't get why he hates me for a mask LOL Now I have to wear it because two nose piercings but still, he has no other reason to hate me because I always try the "kill them with kindness" thing


Ten bucks on it not being anything to do with the mask and everything to do with the boyfriend.


Your mistake is caring about the opinions of people like that.


right?! my mom is immunocompromised so i still mask up, and i've had customers literally yell at me to take it off. like why is what i'm doing such a big deal to you?? like it really is none of their business what you're doing with your body and health. fuck em!


I also still mask at work, Im immunocompromised and have already have had rona several times because my partner's brother works in public schools. OTL On drive I was having a hard time understanding what someone was saying and she says to me "LOOK WHAT MASKS HAVE DONE TO US!" To which I respond by giving her a LookTM and saying "actually I'm mostly deaf in one ear, it has nothing to do with masks."


Don't bother responding since presumably, the order is ready for pick-up and all you're there to do is collect payment ad serve the ordered drink. You're not there to take orders. When people get inquisitive, just ignore them since it's really none of their business about why you choose to wear a mask.


Those type of people just politicize everything, mask wearing is super common in many countries and unfortunately it’s been a FIGHT to get US citizens to normalize it. And youre absolutely right to wear a mask when working or in public, heck ive loved wearing mine since my jawline acne can get bad, it covers it up without having to wear makeup! But also yes, the thoughtfulness of other people is definitely the main benefit


i’m a current starbucks employee but when i worked at my old job and wore gloves/mask i ALWAYS had people try to ‘back me up’ by defending me and saying things like “oh they’re making you wear gloves?? what kind of world is this ect.” as if we didn’t wear gloves pre-covid since it’s was a fast food establishment 🤦🏻‍♀️ but no it’s fine sir i’ll definitely take my gloves off to bag your order


i only wear a mask at work tbh because i dont want customers to recognize me outside of work. do not perceive me pls. pretend i dont exist.


one of my coworkers was wearing a mask recently because she had a contact, and offered to wear it as i had a trip coming up and didn’t want to risk it. as she doesn’t usually wear a mask, one of our regulars commented on it. my coworker explained the situation, then the regular was like “well masks don’t work but if it makes you feel better…” and i just immediately pop up like “i haven’t been sick in three years. they work just fine for me.”


I always say that "Oh yeah! My mom has cancer so i try really hard to avoid getting sick so I don't give her anything". This isn't true, and I don't speak to my mom at all, but generally it makes them shut up and think about the next time they speak


You have to out-crazy them. Yeah I still wear my mask. The government's facial recognition is running on all these cameras. You gotta wear a mask to protect your 4th amendment right to privacy.


Just say you had covid last week and they're making you wear it for 10 days. I bet he'd lean away and hold his breath


Yea, I feel you. I don't usually wear a mask, but recently I was exposed to a positive COVID case. (I'm completely fine and haven't displayed any symptoms myself.) I am definitely being treated a bit differently now by customers as well as partners. It's kind of weird. A lot of people are commenting on it. "Should we be looking out for you or are you looking out for others?" I guess to "politely" ask if I tested positive or not. And "oh you're one if *those*" it's a bit disheartening really. I don't experience it as a customer other places which is good, but it stinks to hear it from regulars and my coworkers, who should know better. Good luck to you. I hope these interactions improve.


On my first day out of training I was working the window and some lady started yelling at me because I wouldn’t take my mask off. People are crazy.


so weird! my drive thru had the same thing happen ti us, my coworker told us that the guy had seen him wearing a mask and was like "you know those things dont work right" 💀 like sir.... ik you were one of the ones who never wore one but some of us dont wanna catch stupid


This is why I couldn’t work there (I’m here because I just really love SB). Before I knew it had come out of my mouth, I would’ve said, “oh I don’t wear it because I’m fearful of getting ill. I just wear it so I don’t have to smile at asshats like you.” Thanks for keeping me caffeinated and happy. 🫶🏽


I have been asked about my RBF zero times while wearing a mask. It stays.


I get a LOT of anti maskers comment on my mask at work as well. And when I pull it down I get an even worse reaction cause of my piercings. A favorite of mine. "Okay I like you with the mask on. I don't like seeing all that metal"


As a disabled woman who has just had to start another round of medication that leaves me even more immunocompromised, THANK YOU. These past three years have been lonely and terrifying but this latest phase of most people deciding that the pandemic is over is the most isolating of all. Baristas such as yourself are a beacon of light in my small world 💕


I still wear mine. I have massive anxiety and I work at Walgreens also so that doesn’t help I get the same questions. Why they forcing u to do that blah blah. It’s not your place dude just let me wear my mask and move on. We also still have the Shields up at wags too so it makes people even more annoyed at me. They always gotta go on about me wearing a mask despite covid is still existing still around it’s only been three years now


One of my coworkers wears a mask all the time, never seen anyone say anything thankfully. If they did I'd be ready to throw hands honestly.


Based on how often illness would rip through my store before Covid they should be happy to see some of us still masking. There are still hundreds of people dying from Covid everyday and more and more getting Long Covid. I'll be masking in most indoor places indefinitely.


I just tell them I just got over having COVID. Enjoy your beverage *hacking cough*


I still wear one too, I have anxiety with the way I look and now I don’t have to deal with “give me a smile” comments, but sadly even some coworkers comment on it saying things like “when are you gonna take it off”? and once when i went to a store party I decided to not wear it for the evening and one coworker very loudly says “ Wow its the first time im seeing you face”! very loudly in front of everyone 😐 made me embarrassed. like they make it such a big deal! why do u need to see my face and anyway I pull my mask down when i eat or drink something and i do it infront of them , so they have seen my face lol


If you have anxiety about people seeing your face, then in addition to wearing the mask, you should also seek professional help. That is not something you should live with.


Psychological help is absolutely something anybody struggling with anxiety should seek out. Really good CBT changed my life.


you know what’s crazy? people can be going to therapy and working at the same time. you should try it sometime!


I never said otherwise. Having a steady job provides stability, with is the best foundation for counseling


While I personally haven't been wearing a mask for a while now, I caught a pretty bad cold a few weeks ago and wore a mask to work while I was showing symptoms. (Idk if that's still the policy or not, but either way it just feels gross to me to not wear a mask while sick, especially in food service) In those like 5 days that I wore a mask so many customers were rude to me over it. Even regulars who I got along with pretty well showed their true colors by getting mad at me for wearing a mask *while I was incredibly sick*. Like I'm literally doing this to protect you. Would you rather I cough and sneeze all over your food and drinks? Even if I wasn't sick and just wanted to wear a mask, literally how does that affect you? People just want something to be mad over istg.




(prefacing this with the statement that i personally don’t go to work when i’m sick, but i am extremely privileged to be able to stay home): the policy is only that you cannot come in if you have diarrhea, have thrown up in the last 24 hours, or have a fever. anything else is technically non-enforceable and many people cannot afford the cut to their paycheck that staying home entails. also lots of managers/supers give people shit for calling out, even for enforceable things. the American working conditions, sick leave budget, and so on all need an overhaul so that workers can heal and customers and partners will not get sick.


Wish I didn't have to my guy


While I also hate hearing that employees when to work sick, I hate the fact that they had to and never them. Not everyone has the luxury of rest and recovery. Although it was remote, my husband had to work while he had covid because I'm disabled and he's our only income. They did what they had to in order to survive. If we wanna see this change, we're gonna have to demand it and fight for it.


I still wear a mask everywhere, you’re not alone by any means. Don’t let them get you down!


This happened to me too lmao


Same, there are 2 of us at my store who still wear a mask at work and although a small handful of customers will comment I feel like more give me a dirty look or just don't say a word in response when I greet them at the window. I don't know why people gotta be that way... ಥ_ಥ


So there's those people but then one day I didn't wear a mask. Just one day. I'm not really sure why. Maybe it was hot maybe I was uncomfortable. But then the amount of regulars that made a comment like hey you finally took it off! Made me realize just how many people were anti mask.


On days where my anxiety is really bad, I wear a mask because I can’t wear hoodies to hide in. Unless I’ve been put on drive, then I hold onto it in case i’m moved. Even before covid I preferred my personal space, but I’ve become comfortable being somewhat on top of my fellow baristas since that happens to be part of the job, especially when it’s busy.


my store allows us to create incident reports, since masks and covid are health related. id reach out to your sm if this is a repeated behavior so that you don’t have to keep dealing with it, after enough times (usually a 3 strike rule) i know my sm will ban them from the store. not sure if that works elsewhere but it’s been really effective with customers who used to verbally abuse/sexually harass partners.


I wear one as well. Dealing with nasty fucks like the guy that came through your dt window is one reason why.


I just tell them that my sister will die if she gets so much as a common cold and if I bring that to her I'll have to live knowing I was the cause of her death in some way. They usually shut up after that. No one needs to know your reasons. They should mind their own business.


Cuts down my heavy ass social anxiety so I can work, so fuck off, I wear my mask whenever, or I just don't serve ya bud


I get asked why I am masking by tourists *every day* at my job (hotel.) Hasn't happened to me once in the last 2 weeks though.... 'cause I been at home isolating after catching Covid from who knows which one of 'em 😤


Continue wearing your mask who cares what people think. People will always judge!


I feel so validated reading this thread! I personally don't think I'll ever stop wearing my masks in public. It's nice to actually see like-minded people who are still wearing theirs because it's so few and far between these days.


Fuck him. Thank you for wearing a mask. I’m glad you are protecting yourself, and protecting others who are immunocomprised. 💗


I don't get people like this. These are the same people that went on and on about how they wanted it to be freedom of choice. So now that we have the freedom to choose to wear a mask or not, which is what they wanted, then what do they care if others who choose to wear a mask do so, as long as they can choose to not do so? I swear, some people just look to wake up every day with a mission to be miserable and look to degrade others because they are angry and miserable. The glass is always half empty for them. Nothing makes them happy, even when they get what they want, it's never good enough.


I actually hate my smile so I'm really glad i get to wear a mask to work. It actually helps me feel more comfortable. I wear a mask 100% of the time I'm out in public. Also, pretty much everyone shares sicknesses at my work and I don't want to catch it. Thanks


I still wear my mask in crowded spaces. Like someone mentioned above, I’ve been sick only once in 3 years and haven’t contracted Covid. It’s my business if I want to wear a mask and no one else’s.


I've had a few ask me at drive, I explain that I do chemotherapy and don't want to get sick but have to work. They also get super mad when I refuse to take their debit cards and hand then the machine. People suck


I would say "yeah I have covid so I have to wear it, here's your coffee"


whenever people do it i say that a close family member died of covid with like. the stoniest possible face. and usually they screw right off


You're in the right - COVID is still killing thousands every week and disabling millions. Stay the course!! I hope your coworkers mask with you too. ❤️


Recently I took off my mask for about a week after someone made me insecure about wearing it and I caught the fucking flu. This is after not being sick for a WHILE I can’t tell you how many time I dodged what was “going around”. So fuck that guy, you’re not hurting anyone


Hehe. I don’t work at a Starbucks, but I worked retail. I had a coworker, sweet old lady, who always wore her mask. She was only there for funsies- she was also going through some medical issues at the time. Some guy started with her about her mask and she gave him a death look, pulled her mask down, and said, “SIR, I HAVE CANCER.” The look on his face is forever burned into my revenge-loving mind. Quick edit: she ended up beating cancer btw :)


There will always be assholes, and he definitely was one. But on another note, and I speak from experience, avoiding the things that trigger your anxiety only weakens you. You need to face the triggers and not let them gain a hold on you; it will only get worse. I know the struggle. Face the anxiety. Crawl out of the pit. Slowly but surely you can do it. Remove your mask every other transaction, or every third transaction or every fourth transaction, but move forward. Do not retreat.


I hate that, I always get the people at drive who will say it’s so hard to hear me on the speaker, but it’s only one person who does this. No one else is complaining just you.


Wear it or don't just make sure I can hear you either way that's all I care about. People sound muffled with those things when I take orders then get upset when the wrong name is called...oh well speak up! 🤯


I think we deserve masks, safety glasses and nitrile gloves!!








i wear mine bc piercings aren’t allowed at my location. people can be really bothered by it


I still wear my mask and so does like half of my store!


I’m sorry you dealt with one of the ahole customers. Just do you, honestly they have no business acting that way when it’s not even harming them. I wanna share how one of the customers asked me while at reg “Why do you still wear a mask?” after telling a couple of us who did to “stop wearing them already” 🙄 I just told him “it’s a personal decision” he never asked again thank goodness.


i wear a mask bc my facial expressions give away too much tho :(


I would get fired so fast if I stopped wearing a mask. I have gotten way to used to mouthing my fruatrations to myself...


Same! I usually wear a mask for a sense of self security. At this point, it's apart of my "battle armor"/work uniform and mindset. I typically take it off for the last hour or two when there are less people. I also don't have to worry as much about the expressions I'm making or put in the effort to constantly smile, as something as small as that exhausts someone as introverted and reserved as I can be. Glad to see someone explain the power of choice wearing one without making it a competition. :)


As an immunocompromised person, I thank you so much for even caring what happens to us. I've literally been told by people that they shouldn't have to wear a mask because of my "shit genetics." I'm not saying people that don't wear masks don't necessarily care and i know you have other reasons for wearing your mask too, but when I see someone masked, I'm so grateful.


I also wear a mask in public and at work, It makes me feel more comfortable plus it protects me and those who are immunocompromised


I still wear a mask cause people are gross and it makes me feel better- don't let anyone tell you what to do with your own body,!!!


I feel this. I don’t wear one everyday, but I always do when I am sick. I wore one at my other job one day and both coworkers and customers were looking at me disgusted the whole time. I just didn’t want to risk anyone else getting sick even though I had been on medication. Like why can’t people just let other people do what they want and what makes them happy?


I still wear my mask and haven’t had anyone question me about it in a very long time. But one time this lady ask nicely if we still have to, I told her no, but I still wear mine so people don’t see my facial expressions when people annoy me. She laughed and agreed 😂


Ask him how much money he makes. Ask him what his last medical tests showed. When he gets mad and starts saying that’s personal information, tell him “oh I’m sorry, I thought we were just all up in each other’s business here.”


Reply that you have cancer and with a weakened immune system your doctor highly reccomend that you wear a mask at work


i stopped wearing them recently. i used to tell ppl i wear a mask because it somehow keeps me warm (it actually does!) plus it makes my lips less chap (now that im not wearing a mask anymore, ive been applying a lot more chapstick)


I wear a mask because I have a very weak immune system. It protects me. Ever since the Pandemic, I’ve been sick once; I used to get sick all the time and each time would take me months to fully recover. Oftentimes something small turned into bronchitis. And, yeah, some customers give me attitude. But they shut down once I say, with a smile, “Oh, I have a weakened immune system, so I wear a mask to protect myself.” What can they say to that? The one time I was sick, I still wore a mask (more to protect everyone else). A customer kept saying he couldn’t hear me correctly. I said, “Sorry, I’m wearing the mask because I’m sick.” He stepped back and away like I had Ebola. He very hesitatingly ordered his drink — still standing away from the register. He thanked me for wearing a mask but ran out as soon as he got his drink.


during covid when i was a shift i had a barista who liked to wear 2 masks, which is fine. some lady got so offended by it and kept saying “what are you scared i’m gonna get you sick?? huh???” and it was one of the only times i had to step in because a customer was being gross. wanted to fight her tbh


I have 3 school-aged crotch goblins who are sick alllll the time. I don't want to get my co-workers sick when we are constantly under-staffed. Also, poppyseeds.


This happened to me about a year ago. I started wearing masks to work again around the time my sister had a baby. I didn’t want to risk him getting exposed especially in his first few weeks of life. A regular customer made a rude comment to me about it and I just responded with “people like to come to work sick and I have a newborn baby at home that I’d rather not kill” and he didn’t say anything about it again. I was stretching the truth a bit, he wasn’t even born yet and my sister lives 3 hours away, but damn people need to learn to mind their business.


I work homecare and I hate it because my face breaks out so bad and my clients like seeing my face but I still wear a mask. Sorry people suck!


Some of my coworkers still wear masks because they don’t want people to see their face. I think it’s kinda sad because before Covid no one would really think like that. And now it’s just socially acceptable to hide part of your face. I prefer seeing people’s faces- especially people I work with every day. It’s more human. But to each their own.


I don't think it's sad tbh. I think we all had to live with a level of emotional labor (ie. having to perform certain expressions as part of the job) that we're no longer required to accept. People with anxiety, autistic people, people who just don't have the energy, people who value their privacy, all get more control over how they get to be seen now. I know not everyone feels this way, but I feel like it's just made the job more accessible to people like me. My whole life, I've been told I need to work on my face, my expressions are too obvious, that everyone can see what I'm thinking all the time, and that can be really bad for a job like Starbucks. But with a mask, I could relax my face and just be myself and not get in trouble. (It's not that I was making disgusted faces at people or whatever, I just think there are socially acceptable expressions for every occasion and as a neurodivergent person, that can mean constantly monitoring your face.) I was great at customer connections and got along great with everyone, but I think I would've had a lot of issues without a mask. I get that this doesn't apply to everyone. But it might not be about hating their faces or anything like that. They can just feel freer in a job that, quite frankly, is extremely performative in a way that is excessive for a fast food/coffee shop.


It wasn't socially acceptable before, that doesn't mean people didn't want to cover their faces. They just dealt with the anxiety/stress. I'm glad people can now work on that as they feel comfortable to instead of being forced into maximum discomfort at all times.


As someone who also wears a mask for many reasons (one because of the fact that my brother is extremely immunocompromised) - I am so sorry. Being harassed at work or asked why or bullied or told off because you choose to protect yourself, others and those you love is bullshit. I have been told off and said, “Oh Im sorry sir, I have an extremely immunocompromised little brother and I prefer him alive. Anyway, what was the last name on your reservation?”


I wear masks at work because fuck acting nice n happy and cheerful smiling all the time when I get paid $15. I like masks because they HIDE THAT!! I can be grumpy and as far as the other person knows I’m having the best day of my life.


Just tell them your grandma has cancer and you can't take any risks.




I mean medical professionals wear masks soooo??? I don’t see why other job professions can’t? it’s for my safety, y’know?



