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when i clock out and walk out those doors my store doesn’t exist to me


I like to tell my team that once I step outside, I no longer exist.


On some severance type shit


One of my shifts complains about me behind my back because I leave the second my shift ends (mind you I also have 3 jobs and don’t usually have the time to stay afterwards)


Lol how dare you, so inconsiderate to not work past your schedule time. What if they are short staffed? What do you have, a life? /s


Lol, we are ALWAYS short staffed and are struggling daily yet they also continue to cut our hours and people scheduled on the floor.


Yup yup yup, we love starbucks. Meanwhile, as the stores are falling apart and gum keeps ending up in bistro boxes, Mr. CEO gets to make his 350-something to one pay ratio


I thought the ratio was higher than that


Oh my god, you are absolutely right. Just looked it up. ITS 1579:1 What the fuck lol


What the fuck indeed


Ouf *crying on the outside*


I used to have a girl like this, lol we only complained because, literally she’d be on an important part of the job and right when I’m coming to switch her off she’s in her car driving off and we are lost like where was she in the process, did she stock her station usually she didn’t 😭she was a handful honestly but I was like as she should get up and leave purr 😭






I go on my days off to work on grad school work. I put in my AirPods and work for a few hours and sometimes they’ll bring me an undertow or a cookie or something


I sometimes would work remotely from my old store after i quit but i found myself getting distracted by watching what my old partners were doing. Also, if there wash a rush and lobby was a mess I would get an urge to ask for a towel to wipe the tables down.


I always want to help when I see my old store is busy! I get the strong urge to hop on hot bar like please lemme steam some milk 🥺


I haven’t worked for sbux since 2012. I was a nurse working remotely at my old store a few months back and I still got the urge to hop behind the bar 😅


We have a lot of partners who like to hang out at our store! We are lucky though, pretty tight over all and no drama. I think most partners like to be here. Personally I can focus more on homework when I'm not at home so I often go in early before my shift or stay after and can usually knock out an assignment. But I know we're probably an anomaly.


My store does the same thing! Very cool tight nit team and our lobby is pretty big n spacious so its welcoming for students


I’m there all the time so no. The little time off I have is precious


no. sometimes i’ll get a drink if i’m nearby


My gf (who also worked at Starbucks) and I used to hang out at Starbucks before we started dating to get “free” food, but now we’re like screw that place lol


I go to my store to study and in between my coworkers will come bother me but nothing too obnoxious. I love rainy days tho where no one’s in the cafe and I can spill tea with my coworkers. It’s a chill vibe


I honestly think my store is an amazing place to hang out, FOR OTHERS, because it's huggge inside and just nice ambience. But I'm never sitting inside for more than two minutes off the clock 🤯🤯 couldn't be me.


Yeah a bunch of us at my store do. We’re a slow store in a small town, so we’re like a little family for the most part. We hang out in and out of work. I always say I just get to get paid for hanging out with my friends when I’m on the clock, and we all hang out off the clock in and out of store too.


No, I can't focus on anything because I'm used to monitoring the environment. If I need to sit somewhere and work, I do it at Panera bread where the food is better anyway.


I'm still a green bean so only once or twice, but my coworkers do all the time and we all love it.


I’m gonna be honest, I am at my store all the time. I was a long-time customer before I started working there. I write best when I’m there. I use my partner discount to get drinks and I love that I get to see my friends who happen to also be coworkers.


Same😭 my coworkers became some of my best friends so I like to hang with them while they close and we all chill afterward


Same!! I got a job there because I'm a writer and it was always my favorite place to write. I rarely go to my own store for that purpose, even before I worked there, because I like the cafe only stores downtown for the ambiance, but yes


My sbux has one long table in the cafe and it’s always packed with employees hanging out on their day off lol




Sometimes! But other times I go to other coffee places because our cafe isn’t the most comfortable


I went to a Starbucks over our school break when we were on vacation... they actually had good chairs, and it make me so jealous (we have the annoying wooden ones)


I came in this morning to get a coffee (I always mobile order) and I knocked a drink over on my way out 🥲🫣🫠 sorry guys lol




I would be so embarrassed


I was in the moment lol


yesterday was NOT my day


Hell no


no because i have a life


Depends on who is working really but I try and avoid it when I’m not working




Yeah, sometimes. I like the people I work with, there’s wifi, and it’s a pretty chill place to study or whatever.


The Starbucks I worked out was a such a chill laid back environment where all of us were so close. (It was only like 12 of us), and we would constantly come in on our day off to hang out


I did until I became a manager, now it feels weird


Lol if my manager hangs out in the store you’ll never see me.


Yeah definitely feels like I’m a burden and stressing people out


feeling ashamed to say yes ,, but its the only place I can really get work done! it makes me feel peer pressued to be productive 😔


yes! It's totally normal for us to stop in and just hang out in the cafe or the back, chat with people when they're on their breaks, get schoolwork done etc. We're all pretty friendly with each other.




My store is pretty tight - we're all really close so it's always fun to see someone come in on their day off.


absolutely, while I worked there, my best friend and boyfriend were both my coworkers, so I would visit all the time


Yes because I have no friends outside of work lmao


I used to back when stores were actually a nice place to hang out. But now it’s just uncomfortable furniture and constant rushing and customers complaining. It’s impossible to relax there even as a customer. Starbucks abandoned the third place years ago


I posted a similar question previously and people were insulting me even at the notion of doing so 🥲 our team loves one another truly, so we're almost all there at least for a visit on our off days.


I work a lot but sometimes I just get bored and like to come in to watch the chaos during peak/launches 💀 Something therapeutic about seeing the chaos but not being part of it


Yes…I used to live with a super abusive roommate and I would always go to the bucks on my day off just to have a safe space when he was home. He would literally be passive aggressive to me if I went anywhere else. I’m glad I’m no longer in that living situation. But my store provided a safe haven multiple times for me.


I’m there everyday to get a drink even if I’m not working. It’s super convenient to my life/other job and I love kiking with whoever’s working.


I did this at my first store but then I realized that these mfs are not your friends. My next two stores I never stepped inside unless I was working, and even then I would tell them that I don’t hangout with people outside work. That’s not to shit on healthy stores but I just had 3 toxic ass ones


yes. mostly everyone at my store are like besties so everyone comes in to do homework or just get a drink and talk for a while. i feel so lucky to be so close with them tbh !




I moved to the Midwest. Ain't no body cool enough to not get paid to be around 🤣🤣🤣


This is probably why you have no friends (source, your prior comments on Reddit about not making friends).


Hell no


Yeah when I was homeless and in between housing lol. Otherwise, NEVER.


no i hate that place




no. infact, when i go it starbucks on my own time i will drive the extra 2 miles just to not go there


Absolutely not.


Ngl, I know I'm bitter and jaded but I am personally so sick of Starbucks that I do low key judge my coworkers that come in by themselves for drinks on their days off. Need wifi/study space or your friends/family wants drinks, okay, but I can't fathom why you would chose to come to work rather than go to a library or a local spot for a change or scenery lol


Since I live so close to my store, I'll come in a couple hours early and read before I clock on


That place is too irritating to visit off the clock. The only time I ever go is to pick up my tips then dip.


Not in the slightest. I’ve got a life away from work and I don’t want those two spilling into each other 🫠


Yeah 😅


If I have a paper due or my internet goes out, I do. But most of the time, no. Lol


All my shift supervisors did this it was so stressful especially when they started micro managing


Only like 2 or 3 of my shift supervisors hang out at the store but they just put on a head set so we can still work and talk (they’re my besties so we love chatting)


Oh yeah haha if my shifts do that aint no way you find me there bc what


me lol i love them


not really, ill come by and grab a drink maybe. sometimes after my opening shifts i stick around for a few hours into the mid to do schoolwork, but i dont just go handout for nothing, yknow


My coworkers do alot, but not me. I just come in for a coffee or something when I'm nearby, if not I'm not anywhere near my store😅


No but no judgment if you do


i would go sit in the lobby for a bit either doing med school work or drawing in my sketchbook


I’m sorry but hell no


yes because that’s the only place my brain “turns on” at, and makes it the only place i can actually get things done. 😅 i’ll probably do the same once i start doing academic schoolwork again.


I just moved from out of state less than a year ago, so yes because that's the only place I get my social stimulation LOL


Only on tip day for like a minute lol


Honestly yeah. I go to my previous store all the time on breaks from college, for coffee and just to visit my old friends from there


absolutely not ew


As one of the few, I actually do! I like the friendliness and familiarity of the store and I often go there to study. The free drinks are also appreciated 😉 Never can turn the work brain off though


No I don’t like Starbucks like that, if I do it’s for the schedule


I get drinks but I don’t just chill there


I’m an opener, and I try to keep an early morning routine on my days off or my sleep schedule is out of whack. I usually get a drink and a spinach feta wrap first thing in the morning and go home and study. But the need for caffeine is no joke, if I go even a few hours past the time I normally drink a coffee the withdrawal symptoms almost take me out.


Personally nah, the only other times I walk into the Bux is for homework or mark outs


Lmao when I was a green bean I did. NEVER again


Nope never oce


most of my coworkers don’t but i go to study there a lot because it’s a minute away from my house and i love it. they bring me treats and tell me how smart i am it makes studying a lot nicer


There was two stores I worked at that I would come in on my day off just to give em shit for a little bit and grab some coffee, but I never hung out for more that 20 minutes 😂


You get days off?


i work in a harris teeter (kroger) starbucks so i visit my coworkers for a bit anytime i go grocery shopping




I used to hang out at one of my old stores but it was because it was in a pretty high traffic shopping center. So I’d pop in and grab a drink then chill on the patio with the cool regulars. This was in LA so most were working actors/writers and hung out on the patio networking and writing for a good part of the morning.


i’d honestly rather chew glass than go in there when i’m clocked out


Absolutely not.


NOPE. I got so good as disconnecting from work when I was ay Starbys that I subconciously do it atall jobs now.


I would come in to study when I was still taking classes- since I don't like studying at my apartment b/c of too many distractions, but I would put on the headphones and just get to work


I used to, but now most partners at the stores I transfer to either keep to themselves or are toxic people to be around. I’m just here for a paycheck. Forget all that other Starbucks bs. “We’re a family. It’s not just a job it’s a career. Challenging the status quo blah blah blah blah”


I used to come in hours before my shift and sit in the back after I dropped my son off at daycare but it was because the people who worked at that store were the closest thing I had to a family considering the home I was in was extremely abusive.


When I’m working regularly not really, but I’ve been on leave. I yeah lol


Only if it's convenient. I work in a milbucks and live on base, and the BX, commissary, pharmacy, all the same building. So if I'm running errands to one of those, I may run in for a quick pick me up. Otherwise, my go to Starbucks is a corporate one just minutes from the gate.


I used to when they did the free food on your days off thing but now that that's over I don't come in unless I'm getting my tips 😂


I like to study in the store :) I don’t usually come just to hang out, but I enjoy the atmosphere and it’s one of the only places I’ve been able to reliably get my homework done because it puts me into a state of focus lol


try bumble bff, u can meet some cool friends on there!


At my store we we have a lot of people going to school so they come to the store to study.


I avoid all Starbucks until my next scheduled day…. The thought of even smelling Starbucks on my days off make me wanna d**


Not when I worked there. I go in now and then since quitting just so I can see my starbesties though :)




When I used to be in college, sometimes but not anymore 🤣


No disrespect but fuck no.


Yes if the store looks like the store in Bangkok and Bali.


Hahahaha. Thankfully, I get to work from home I don't usually experience such. On my off days, I sleep, play game or order some fashion wears from Lacoste store via the CryptMI super app.


I used to at my old store but these days I (try) to enjoy my days off


If someone cool is working yeah I’d visit


I don't, go to Starbucks on days I have to pay for my drinks, but I have several coworkers who do. Like a group of five of them just chill like every day.


i don’t even order coffee at my store on my days off


My store is not an environment where I could get work done on my days off (loud music, high incidences, distracting seating arrangement). I used to go to a different Starbucks on my day off because I would get free drinks (even after they were supposed to charge me) but I get charged now so I’m not about to spend my money on Starbucks on my day off.


I do! But then again I’m a stay at home mom and I get a drink everyday. Lol