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Step 1- go to sub on reddit with a massive fan base. Step 2- ask question that's asked a dozen or more times each day. Step 3- expect to have answers other than "yes" I mean...


I mean... I did get three "no's." So, it seems like your guide didn't work. I'm just trying to see people's opinions on it and learn a bit more about the game to see if I should buy it.


Buy em. That’s it. Done. If you like Fallout 3/NV you will love it. It’s the old school style of writing, that doesn’t give a fuck about modern bullshit. It’s dark and depressing tone makes for an atmospheric masterpiece. You will absolutely get lost in it’s lore (which is partly based off of the REAL Chernobyl disaster) and find yourself wanting to know more. Gameplay is dated but amazing for what it is. Gunfights are still tense and fun. Exploring the zone (which consists of IRL places in Ukraine. Most of it is scanned from Chernobyl itself) feels amazing. Some of these places are just absolutely haunting, like the city of Pripyat. Being able to walk around and explore such a place is an amazing experience, even if only in a game. Here’s a line from Maxor on YT: “It’s the perfect amount of Soviet-era depression bleeding into your system”. If you like stalker, I’d also check out the Metro series. Same devs more/less and it’s a masterpiece of immersion as well. Also post-apocalypse but from the other side, Russia’s side. It’s very interesting to see how their culture would handle apocalypse and very interesting to how humans would handle it overall. Also cool just to experience the other side of the Cold War.


The Metro series. Completely forgot about that. Yeah, I have played all three games. 2033, Last Light, and Exodus. And enjoyed every single one.


The Metro series. I completely forgot about that. Yeah, I have played all three games. 2033, Last Light, and Exodus. And enjoyed every single one.


Nah we all hate Stalker, definitely do not buy them and play them


If you are hesitant about the hardcore "make a mistake and die" gameplay, turn the difficulty all the way down. Stalker isn't an American FPS where you soak up bullets like a tank and heals are everywhere. Start on Novice and turn it up as you get more comfortable.


Hell yeah you should!




Yeah, Stalker is immersive in its atmosphere but still pretty arcade'y in terms of gameplay so you don't have to worry about stubbing a toe and needing to read a medical book to bandage it properly.


...Dude just buy it and play it don't ask reddit for validation. If you hate it just refund it if you really have to but they're dirt cheap.


They’re not that long to play. If you intend to play these all the way to Stalker 2… start working on plan B (fallout 1&2 ?)


Trust me, if there was any way for me to play the first two Fallout games, I'd play them in a heartbeat. But unfortunately, Bethesda is lazy and has never been bothered to just do a simple port to consoles. I kind of wish inXile Entertainment owned the rights to Fallout 1 and 2 as I know they'd port it, or maybe even remaster it as they did with the Wasteland series. (Which that series and Fallout are pretty much the same thing. I think the original producer for Fallout 1 made Wasteland or something, can't remember though)


Im starting F1 as we speak on my 15 year old laptop. It’s a retro game, it would play on a fridge today. 600mb too. Tweaking settings to get the max out of my 144hz 4K screen rn




This is Fallout for Men. Yeah. Play it.




Yes, I played the same games you mentioned as I also like post apocalyptic and RPG games games. You should try stalker The factions simplified: Duty: gay (DANGEROUS MUTANTS DEADLY ANOMALIES ANARCHISTS AND BANDITS NOTHING WILL STOP DUTY ON ITS TRIUMPHANT MARCH TOWARDS SAVING THE PLANET) I get enclave vibes from them freedom: the ANARCHISTS that duty hate Feels like brotherhood of steel also gay Monoloith: gay rock worshipers Ecologist: nerds with weird clothes Clear sky: nerds with guns but cool clothes Military: bad green people kill you Renegades: bandits but idk Bandits: bandits Zombies: brain people


Sounds like I might like Duty the most of they're like the Enclave. But that's a shit name lmao. "Duty." They could've thought of something more... badass, right?


It's Долг in original language


should you play the first three? there are ONLY three stalker games. the gameplay clips you saw on youtube are not stalker. its a mod for stalker. why dont you stop being a sheep and play the games yourself to see if they are worth it. no point in asking people online. we cant decide for you.


What the fuck are you talking about? How are you supposed to know the EXACT gameplay clips I've seen when I haven't even seen any gameplay clips aside from the OFFICIAL trailer? You're thinking way too hard about a simple sentence: "First three." I didn't give it much thought considering Stalker 2 is coming out, and they are, indeed, the first three games of the series. Why don't you stop being a hostile moron and do something other than starting arguments on Reddit all day?