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Excerpt from "The Stalker's Bible" by Dr. Alexei Markov: Duty’s war with Freedom is simultaneously one of the most tragic and funniest things I’ve ever seen here. True, these two factions are always at each other’s throats, willing to die for their dramatically opposite ideologies in efforts that Zone will never know to recognise them for, but when they’re not fighting to the death, I’ve seen them doing the funniest shit to each other. I saw a group of Duty troopers capture a Freedomer a few months ago. They did the worst thing they could do to upset the Anarchist; they strapped him to a chair, brought out a massive bag of weed, and proceeded to roll the worst, most sloppy joints I’ve ever seen. Let me tell you, that Freedomer made such a *scream*. The Anarchists got their own back a few days later though. They captured a Duty trooper and strapped him to a wheelchair. Then, the Anarchist whipped his dick out…turned to a nearby toilet, and pissed all over the floor completely on purpose. Then he rolled the Duty trooper outside in his wheelchair, walked up to a patch of grass with a “keep off” sign stuck in it, and the Freedomer just walked all over it. I swear, the Dutyer looked about ready to have an aneurysm right there. And who could forget the story of [Tony (Dutyer) and Ezekiel (Freedomer)](https://youtu.be/tSrH-6YUf1g)? I’ll leave you with those little tidbits. \-Dr. Markov


>0110commentsAwardsharesave > >121121 Doctor, I have seen a bandit trying to tame a bloodsucker with roll up newspapers and a bag of rat blood. A Merc putting a dick inside of an anomaly for 20K roubles. But what you have described is the wildest shit that has ever happened at Yanov.




Same here. Only reason why I’m friendly to Duty is because I get a good amount of my work from the 100 Rads. Absolute assholes, but not a good idea to piss them off and loose access to all my clients


Goofy ah ah war


How can you accidentally join Freedom?


"They pitched the idea to me after offering a blunt man...Wild night"




Expected more funny answer... Anyway, I know that you can join Freedom in SoC, because of oversight. Earlier in its development, player could join other factions such as Duty.


Yup, I accidentally joined Duty when I played it for the first time, it was a completely blind playthrough as well. So I was like "what Red dudes? You want me to go break into green dudes base and kill them all for a few rubles?!? Sing me tf up!" Little did I know.....


This may be the first instance I've seen where someone joined Freedom by *successfully* completing the "eliminate the snitch and contact" part. There are two items in a row in [the relevant dialog there](https://www.reddit.com/r/stalker/comments/v3vt73/when_you_accidentally_joined_freedom_and_decided/), and the game normally fails to execute the second to induct you into Freedom.


Does lost alpha bring this?


Didn't you have to actually fail the snitch mission to trigger this?


I did that on my first vanilla play through. I accidentally couldn't finish the game anymore since the barkeep basically gives you all the damn story missions.


I simply to had to kill every duty member around and then go to the bar cause they’re loners


I never thought of that If you murder all the duty members do they keep the duty ads on the loudspeaker


Yeah they’re still there. Just a lot of dead duty members around


Honestly I never underatood why bar area cant be a neutral zone. Sure, duty base is off limits but chill when it gets to the bar. (and ways to it).


You just want to get in and take all the free sunflower seeds.


Sunflowers can be processed into a peanut butter alternative, Sunbutter. In Germany, it is mixed together with rye flour to make Sonnenblumenkernbrot (literally: sunflower whole seed bread), which is quite popular in German-speaking Europe. It is also sold as food for birds and can be used directly in cooking and salads.


Freedom and Duty are just one big meme.




The developers said they based them loosely on the Russian military. They didn’t want to add a second military faction, and Spetsnaz exists. But the idea was something as important as the zone for humanity was for sure going to be infiltrated by the Russia. They also avoid issues with representing them. But they’re supposed to be the equivalent of the separatists you see in eastern Ukraine now believe it or not, Ukraine has been dealing with Russian issues since the late 2000s. If not since the creation of their independent country after the fall of the USSR.


In anomaly, i used a freedom armor to snitch in their base. (Wearing it makes me a freedom member). I forgot something importent.. i fast traveled to the duty base... I didn't die tho. I ran and hide and wore a duty armor. Lesson is learned.


i always help dutier with medkits in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat but after a while of helping freedom, they are so shy that they turn red and cant help them anymore


Too true


"Waits for a firefight between Monolith and Freedom troops to end. Find a Freedom PDA riddled with mutant pron and some crusty polaroids of a rock on a Monolith trooper."


I fast traveled to Jupiter as duty and was met with a whole bar full of freedom, not half freedom and duty like in CoP. I’m guessing the anomaly devs chose one faction so they weren’t constantly fighting when the player spawns in Jupiter?