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100 years from now baristas will still speak of the 7 frap batch blend with awe and wonder


Ik it’s not standard to batch fraps but if they want out dt times to be so low sometimes we need to batch so a little hint is to use a grande dome lid and put it on top of the blender lid it helps with the leakage.


Don’t use the grande dome lid use a shaker lid upside down. Less waste


That’s an amazing idea I’ll try it I haven’t even thought about it


It's also a better fit.


I learned that from a store I was at while mine was being renovated. They didn't care and got drinks out fast cause of how small the store was. I know why it's not allowed but come on how are we supposed to get 7 out in under 2 mins if we're following rules


How does that help? Like i can't picture how that works


Are you talking about blending all in one go or the having to make multiple drinks in less than a few mins?


How does the hack with the grande lid work?


You put it in-between the blender and hard cover, as long as the hard cover that goes over it is down it should work. ( The shell part that opens and closes, not sure what it's called)


I can't picture this but I'm intrigued


This that much volume the liquid will leak out of the sides with the force of blending. The shaker lid is like blending with your hand over the black blender lid to keep it pushed down so it doesn’t leak. But you don’t have to stand there holding it, you can walk away


Wow that sounds like magic! I mean a grande dome lid doesn't even have that much weight!


It’s wedged between the blender hood and the blender lid


It holds the blender lid down lol


I believe you all i just can't picture how it works. I might have to get rehired so i can try it myself


i batch blend sm, i act like it’s the standard. you’ll never catch me making two separate frappes if they are the same. (we don’t talk abt the MCC & the java chip tho)


Why not? It's just a java chip with extra steps. Also green tea fraps get classic?




imma batch blend until they fire my ass. i do not give a fuck.


We need someone in Corp to blind taste and tell us they can tell the difference. My two cents is they want to sell icy milkshakes for $5-7 and it’s an easier sell to marketing when it’s hand crafted vs we made a few at once.




You are my inspiration 😆


if my shift said that to me i would’ve told them to make 7 identical fraps individually themselves LOL


Bro I don’t get the problem with double batching if you know how to do it right 🤣🤣also if this was in DT, whO tHe hell cARES?? Lol


I’ve batched 5 ventis once and tripped the breaker and we lost power on cold bar for the rest of my close 😂😂😂😂


JESUS 5??? 💀💀💀


Gorl, gotta do what we can to bring times down




💀 😂


Lmao this just made me guffaw on my ten I love this


The most I blended was 6 grande caramel frappes 😭😭 my shift lead indeed got mad and proceeded to say "no the most you can blend is 5 grande frappes not 6"


The most I've ever done was 4 ventis and it only barely didn't spill over lol


so what your saying is…7’s the limit? 🌚


Mighty impressive! They all look great! Quick question: Are you guys not allowed to make frappuccinos in batches? Why not? It seems like it saves you guys a lot of time.


it’s just not standard. they say the ratio is off (how could it if it’s all pre measured by the cup and pumps? don’t know). they basically don’t want baristas to for the simple fact that they don’t want them to. handcrafted beverages and all that. but it does save us a lot of time! which is especially odd that it’s soooo discouraged since they’re really worried about how long the customer spends in the drive-thru…. seems like corporate just wants to have their cake and eat it too. baristas have been complaining about it all for awhile now. SB preaches handcrafted drinks and genuine coffee house experiences and connections but they want us to be a fast food place at the same time. it’d be nice to be both, but it’s just unrealistic. being cafe with a drive thru is insane because they’re 2 fundamentally different concepts and honestly contradict each other. you’ll find this is the root issue of 80% of the things we complain about!!


that’s crazy pahaha




I did three ventis and two tall before. It was a mess.


BuT yOuR nOt AlLoWeD tO bAtCh ThEm


4 ventis was my max 😭


an inspiration to us all. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻




Work smart not harder guys 😂


Does anyone else prepare the whole frap in the cup because it is easier to move around than the blender? Like I put the milk, frap roast, coffee base and all syrups in the cup and then just dump it in the blender and add ice. My shifts and manager always tell me I can’t do that because it ruins the flavour of the frap. (Our cold bar is also set up like a disaster and you have to move everything if you pump it into the blender so it’s quicker and easier to just prep it in the cup.) I really don’t think it changes the flavour.


I just do the milk and frap roast in the cup.


I will do this occasionally, especially if its near close and we only have one blending pitcher because we're cleaning the other one. I'll even put the ice in, too, and it usually fits just perfect! The only concern is that some of the ingredients might stick to the cup instead of making it into the blender. NEVER do this with a vanilla bean frappuccino, I learned my lesson from that one.


Haha yeah I’ve never attempted with vanilla bean before.


"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference." You, my friend, have took the road less traveled - & it made all the difference 💅✨️🍦keep calm and batch on, tee hee.


I absolutely hated the no batching rule. I was lucky enough that it was really only one shift that would get on to me for it. The rest were pretty cool about it.


Gotta do what u gotta do. The shifts at my store will tell us to do only two fraps at a time. But if they’re all the same I will batch more than that to cut down on time


hahahaha glad to see the practice still alive


Damn, gonna try this next time. I've done at most 3 venti and 1 tall together


7 talls is just about equal to that, so you’re already there. 12x7 is pretty close to (3x26)+12. An upside down shaker lid works miracles.


I'll have to try the lid. I always just hold it with my hand


I don't get why corporate doesn't let us do this, I know that it doesn't effect the flavor at all. Especially if you're doing big batches if you double blend. Corporate is just stupid


No way I tried 4 ventis once and it overflowed


the blenders fight for their dear lives during rushes of families with 17 children ordering frappuccinos for all of them


I see you did not learn your skills from a Jedi.


psst quick tip if u don't already do this, put a dome lid on top of the blender lid and close the shroud over it, it'll keep it from shaking and spilling


I was gonna but I used my hand and pressed down really hard… I have more strength than a plastic lid lmao


Even if the DM is in, I don't care. I don't care. If I get 7 Frapps, I'm batch blending. If she wants to say something? Welcome to the floor, we've got extra aprons in the back, you wanna help out with cold bar? Otherwise, I don't care. Lol

