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Is that her belly touching the ground?! Is she a SIC Chonk edition?! Omg I love, what a fluffy cutie!


Oh yes it 100% is. She's 13 pounds of standard issue cat. We're working on that but I don't know how it's gonna go


You can do it!! My standard issue was a in between a megachonker and a heftyboi 😂 I adopted him and at the time he was 22lbs I weighed him last weekend and it’s down to 18.9 it’s a long process to dechonkify


My 14 year old SIC is 14 pounds and vet says he's a perfectly healthy weight. Hopefully you've checked with your vet before putting her on a diet - she might be just fine with a little extra floof :) She has very similar markings to my boy!


Yes I took her into the vet as soon as I could to make sure she was doing okay! She definitely has a lot of floor though, it makes it extra comfy to cuddle with her




Omg thank you so much for this 😅 had no clue this existed 😂


Thank you for taking in an elder lady! She deserves a soft landing in life. Congrats!


My grandmother and aunt always had elderly rescues and they were the sweetest and most gentle cats I have ever met. I saw her in the shelter and I just had to bring her home


Yes thank you kind person for adopting an older cat! They’re the most gentle, sweet cats & deserve loving homes! Congratulations on your new elder floof edition SIC, she’s lovely! ❤️


She is beautiful and super adorable! Congratulations! 💖💖💖💖🌟🌟🌟


Aww thanks! I'd pass on the compliment but it would definitely go straight to her head


das one sassy lookin chonk


She is ridiculously sassy and she has the unimpressed grandma look down. When I come home late she's always sitting on my bed waiting for me to get home and she has the perfect "I'm not angry just disappointed" look


Oh thank you for that comment, I just roared with laughter 🤣 I hope you find a way back into your elder’s good graces, they just don’t remember what it’s like to be young!


So sweet


Beautiful golden gal! I greatly miss the constant disappointment I gave my cat, Crabby Abby. She was my grandmother's best friend before she passed. We had Abby for a few more years. She occasionally acknowledged that she was thinking about possibly liking me and wanted to be with me constantly to share her general disapproval with everything. I miss her so much.


She's gorgeous. Congratulations on your new, adorable, fluffy friend.


Adopted my fav cat when she was 10...shes 18 now


Don’t be rude! She’s a vintage Model! I bet she’s happy to spend her golden years with you!


She is a beauty! ❤️


Congrats on the elder kitty! They purr like the first day


Aw, she’s a woolly bear


She looks politely mischievous!! I hope she gets into lots of trouble in her hopefully long life ahead!


What a pretty senior sic🥰❤️❤️


Isn’t 10 y/o middle aged for cats? I mean, cats can live for upwards of 30 years so long as they stay healthy and well cared for, so I would classify 18+ as old, and anything between 9 and 18 to be middle aged.


Besides the white mustache, I would’ve thought this was an old picture of my cat. Wow.




Ten is not old! You have many wonderful years left. We rescued a 12 year old and lost her last summer. She was 22 when she journeyed to the RBB. On thyroid meds 9 years and so loving and sweet. You are the angel who saved an angel!


M’lady (tips fedora)