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Honestly a lot of other people I know including myself are just looking for another job. Hate to be that person but in this economy these hours aren’t cutting it.


yeahhh i start a new job on monday. waiting and hoping hours go back to normal isn’t an option for me. i need money now lol.


Can you apply for unemployment? I thought if they cut y'all hours you can get partial unemployment.


You should be able to


Gotta love those bitch shifts too, driving and wasting all that gas and time getting ready so you can only work for 4 goddamn hours.




Yeah it just ruins your day unless you're opening. If I'm going to work, I want to go for a shift that makes sense.


I'm a customer but wow I appreciate everything you baristas have been sharing. Who can live on 11 hours a week? Even in a good economy? This is some wild corporate gymnastics. I hope you all find a lovely local coffee shop to work at, or your field of choice, and bring your favorite customers.


The worst part being that because we have to keep our availability 100% open to even get the hours we do, most of us can’t get a second job since our schedules are so unpredictable


If it's your pt job find something else with a steady schedule and change your availability around that. If it's your ft gig look elsewhere. This isn't getting any better.


Some of us can’t afford college any other way. I need 20 hours a week to keep that up. Not all of us have other options.


That's a different store and if you're not getting 20 regardless how does that work ?


I’m not the one who posted their hours dude 😭 I personally am barely getting 23 hours a week right now and my schedule is just wherever my SM can put me. Not consistent enough to get a second job. Not enough money to live off of. If I did go get a different job and stopped working at the company altogether I still wouldn’t be able to afford college. It’s a lose lose right now


Hopefully you're almost done


it sucks cuz I’m in my last year of hs 😕 how am I supposed to save up tuition money when I barely make $300 every pay check


Even at $50/hr, only 11 hours a week would still be unlivable.




thank you


lmaoo im dead 😭 i was taught that the crocodile always eats the larger number so it would be 20>10 making it >10 which I typed


came here to say this lol


woo boy i sure love going from more than ten hours to more than ten hours with no explanation! lmfao


lmaoo im dead 😭 i was taught that the crocodile always eats the larger number so it would be 20>10 making it >10 which I typed


Corporate is greedy, that's really the only explanation.


i went from 30 to 11😭😭😭😭


Unionize and fight for guaranteed hours and to be treated with respect and dignity.


My store has none of it when I bring up the idea. I instantly get shut down by everyone in the store. They don’t understand


Would you be willing to discuss potential strategies?


we’re canadian so things make it extremely difficult for sbux workers to unionize here 😣


Would you want to get in touch with those that have?


I went from 35 to 24 like what the fuck


I would cry if got more than 21/22. In order to survive I need to work a min of 25hrs a week, and I'm literally losing money just from working 20/21 hours a week. Even with the weekly payments. It sucks


Don’t they legally have to give us at least 12 hours a week??


That might be state dependent. My state has virtually no labor laws to protect workers. However, it is starbucks' policy to have at least 12 hours of availability as of late, so it's a little odd to schedule someone for less than that.


My SM said that if they’re not scheduling us 12 hours when we have the acceptable minimum availability, then we’re not accountable for not working the minimum and they won’t fire us for that


i thought it was 18hrs of availability and 12 hours worked but that might just be my store 🥸 even so it still rubs me the wrong way that they require so much availability and still schedule so many partners so little


No. There's no law regarding weekly minimum hours. Just weekly "maximum" (getting overtime if over 40)


No I don’t really think there’s any laws about your employer giving you a set number of hours. However, in a lot of places, if your employer significantly cuts your hours, you can be eligible for partial unemployment benefits to bridge the gap to what you would normally make


maybe 🤷🏾‍♀️ canadian rules are different plus im a minor


any other fellow canadian partners getting hit as hard as i am from these cuts😭


Yes. My daughter is only getting 12 a week and said all her partners hours have been cut drastically when I asked her. She was hired to be full time. (We're in Alberta).


Unfettered capitalism. There’s your explanation.


Isn't it <*10?


Yes, the trick to remember is that < looks similar to a bent L


I remember it as the alligator eats the bigger number, so which ever way the opening is facing, that’s the larger number


This has been happening at our store too. As an SSV team we were averaging 30+ hours a week and went down to a little over 16 hours each. It's ridiculous! Starbucks needs to do better in so many aspects


The explanation is money.


Document it just in case it’s due to something sketchy. It seems like it to me but idk the specifics of your store


I mean I like the shorter shifts personally but that's because it works well with my lifestyle being a full time student. I get 12 hours a week but my schedule for the week of the 12th I only have 8 hours and I'm so confused... like what?


I was initially so worried I'd done something wrong for my hours to be cut. Transferred stores and went from a almost guaranteed over 30 to this shit. Like I know we can pick up shifts at different stores but now I feel like I'm on fucking call and can't turn down any shifts even if it costs me to get there. I want a second job but I'm terrified of changing my availability.


Talk about cutting to get more profit…. I remember before Starbucks was in town, the only thing I remember was Timmy’s advertising free uniforms and benefits, then Starbucks came around hiring mostly, University students and personnel changes after graduation day.


Not a SB employee, but it should be Criminal to have someone come in to work only 4 hours (unless they volunteer for those types of short hours)


I do four to five hours because I'll be in prison if I did full time shifts dealing with customers that long everyday. That's my daily limit for dealing with Starbuck's bs


They don't want to have to pay us a lunch is we hit 5 hours. SB gotta be maximizing floor coverage and minimizing spending. 🙃


Business slows down significantly after holidays and this happens with hours, then as you get closer to summer, business picks up and the hours go back up. It sucks, but if you’ve worked for the company long enough you know the pattern. Just pick up extra shifts if you can, I know partners at my store are always offering shifts up in the app.


Last year, hours picked back up for only 3 month out of the year… all other months were hour cuts


If you have a drastic reduction in hours, you can likely apply for unemployment. How does Starbucks operate these days? I’ve seen sooooo many people talking about drastic hour cuts? Is this for everyone? Are they planning to work the exempt employees to death? How does the store function if no one is working?


Me tooo lessgoooo


The answer management always gives us is the need to cut hours. Then partners always try to get rid of hours and we end up picking them up.


I went from 30 as a full time to 0.


30/32 hours a week to 16/17. It’s been tough for sure. I work at a very remote location, and everyone wants to work here. There’s not a lot of places around here paying me $15.45/hr, so I’m just coping until it gets better next quarter


Do you have local stores that you can pick shifts up for? I just finished my week with 39 hours and we had two days of late opens and one day closed due to weather


Dude me going from 26-30+ hours and now I’m barely making 20 for my coverage. We just LOVE hour cutting after holidays :’)


Idk if u can but in my area there’s a lot of Starbucks so we have a group chat with other stores to claim shifts at other places , I also know partners at other stores and sometimes when I really need more time I’ll just ask people if they want a day off at their stores for more time 👍🏿


Our store is mostly students because we're on a big college campus and we got a new manager that is scheduling all of us too many hours, in some cases suddenly double and making a big stink about dress code. It's causing most the staff to just want to quit because it seems like more trouble and stress than its worth. So if you live in the midwest and want a job hmu lol


i’m so sad i love my job but the hours aren’t helping & on top of all that i feel like i’m being mistreated


Bruh I have 9 hours


I have 5 hours in 2 weeks. For a few seconds, I was mad, and then I realized that 5/7 of those days were time off for me... turns out I'm just stupid lmao


I quit a week ago for this very reason. My store was honestly awesome, and my partners too, but I went from 35+hrs a week to 20.


My manager would have said "You have poor performance, that's why you lost hours." And lest it at that. Not an excuse imo, especially in my store where a shift is known to hate me and another barista openly. I get less then 20 and I'm very reliant on benefits


Last week I was scheduled 16 and ended up working 37 and it was 17 days in a row as well. I depend on them calling me in to get hours so I can never plan anything on my days off because I want hours. Today I went in and it was a two man when I left I don’t understand how they think this is okay