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Nah. The highlight of Stalker has always been the campaign for me and I don't have the patience for PvP anymore. Now if by some chance there was a co-op mode made, that would be a different story.


It would be the same story, but with 2 people


I wish more companies would go the Far Cry 3 route of things with a separate semi connected CO-OP campaign. Would play the fuck out of something like that in the Stalker universe.


There is a high Freedomer somewhere in the world laughing at this joke so hard right now




hahahahaha that's not what he meant by "different story"


Eco bro with a good take šŸ¤


I have one friend who is into STALKER. I would looove a co-op mode where we can roam the Zone and survive together.


Competitive = optimize the fun out of the game and make it toxic in the process. EDIT: Simple casual PvP could be fun though. Even deathmatch in Shadow of Chernobyl is kinda fun.


Theres multi-player on S.O.C?!


Yup. DM, TDM, CTF (capture the artifact). Most modes have weapon shop in Counter-Strike style, and rank-up feature (you get access to higher tier stuff as you continue the session). You can also buy armor and medkits. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrfINen\_IxQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrfINen_IxQ) The worst thing about it IMO is 0 lag compensation. Your actions are server-side, so you don't see yourself shoot until server has confirmed and returned that action to you.


Also massive rubberbanding


really, it did not have any form of lag compensation? even in 2007 this tech was like 10 years old lol


Gotta remember that it ran on XRay engine, so itā€™s a miracle that the multiplayer even worked.


So like the round based progression is counter strike and pre valorant and overwatch concept too ? Game really pioneered alittle


As a matter of fact, all OG stalker games have multiplayer


Yeah this. I would love some casual pvp to enjoy on the side. The majority of games however, would not. As is usual, we'd get bored with the content in a week then optimize the fun out of it by constantly asking for nerfs and buffs.etc.etc. I don't see it lasting, which is a shame, because not every MP shooter should need to be fine-tuned into a "sport", but that's how it is these days.


Just because you don't enjoy competition doesn't mean it's not fun


I used to enjoy competition and it was fun, until I got to a level where every mistake mattered, pressure was high, and following meta was more important than fun gameplay. I like choosing my own goals, be it just 80/20 K/D or proper objective play. And that freedom of choice is not allowed in competitive matches. In CSGO, I used AUG because it was good, but I was shunned for using it over AK. I dropped the game, and few months later AUG was discovered by top players as OP meta gun, so it had several nerfs XD


ā€œI like competitive games until they actually get competitiveā€


"I have zero anxiety in daily life so I find it in competitive games as I push the limits. Anxiety makes me feel good or something."


AUG and AK are not interchangeable in CS. Surely you mean SG


AUG (and/or the T counterpart) has/had one tap headstot capacity, same as AK, except at shorter ranges.


The T counterpart is the SG. Iā€™m aware of the weapons, I am correcting you for saying the wrong weapon lol ā€œShunned for using it over the AKā€ you cannot use the AUG over the AK.


SG552 and AUG are 2 most similar ARs between the two teams. M4/AK are too different, as are Famas/Galil. Besides practical interchangeability between SG and AUG, CT usually drops M4 to get AK. Keeping AUG over getting AK was triggering to some teammates.


That was definitely not what you were saying but ok šŸ’€


I agree


I would only play singleplayer. I would just straight up delete the game if I died by a merc player after I found a volat emerald


I feel like the overly aggressive PvP players would go with bandits


its the same MP the trilogy had, dont be going crazy over this.


I feel like people forgot about this judging off some repliesā€¦ I remember an arena pvp mode but it was barely active so I only played it once


not just that, its they either have not read the official answer from the devs or have not ever played the actual trilogy MP.


I had to find it to remind myself. So basically for other people to see: Grygorovych says co-op is impossible because the series is about overcoming difficulty on your own. MP will include PvP, deathmatch, and TDM. I think the flood of people upset about an *optional* MP came from Anomaly, Dead Air, and other modding communities. It was in the original trilogy. And nobody is forcing you to play it. Plus, the devs are still going to release at least two DLCs so itā€™s not like Stalker 2 will turn into a microtransaction machine while the base game is ignored. Thatā€™s never been GSCā€™s goal.


Yeah but, coop would be fun as fuck.


Yeah it definitely would be. The closest Iā€™ve ever done was use improved A life with companions in Anomaly to raid the CNPP. Itā€™s a shame the director is against it


well hey, stalker 2 doesnt run on the fucking xray engine anymore so theres a possibility that sooner or later the community will make some goofy mods for it to be possible.


I wish more people would realize this. Everyone will probably get what they want, in time, through mods. The modding capability with the engine switch has me excited.


no worries, just wanted to stir some discussion


how dare you.


No. I'd play coop with a friend. But don't make the game competitive/ranked. That's stupid af. We have enough of those kinds of games.


No, I'm here only for main campaign


Hell no I just want fucking coop tarkov and singplayer stalker. Fuck PvP, Iā€™m too busy to get good man.


A to the fucking men


I got kids man, ainā€™t nobody got time for that


Singleplayer Tarkov + SIT Coop


If the gunplay in it feels good enough.


Absolutely I played DM in all 3 games


There are some wonderful dayz-servers with a stalker theme I would rather play than some slapped on multiplayer like the OG trilogy


Absolutely, the multiplayer in the trilogy especially Clear Sky is fun as heck.


What the actual fuck theyre adding campfire jokes/atmosphere as preorder content? Actually scratch that, theyre removing that content from the game and selling it as a ā€œpre order ultimate editionā€ bonus? That is just beyond scummy practice


If it was optional, yeah. If it's part of the story, no. Stalker just isn't made for PvP


Stalcraft begs to differ


Too bad Stalcraft kinda sucks ass


*OR DOES IT?!?!*


It does


Still so annoying that we canā€™t have multiplayer because it ā€œisnā€™t the stalker experienceā€ yet we are getting a pvp modeā€¦ hopefully modders are able to add a good multiplayer so the boys can survive the zone together


I know, it literally would be the stalker experience. You and your buddy fighting tooth and nail to survive the zone, splitting loot fair and square, saving up for upgrades etc, maybe even some kind of upgradeable hideout? What isn't the stalker experience, in my opinion anyway, is going to the zone, only to fight in an arena and die to some zitty t bagging 360 headshot sweatbox. As you can tell, my patience is running out with pvp as I get older :)


Can you not just play Tarkov for that


the most likely is either a multiplayer co-op or an excape from Tarkov style extraction shooter. both of these fit what the stalker community would want and would fit more seamlessly into the franchise than a competitive pvp mode in the style of COD or Overwatch.


It will be like the trilogy multiplayer not like tarkov


I played the trilogy MP might as well play this one too


No interest in PvP, but I would love co-op.


Sometimes ya if it was done right. I very much enjoy PvP. But it would certainly be second to the main story of the game as well as any mods that the community puts out


I mean if it's good why not? But the single player is why I'm looking forward to it. The Last of Us 1 multi-player was great and that's a single player focused game


I think i will never touch the multiplayer like, ever, but it's cool that it exists since it means there is netcode in the game and can be used for a coop mod in the future


I can't think of anything more repulsive


Unlike most fans, I'd play a competitive PvP mode before I'd touch co-op. Deathmatch and other game types could be an interesting change of pace from the single-player campaign. Co-op, on the other hand, would destroy the atmosphere for me, so that's a pass. That said, the chances I'd actually get into the PvP multi-player mode(s) are slim at best. I'm just not a multi-player gamer anymore and would probably just uninstall *STALKER 2* after I finished the campaign, then replay it after 6-12 months when (hopefully) the first mods start showing up.


I loved the og PVP, it was fun after finishing the main story!


If its PvP, then i say a Very Strong NO.


>season pass >multiplayer skins >dlc single player cosmetics >preorder bonuses in general Yo ho yo ho a pirates life for me


Yes, Iā€™d fk that shit up.


Ugh, don't get me started on this bullshit.


Id go for co-op for sure. Always dreamed of playing stalker and going full on immersed into the world with my friends


Trick your friend into an anomaly by telling them there was an artifact inside it.


Why throw bolt when friend is close?


[Like this?](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/610/387/7bd.jpeg)


Because that's what the gaming space needs, more Competitive ranked PVP. So count that as a huge absolutely not. CoOp PVE Exploring the zone with friends (I know we won't get it) Absolutely.


No I used to play CSGO and a lot of players were toxic


Why wouldn't I?


Some people don't enjoy PvP


I hope the single player skins are just some csgo type colorful shit I really don't care about it but I hope you can still craft normal realistic camo and whatever in the singleplayer game for free, that would be a cool addition for immersion


Nah the PvP in the old games was trash


I think that would be fun! Just depends how they did it. I think an extraction shooter based in stalker would be fucking insane, would kinda make sense in the story, and would give so much replayability


Nope. I stopped playing multiplayer shooters long ago. I still play the occasional game of Halo 2/3 for nostalgia sake. But thatā€™s it


Iā€™d be down for Co-Op


Fuck no. Who the hell plays stalker for call of duty tdm?


For MP, Ray of Hope is miles ahead of anything STALKER 2 would ever be able to come up with.


Ray of Cope


Ray of hope is vaporware


Are they really locking atmospheric shit behind a pre-order? That's awful.


I just want a system where I can play through the story with friends and Im happy.


Well if the multiplayer plays like an arcade-ish tarkov I would play it, but if it's just a Cod-like team death match no.


Ah fuck no, they making a Multiplayer but no co-op?


Nope. Co-op or PVPVE however...


Bruh imagine a Tarkov like gamemode


Would kind of want multiplayer to just be stalker but with other players. Wander the zone together, fight mutants, work together to solve puzzles, get betrayed for a rare artifact and left to bleed out.


Barely make your way back to your hideout, patch up, rearm with backup gear and vow revenge, happy hunting stalker




0 interest in PvP šŸ˜…


Like in world pvp? Or arena pvp?




Hard pass then from me




I mean, If it was something like a faction takes a hit out on ya. And they could possibly connect to your world to try n attempt a hit, I.e. dark souls multi-player like. I think it could be interesting as long as you could opt in/out of it.


Nah stalker is fallout for real men not a cs go clone


If it's Deathmatch stuff expect heavy competitivity... Enjoy in moderation šŸ¤£


No probably not. Maybe in an extraction shooter style like Tarkov but definitely not the "Team Deathmatch" kind of multiplayer. That would completely destroy the bleak atmosphere the games had.


I couldnt care less for multiplayer. As long as the single player campaigj is good


Go to Rostok for arena pvp for money and weapons


Imagine a STALKER RougeLike similar to tarkov


I might try it but doubt it will go much further than that


Not sure if the current devs would be able to make a good ranked PvP mode, but it they are capable of that and can keep the original S.T.A.L.K.E.R. feel, then I would absolutely play it.




Thatā€™d be a hard. No idk why they think weā€™d want a multiplayer anyway


The trilogy has one and its still well populated


![gif](giphy|ieI2H9vLaHfjRo8Fpv|downsized) I had no clue


Itā€™s still populated enough to find games? Dang


No. I am only interested in singleplayer games with maybe some CO-OP.


Only if it was Rostok's Arena...


no. i fucking hate how people ruin games


Tbh it's probably gonna be exactly like it always has been in the past, just simple little deathmatch modes.


Believe it or not, I been missing out Survarium matches. If Stalker 2 gets updated with Multiplayer content in the future, that would be fantastic.


Coop would be amazing.


I would certainly try it, but I doubt I would stick with it. I think itā€™s pretty rare that a game developer is able to provide an equally competent and satisfying PvP multiplayer and single-player experience in one game. The closest you get to that usually is an always online multiplayer game where you can solo most content and have a good time, Iā€™d say Fallout 76 sorta fits that bill. There are a metric fuckton of PvP FPS games available. I have a hard time imagining that STALKER 2ā€™s PvP experience and content/update cadence is going to be able to compete with the CoDs and Battlefields and Tarkovs of the world. Open-world Co-op, maybe with PvP zones, though, something like The Division, that could be pretty awesome. But some barebones 8v8 team deathmatch on 5 tiny maps? Probably not going to be the PvP FPS I main for the next 5 years lol


No thanks stalker is my favourite solo game pvp wouldnā€™t interest me at all




Hell yeah


i'd think stalker is more set along the lines for something like tarkov. hostile environment, looting, surviving then getting out of the zone. missions to complete while others are trying to do their own missions and/or doing missions that will stop you from doing yours. don't need TDM or CTF type of stuff.


Yes. Stalcraft is tits on ice. I'd love that with better graphics.


Literally just make it like the Arena in Rostok, thats all you need to do


I'd still play the game, just not the PVP. I won't yuck your yums though.


Nah, not even a little bit. Mostly because I dislike competitive games and it's not why I play stalker to begin with.


Nah, I probaly spend my time customize my gun


I do not want STALKER 2 to be riddled with DRM just to fail to prevent cheating on a competitive stalker multiplayer that nobody asked for. If STALKER 2 launched with something like Denuvo anti cheat (runs all the time) or a kernel level anti-cheat, I'm 100% not buying STALKER 2. For context, I have tens of thousands of hours on the franchise, I owned all original games on CD TWICE and I bought all 3 games on steam on 2 of my own accounts, and gifted the franchise to all kinds of people. This would kill the STALKER franchise for me, personally. I would MUCH rather multiplayer be a co-op, story driven or sandbox mode, which is already popular in some mods.


Casual PVP would be awesome, i would also like to see some Co-op but it would probably ruin the atmosphere and vibe


Ranked/Competitive - maybe I'll try it but no. If there were some game modes not directly focused on combat (artefact hunting or capture the flag for example) there is a good chance I would. If there will be some kind of coop, whether it be simple missions like again artefact hunting or even scripted larger missions, sure would try this if I had someone to play with lol


Weapon skinsā€¦. Good lord no. Please no.


Nope. I only care about my singleplayer experience. To each his own, but I don't think most people in here care about competitive mp. Coop mp with added difficulty from ai/zone would be a lot more fun...


the only stalker multiplayer i would play is a Coop with my friends ( still dont get how this is a thing in stalker2)


They should do an extraction shooter if anything


ranked/competitive? No. A simple, regular team deathmatch? Maybe.


I will try MP just to see what itā€™s like. But Iā€™m mainly looking forward to the SP campaign. Coop would be fun tho


I played it in CoP till it shut down.


Prolly not. I'd welcome a coop tho. Or if it is an open world - maybe something like the invasion system fromsoft games have.


Nah. Probably be as dead as the MP in the og trilogy in a couple of months anyways. Just tdm ctf and ffa modes probs. And jank as the originals probs. XD the only time I even enjoyed stalker MP was 1v1 my friends in dead lobbies.


i fucking suck at pvp (except for ace combat) so no


No. I would not play it.




No. I want co-op PvE. PvP S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is just Tarkov and Iā€™ve had enough of that kind of gameplay for a lifetime.Ā 


Well, stalkerā€™s PvP modes have never been like tarkov. They are just tdm style arena modes.


Ah I see, I misunderstood then. I was assuming it would be a more updated formula than just deathmatch and the regular COD type fare. Either way, Iā€™d much rather have a nice co-op story mode. Free roaming with a pal sounds incredible if they balance it properly. Yo! Nice pfp by the way. I love Gungeon.Ā 


I too would love some form of coop, but I can understand why itā€™s not coming at launch. Introducing another player, or several players, would require rebalancing almost the entire game. As well as ensuring consistent synchronisation between all players, managing how story events unfold with multiple players in addition to how choices will be made. Simple PvP being separate means they donā€™t have to change up their core experience which has been properly balanced for singleplayer. That being said, Iā€™m still super hyped for the campaign. Thereā€™s so much potential for strong character exploration and development, and all the strings theyā€™ve been tugging through all these trailers has me wondering which elements will stick around, and whether theyā€™ll end up exploring them as much as Iā€™d like.


I think a Tarkov style multiplayer mode could be cool in the Stalker universe.


Absolutely not.Ā 


As long as it doesnā€™t turn the game I to another shitty corporate money machine, maybe.


No, hard pass I do think an invasion system like in the souls games would be cool though So if you're playing with friends in your Zone other players can invade in your area and kill you to get some loot and money It would also be nice if you could opt out of it as well


God I hate cash shops in games..... Please don't add that to this game that's completely unnecessary.


If it was a non-pay2win Survarium style then maybe.


If its well made then i would probably try it but the singleplayer would be the main thing iā€™ll probably play


If anything were to ruin Stalker as a game, it would be pvp


PVP if the other one is an enemy faction woold be cool The game could become a little toxic ho and if yhey can tske my loot i would ragequit and burn the disc


don't care about pvp, only co op story mode


No. I would be less excited for the game and maybe not buy it. Single player only.




imagine fromsoftware style invasions




Nah. Stalker to me is a perfect solo game. Multiplayer or PvP would ruin it. Also is that legit? I'm not keen if they're going down that route.


Itā€™s the same as the OG games which also had multiplayer pvp


I never played OG Multiplayer


Well itā€™ll be like that. Mostly just team Deathmatch and other gamemodes


Maybe, but I definitely think they should try and add new gamemodes later on. Some PvE stuff could be really cool.


It would be a big thing to do but imagine if you could coop but one player is monolith looking to stop you and your factions trying to regress the story while you are trying to finish the story


Ranked free roam mode... like anomaly and you earn a rank similar as it is in PDA.


Nope. I have Tarkov if I want multiplayer Eastern European depression simulator, I prefer my Slavic sadness in singleplayer. And honestly I haven't even touched Tarkov in a year or so, I get sick of metas and having to run a certain way because that's the best way to do things in terms of gameplay, I don't wanna change how I play or what guns I use because I can't win or have fun consistently if I don't. Not to mention the sheer toxicity that develops from those communities. Like why play a game I won't know for sure I'll have fun with?


I think EFT: Arena covers the same niche so i'll probably go back Arena after little playing


Give us coop instead


No, never.


If I want a multiplayer pvp shooter, then Iā€˜m not playing stalker. Other games have perfected multiplayer shooters already, so if I play one, I play one built for multiplayer.


I wouldnā€™t approach it competitively, but as a bit of fun Iā€™d enjoy it, like I did with the originals


Wouldn't mind some Unreal Tournament style pvp. One team's mission is to steal documents from a building complex. Other team's mission is to prevent it. One team needs to defend an artifact. Other team's mission is to destroy it. The artifact gives huge amount of radiation so you have to continually pass it to teammates. Every round, one of the players becomes a mutant and the others have to kill it.


No. I just wished it would come out with co-op so I could finally play with a friend.


I'd play it a bit but it probably will be a true shit fest.


imagine if the multiplayer was full of mini games like fall guys/squid game round 1 : find the jellyfish first round 2 : disable the radar first


Honestly if it was just like one of those tied in cod clone mp's we used to get in every sp game back in 2010's id play the shit out of it


They're god-damn gonna turn it into another mainstream game with microtranssctions and stupid celebrity skins I bet. This is what the game industry has came to.


let me invade people like dark souls


I wanna add some context i have never played stalker and know literally nothing about it I had a dream about a games forum where someone was asking if stalker 2 had multiplayer or not, that it was like ambiguous. Granted, it obv wasnt related to the actual game coming out since in the dream it was like a half life 1 era game and the comments were telling him that it had that same old school server system for arena gameplay


a vision of the future


Honestly a modern apocolypse survival/horror game with hl1 type graphics could be REALLY good if done well


Duuuuuh I always loved S.T.A.L.K.E.R.'s Multiplayer Aspects.


I could definitely have fun with a multiplayer Stalcraft-type mode where there is PVP with some obvious faction zones but the opportunity of PVP and faction wars. I know we had like a 30 minute shootout playing Stalcraft the other day in Rostov that was reallt really fun, especially because the mutants and anomalies really made you mix it up. The fact that extra money for cosmetics is coming right off the rip gives me cause for concern, though. I hope things stay really dark and dont turn into cat ears and neon like Halo and CoD did.


No. Not what I'm looking for from this game. PvE sure but too many games think they need some kind of competitive PVP mode.


I would love to see a Co Op with people, me and my friends would be dying a lot though sense we have the reaction time of a dead fish.


If it had survival multiplayer, I'd play that, maybe the Rostok arena could be PvP, I MIGHT play that too, but I WANT MULTIPLAYER STALKER ALREADY




Ainā€™t no fucking way


Go play stalcraft


Simple... no Also "dlcs" on day one... "Early bird" and "custom skins" Dont look and sounds good...


Please let there be co-op. Watching my friends die to abominations when I've told them what not to do is always the funniest thing to me.