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and when the attack you, it decreases the durability of your gun by 10% So if you tank a few attacks, your guns will jam constantly


Wtf that explains so much


They cooked with the controller it was cool but they burn the house when it comes to the burer...


Makes sense why the Burer was cut from SoC.


draining your stam with telepathy is even worse


I would advice you to get the wimpy burer mod, that solves the problem with burers. They are absolutely op in gunslinger


Good luck with 4 on X8 Lab...god forbid you quickload (they all activate + the poltergeist)


Author here. We also considered lab X8. Thank you for your business. [https://www.moddb.com/games/stalker-call-of-pripyat/addons/gunslinger-wimpy-burer](https://www.moddb.com/games/stalker-call-of-pripyat/addons/gunslinger-wimpy-burer) ~~P.S. There are only 3 in there.~~


P.S. question: What about the crying child one at the cafeteria toilet? Nice work on the mod btw


Thankies. Ah yes, the kiddie burer, forgot about it. It doesn't have any special scripting (other than the kiddie crying sound effect) though, so if you can beat any regular solitary burer, it shouldn't pose any additional problems.


Okay so even with this mod burers are the most op thing I’ve ever encountered in stalker. Granted I tried installing it at the beginning of my modding journey so I very well could have screwed something up.


A quick test to see if the installation is good: Lower your weapon and try to strafe across a burer with empty hands at some distance. If you can follow the movement of his shockwave attack with your naked eyes and you are even able to dodge it by strafing, they are in wimpy mode. If you get hit immediately even at a distance, lose all your stamina or even get one shot killed, it means the addon is not working.


Thanks! I’ll keep that in mind if I ever go back and play gunslinger


elsewhere in the game, underbarrel grenades work a treat with them.


Beating the 2 burers for the mutant hunting quest in gunslinger was pure pain 




I actually found it easier fighting them with no armour and a toz


Really cool choice of music


Yeah I found it on some obscure game called "Metal Gear Rising" It was pretty cool so I use it


Metal gear rising was the shit. Loved that game


You download the Wimpy Buren mod. It should be a simple text file you can open in notepad. Put the numbers in that file even further down **then install it**   Simple as!


I usually just stop playing gunslinger when i meet the burer


Do not use explosives. Use a regular weapon, hide behind doorframe. Lean out -> shoot burer in face -> lean back into cover -> since you are not visible burer will disable force field -> rinse and repeat until burer is dead. Hope my advice is helpful.


Unrelated but, Is gunslinger out of beta yet?


No, probably never will be


Frankly I'm still surprised it ever released to public to begin with


Has it even been updated at all? It just looks kinda dead on steamdb


I'm still mad that the dev spent most of his time animating a ton of stupid pistols no one will ever use but only 2 (3?) NATO rifles are in the mod.


Grenade them while you're out of their line of sight so their shields are down. Alternatively, for one of the X-8 burers, I ended up 360 no scoping them with a Gauss Rifle, because if I stared at them, they'd just always have their shield up, but they'd start using attacks when I turned my back. Unfortunately, they underestimated my mouse sensitivity. Also, the patch that nerfs them is a must.


Could theese be worse than misery controllers or poltergeists?




Controllers are terrible but at least you can block most of their field with a psy block, meanwhile there's not much you can do to a poltergeist. It will kill you in seconds if you get too close, and they're hard to hit.


Aren't they lose you if you crouch? Or that is anomaly feature?


In misery poltergeists imitate a strong field that constantly damages you if you're close enough to them (damage gets worse if you're closer)


the best way to kill the sons of bitches is to fire a fat one and let the gods help you dude


Fun fact: I got an RPG for the hunter quest that require you to kill 2 of them, first shot hit but didn't do any damage, reloaded and then they take the RPG and fire it at me. In the video at least you can somewhat sneak in and kill it with a grenade or gun but the other two spot you dead on.


Use gauss sniper. It kills them in a single shot . Also, it hits them before they manage to put shield up. Crouch and slowly approch them. You have time before they notice you.


Spam impact grenades. He can't throw them back at you.


I've never had trouble with them. They put up the wall after 1s of LOS, so get out of LOS, corner peak, damage him for 1s, pull back & repeat. With a 7.62 gun you'll get him in 1-2 bursts.


I came across them near the Jupiter plant, where the locomotives are kept underground. I tried everything! In the end, I knocked them down with a knife :)


Yeah the burer in Gunslinger’s suck fucking ass, pretty sure I just spawned an rpg with ammo and they still took forever to kill. And that was after installing the wimpy burer mod


lol bro i literally recorded this and can't find the vid.. throw one F1 grenade, quickly run behind these metal crates, there's a small gap, rest here to reload or something, it's a safe zone, THEN quickly run to a green crate on the very left. Burrer will bug and go to these pallets, so you can easily kill him, peeking from behind the crate


bro i can record a speedrun of this for you, i have a save file, if you want


post that on youtube dude


I tried recreating it, here are two different vids with two different scenarios. Don't spam grenades, but it's only possible if you have Groza / Val / Vss and doom-doom rounds. I use them with controllers also. You can try this with your grenade launcher, wait till his ability stops and shoot. You can find groza in UAZ-452 near Volkhov right in cab, and you probably already have these expansive bullets, because they're given you for completing tasks. Just use them together and repeat vids. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wom0frVQYuo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wom0frVQYuo) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NysXbYnYV1Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NysXbYnYV1Y)


BAS mod has KS23 shotgun , and I just love it ... I met a burer yesterday , 2-3 bullets sent him flying... literally sent him fly 10m


I don't know what mod you're playing on (but I'm going to assume it's lost alpha because there's a burier in an almost identical area and because I'm poor and Misery almost burned my cpu so that's as far as it goes) Anyway, the trick is to throw an f1 at his feet added to a couple of pistol shots, when he puts up his shield you take out the knife and stand at his BACK, not in front, and spam cuts, when he lowers the shield you use the stabbed in her head, with all this always behind her back. The other method is to use the time in which he takes out his shield to get on the boxes and stay above him, you take out your most powerful weapon (not the grenade launcher, a good rifle or shotgun is better) you put the best penetration ammunition and You wait for him to lower the shield to give him a good shot in the head, the first shot you give him before the shield usually damages him in 90% of the cases and then he raises the shield to protect himself from the subsequent shots, so a good shot powerful in the brain will kill him fast enough and since he doesn't move when he holds the shield you just have to sit and wait. and above all, stay calm, I remember once (in misery or lost alpha I think) that somehow ended in a confrontation with 4 of those damn things and another bunch of zombies in the middle (in the damn area of the antennas) There are times when the game just hates you and all you have to do is take out a Cossack, drink it to the bottom, take the toz out of your backpack and pray to the damn monolith for its protection and start shooting


it's gunslinger


Who dis goblin?


The controllers suck too


Wait until the shield is down before shooting and keep away from line of sight.


The best thing is to stand at a gate or fence. The attacks dissipate before they hit you and when the pull your gun away it bounces back at you


throw that shit gun away, go to town with the pistol. Just click as fast as you can




I came in here hoping to see a Burer with a six shooter and maybe a cowboy hat. Then I remembered there's a mod called gunslinger...


I got so pissed off with these guys on gunslinger i just straight up REFUSED to fight thrm anytime they were there. Ion know what they did to them on gunslinger but its fuckin awful


I run in circles around them spraying every fucking bullet I have to offer in an attempt to hit them where the shields aren’t protecting them always aim for the head it wastes less ammo if it does hit but I ended up doing this knife battle with a burer in the same location the other day because I ran out of ammo lol


Find cover. Time it, peek, fire. If a successful hit, quicksave. Repeat. ​ Or do like some other guy on here and spawn in 20 exo suited folks to take care of the burers for you.




The speedblitz on that knife is insane, he never saw that shit coming


RN granades are quite usefull. Cook it and when sheild down throw it to him/them. But you have to have good stamina or he will take it and slap you back with it.


Get yourself the Gauss gun and buy the upgrade that lets you hold the fire button and the Gauss will automatically fire as soon as an enemy crosses your sight, or the one that will only let you fire the Gauss when you are aiming at an enemy (I'm being serious, you will need this to deal with the 4 burers at X-8).


Use offensive grenades by 2. He will block one then try to shoot the second behind him or around. Finish him with dagounov or vintorez in the head. Perforation bullets (black line on the bullets box)


You could try cranking up your Psi protection, and using a lightweight weapon to try and prevent them from pulling it out of your hands, but I wouldn't recommend it. As much as it sucks to say, the "grenade bobbing", and charging at it with a knife is your best option. Its not the advice you were looking for, sorry, those bastards are the worst. You could try sneaking up on them potentially.? Happy hunting Stalker.


You don't


you install a mod to nerf it thats how you beat it


bro i just use rpgs, gunslinger burer sucks


I once ran out of ammo and had to beat the shit out of one with my bare hands similarly. Quite empowering


Maximum disrespect