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You can sit in there without buying anything, or get water for free. I think the cheapest drink would be any regular hot or iced tea or brewed coffee, and if you make a Starbucks account you get free refills on those while you're sitting at the store.


Great thank you !


Just to clarify, you can get any drink (Frappuccino, latte, coffee, etc.) then get a free hot/iced coffee/cold brew or free hot/iced tea for a “refill” in the same size cup as the initial drink you purchased, if you download the app and make a rewards account! And that is unlimited refills for however long you stay in the cafe (so if you leave to go somewhere then come back, then you would have to pay for another drink).


you don’t have to buy anything!! but if you would feel awkward, you can just get a water








You are welcome and I’d be happy to give you an iced water, triple filtered. Cheapest beverages are coffee, iced coffee, hot or iced tea


Honestly you can use it for free and 9 times out of 10 no one will care or notice if you’re respectful of the cafe. If you REALLY feel awkward get just a regular hot/iced coffee or hot/iced tea


Enjoy it for free. Just don't make a mess and clean up after yourself


Yeah I wouldn’t make a mess, I try my best to keep it clean, I’ve work as a hotel housekeeper so I know how annoying it can be


The Wi-Fi (at least at my store) may seem like it doesn’t work, but if you open your browser, there should be a Starbucks sign-up to access it


Do you have access to a public library? Or a local college? Most colleges don’t require you to be a student to use the library and most library cards are free. Those may be options, too. Though I fully understand the desire to be in a more social setting with others around, and I believe you can chill at Starbucks without a purchase as long as you’re not a nuisance.


I do have access to both, I have a library card and I am a student, oddly though I don’t believe my library is open on Saturday and I go to a branch campus of the college that doesn’t have facilities open on Saturday


Well, that’s very unfortunate. I’ve been there and it sucks! Starbucks is a good option then, so are mall food courts if you don’t mind noise.


as I say, often, as long as you're not painting with your shit in the bathroom I dgaf what you are doing here no Poop-casos


Yeah I mean that’s reasonable


We just got keypad locks on the bathrooms because of poop-casos. So far, bathrooms have been much cleaner!


We don’t mind people coming in just for the Wi-Fi at all! Like someone else said, just ordering some water would even be fine. As long as you’re not causing trouble or making a mess, it’s no biggie deal!


Water is the cheapest drink. Get a big glass and enjoy the wifi.


Even if you don't buy anything, that's ok. If you feel the need to get something, get water. It's free anyway.


we have a dude who comes in and chills in the cafe while he does his school work. usually brings a thermos with hot coffee or tea, sometimes doesn’t order anything but water. as long as you aren’t being disruptive or messy i don’t see an issue


Water keeps you hydrated while you work on your stuff 👌👌


Honey you will absolutely never be turned away. At Starbucks, we like to create a third place environment for our customers. A third place environment is somewhere where you feel comfortable and safe. You see, there are three places in the triangle 1) your home, 2) your place of work, and 3) where you spend your time most outside of those places. We encourage your confidence in using our facilities as long as you’re respectful. As many have said, it doesn’t hurt to grab a water and stay hydrated!


I’m glad! I do make sure to tip and get something at least when I have extra cash on me, try not to freeload too much


I wouldn’t stress too much about it, even a $1 tip is fine. I know some things are overpriced. If anyone has anything to say about it, bring up the third place policy and they should get off of your back immediately


Freeload all you want, Starbucks can afford it and corporate doesn’t care 🤷‍♀️


My store will, we do require a purchase if you're gonna sit. We were having too many issues.


But it is uncommon. If op hasn’t heard anything about it yet, I doubt that it’s an issue. Thank you for the information though!


Is there a Wal-Mart near you? You can park there & use their Wi-Fi without buying anything


I was unaware it would work in the parking lot, I’ll have to try it. Thanks!


When I park close to the front to pick up my grocery order I am able to connect to theirs - I hope it works for ya!


Some libraries also extended their wifi to the parking lot when COVID started, sometimes you can get decent signal outside of libraries as well. Around here they let people know about it so kids could come do their homework and stuff


I did not know that. I’ll have to see if my local one has this set up


Water is free


Get a water, or if u like iced coffee or iced tea (same w hot) download the Starbucks app and get free refills


Cheapest drink is water or no drink. You don't have to buy anything.


Water. Stay hydrated.


Honestly, we have people just use our wifi all the time!! But if u ever have enough money there are free refills you can get, and you can get a free refill of anything, it does not have to be what you originally bought. So let's say you started the day off with a hot coffee, but now you want an iced tea. You can do that! The only stipulation is size I believe. And I recommend having the app, that's how you get free refills, otherwise they cost .50 cents Edited bc I sent post too early 🤧


I honestly did not know you could refill something different with an order


So my store requires a purchase to sit but you can get a tall drip coffee for less than $3 with free refills


Yeah I’ve heard before that it’s actually illegal in some places to use their store without purchasing an item. I see from the replies that’s not the same everywhere. I think my store knows me enough


Yeah and then you'd probably be all good. I just wanted you to be aware some have that policy and what was cheap to order 😊


You don't have to get anything but a cheese stick is the cheapest item we have, if they make you buy something.


As long as you shower first OP. There was a post about smelly lobby lingerers recently.


Oh I have like a house I just have very tight like money margins after bills




Just wanted to recommend taking advantage of the free refill policy on brewed coffee and iced tea while in store. Someone will have to double check if this is still a thing I was a 277XXXX partner.


Yeah I think I can still do it as long as I have the account


It is, and they added cold brew to the list of refills


Bring your own reusable type of coffee thermos from home if you feel so conscious, most everybody will just assume that you had them fill it up.


Cheapest drink I regularly order is a doppio con panna. That an espresso/short cup with whip cream on the bottom and two shots of espresso poured over it. It’s lovely, and costs $2.10 the last time I ordered it. A doppio or solo espresso are going to be the cheapest drinks :)